Monday, January 28, 2013

North Koreans Are Eating Each Other - **Graphic**

It seems that North Koreans are always hungry and every other year or so the rest of the world starts hearing reports of thousands of people dying of starvation. This is the first time though that anyone has reported cannibalism. Things must be really bad if people are resorting to it. Asia press says about 10,000 people have died in the past year due to starvation and that last week a man was killed after killing his two kids and trying to eat them. He had been turned in by his wife when he offered her fresh meat. Others have been convicted of digging up recently buried bodies and trying to eat them. There are reports of people being killed and boiled. Meanwhile, the North Korean government spends their money on ways to blow up the rest of the world.


DewieTheBear said...

Okay I scrolled very quickly because anything tagged *Graphic* needs to be BEHIND A CUT.

It is meaningless to call something *Graphic* and not give the reader the opportunity to pass on looking on it. By the time I see the tag, I've already seen the picture.

FrenchGirl said...

North Korea is now the worst and the oldest dictatorship of the world actually

Basil said...

This sounds like propoganda, but who knows for sure since North Korea is so secretive.

Ms Cool said...

@DewieTheBear - I don't think that picture is graphic. It looks like corn to me.

SusanB said...

What amazes me is how the world is upset Iran is getting nukes (justifiably so) but somewhat ignoring the fact that North Korea already has them and is working on missiles that can reach the US. They wouldn't have a hope in hell of conquering us, but they're just evil enough to attack us out of spite, envy and just being evil. You can talk sanctions all you want, but they're not working as evidenced by this story. The North Koreans will let their last citizen die before they'll give up hating.

DewieTheBear said...

@Ms, I couldn't even look long enough to tell but I'll take your word for it :)

KPeony said...

Yeah it's just a guy with corn. The pic is safe, it's the story that's graphic.

KPeony said...

Yeah it's just a guy with corn. The pic is safe, it's the story that's graphic.

OneGirlRevolution said...

@dewie...yes, the picture is is the story that's graphic.

Pogue Mahone said...

Looks like he's making a scarecrow in the picture. That's horrifying but I'd starve to death before I'd eat my kids.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Desperate people unfortunately are often forced to do desperate things.

I suppose that if my loved ones were starving and I had already succumbed I'd want them to...well...I'd certainly want them to do what they needed to survive.

prolixe said...
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Ms Cool said...

@Dewie - I do agree with you that graphic pictures should be behind a cut (am I using the right phrase?).

Jennifer H. said...

Isn't that just a picture of corn? I think the graphic reference was to the written content.

OneGirlRevolution said...

It's only happened once or twice but IRC, graphic pics are linked on CDAN.

Ingrid Superstar said...

The East Asian Florida.

Anonymous said...

This has been going on for a long time actually...I think all Koreans know or have heard mention of cannibalism in Korea. I've heard stories from relatives of how people resorted to eating dead bodies, dogs, bark, dirt, bugs....because that selfish POS dictator does not actually care about his people. Every year they're given grain and aid from South Korea and other countries. Yeah, it's not going towards the people. This just shows how bad the conditions in NK are and have been. The government is disgusting.

Smokey772 said...

I'm not trying to attack anyone in the comments but this has been a known occurrence for the past decade. It's really easy to comment when you're living in your comfy home about cannibalism. I'm not condoning it but people are being driven crazy and insane from poverty and starvation. Your mind can do crazy things when you're basically dying from starvation. I watched a documentary in which a mother from north korea was literally keeling over as her child was sitting next to her crying. In her last moments she even tried to take a bite of her baby but snapped out of it when the baby started crying. Instead, she laid there in the street and died while her child sat there next to the body. North korean mothers are no different that you or I, it is the circumstances that are.

Why does the US care about Iran and not N. Korea? North Korea has nothing to offer financially or any resources and the only reason they are even on our radar is the potential threat that they may or may not cause. The US is a great country and it's not our job to fix everyone else's problem, but let's be honest: we claim freedom and democracy when invading and interfering in other countries when the real reason is capitalism.

All about Eve said...

This is just sad and I have been hearing about the terrible situation in North Korea. I just don't know what the solution could be.

RocketQueen said...

What Smokey772 said.

Kloie said...

Yep, Susan - in college, I wrote a paper about the differences in the media portrayal of the conflicts in the Middle East versus those in North Korea. It's an interesting difference.

Sherry said...

Ditto Smokey. Exhibit B Darfur.

Agent**It said...

One of the largest standing armies on the planet - complete with missiles and nuclear weapons, but not enough food. This also happened under Stalin.

figgy said...

I wish the US government would be honest and just admit that our interference in countries has nothing to do with "need" there. That was the claim with Iraq, ha, but of course it's not true. And it doesn't matter who's in the White House either. Basically we won't do a thing unless a country has some impact on our economy.

auntliddy said...

His awful to be that hungry. Awful.

Unknown said...

Well said

Not A Ninny said...

You all realize that the cannibalism during the Ukrainian holomador or The Great Leap Forward was easily an order of magnitude worse than what's happened with the Norks.

No political agenda here, just sayin'. Most people--and I mean Americans, specifically--are astonishingly poorly read in history. Human civilization, overall, really isn't that civilized. Almost a million people were butchered alive with machetes and hand tools in Rwanda not that long ago. We didn't do anything about that, either.

Forcing regime change in NK would cost us, oh, 50K KIA's in ground troops alone, level South Korea and maybe we'd get his domestically with a couple of nukes. Recent data suggests they've probably mastered the technology of fusion boosting, which means that any of their nukes are probably in the low three figures in terms of yield. Hmmm, two boosted nukes on L.A. and Seattle (you'd pick SEA over the Bay Area for maximal countervalue kill)...assume they have some means of getting reasonably optimal airburst...carry the two...500K CONUS casualties easily. Could be twice that if you picked the right day and time.

(Don't ask me how I know this shit, but that's a fairly accurate estimation.)

That's we're letting them eat each other.

Count Jerkula said...

Here is the road to North Korean prosperity: Have a sub follow the N Korean Navy. Then fire sum missiles into mainland China. The Chinese will nuke em, and then they will create a new government.

China will never take steps to help make North Korea an open society, because the labor would be so unbelievably cheap, industry will flee China and their economy will collapse.

Maybe another 10 more years of China holding our debt and we start kissing N Korean ass to accomplish this. Like we did with the Made in Japan to Made in China switch.

Not A Ninny said...

Sorry, "that's why..."

OneGirlRevolution said...

We can't save everyone. In my estimation, we would do more good, for far cheaper (and much more ultimate reward) if we lifted many of the sanctions. The sanctions aren't hurting those in power, they are hurting the people being forced to take degrading and incomprehensible actions to save their families and themselves. Sanctions don't bring about regime change and never have (see Cuba) but letting people have a glimpse of other political choices does (see the USSR). Permanent change in a government system can ultimately only come from within (or total annihilation).

Not A Ninny said...

"...Then fire sum missiles into mainland China. The Chinese will nuke em, and then they will create a new government."

Idiotic. You don't actually vote in US elections, one hopes. The Chinese know the exact launch signature of our boomers, the Norks don't have any seaborne nuclear launch systems, China nuking NK would devastate Japan, which would totally screw our economy...oh, and we're downwind from the Korean peninsula. Fallout? Heard of that? Remember when those reactors melted down in Japan?

Fucking idiot. Never opine on the subject of nuclear deterrence again or enter a polling booth in the United States. That is an order.

Count Jerkula said...

What happened w/ the reactors in Japan? Are there 14 toed babies being born in California?

I guess my solution to Middle East peace will be lost on you also: Aircraft carriers on the eastern Mediterranean w/ big fans on the decks, and guys in haz mat suits cutting open 50lb sacks of anthrax to release into the wind.

hairydawg said...

delusions of grandeur are best kept to one's self B. I agree with lifting the sanctions 100% !

SusanB said...

Just an evil thought that entered my head: I understand all of you who say you could never cannabilze (sp?) but would you cannabilize someone else to feed your children? I've never had kids so I can't say. And sorry for suggesting something beyond horrific.

Not A Ninny said...

"What amazes me is how the world is upset Iran is getting nukes (justifiably so) but somewhat ignoring the fact that North Korea already has them and is working on missiles that can reach the US."

Good observation. As it happens, there are actually strong technical reasons why the Iranian nuclear program is a way more huge threat to anyone, let alone the US. All previous proliferation threats have been based on plutonium-fueled weapons development. I'll skip the details but, basically, you need the infrastructure of a nation-state to make plutonium go boom with any kind of decent yield.

The Iranians have gone the uranium purification route. Again, I'll skip a lot of details but if they let their centrifuges run until they get really supergrade HEU...any shade tree mechanic could make a reliable weapon with that product. The Revolutionary Guard, if they had access--and apparently they do have a substantial presence in the Iranian nuke program--could hand that HEU out to anybody and they could likely weaponize it.

Toss in a little tritium (which we know they're making as well) and some not that sophisticated blueprints, Average Joe Jihadist could build an easily smuggle-able gun-type weapon with a 4X-5X Hiroshima yield. One of those would incinerate most of Manhattan.

Now here's the rub: they've carefully spread out the infrastructure of their weapons program. It would cost us 500K in casualties to take it out fully, openers. Say what you like about Cheney or Netanyahu, that is a REAL bitch of a threat.

SusanB said...

@B Profane - thank you for the well-written, very understandable posts. I truly see some of this coming in the next few years. I fully expect to see a nuclear event (not an accident) in the next 2 years. My money is on Iran, but I wouldn't be surprised by North Korea. Either way, the US is going to get it. Iran will take out (or try to take out) Israel, and probably at the same time send some jihadists here with some suitcase bombs. Your North Korea scenario sounds very plausible.

BTW, is Nork a slur? Cause I find it a great shortcut to describe North Korea. I can't keep up with what's politically correct sometimes.

Not A Ninny said...

"I guess my solution to Middle East peace will be lost on you also: Aircraft carriers on the eastern Mediterranean w/ big fans on the decks, and guys in haz mat suits cutting open 50lb sacks of anthrax to release into the wind."

And you mean the really prime strains of anthrax the US developed in its bioweapons programs, right? The really virulent shit. Because we still have that stuff.

OK, so you think we should "nuke" a country we don't like with that stuff, eh? Does that kill or debilitate enough of the population of Nasty State in order to prevent their technical means of retaliation? No! And what have you just done? You just handed Nasty State billions of samples of extremely deadly anthrax that could be easily cultured in mass quantities with the most basic biological lab equipment and used against us.


(I swear, I'm losing my faith in American democracy. De Tocqueville thought we got it right, but I'm not so sure. In classical Greece only the likes of those who studied with Socrates on the Stoa Poikile were allowed to vote. The random idiots were kept as slaves.)

Speaking of there, Anthrax Expert: do you know who De Tocqueville is or Socrates, you don't, I can tell. And you want to go out randomly dousing people with anthrax. Yeah, slavery for you. I'll do the driving.

Not A Ninny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

It's outrageous that Kim Jong Un is so overweight in the pictures that accompany the news stories. Your citizens are eating their own babies due to desperate hunger, and you're sitting there, not only doing nothing, but obviously getting plenty of food for yourself -- it mocks them.

Un also make me angry because he was educated in Switzerland, he was a somewhat regular guy. He knows what a democratic society looks like, where people are valued. Yet, he chooses torture and famine for his own people.

(I hate it even that I had to say that about Un's weight... I despise it when overweight people are treated badly or insulted for it.)

Anonymous said...

Thanks B. for those really interesting and insightful (if not a tad creepy) posts. Learned something today!

mooshki said...

I still can't believe there wasn't a revolution when Kim Jong Il died. I guess it's hard to organize a rebellion when everyone is starving to death.

Speaking of our ignorance/political agendas, I always think it's funny (funny odd, not funny ha-ah) that Hitler is the name associated with Ultimate Evil when Mao was just as brutal, only he didn't kill white people.

SusanB said...

Don't forget about Stalin - I think he killed around 20 million.

JSierra said...
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JSierra said...

This is going to prove to be an interesting read throughout the day.

Not A Ninny said...

Nork is not a slur, and "suitcase bombs" actually require very sophisticated weapons design, plus they have a short shelf-life...and they're not actually suitcase size.

However, yes, we're gonna get hit with a nuke or two within the next ten years...although I've been saying that for over ten years and, hey, hasn't happened yet, so thank Dog for small favors.

The thing is, detonate a Hiroshima-yield weapon over Lower Manhattan and D.C....if every American not killed just woke up the next morning and went to work, we'd be fine, more or less. Most people don't realize that, due to insurance requirements, due diligence compliance, etc., most major American companies already have robust plans for recovering after a nuclear attack. (DR planning--excuse me, "disaster recovery"--is one of my day jobs, that's how I know about this stuff.)

Fact is, it would be the panic that would devastate the US, not the actual damage or deaths from being hit with a couple of low-yield nukes. Government and industry are well prepared for it. 200K dead, well, sucks to be you if you're one of them, but the nation would march on.

Conversely, that multi-reactor meltdown in Japan could have killed, oh, 2-3 million people in the SF Bay Area if things had gone badly in just the right way...and we got way, way, way closer to that happening than most people realize.

annabella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mango said...

@ B. Profane - The Count is winding you up and watching to see how close you are to bursting a blood vessel. You came very close.

@ Count Jerkula - sorry to cut short your fun but I couldn't bear it any longer. I could practically see the little bubbles of foam forming in the corners of Profane's mouth.

Not A Ninny said...

Stalin, of course, caused the Ukranian holomador. There's actually a grim historical debate as to who killed more people, Stalin or Mao. Between the two of them they killed more people than the Spanish Flu, but oh, y'know, we wouldn't want some form of worldwide government inflicted upon us that could prevent tens of millions being killed deliberately, let alone prevent cannibalism in North Korea.

The genocide in Rwanda could have been stopped with a couple of battalions of soldiers at the outset. Almost a million people dead, and nobody in the US even remembers it except that it got Don Cheadle and Oscar nomination.

Not A Ninny said...

"@ B. Profane - The Count is winding you up and watching to see how close you are to bursting a blood vessel. You came very close. "

No, he's not. I can smell idiot through the Internet. People actually believe that kind of nonsense.

Count Jerkula said...

It wasn't trying to wind him up. The second comment was more "what would he take seriously?"

It was worth it. The replies were thought provoking.

Agent**It said...

Hitler was evil not because he killed whites but because he killed Jews.

Anonymous said...

Actually there's plenty of documentation. Look it up.

SusanB said...

@ B....your US nuke scenario is one reason that I
,along with the government, urge people to store a couple weeks worth of food, water ,etc as a'll be a looonnnggg time before things get back to "normal", whatever the new normal will be.

trouble bubble said...

B. Profane, it's holodomor not holomador. The word means "death by hunger"

JSierra said...

Count we should have a pity party together, along with other regular posters, and celebrate our lame lives that force us to resort to online blogs. Party at my place, Friday 7pm. Don't bring anything but booze.

Della said...

No sh!t

AndyCane said...

@smokey Thank you

Count Jerkula said...

Nothin but booze??? OK. It is just as well. I don't wanna have to keister anything for the flight.

Amy in MI said...

If you guys haven't watched the Nat Geo/ Lisa Ling special on N Korea, go to Netflix and watch it. You'll have your mouth agape for all sorts of reasons

Agent**It said...

Count J, got placed under your comment in error. Just wanted you to know that I do not think that you are an anti semite :)

H888FUL said...

Mooshki, jews are absolutely NOT white people (except when it benefits them to call themselves whites) and to act like people only care when it's white people being genocided or starved to death is a flat out load of bullshit. Nobody gave a damn about the Holodomor and nobody cares about the genocide of white South Africans that is currently happening. If anyone even is aware of it they actually applaud it because those whites are "getting what they deserve". Look up the farm murders to see some serious horror and tell me if anyone deserves to die like that, especially innocent infants being raped, burned alive, etc. I dare you to speak out against that genocide but you won't because you and your ilk love to see whitey "get what they deserve". It's always amusing when white people say that crap, you think it won't and can't happen here, to you, because you're a "good" white, not like those evil racists? Haha keep thinking that!

Eeekalicious said...

Team B. Profane

Eeekalicious said...


Are you out again?

Count Jerkula said...

Gimme some time, I'll prolly make the cut eventually. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Jennmcn said...

Hitler is evil not only because he killed 6 million Jews but because he wanted to take over all Europe. I believe that Stalin killed probably just as many Russian Jews with his Pogroms along with killing 20+ million of the Russian people. Mao also killed his own people. It is up to those people to rise up against their totalitarian governments. We can't save everyone.

Rwanda was genocide pure and simple. And no we can't just send a few battalions into a country and stop it. It's a lot more complicated than that. Remember Black Hawk Down? My husband was in country for 3 months before the Army got there. The Marines had Mogidishu locked down and had kill shots on Aidid, that Clinton wouldn't OK. The army came in and no longer did incursions or patrols into the city. The USMC does things very differently. My husband was also there for the evacuation of Sierra Leone.

Now we are drawing down 20,000 Marines, and it's bullshit. They are the tip of the spear. Which doesn't even count what will happen, if sequestration happens. We won't have the forces to go up against the Luxembourg Army, never mind Al Qaeda, China, Iran, North Korea or do humanitarian aid like we have for years in Haiti, Africa and all over the world.

prolixe said...

Sure thing, 888.

Agent**It said...

The humanitarian aid will be the first to go, sadly. Look at the politics in Dafur. Can't get past the muslims in political control without payoff and then have to pay off the UN just to get the food there. Yet still, they die. And do we give free birth control ? No. Same in Haiti.

OneGirlRevolution said...

The reason there was no revolution is way more complex than "the guy in charge died, now is our chance." First off, even though Un (and his father and grandfather before him) are charismatic leaders that, as much as they "rule", answer to people in government who are virtually as powerful individually and potentially moreso collectively. There was speculation that Un would open the country more, and as he consolidates power, he may very well do so; but the reality is that the behind the scenes powers that be very likely would have overthrown him. I still very much think (and it has been a discussion amongst state policy experts) that loosening sanctions and giving Un a chance to get a reinvigorated populace behind him is ultimately the way to a North Korea that we are more comfortable with.

As to the nuclear threat, as much as we would like to, it is hard to condemn states who (rationally or not) believe that their very existence is at risk. I'm not at all saying we shouldn't try to prevent states from getting nukes but it was and rema

OneGirlRevolution said...


I'm not at all saying we shouldn't try to prevent states from getting nukes but it was and very much remains a consequence of the existence of nuclear technology.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Can I come J and Count? I'm not nearly as crabby or persnickety in person, lol.

(And I remember B being a regular poster prior to the incident.)

Unknown said...

B.profane, thank you for your comments.

these stories break my heart. i wonder if there is anything a normal person, like me, can do to help stop this horrible killing.

jel said...

Rare commenter, but wanted to give you a lol for that. I read that post for days, so fun! @lola, good call on that memory, but I think B has been an ass as long as I've read...someone with too much time to google (and then pretend to know it all).

jel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
plrtz glrb said...

I'm using my last post ever on this site tell you, @88, to fuck off back to stormfront. nobody here is stupid enough to swallow your tripe. I respectfully ask everyone else not to engage this neo Nazi fuck. over and out

jel said...

In the the North Korea if you commit a crime up to three generations of your family can be sent to jail for it (including destroying a picture of the "great leader"). Children are considered fully grown when they hit their parents nose do to the lack of food. On top of that, the internal propaganda from within, most don't know the rest of the world are haves. The DPRK is one horrific place.

prolixe said...

@plrtz, don't let the crazies drive you away!

JSierra said...

Lola yayuh all are invited. I was more talking about annabella saying we had no lives for regularly posting and being on the site. Hey, at least we are all pitiful together, right?

Count Jerkula said...

@Lola, sure you can come. I bet some liquor will help take the edge off ya. Don't you go trying to sneak anything in and get us thrown out. If you don't have a prescription for it, leave it at home.

Jews and the ensuing religions got too much bloat. I prefer to live by Hulk Hogan's 3 Demandments: Say your prayers, Exercise and Take your vitamins. From the radio interviews I've heard, he probably considers Beer and Weed vitamins, so I'm all set.

feraltart said...

On the topic of starvation, in North Vietnam 1 Million people died of starvation & it is barely mentioned. I know this was years ago, but it was before & during the Vietnam War, which helped Ho Chi Minh obtain such a strong following, & then he did horrific things to his own people. Will it never end?

JSierra said...

In this case weed=vitamins and is therefore allowed. Hemp protein is very beneficial, I drink it in my smoothies every morning.

Eeekalicious said...

@Count Jerkula

Could you expand on your statement "Jews and the ensuing religions got too much bloat."

Since the topic is North Korea, this strikes me as being anti-Semitic. What do Jews and Christians have to do with the North Korean situation?

EGB said...

Awww, I missed that post, but as someone who's 'real life' has even intruding on my CDAN fun, I miss you guys when I don't check in every day!

Agent**It said...

CountJ, "too much bloat", very funny. I take one of the commandments randomly per day and hope for the best.

Count Jerkula said...

@ Tuxedo: Do you search through the comments and not read any but mine? I wish I could say that I'm honored.

And you think anyone really needs 10 Commandments? Who the hell could remember all of that? Bunch of hogwash and waste. 3 Demandments is simple, concise and easy to retain. Say em along with me, "Say your prayers, train, take your vitamins." Words to live by. If you need more guidance than that, yer hopeless, and I don't mean you inparticular.

Wait, I know what it is, you are anti Hulk Hogan, cause Bret friggin Hart has been butt hurt for 20 years Hogan wouldn't wrestle him. Well Brett had the same problem many Canuckistani wrestlers had, no gaddam personality or ability to put asses in the seats with his promos. A couple had charisma (Jericho, Owen Hart) but most are like Lance Storm & Chris Benoit & Bret, listening to them talk is like watching paint dry. Hogan was all about telling a story in and out of the ring. Bret was about doing his same match for the 1000th time, like he had OCD or something.

You have to be an Anti-Hulkite. Despicable. You probably hated his "Real American" entrance music too. You make me sick.

Before I get under the covers tonight, I will kneel beside my bed and pray to the Hulkster to save you from your anger and hate. He knows the Anti-Hulkites need more help than the Hulkamaniacs, so I'm sure he'll work with you.

@ Agent**It: Thanks. I'm glad someone realized a post about Demandments and weed being a vitamin was a joke.

OneGirlRevolution said...


Methinks it's anti-organized religion rather than anti-semitic (especially since Judaism was only singled out for its status as a precursor to those religions that flow from it).

OneGirlRevolution said...



(you scare me ;) )

OneGirlRevolution said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
OneGirlRevolution said...

And personally, I prefer to be devoid of ments of any kind.

It's easier that way.

OneGirlRevolution said...

@jel...I completely agree. The horrors of N. Korea would take pages and pages to go into. I know you weren't correcting me... I was just lightly touching on why leader change didn't lead to regime change (especially considering Un is, for all intents and purposes, a child of the West and it's culture.).

Eeekalicious said...


Thanks Lola, I know you mean well, but I believe my interpretation is correct, as you do yours :)

Eeekalicious said...

@Count Jerkula

I reply to all kinds of people on here, so I really don't know what you're talking about. A lot of people don't bother countering you because you've developed a group of sycophants, and they don't need the hassle. I've been posting in forums for probably 20 years, so I have come across your type many times before.

And you are a 'type'. You're smarter than most bigots, bc you usually give yourself enough wiggle room to backpedal out of your comment. Usually.

Instead of answering my question you just did a classic 'ignore and redirect', in other words, a few dozen lines of bullshit meant to hide the question, change the subject and bore the reader (success noted).

Jennmcn said...

@ Tuxedo Cat I have to agree with you about Jerkula. I think he's trying to be funny but falls flat and shows the bigotry behind it.

I think you nailed him on the statement, "Jews and the ensuing religions got too much bloat."

Does that mean there are too many Jews, too many Christians, Orthodox Christians or any other Juedo-Christian sect? Because that is highly discriminatory and highly offensive.

Eeekalicious said...


That's exactly what I meant. Unfortunately, I don't think the statement could be taken any other way.

jel said...

Not correcting you at all, just trying to add info. I don't delurk often, but this is a subject I know a bit about, and it just makes me horrified and sad. We are (most of us) so blessed to have been born where we were, and thankfully are unable to imagine such awful things. I personally don't think they had regime change because they honestly don't realize how bad it is there. I also think of the miles of mind fields at the dmz and what a war could be. B is right on this topic, their weapons and The size of the army would be an Armageddon for all involved. Hopefully the people there can get access to information, the only way to fight from within, again, IMO.

Eeekalicious said...


I understand what you are saying. Also, between school and workplace, over generations the citizens have been indoctrinated into having a dependency on the government.

Circe said...

I agree with you about this dude,you called out. You are correct.

Jennmcn said...

@jel Delurk as often as you need to. N.Korea is hell on earth and we are so blessed to be Americans. Although I do get frustrated trying to teach my Russian son-in-law, who has spent half his life here, he doesn't get it. He doesn't get the freedom he has here even if his sister is stuck in Russia but his parents and niece are here.

Good Lord, I hope some day he sees the wonderment of the USA. If not I will have to bitch slap him into it. We are a Military family, my grandfather, my father(WWII), my husband's father(korea), my husband(Columbia, Haiti, Somalia, Croatia, Japan) then he became a teacher of HUMINT. I've had two sons in the Marines.

It's ingrained in us. My step-brother was in the Navy for 20 years and a nephew in for the long hall. The Navy was literately the making of the both of them.

Count Jerkula said...

@TuxedoCat: I aint back pedaling out of nothing, 10 Commandments is too many. You should stick to Train, Eat Yer Vitamins, Say Yer Prayers, cause you terrible at mind reading, mine, the "sycophants" and the people that allegedly don't counter.

If you are going to complain, go ahead. Just make a factual complaint, instead of manufacturing one.

@Jennmcn: How can you say she nailed me when you can't even figure out the meaning of what I wrote? You make a good Tuxedophant.

And I resent your claim that my humor falls flat. If that were the case Tuxedo wouldn't be H8N so much. She knows stellar when she sees it, and it makes the hate in her Grinch heart grow.

I should be busy tomorrow and not posting much, but I'll try to get more deluded posts out of Tuxedo Cat if I can.

zombiecrush said...

@MK Hate to tell you this but in many cultures, eating dog & bugs is a delicacy. It's VERY normal to eat dog in Vietnam, for instance. So if they're eating dogs, well, they're not doing too badly (compared to eating bark and dirt).

zombiecrush said...

WOW.... after reading all the comments, I have alot of reading to do. THANKS GUYS! :)

Agent**It said...

Jen, read it again. It refers to commandments. He s a kid that does not like them. There is anti Semite remarks on here but not from him/her.

Eeekalicious said...


I believe there were remarks from a couple of posters, but I won't go on about it, bc i don't want to drag you onto the shit list of the ultra-conservative apologists that seem to be on here.

Count is an adult, he's not a teen. He intentionally posts ambiguous remarks to bait people.

When people post shit like this on a forum I feel like I have to speak up bc I don't want other people to think that no one cares. Take care.


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