Saturday, January 26, 2013

No Texting Next To Frozen Canals

The woman who falls into the canal which is next a UK mall is a radio news anchor who was texting her boyfriend. Somehow she will blame him for this and he will be forced to take her to NKOTB98DB2M


  1. I bet she sues the canal for not warning about the dangers of frozen water.

  2. Enty, hope you invest in NKOTB98DB2M. ChingChingChing.

  3. BTW her name is Laura"Safe" .

  4. Laughs at JSierra.

  5. And she actually made it down the stairs without falling. How do people manage to walk and text. I cannot do it and I'm a big multi tasker.

  6. What an idiot. News flash, walking into traffic, down stairs, on and off subway trains etc while texting doesn't prove you're busy & making use of your time, it proves you're stupid. At least this time she only hurt herself. (I've no patience for this, you can imagine the stupid stories I hear in patient intake.)

  7. So dumb. If it's so imperative that you communicate with this person RIGHT NOW, sit down, or call them. Not only could something like this, but she could have knocked someone else in, or fall victim to an attacker who IS watching.

  8. I call shenanigans on this. She's a semi-celebrity, so she's probably looking for more attention, and just happens to fall into a canal and it happens to get caught on camera????

  9. Somebody walking by actually warned her (maybe the guy in the video) and she still walked in. Same person also helped her get out.

  10. Idiot.

    That is all.

  11. Sherry same here, and it is almost impossible for me to talk while texting. I hate this dependency on phones and refuse to get one of those computer ones. Often times though it means I am having a convo with myself despite being in a room full of people.

  12. she is an alleged "journalist"..

  13. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA!

  14. Research on "multitasking" shows that it decreases performance, lowers actual output in a significant way, and wastes tremendous amounts of time. People "multitask" by using one activity as an excuse not to do another one properly. It's a bizarre, weird way not to get things done. Death would be too severe a penalty for multitasking, but ridicule is entirely appropriate.

  15. That is just embarrassing.

  16. Hey guys! I work with Laura UNsafe, this is no hoax. Believe me! She is neither not dumb or an idiot (harsh or what) its happened to us all, we have jus not fallen into a canal :)

  17. I confess I once walked into a poll while texting (I couldn't find my friend and she was my ride home) it was rather hilarious. I was closer to it than I imagined at first glance.

    I have also tripped over my own feet numerous times and ripped my skirt in front of a boy I was trying to impress. Sometimes life reminds you to pay attention.
