Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Just when you didn't think New Kids On The Block would go out on tour anymore to keep taking in your millions of dollars you give them every year, they found a new way to keep things interesting. No more Back Street Boys for them. Nope. Instead, this summer, they are headed on tour with 98 Degrees. Yes, all of the original members. They have to earn a living somehow. Also in the mix is Boyz II Men who are out shopping right now to make sure all of them look identical at all times. So, pull out your old posters. Find those old cassette tapes and explain to your kids how they work and then explain how all of the bands were the Justin Bieber of 20 years ago. Then call your girlfriends and tell them it is party time unless of course your husband forgets Valentine's Day and then you can shame him into going and he can sit in the corner with all the other men who had to choose between the concert or Titanic in 3D.


  1. I am going with no shame:)

    1. Me too! OKC June 29th!

    2. Anonymous1:13 PM

      @agent yay! i wanna go but my friends suck :/

    3. My girls & I will be going June 8!!!!

  2. See the old school boy bands took drugs and evolved to make good music (Beatles). The more recent ones should just take drugs and die. #NeedMoreLSDInMusic

  3. I'm now celebrating being too old to care about these dudes. Now, if the Police decided to reunite and trot around the country, I might be tempted.

  4. "Give me just one niiight, una noche"

    Yes I was a 98 Degrees fan.
    No I don't still listen to their least not yet today.

    1. @JSierra Yes! That was my jam back in the day!

  5. I found a bunch of my records at my mother's last year, my 7 year old niece said it was the biggest cd she'd ever seen and wondered what I played it on. I'm so old.

  6. Titanic 3D.
    No debate.

  7. P.S. - Enty, I'm cracking up thinking about BTM at the mall picking out their outfits. You know it's all stressful, because just when they agree on one, they discover that the store doesn't have the right sizes, and they have to start all over. They probably have to take a break at The Great American Cookie Company so they don't get too frustrated.

  8. Can you imagine if the Beaver dropped acid in the studio? I do not think that kid could handle a trip.

    1. @jsierra speaking of tripping on drugs, that's literally my claim to fame haha

    2. omg stigs, this is the greatest video ever!

  9. I would go just to see 98 Degrees. I LOVE them!

    Now if the boy band 5ive ever gets back together and goes on tour..I will do whatever it takes to see them.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Oh my god i was obsessed with 5ive.... There getting back together for a UK tv show

  10. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I saw the police when they went on tour in 2007, I was very disappointed.

    1. Christina, waaahhh! That makes me sad :-(.

  11. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I could care less about 98D or MKOTB, but I sure loved Boyz II Men. And I love Shawn Stockman on the SingOff :)

  12. Yup. I've already got a crew planning to go. CAN'T WAIT!

  13. I know they need their 'names' to get their FEW fans to know they are touring, BUT... really-NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK?? They will scare young teens who will think they are PEDOPHILES!! BoysIImen? They are closer to SSI then to Puberty!

  14. Oh, and my group is 80% guys. Hah.

  15. Dear God. No more boybands!!! Unless we're talking Wham! or Milli Vanilli ;)

  16. I LOVE NKOTB and think they sound better than before. (I believe it's not New Kids...anymore). Anyway, they put on one hell of a show. I've seen them at two different concerts (as of late) and took my preteen to the last one. I will go again.

  17. What they are doing is legally establishing this tour so that it can continue with new players. Very smart. The merchandising aspects of this are HUGE.

  18. Oh, I am in love with that video. I've gotta say, it's been a while but I do NOT remember ever being like that while shrooming!

  19. Yup, I just spent about 30 minutes watching people trip balls on you tube. By far, stigs84 wins.

  20. Tru Dat. When I shroom, my tummy hurts and I'm reduced to moth-like instincts where I quietly stare at the brightest source of light (tv, bonfire, etc.). Last 2 times I did it, I ended the night fetal in bed, after throwing up, and seeing psychedelic patterns every time I closed my eyes. I'd much rather do acid.

  21. Now what would really make this shine is if Bell Biv Devoe made a special guest appearance. Because who doesn't love, "That girl is poison..."

    Good on all these fellas for making a go of it. Better than fading off into obscurity.

    Wham!! is considered a boyband? I respectfully disagree. Anything involving GM is an epic artistic masterpiece.

    If The Police reunited I would sell an arm and a leg to see that even though Sting is a douchey douche.

    Is the fourth Boys to Men member going to rejoin the group? He should get in on that.

    OMG. What if En Vogue and Boys to Men performed together... Now that would be golden.

  22. This is going to be epic, can't wait!

  23. I love Boys II Men!! I have them currently on my ipod! good music never goes out of style! Now the NKOTB - pfft, never liked them! I won't see the concert but good for them trying to make a dollar :)

  24. I met Warren Moon at a New Kids concert when I was in 8th grade. I'll go just to be in the same building as Joe McIntyre. I'll be loving you forEVAH, Joey!!

  25. Screw this boy band stuff. Sleater Kinney reunion! Bikini Kill! Those were my 90s/ early 2000s bands.

  26. Wow - to have survived this long in the industry, those boys sure do have the right stuff. They've taken their time, step by step, to ensure success. I've bet they've had some hard times along the way, but they're hangin tuff. Hangin tuff

    Fru - Your Boys II Men mall outing scenario - GOLD!

  27. Brilliant, if you ask me.

  28. A boyband fest named "The Package tour" hmmmmm...

    1. @yodelay - you *seriously* win the internets today. Bwahaha.

  29. stigs84 7:52 AM

    The Pizza Man , I about died laughing, again. Classic.

  30. Oh Sunny that was good :)

    1. Second the Sunny love. You need to email their publicists!

    2. Fru... marketing 101 in the 21st century. Sunny, you win:)

  31. @Susan - I would definitely pay money to see En Vogue & Boyz II Men. Or maybe TLC (minus Left Eye, RIP).

    I missed out on my chance to see NKOTB when I was in elementary school and several of my friends went one summer when I was out of town. So a small little part of me wouldn't mind seeing them, just for kicks, but tickets would have to be cheap, close to home and the promise of alcohol would have to be involved.

  32. NKOTB was one of first concerts, too. Not by choice. Honest to goodness. The rents bought tix for my lil' sis for her birthday, so of course I had to go along. In an act of redemption, that same year I also saw Harry Connick Jr., U2 and Van Cliburn at Carnegie Hall. I love live music so much...

  33. Count ITA, I can't handle shrooms but acid I am totally cool with.

    Stigs thanks for that scandalous video! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Did anyone listen to LFO? They need to hop on one of these tours yo

  34. I saw the Police during the 07 tour and loved it! Until my bestie and I looked around and saw all these 'old peeps' walking around, and we realized that OHMYGAWWWWWWD! those were our peeps :(

    Okay, I am going to say something snarky and prolly be kicked out of the CDAN club...

    Guess Nick needs the money ;)

    *runs for my life*

  35. I cannot wait. I'm serious. Fun night out with the same girls I've been friends with since elementary school. We've been to the last few tours and left our husbands home with the kids, rented transportation, and drank a lot. It's rare we all get out together anymore - good times. As a side note, I worked for The Gap here in suburban Detroit back in high school, and Boyz II Men came in to buy their matching outfits with their whole crew when they were in town. I'll laugh if they still do that. But am seriously not excited about 98 degrees :(

  36. I cannot wait. I'm serious. Fun night out with the same girls I've been friends with since elementary school. We've been to the last few tours and left our husbands home with the kids, rented transportation, and drank a lot. It's rare we all get out together anymore - good times. As a side note, I worked for The Gap here in suburban Detroit back in high school, and Boyz II Men came in to buy their matching outfits with their whole crew when they were in town. I'll laugh if they still do that. But am seriously not excited about 98 degrees :(

  37. Bahaha JoElla very true.

  38. I saw the New Kids around 1990; I wasn't a fan but a friend of mine was, so I went to take pictures for her.

    They were good for what they do, but my biggest memory is the audience. Horrible, mean people! Never have I been to a show where the audience was so mean and nasty.

    All pre-teen girls and their moms -- the girls were nice, but the moms... what the hell!? Every show EVER, I'd lean forward or duck around a person quickly to get a photo, and I'd ask, I'd even give people copies if they wanted! But these women were all, "don't you dare lean forward, don't step into this spot that is empty, don't exist!" Mean, rotten hags.

  39. I'm off to fap, fap, fap in the bathroom over this news!

  40. I'm so over them. I did a meet and greet a couple of years ago. They all acted like they would rather be anywhere but there and everyone had paid like $400 a piece to be there. Donnie and I did kiss, so I it was worth it, but I won't do a meet and greet again.
