Monday, January 07, 2013

Nadya Suleman Is Back On Welfare

As much as I dislike paying for Nadya Suleman's welfare, it is kind of shocking to me that a mother of 14 only gets $2800 a month from the government. I don't even think that covers her rent, let alone any other expense. I'm sure she gets food stamps too, but it is not like the government is letting her live large. I guess she blew through all that porn money. Maybe she should not have spent so much of it traveling or partying or on the multiple nannies she has helping her and just stay home and save that money, you know, so your kids can live and get some clothes or heat or something. I bet this will no doubt mean that she will either try and exploit her kids in some way to make a buck or make another porno. Probably another porno. At some point though porn companies are going to stop calling so she really needs to figure out another way to make a buck. Huh. How about something like a regular job. You know, in an office. Instead of trying to get rich quick, she could actually work.


  1. Stoopid woman. And her thumb scares me.

  2. Her face scares me

  3. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Her brain scares me.

  4. Super, super gross. Her face creeps me out. Poor little kids with a mother like her. Way to set an example, Octomom!!!

  5. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Wow Enty. Quite the trifecta to start of Monday. First the Kardashians, then Lohans, and now this. Bad mood??

  6. They should go after the sperm donor, Doctor and parents for the money, they helped create this mess.

  7. Tax dollars supporting this scares me.

  8. Poor kids is right, and I'm with you Dude.

  9. She grosses me out sooo frickin bad.

  10. Anonymous6:41 AM

    @Agent wins the thread so far.

    Also, honest question: I was always under the impression that sperm donors do so anonymously and therefore have no control over who uses their donation. So, is that the case? Because if not, I agree with @Dude excepting that.

    1. @Dagny - I think I remember that she knew her sperm donor, and it's the same guy for all 14 kids.
      A guy in KS was just ordered to pay child support for donating sperm to a lesbian couple:

    2. seaward, I read that article, fascinating and a sign of future court challenges. Pretty disgusting story, though. Peolpe need to think before they procreate... in any manner.

  11. The only good she has done has been to raise awareness of the unnecessary creation of a litter of children. Maybe other people/doctors think twice before potentially creating another situation like this.

  12. She's nuts, and these kids shld be taken from her. But it will never happen because she loves them- haha, i cldnt even finish the sentence. And im glad the amount is made public so that these idiots who think welfare recipients are living la dolce vita will realize they are just eking by. Yes enty, you have for sure taken my mind off my flu, lol

  13. So...happy Monday everyone. A friends' husband was killed this weekend in a car accident and I come here for a little R&R and have to read about Lohan, Kardashian and this trash. I don't know where to go to escape all this trash. Not my friend, but this garbage. Where's the liquor cabinet when you need it?!

    1. Silly girl, so sorry. Your friend must be in shock and overwhelmed with grief.Take care.

    2. Silly Girl. Sending virtual hugs and joy fairies your way. So sorry for your loss.

      We'll be here when you need us!!

      Now here's your Mimosa! Take it easy today, OK.

    3. Please take care silly girl. My love to your friend also. Sending you out good vibes

  14. Any other family, the kids would be in foster care

  15. And here I am, stupidly, using birth control and going to work.

    1. maximus, silly responsible you!

  16. She had these children as a STUNT! There are so many people who can't conceive, that put off having children until they can afford them, who have lost children, fathers who can't see their children.

    Then, this...trick, who thought she would get rich off her brood, ends up raising them in poverty.

    I really think her best bet is to find a rich husband to help her raise them. There's no way a regular job could support 14 kids. She's really dug herself into a hell of a hole.

  17. The doctor(s) that allowed this should be made to pay. Was there a psych eval? Was there an evaluation of her finances? This is bullshit. Take the kids away...NOW!!!

  18. so sorry silly girl! hopefully Enty will have a good blind for you to lose yourself in today! :-)

    1. Hey, amh - haven't seen you around lately! How's my fellow Okie?

      silly girl - lots of love your way. So sorry for you and your friend's loss. Comfort and peace to you.

  19. I am so glad that I have the glorious gift of common sense.

  20. Ahhhh... That's one of my favorite pictures ever, FSP. Thanks for bringing it out of the vault.

    1. @disco- hey girl!

    2. FSP's vault is gold. Hope you make your living creatively:)

    3. I'm trying!

  21. I'm an employer and never in my life I would hire her. So, finding a job seems to be a hard thing for Ms. Suleman. The next porn she will do won't be softcore, I think.

  22. Anonymous6:58 AM

    My sincerest condolences, @Silly girl.

    I remember reading when Octodunce first had her litter that a bunch of companies were offering her free stuff, i.e. Pampers offering her free diapers for a year, Garanimals offering free clothes for five years, something to that effect. This bitch, with no sustainable source of income at the time (and, apparently, now as well), turned them all down because she thought they might interfere with her chances for a reality show. Yeah, don't take any help offered to you that you obviously need, it's better and more reliable to pursue your fifteen minutes. You know, priorities and shit.

  23. They say she spent that money on Rehab this past October.

  24. Silly Girl - I'm so very sorry about your friend's husband. Lots love to you and your friend.

  25. What kind of office job would pay enough for child care for 14 kids?

    She's in a bad situation of her own making. I don't know any way to get out of it short of splitting the kids out and allowing them to be adopted. That's harsh but what possible way can this woman raise these kids to be anything but a mess?

  26. I think the doctor is the sperm donor. they thought they would be rich! I hate this scumbag.

  27. How about move to a cheaper area of the country and get a JOB?

  28. Silly very sorry for the loss of your friend. Sending you tight hugs and love.

  29. FSP - Ain't you gone fix me a drank?

    1. disco, you are just super-cute! Love seeing your tiny little face :-). And bwahaha - you totally cracked me up!

  30. several things: 1) an office job requires skills. i doubt she has them. And as someone else pointed out, the kind of office job she'd be able to do would never pay enough for 14 kids. 2) FSP, I LOVE that pic. Is there a story? and 3) Silly Girl, hugs and prayers to you and your friend.

  31. @Silly Girl - hugs to you.

    What scares me is that she's got 14 mini-octos running around. Those mini-octos are going to become adult-octos some day and will be unleashed on society. I'M MOVING TO CANADA.

  32. Kids, take a good look at this picture, because this is what a winner looks like.

  33. frufra, doing well. I decided to post more this year but avoid offering an opinion since I seem to get jumped on every time I do that. :-)

    How are you?

    1. amh, I am great - I have a very good feeling about 2013! Glad to know you're still around. You and I and momster are the CDaN Okies - we've got to stick together!

  34. I live in California,and she makes me ill. Aren't there allegations of the older spawn molesting the younger spawn? Also, a few of her kids have some type of disabilities, which are common with multiples. There is no way she could work in an office.

  35. How can she get a job? Paying for day care for fourteen kids?!? She would spend all of her pay check and then some just on daycare.

  36. Awwww shucks, frufra. *kicks dirt* Thanks.

  37. I feel like I heard that the sperm donor is her first husband, with whom she is still friends. I could be wrong, though. Don't know if it matters either way.

  38. Of the $2800 she gets, 1800 is food stamps, and 1000 is money.

    That's a sad thing... she is very famous, but she's only allowed the bad side of celebrity. Even if there was a high-paying 9-5 job she was qualified for, nobody is going to hire her. It would be a never-ending stream of gawkers and "Hey, Octomom! You suck!" It would completely disrupt the workplace.

    I don't think it's right that people think she should lose her kids. That would be extremely traumatic for them to be ripped from the family and never see their siblings again. If she's abusing them, that's different; being poor and a famewhore isn't a good enough reason.

    (I do think she made/makes some HORRIBLE choices, by the way.)

    1. Idk, its 14 lids and one of her. How much does each one get to see her anyway? And if you notice, you see pics of her with the kids, but she's never holding them or hugging them. From what i have read, some of the kids are autistic, and not just octos but the older ones. Shes a mess.

  39. There were plenty of people that wanted to adopt those kids, this selfish bitch wouldn't allow it. It is far more traumatice for them to be living in hell with this psycho. $2800.00 plus section 8 housing. She's pathetic and it's not too late for those kids. Hope they get out before they act out. This is not going to end well ...

  40. Who would hire her though? Most of us agree something is not right with her.

  41. From all I've seen, she doesn't even see those kids. Does anyone remember when she was on Oprah and Suze Orman tried to help her? Orman basically said she was an idiot who wouldn't handle her money right.

    I wish we could change the laws for this kind of thing. Hopefully her story will make people stop having litters for publicity.

  42. I am still amazed that, even though she already had SIX KIDS, a doctor agreed to her having more...and not just more, but a friggin' soccer team's worth. Seriously, six wasn't enough? You wanted EIGHT MORE KIDS?

    Ugh, I'm going to stop before my rant turns into something too offensive. That doctor, and anyone else involved who thought this was a GOOD idea, is an idiot.

    The poor kids, and the poor tax payers.


    Okay. Now I'm done. :)

  43. I think the Dr. lost his license over implanting that last six eggs due to negligence over agreeing to do it in the first place.

  44. this woman is the embodiment of a lot that is wrong with society today.From the lack of mental health care to the plain old sense of entitlement (and I say that in a NON-Repub talk radio/Fox News kind of way, she turns my stomach.

    She is just all kinds of NO.

    The fact that those kids have her as a mother is heartbreaking.

    Condolences to you and your friend Silly Girl.

  45. In December of 2011 a superior court judge upheld the decision of the medical board of California to revoke the medical license of the fertility doctor who made a clown car out of Nadya's womb.

    I'm not sure, but he might be able to attain a medical license in another state. The only thing he should be allowed to do, IMHO, is wash out beakers in a lab and I'm feeling generous today.

  46. I'm sorry, SillyGirl.

  47. She did get herself into this mess, true. But the "she made her bed, let her lie in it," attitude makes me sick! There are innocent CHILDREN whose fates are inextricably tied with hers, people! Jesus, and if there was ever a time for JESUS CHRIST himself, can we show some mercy?

    Lots of stone-throwers in this country!

    1. I believe a lot of people showed concern for these children .

    2. Yes, do we want 14 productive humans, or 14 humans with problems. Deal with what is, not what could should woulda iscmy way if thinking.

    3. ditto. Tell Lohan that, AuntLiddy. Maybe she'll listen to you!!

  48. Famous does not equal rich. Octomum learned the hard way.

  49. Silly Girl: Sincere condolences on you and your friends loss. She must be in awful pain.

    What the hell did this woman do before popping out young'uns? And we've seen what's happened to Jon and Kate Plus 8 haven't we? Cray Cray Kate got used to a plush lifestyle and now she doesn't want to go back to nursing (or whatever the hell she did beforehand).

    She took all her $ from her porn and used it on rehab (which tells you how little she got)and had Michael Lohan as her manager? Seriously? She's dumber than a bag of hammers this one.

  50. Hugs silly girl! To you and your friend.

  51. Silly girl, my sympathies to you and your friend. I cant even imagine.

  52. I'm so sorry SillyGirl.

    This situation aside, I am totally against being able to sue sperm donors for support...I think it is a very slippery slope if we allow that.

    (The Kansas case is based on the fact that they did the "transaction" privately instead of going through a licensed facility. They had a contract with him giving up rights but when the woman who provided support lost her job and they applied for help for 2 months, the state went after the donor because his name was on the birth certificate. Ridiculous.)

  53. @Silly Girl

    Condolences to you and your friend....

    Tragedies such as this make one realize how precious life is, and how people like Nadya S. treat bringing life into the world as nothing more than a circus act. Each one of those precious children is in for a long, rough ride.

  54. Thanks you guys! Things like this really do remind you how short life is and what is really, PLEASE no more Kartrashian posts this year!!! (I said I wasn't going to comment on any of their stories, but I just read they bought and gutted an $11M mansion?!?! WTF?!?!?
