Thursday, January 24, 2013

More Sexcapades And Pot Smoking With Justin Bieber

Star Magazine discovered who one of the people was when Justin Bieber was caught smoking pot on camera. She is a 22 year old nursing student who spent that day and night with Justin. Her name is Mimi Jensen (above) and she spent the day smoking pot all day with Justin after they went and bought some. Apparently Justin Bieber has a medical marijuana card. You know, the guy who i supposed to be all angelic he sure does have a lot of vices that are coming to light. He also sat around drinking sizzurp which is not quite as cool as purple drank, but still, not what you would think of when he probably wants 12 year olds to keep idolizing him. The couple did engage in sexual activiti, but not sex. Justin kept his clothes on the entire time which is unusual for him since he takes them off anywhere anytime. He also didn't kiss the woman on her facial lips, but did spend a great deal of time servicing her orally. Yeah, Justin was down there. Last week there was the 17 year old who has been hooking up and smoking pot with Justin for three years and now this. How many more are out there?


  1. Bad duckface, nice cans.
    Bad taste.

  2. At least the Biebs is a giver. He didn't pull a Tupac and make service him everywhere.

  3. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Gross I'm sure there's a Beiber lesbian joke there that he likes to be the giver of oral, I'll leave that to one of you witty commenters! She looks snooki-ish

  4. The story is that Justin 'serviced' her for a whole hour.

    personally that would bore me to TEARS!
    5 minutes is enough....But we've all discussed this before, right?
    If they want to spend more than 15 doing that, i start to wonder if they're a weirdo.

  5. Entwood, Star did not "discover" anything. They paid the featured ho money for details. They were the highest bidders.

  6. Lmao "he didn't kiss her on her facial lips" ahahahah

  7. lol, Justin cracks me up tbh.

  8. I just don't see how anyone can want to get naked with the Biebs. He looks like a 12 year old Hillary Swank.

  9. This goes to show that people will complain about anything.

  10. Just legalize pot already. Jesus.

    1. It is, in our green state of Washington. By the voters for the voters. Hopefully the tax revenue will bring much needed funds to our schools.

  11. Hey libby - I'm with you. And hour? While stoned? What lazy sloppy doldrums must that have been?

  12. @libby
    If the guy is doing it right, he can stay there all night!

    Oddly enough, this reminds me of the John Stamos extortion plot a couple of years ago. The lady in question stated he wanted to service her orally, but she declined.

  13. Call the police! These kids were smoking weed! Inconceivable!

  14. I can't wait for sores to bust out all over his face. And do all strippers say they're doing it for nurseing school?

  15. And did any really, truly and honestly belieb that the Beaver was angelic?

  16. What can I say? Some ladies prefer to get on with the REAL show. I'm one of those.

    I'm kinda bored/distracted/daydream easily though.

  17. Also, he seems like a very polite gentleman. Not many guys would go to an all you can eat buffet and not expect anything in return. You go Justin! Keep on doin what you do.

    Is it bad that the naughtier he gets, the more I like him?

  18. @JSierra
    Yeah, the Biebs is far more interesting when he is bad.

  19. The Biebs MIGHT be interesting once he grows a chest hair. That is, if he gets educated while he's waiting. lol

  20. A nursing student? Really? She can kiss that goodbye. Hospitals, etc are dead set against hiring anyone known to do illegal drugs (not getting into whether weed should be legal or not).

    1. That's what I was thinking. And when did "nursing student" become code for "big ho"? Seems like there's been several nursing students in blinds or on reality TV.

  21. 3 years with one girl. how is that not his girl friend?

  22. Leave it to Bieber

  23. HEY very NICE of him to try to give pleasure to this, erm, lady!

  24. Justin will probably still look 15 when he's thirty.

    I SO did not need that visual. Now where did I put the brain bleach?

  25. You would think a nursing student could find a better boob Dr.
    Those look like Tori Spelling version 90v210

    What's a sizzrup?

    1. It's codeine cough syrup, sprite,and a jolly rancher. Don't ask me how I know. Lol

  26. Usher taught him well.

  27. What a putz. He really should be more careful about the people he surrounds himself with, because too many people are out to make a quick buck these days. Or, pay your "friends" for their silence.

  28. Ew. Who cares? He's a douche kid doing regular douche kid stuff.

  29. You would think that this chick would realize that this story will be on the Internet forever and could impact her chances at a job someday.

  30. "Nursing student" = massage parlor employee who lets customers nurse on her attributes

    BTW if oral sex is "not sex," then whatizzit?!

    Justin's a young adult now; none of this really is shocking imo.

  31. @Rosemary- Haha do you watch American Horror Story?

  32. AN HOUR?! he must suck at going down.

  33. So the Bieber got some beaver! lol! And as much as I like oral sex I wouldn't want that one near me!

  34. Oh my what a beauty...

  35. I am extremely grossed out by this story.

  36. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Sizzurp is codeine and promethazine cough syrup. Rx only. As addictive as codeine, vicodin, norco, etc. I too think it's kinda cute that he's a giver. I teenager is smoking pot and going down on a girl with big bewbies! Heavens above!

  37. Anonymous8:18 AM

    An hour? What a bore. "Ah yu wikeng dis?? Iss dat gud baybee?"
    Baby baby baby ohhh, like baby baby baby nooo!!!! Really NO, just stop.

  38. ^Hahahahaha
    And yeah, nursing student my ass!

  39. I'd rather him smoking the weed over crystal meth and cocaine. Weed is not a hard drug. Justin is at the age where a lot of kids start smoking it. It's a shame he's not a good role model, but a lot of Hollywood celebs aren't. I don't know why everyone pretends to think there are good role models in a world that's all about money and ego.

  40. far as i know, isn't sizzurp and purple drank the same thing???

    i don't see why the biebs didn't have sex with her. i mean you're already going so far, why not go all the way? dude IS single. thats very weird to me... anyhoo, for all the weed i smoke, i'd love to hang out with the biebs. can't lie. he must only get premium.

  41. Was he ever made to take that paternity test?

  42. @plokzy, one possible explanation.. maybe he was trying not to cheat on selena anymore, and thought as long as he kept his clothes on and zipper zipped he wasn't.

  43. She's a cute girl. She can kiss that nursing career goodbye. What an idiot! I have no idea what purple drank (really?) is. This stuff is stoopid.

    Sounds like regular young adult stuff to me. Wonder what Lena thinks about this.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM


  44. yes plokzy, it's purple drank, RX cough syrup mixed with sprite and jolly rancher candy.

  45. Believe it or not, this makes me like him more.
    *clutching pearls* Oh no! Two teenagers smoking pot and fooling around? yawn. The best part is that HE serviced HER, instead of the other way around. If only all male celebrities were so generous. Yes, I'm talking about you, Adrian Grenier.

  46. He's a single adult now. If he plays with age appropriate ladies and smokes some big deal.

    He'd be better off just copping to it though. (See Justin Timberlake as an example of openly smoking one in the media reports on JT doing that stuff because he is open about it)

  47. omg. get over it already, its just freaking weed. until someone tells me Beiber is doing coke, meth, acid, or X, then maybe I'll care. goodness. compared to the damage that other drugs can cause, i think Bieber is just fine smoking the devil's lettuce. he's young, let him live.

  48. There's another "Bieber is a Putz" story:

    He and two other dudes started harassing a woman in a North Carolina hotel gym, after a concert.

    She was working out when they wandered into the gym. She told him that worked for a radio station and asked if she could get a photo, and he said no. She went back to her workout and they started mocking her, telling her to "shut the fuck up!" They were also talking about all the stuff they drank and how hung over they all were.

    1. @Zeeky- Don't forget about spitting in people's water bottles.

  49. Where the hell is his mother? Isn't she big time Christian? She should read this shit and box his ears.

  50. Oh, and drag him back to Canada. Please.

    Nothing against Canada, but GO HOME, BIEBER!

  51. Maybe he didn't want another paternity claim.

  52. Anonymous11:49 AM

    their groupies justin, they are suppose to service you...hes is going about this all wrong
    the kid is not cut out for this

  53. Anonymous11:50 AM

    im guessing he has a lil ass dick.

    1. lol
      That's what I was thinking.

  54. Yeah, that kid is gonna fall hard, and fall FAST. He doesn't have the "benefit" of a grifter mother, or a father with a professional, yet questionable career like a Lohan or Kardashian.

    Bieber's been putzy for some time, but it's ten times stronger now... girlfriend gone, partying, bullying some woman for no reason.

    I've always kinda rooted for him; I didn't think it's right for the world to constantly throw gay slurs and lesbian jokes at a 16-year-old kid. (Or at anybody!) But now he's an adult and getting nastier and meaner every day. It's a long way down, fool!

  55. I'm telling you, the kid has Mommy issues.

  56. Looks like a lesbian. Kept "his" clothes on the whole time. Spent an hour going downtown. Really. Do we need any more confirmation? Remember, the basic guy's credo is giving is for girlfriends and taking is for hookups. When I was that age the only reason to give was to guarantee some gettin' At the very least he is getting his Dude card revoked.

  57. An hour?! Is he planning on being a gynaecologist once his 15 minutes is up?

  58. I declare Putz to be the word of the day. I think it has shown up in almost every thread today.

  59. So, basically it's another story about Justin acting like a kid of his age with money?

  60. Bieber loves Beaver who knew?

  61. An hour? Dude, you're not doing it right.

  62. I didn't know cunninglingus was an elective! Damn.
