Saturday, January 12, 2013

Monica Cruz Is Pregnant - Via A Sperm Donor

Well, apparently my sophisticated charms and love offerings of bacon covered chocolate have gone unnoticed. Monica Cruz is pregnant and has become so via a sperm donor. The 35 year old, better looking in my opinion, sister to Penelope says that she feared she was never going to find the right guy before it was too late so decided to go the sperm donor route. Well, obviously, she does not think that I could be or will be the right guy. This one stings a little. Not going to lie. Here she has been, single for all these years while she watched Penelope get married and her brother go through a string of women including Eva Longoria, while Monica remained single, but apparently unwilling to mingle with me. Congrats to her though. She said she is telling the world about the sperm donor so people don't think she is hiding the baby daddy.


  1. It's a shame she had to go public with using a sperm donor but she is right--there would have been (and probably will be anyway) lots of speculation about who the father is.

    Congratulations to her though on deciding to become a parent on her own terms.

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Send her some flowers, chocolates and jewelry, congratulate her on her pregnancy, and tell her you've always deeply admired her, you'd love to get to take her to dinner or to Hawaii, and that you'd be pleased to help her in any way with her new life, as a friend, confidante, companion, and who knows, maybe more down the road.

  3. Good for her and she is prettier than Penelope in my opinion too, not that Penelope is too shabby herself.

  4. They are both fabulously gorgeous! Imagine the beauty if that baby?! You know what I thought? Maybe she knows babys daddy and made up this story so no one pursues who father is. Just a thought. Its none of our business anyway.

  5. I think a lot of women who go this route and use the 'I haven't met Mr. Right' excuse doesn't want to meet him. They just want to be mothers and not bother with a relationship. Can't say I blame them. I am not saying all but for some I think that is the reason. A family is what you make it; it isn't the quantity of parents but the quality. Congrats to her.

  6. congrats!

    i can't wait the blind items on "she lied!she had an affair with Javier Bardem" or better "Bardem is the sperm donor"

  7. Enty, send her a bacon basket! I'm sure she has massive cravings for fatty foods! Good for her. She wanted to be a mom, hasn't found "the one", so decided to hell with waiting. I think it's awesome that women do this (or adopt), rather than waiting to get married. As long as you are prepared, and have the means to provide for a child, go for it!

  8. @Issaissi, I totally agree. It's a much better decision than getting with some guy, and getting pregnant, just to please others since it is the "normal" route.

  9. Totally blowing up this thread, but I just wanted to add that the Cruz family is gorgeous. What a fabulous gene pool.

  10. Anonymous12:43 PM

    FrenchGirl, I love how you think.

  11. *What sibling of an A list foreign born actress had an affair with her sister's A list foreign born husband?* LOL.

    If I were Penelope's sister I would try to bang Javier. Thats one very hot man.

  12. I'd just play with everyone else's kids and spoil them, fill em with sugar, shake em well, then hand em back to their parents with a sweet, innocent smile. Then run like hell. FREEDOM!! Woohoo!

  13. I'm thinking their kids will be half-cousins, half-siblings.

  14. It's a shame she didn't want to adopt.

  15. No "lesbian" comments? Color me shocked.

  16. She's a freaking selfish narcissistic woman.

  17. Enty, I'm so sorry. I agree w/ pugglewug. Make her a bacon receiving blanket & widdle your way in. baby steps, right?

    @plrtz "It's a shame she didn't want to adopt"...why? what an odd thing to say. Not everyone wants to carry a torch & some people don't like cats.

  18. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I think @pirtz was only making a comment reflecting the fact that lots of children are in need of homes. I'd adopt (body won't make babies, unfortunately), but it is too expensive upwards of $30k.

  19. BIG CONGRATULATIONS on going public!! it is a difficult issue and im sure she's going to get plenty of side eyes of the more traditional folks
    so GOOD for her!!!

    ahh yeah, and congrats on the baby too

    ps: Pe's oscar dress that year im my all time favourite oscar dress!!
