Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Miranda Lambert Still Hates Chris Brown

Last year, Miranda Lambert said that she hates Chris Brown and doesn't understand why people were applauding and celebrating him at the Grammy Awards and that no man should ever be applauded after what he did to Rihanna. Almost a year after those remarks, Miranda was interviewed by Redbook and asked if she still meant what she said. "I didn't feel right about not saying something. The loudmouth that I am, I say what I think. I wanted everyone to know that I don't agree with the message it's sending to young women. It's not okay. At all. To be celebrated after doing something like that. I don’t think it's right, I never will, and I will stand by what I said till the day that I die."

I'm actually surprised that more celebrities do not take a stand like Miranda. The thing is they are scared of alienating any possible future fans or projects or connections or they have a million skeletons in their own closet so don't say anything. At this point she might be the only celebrity who says anything about him. It seems everyone else has given him a pass.


  1. I seriously think she wants to f*ck him. Its obvious Chris has her mind. She needs to shut the hell up about it. Can't wait to see Chris or Rihanna respond to her because she wants the attention.

  2. If Roman Polanski got a pass from half of Hollywood, why shouldn't Chris Brown?

  3. Wow...I actually completely agree with Miranda. Love her now.

    I will never ever forget what Chris Brown did and I will always look at him as low-life scum. I can't even listen to his music. It's funny how people forget. He'll never's who he is. I'll be that one day, he does it to someone else, if not to RiRi again.

    1. He and Michael Vick both crossed the line of no forgiveness ever as far as I'm concerned.

    2. He and Michael Vick both crossed the line of no forgiveness ever as far as I'm concerned.

  4. Good point @ Chris. Completely agree.

  5. I can't decide if I like her or not. I don't listen to country music, but I have read some of her interviews. Hmmmm.

  6. I like Miranda. She seems like a genuine, kind human being. I'm glad she isn't afraid to speak and and call Piss Brown out for being the abusive, jerk off that he is.

  7. Chris was given a pass from Rihanna, but has continued to publicly flaunt his betrayals with other women on twitter and Instagram. I don't know if he's still abusivr, but he clearly doesn't respect women as anything more than sexual gratification.

  8. Love her! For those not familiar with her, her parents are private investigators so she saw (through their work) relationships gone wrong and domestic abuse growing up. Additionally, her family took in a battered woman and her child when Miranda was in her teens, and it made a huge impression on her. She's always been very outspoken about domestic abuse. Good on her!

  9. Chris Brown is total scum, but so is RiRi.

  10. I was going to say, "doesn't everybody?"

    But I guess the answer is, "no."

    And that is why people like him and Kim Kardashian won't go away. We all worship at the altar of fame and celebrity no matter a person's actual human worth and what they were willing to do to gain that celebrity. SMH

  11. Anonymous6:47 AM

    So, we know Patty has a lady boner for Chris, or is she Chris??

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Haha...exactly what I was thinking.

  12. This to me is NOT about Miranda's opinion but about Enty's opinion of Chris Brown and how he/she thinks OTHER famous folk should have reacted. Read the last paragraph again.

  13. But Enty is right, Chris Brown has gotten a free pass from just about everyone else in H-wood, except the one comedian who made him leave twitter briefly and Miranda Lambert. I am glad Miranda is not backing down on her comments about him. He is a douche to women and I am sorry, the women that go for him are beyond stupid.
    I don't think he's learned a thing nor does he have any desire to change how he acts.

  14. Wait, isn't this the gal who had an affair with the married country singer and then he got a divorce and they are now married? So, one moral indiscretion is OK, but one is not? I'm just being snarky here, but I think she's the one who Blake cheated on his wife with....

    1. Yes, Silly Girl. There is a huge difference between having a "moral indiscretion" and beating the holy fuck out of someone.

    2. @Lola, the only issue w your argument is that you can hurt someone just as badly or worse with is possible to die of a broken heart. Look it up.

  15. I agree with what she said but its all negated by the fact that she stood and applauded while her husband performed with the known wife beater Glen Campbell at the same ceremony.

  16. That dress is awful! I find it gross that actors are willing to fly overseas to shoot with Polanski, since he won't come here after raping a kid. As nasty as I find Chris Brown to be, I also don't get why Polanski's crime seems to be ancient history, while this is everywhere.

  17. Get it, girlfriend. Chris Brown bashing is my favourite sport- I hated him LONG before the beat the shit outta RiRi, coz he set off my douche detector BIG TIME. And I was right. You go, me!!!

  18. Enty you are so spot on about celebs and their precious images..

    I find her quite refreshing standing her ground. She sure as heck didn't backtrack when this went viral. How many celebs backtrack when things get 'controversal'? Lots.

  19. Obviously Team Breezy is in the house.

    Atta girl Miranda. Good for her for standing by her comments.

  20. What Chris Brown did was terrible, but how long is he going to be a pariah? Rihanna's side has forgiven him, there haven't been any relapses. He cheats, but so does Rihanna, as shown in the blind reveals.

  21. I wanted to add that serial abusers do not hit on the face, where it will show.

    1. @Tuxedo Cat...

      No, but people with rage issues do.

      And Frankly, as long he continues to act like he did nothing wrong while continuing to act like he is owed something) and continues to claim, "ain't nobody's bidness" while making sure I know all of their business in detail...He will continue to be a pariah and hopefully, be publicly called out for his actions.

  22. Go Miranda! I hate Chris Brown. He's a disgusting human being and needs to be called out.

  23. chris didn't get a pass. he was alienated for some time from the music industry. no one wanted to touch him, be seen with him, be associated with him, etc. whether that exile was long enough is a matter of opinion. she is not the only celebrity who has spoken out against him. he's had people (famous and non-famous) calling him scum since it happened, me being one of them. however, at this point, while i see where miranda is coming from, it is time for her to stfu about him and what he did. he paid his debt to society and the person he assaulted has forgiven him so I see no reason to continually condemn him for the egregious act he committed towards someone else. i won't ever forget what he did but I'm not going to condemn him forever. Moreover, there are people in Miranda's industry who are abusers, cheaters, addicts, enablers, pedophiles, etc. Where are her comments about them? And, if this is all about her speaking out against domestic violence, where/what is her involvement in it outside of bashing Chris Brown? Go volunteer at a battered women and children's shelter or do a fundraiser or concert to raise awareness, something more productive than using her platform to bash someone who has repented in the eyes of the law and been forgiven by his victim.

  24. Yesss! I like when someone stands their ground when speaking the truth. How someone got that she wanted to fuck him from her statement is contemptuous, mind boggling, misogynist, kindergarten "logic".

    Many of us don't support either Polanski or Brown. Just because some people do doesn't make it right to let one or the other off the hook for their criminal behavior. Those who defend both are nothing more than pathetic, fawning sycophants, but at least the Polanski sycophants have a bit more taste.

    So now I've offended everyone with snide insults and poor use of adjectives before evening finishing my morning coffee.

  25. Anonymous7:35 AM

    If Miranda wants to be an advocate against domestic violence and call out anyone using that platform, then more power to her. It's a worthy cause.

    The problem is her inconsistency. She and Blake Shelton both applauded Glenn Campbell during the Grammys last year. It's pretty common knowledge that Campbell was abusive toward Tanya Tucker. Campbell has denied knocking out Tanya's teeth, but it appears that something happened between the two of them. Is it because Campbell is 76 years old and suffering from Alzheimer's that he gets a pass? Maybe because it happened over 30 years ago that everyone stopped caring?

    Be against bad things. But be consistent. Otherwise, it seems like cherry-picking.

    1. Prob gets a pass because they were bith high as kites and the abuse was mutual. Stll hortible tho. Have u seen tanya lately? Good incentive not to drink and drug, she looks like hell

  26. @Mad...personally, I happen to agree with you.

    And, @Bella, how do you know she doesn't do those things? And just as a factual point, for the purpose of this discussion, she was ASKED in an interview about how she still felt.

  27. It's very interesting, on the Dina Lohan thread, that Mike Lohan is starting to get understanding, because Dina is such an acknowledged pain in the ass.

  28. People seem to be forgiving Mike Lohan much more readily than Chris Brown. Dina's injuries were much less, but that bruise is VERY close to the eye. I don't remember Mike Lohan issuing an apology for anything. On top of that, he does not acknowledge the child he had out of wedlock.

    1. Please! An apology??? These two are so far up their own asses, they have no time for apologies. They are idiots, who shld be apologizing for exsisting, lol

  29. Who gives a fuck what Miranda Lambert thinks. What does she sing? I'll wait... Oh, and the cover of Redbook? What a great accomplishment for you *light claps*.

  30. People are forgiving Michael Lohan? Where? People are just thinking that of two very fucked up parents...He maybe wasn't the worst.

  31. Here's the thing about Miranda Lambert. I personally don't think it's okay to screw a married man. It's not okay. At all. To be celebrated after doing something like that. I don't think it's right, and I never will.

    See how that works Miranda?

  32. Let me start by saying this; Chris Brown is an ass and still needs to take responsibility for what he did. I think a lot of people don't like him because he is turning out to be a real douche with his recent antics. But why shouldn't we give him a pass when most of us did it for Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen who were both accused of domestic abuse. Rihanna with her idiotic self is over it and she was the victim. Miranda just needs to shut up about Chris unless she's going to include Mel and Charlie as well.

  33. I think someone always mentions this every single time we talk about Chris Brown, but the reason people have a hard time forgetting what he did was because we saw photos of Rhianna with the shit beat out of her. I know her privacy was breeched in the worst way by the release of those photos, but in a way I wish every victim of DV would show the world their sustained injuries. Let's shame these assholes and let them know they can escape the consequences

  34. I dont see how any of these abusers are getting a so-called free pass. It isnt okay for anyone to hit. But people have their own opinions; some forgive, some think its just a blip. I hv no use for any abuser. And to compare abusers- what, are we competing to see who's worse? No thank you.

  35. Hi Miranda. Loudmouth that I am I will introduce myself as someone who was in Nashville and worked in media when you were on Nashville Star.
    No one liked you.
    Then you went on to cheat with Blake Shelton while he was married.

    "To be celebrated after doing something like that. I don’t think it's right, I never will, and I will stand by what I said till the day that I die."

  36. ...and I disagree Lola.

    Just because you can't see the bruises, it doesn't mean they aren't there. Someone cheats on you, tell me you aren't bruised.

  37. Jeez for a while there it felt like I was the only one who hated him. Hopefully others will follow her and stop permitting such a loser to be so successful.

  38. I don't like Chris Brown, and I do feel he's gotten a pass. Good for Miranda that she will say it out loud. However, she should be consistent and stand against everyone who does the same thing he did.

  39. And next year, I will give an interview saying how much I hate Miranda Lambert for being a cheating husband-stealer.

    Just saying - she who lives in glass houses.

  40. Go Girl! Fist Brown is and will always be trash.

  41. Being a cheating husband stealer isn't nice, but it also isn't the same as physically beating someone to the point of severe physical injury. Chris Brown should have gone to jail for assault with intent.

  42. What Chris Brown did was terrible, no doubt about it. But how many other celebs do these things and worse and no one hears about it? Of course his career isn't going to suffer long term because he makes music people like and it sells. He is young and still profitable. And I'd bet most of the people who are his fans are young and have already blown this off. Guy needs some help but if you have people worshiping you and girls falling for you all the time its hardly motivation to get help.

  43. I just liked the fact that she answered the question. Most celebs when asked about something controversial they said will try and distance themselves from it or say it was taken out of context. Atleast she owned it and stood by it.

  44. She'd find a home here on CDAN. Lord know most of you take pride in crucifying the guy every chance you get as if you're saints yourselves.

  45. I think the reason Chris Brown is not 'forgiven' by the general public is that he is constantly in our face. Him, or Rhianna, or both, or whatever. If he/they were to go away from the spotlight, the whole rose colored glasses effect would happen and we'd remember him fondly. The opposite is happening here, however. Rhianna's drug/drinking escapades, trysts with Chris, twitter/instagram pics, her cray cray doesn't stop. It's a constant reminder. Chris isn't any better: him crying about loving two women, then hooking up with a third while they're not around, half naked pics of him w/ Rhianna AFTER the restraining order was lifted, shit I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
    Neither has faded quietly into the sunset. They are both still fresh in the media so we CAN'T forget what happened.

  46. LOL@the Team Breezy dorks who never post on other stories here.

  47. She's married to a dude who cheated on and then left his wife, who had worked to support his ass while he was chasing his country-fried dream. As soon as he got some traction, he starts fucking this Cornbread Girl right here and the rest is history. People in glass houses and all that jazz...

  48. Gunpowder and leeeeaaad! Love that song!

  49. Hate sells, and obviously it sells well. He is in the court system, and I really don't care about her opinion concerning his punishment. We have a working court system, and until he FAILS that... He shouldn't shy away from his business of entertainment As much as she is a poster girl for non-forgiveness, he is a poster boy of finding life after such a cruel downfall. It seems so often, to today's youth, one huge public failure ends your life. Mr. Brown is proof, you can live on and thrive. She's constantly calling for his failure, and all he's attempting to do is survive.

  50. "it is possible to die of a broken heart. Look it up."

    Twilight books don't count.

  51. I have to say that I am floored by how many people think cheating with a married man and beating the shit out of someone is even in the stratosphere of the same thing. Jesus Christ, seriously.

    @dontrainonmyprada, seriously? You are speaking of so-called broken heart syndrome, medically known as stress cardiomyopathy. It has nothing to do with your heart being "broken" and has everything to do with how your body, specifically your heart deals with the flood of adrenaline that comes with a stress response. If people died from a broken heart because people cheated on them, we would equate cheating with felony attempted murder.

  52. There's also the fact that Tanya Tucker dated Glen when she was 14 or 15 and he was at least 30. EW! I know she was wild, but that's gross. Miranda's parents ran some sort of shelter for abused women, I think. Chris Brown is a bully, plain and simple. Don't hit women. Polanski, Gibson, and Mike Tyson are all on my list as well and unlike some in Hollywood, I have a memory longer than the lifespan of a mayfly.

  53. Brown beat the shit out of someone, Miranda slept with someone who was married. Why are people saying she has no room to speak because of this? There is no comparison in terms of how fucked up these actions are. Brown bashed someone's head against a car window, and left their face black and blue.

  54. Chris Brown doesn't get a pass from me. But neither does any of the other famous dudes that beat or attack women. Lambert seems to be cherry-picking if she's not calling out others.

    The fact Rihanna forgave Brown doesn't carry much weight with me. Women forgive their abusers all the time. I got pulled into an abuse case once: A woman (barely, she was 18) had been beaten for two days and escaped from her boyfriend. She jumped out of his car, started beating on the doors of all the houses looking for help, and I opened the door. Police came, took photos, took statements, took her to the ER.

    The beating was bad. Hit her in the face with a gun, huge bruises. It was when he tried to throw her in the trunk, she realized he was going to kill her, and she got away.

    I got called in as a witness. Neither showed up, he was out on bail and she took him back. (!!!) But when they rescheduled the court date, he was there (already in jail for something else) and her brother was there. She finally did leave the guy. The abuser got four months in prison for it, not counting for whatever-else!

  55. Although, if an abuser takes ownership of what he's (or she) done, gets help, and maybe* starts helping others less fortunate somehow, then they get a pass. Not for the fact they did in the first place, but for the present and future.

    * Maybe = Some people may not be able to volunteer, they may have two jobs, or work and go to school full time, have babysitting issues or may be otherwise broke or unable.

  56. 'Gunpowder and Lead' is a ML song about a woman who kills her abuser. Gives me chills.

    Miranda released that song in May 2007; the Chris Brown assault of Rihanna (the one that we know of) took place in February 2009. The song makes her feelings about DV pretty clear, it seems to me.

    I also fail to see a moral equivalence between being involved with a married person and a vicious beating.

  57. LOVE her, and Chris ISN'T sorry, so why should anyone forgive him? And, re Roman Polaski ... I hope that child raping piece of sh*t, however talented, gets his in prison.

  58. @Lola - I was coming here to say the same! Beating someone up = marital infidelity?

    So, Miranda hooking up with Blake while he was married means she isn't allowed to have an opinion about a guy beating the crap out of someone? Ok, got it.

    It's not just about what Chris did to Rihanna. It's how he has acted AFTER the fact that made him on my permanent shit list.

  59. Also, I don't really listen to country music, but I would like to go out drinking with Miranda and Blake.
