Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mindy McCready Being Investigated By Police About Boyfriend's Death

Apparently the boyfriend of Mindy McCready was having an affair with another woman. Apparently he told Mindy that he was having an affair and was going to leave Mindy for the other woman. That same day he ended up dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Now police are investigating more thoroughly about any role Mindy played in the death of the boyfriend. Sounds pretty interesting to me. Like Kurt Cobain interesting.


  1. My comment is off-topic, but I noticed that the photo has a copyright in the bottom left and apparently belongs to facebook - does that mean that it legally does belong to them and they sold/released it to the media?

    1. Once uploaded on Facebook, its their property.. Even if you delete account... Crazy right?

  2. Do you think she shot him? Are you calling Courtney Love a murderer?! Tell me tell me tell me!!

    1. Courtney love is a murderer.

  3. Co-sign @Christopher Cruz - what's the interesting part of Kurt Cobain? Do people think his death wasn't suicide?

  4. Lots of online gossip say Courtney made it look like Kurt killed himself and she really did it....allegedly!!!

    1. Meh. They were both in rehab at the time. Kurt escaped once again.. And made it to the house and gun first.

  5. @Unknown - There are theories that Courtney killed him herself, or had him killed, because of the type of gun he used they believe that there's no way he was able to do it himself. I'm sure the theories are compelling, but Kurt was a very tortured guy. Where there's a will, there's a way.

  6. So he got tired of the cray cray, and she pulled a Norma Desmond.
    Although apparently she planned it a little better by trying to make it look self inflicted.

  7. And my comment is re Mindy McCready not Courtney & Kurt

  8. Mindy McCready....when I read this story yesterday I, this chick's life can't get any more crazy. Then it does. Those poor kids.

    Re: Courtney and Kurt - a lot of people believe she killed him....there's even a whole website about it. Not sure what it is but I know jax is all over that one and could tell you. Personally I believe he killed himself.

  9. The story came from National Enquirer 2 days ago. Roger Clemens did it. Just kidding.

  10. @ Cathy;
    Part of Facebook's terms and conditions is that they have a license to use your content in any way it sees fit:

    An interesting article in the Telegraph about it on here:

    Just one of the reasons why I closed my account - not that my photos were particularly interesting....

    1. Rox, thanks for that link.I did not know that they still own photos even after you close acccount. Aren't they the clever ones..

  11. Women be crazy!

    If you haven't seen the documentary, Kurt & Courtney, you should check it out. Courtney Love's father is interviewed, and he also believes that Cobain may have been killed by Courtney.

  12. The documentary Kurt & Coutney explores the theories that she arranged his death. If I recall correctly, her dad or stepdad fueled the rumors quite a bit.

  13. I believe Kurt did kill himself and I'm sure Courtney didn't try to dissuade him either. Kurt was a very depressed man with health problems. like Amber said, where there's a will, there's a way.

  14. Kurt killed himself, end of story. Depression, issues related to heroin withdrawal, ultimately not ready to be a mega rock star and so on.

    As much as I can't stand Courtney Love, the theories that she killed Kurt, or somehow had the means to orchestrate his murder is total nonsense.

  15. After I watched that documentary it definitely put doubts in my mind about what could have happened!

  16. My ex boyfriends sister was on the Kurt and Courtney documentary. She was that crazy bitch hiding in the closet when the filmmakers showed up and asked her for the pics she claimed she had of K & C .. Anyone know who I am talking about? Shes still nuts btw .. Sooo OT !

  17. She should be writing songs, not Taylor Swift!

    Wasn't Courtney's dad hardcore with the Deadhead crowd and a big drug guy? I'd probably take anything he said with a grain of salt.

  18. They better keep an eye on Mindy, small town cops have a lot on their hands.

    SN: Kurt died on my birthday. Not when they found him but when he actually died. I remember my sister being glued to the tv when all of this was happening way back when.

  19. Courtney's dad is a complete piece of work. Her parents gave her acid when she was like 2 or 4. Her dad will sell anything to the press.

  20. Who exactly is this lady? I always see her and have heard tons of shite about her but I have no idea who the hell she is and how she got famous. I guess I could Google her, but that would take effort :p

    Courtney doesn't seem smart enough to fool the cops with a suicide cover up. Or rich enough.

  21. Here's the link to the Enquirer story and this is the highlight of it:

    "It was Mindy McCready’s spokesperson – not anyone involved in the investigation – who made the determination that Mr. Wilson’s death was due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound. A source told The ENQUIRER exclusively that investigators indicated that the bullet that killed David was not found until the following day and suggested someone could have held onto it before turning it over to police".

  22. Just because someone is mentally ill and/or depressed does not mean that they cannot be murdered. There are too many inconsistencies surrounding his death. Courtney Love had a lot to gain from him being gone. Kurt Cobain's death will always be a mystery.

  23. i've heard rumors she (courtney) killed him (kurt), and that he wanted her to too..

  24. The minute I read the headline I knew she must have had something to do with it. She's a crazy druggy that has done crazy things, I wouldn't put it passed her.

  25. Kurt killed himself.

  26. Quite frankly I think it were Chloe Grace Moretz what murdered Kurt.

    1. Oh Ingrid, you little devil :)

    2. Ingrid, you're en fuego today, dear.

  27. I think Kurt killed himself. I don't think Courtney, especially at that time, was stable or coherent enough to plan anything like that.

    Regarding Mindy, I tend to think the same thing. Time will tell.

  28. Here we go with the shit stirring from something that happened before lots of these readers were even born. There was only controversy when it came to Courtney and Curt because of the people that hated Courtney. Like Yoko. They were both drug addicts and Curt was depressed and on heroin and tons of other drugs. He killed himself. End of story. As for Mindy, police always investigate to make sure. Could be a different story.

  29. Agent**It:
    You're welcome, no worries.
    Clever is one word for it, but I was thinking of something much ruder : )

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. OT, but inspired by all the Cobain posts:

    I like to think that Kurt Cobain isn't really dead, but driving around middle America. In a big rig. With Elvis. And an Orangutan

    1. @VIP you can't forget that Tupac is along for the ride as well

  32. Thank you Flo and Comma Chaser. As crazy as Courtney can be I don't believe she as even in the same town when Kurt committed suicide. Not sure but so many comspiricy theorist out there on this one. It's crazy.

    Honestly it seems more plausible that Mindy may have committed the crime than Courtney. Probably NOT but more possible.

  33. ....the calm before the Chloe storm

  34. "....the calm before the Chloe storm" LOL.

    I called it the impending "lecture" on yesterday's post. I see it took 12 hours to close that one, awesome. Ingrid inspires me:)

  35. Kurt killed himself, end of story. Courtney is not that evil. They were both major addicts, mix that with debilitating depression, and we know the end result. Her dad sounds like a fame whoring asshole.

  36. Agent that was an interesting thread. Cocktails may or may not have had something to do with my comments...

    1. JSierra, I laughed my butt off this AM. Hilarious read:)

  37. Chloe shot JFK, not Cobain BTW.

  38. No idea on the Mindy story, although it certainly doesn't look good...

    As for Kurt, Courtney was in LA when he died; I don't trust Hank Harrison to tell the truth about anything; the coroner didn't get clean prints off the gun because he had to literally pry Kurt's fingers off it; and besides, anyone at all familiar w/Courtney's legendary skills with verbal diarrhea* would know that if she actually did have Kurt killed, she would have shot her mouth off about it a loooooooong time ago. Trust me on this one, OK?

    *She's smarter than she gets credit for, though; I wish I had a copy of things she was saying about the music industry back in the mid-to-late '90s, because so much of it turned out to be totally on the mark.

  39. I bet when OJ gets out of prison he'll discover that Chloe Moretz was the real killer.

  40. Chloe knows where Hoffa is.

  41. I'm telling you, Chloe is a stealth bitch. Wanna know who planned the execution of the Romanovs? Chloe Grace Moretz, that's who. The fork she uses to smoke with isn't just to avoid nicotine stains, if you get my drift.

  42. I had to google her to find out who she was, and find it hilarious that the pic that comes up is a mugshot.

  43. I loved that Bloomfield documentary about Courtney as a Kurt-Killer (Kurt Killer, Motherf***in' Kurt-Killer) -- I particularly recall how insane everyone except Courtney seemed! The nanny? Oh my god. Courtney's father? Lock the doors. I can totally believe that she is insane and that maybe she was plotting to kill Curt, but gosh darn if she didn't come across as the most sane and balanced person in her universe. Alicia, was the ex's sister the nanny? Or one of the many other whackjobs in the film?

  44. You guys are cracking me up with the Cobain comments- but I still believe that Courtney Love - although drug addicted herself- and not in town herself- could have arranged his death. You don't have to be present at the scene or sane to commit murder. As for the gun having to pried from his hand's, that is pretty much the basis for the conspiracy- he was killed by a shotgun blast to the head and he was left handed. He wasn't an especially large person, so his arms weren't long enough to be able to hold a shotgun to his head. As for the prying it out of his hands, if he shot himself, the recoil should have knocked the gun at least a small distance away from, if not out of, his hands. Anyway, guy is dead, she's rich, end of story.

  45. Puggle Wuggle..Made me guffaw on that one. Hmmmm...hope we don't have a redo of yesterdays thread although after all was said some people may never want to return and comment.

  46. Okay, now you guys are making me want to go back and read the thread...

  47. Mindy is one tortured soul. Abused as child, abused by husband with resulting brain damage, and now this yikes.

  48. Holy criminy. All of the dramz.

  49. I have gone from believeing that Kurt committed suicide, to believing Courtney having him killed, to believing that he kileed himself and Courtney planted stories and seemingly weird circumstances, just to put it in people's heads that she may be crazy and tragic enough to do that. Having those suspicions floating around out there gives a whole new dimension to her career, her lyrics, her photoshoots, etc, a kind of attention simply being a widown couldn't bring. I think she is extremely intelligent, albeit royally fucked up, enough to come up with that kind of drama.

  50. Maja, I can see that. She has a dramatic sense of how she is coming across, and much of her image is carefully crafted. The photo with the homeless guy kissing her boob, for instance.

  51. I wouldn't be surprised if Mindy Mc. had something to do with her husband's death.

    I've always wondered if Courtney, either intentionally or accidentally, had something to do with Kurt's death. It's unusual that a mother cannot manage to raise a child, especially one who is in the public eye. I've wondered if Frances reminds her too much of Kurt.

  52. @Maja
    I just got home and catching up on "The News" (read:CDAN) but I have to tell you how cute you look in your new avi photo. SuperSass!

    God, that MIndy is a disaster. Whether or not she was involved in her boyfriend's death, I feel terrible for her baby :(

  53. Anonymous1:45 PM

    wait wait waiittttt

    word on the street is courtney killed kurt ON DA LOW?!!!!


  54. My sister used to be really into country music, so I remember Mindy from way back in the 1990s. She had this song called "Guys do it all the time" about sexism, and in the music video she was doing all these stereotypical "guy" things like shaving and boxing. Real cheesy stuff. She seemed very silly and harmless though. I'm surprised at what a train wreck she's turned into.

    As for Kurt Cobain, they did an interesting segment about him on "Unsolved Mysteries" years ago (when Robert Stack was still hosting). They interviewed a cop who was absolutely positive Kurt was murdered. His evidence wasn't very compelling though. His main argument was that there weren't any clear fingerprints on the gun that killed Cobain, but some other police officers they interviewed said that the blast would have been so huge it would have caused the fingerprints to get smudged (b/c Kurt's fingers would have been pushed backwards). I personally think Kurt did it to himself.

  55. I am seriously cringe-ing at the typos in my post. "believeing"? I don't even know who I am anymore.

    And thank you Sunny :D

  56. Chloe Moretz is a stealth bitch......DYING. Hahaha @puggle

  57. Courtney didn't kill Kurt.

    Is she a drug abuser, with probable mental issues, and not a very nice person? Is she a hella visceral woman who brings out strong emotions in everyone she encounters? I'd say yes.

    But no - she didn't kill him.

    Kurt was discussing suicide and fascinated by it froma young age.

    No one close to the situation, his mother, bandmates, true friends - have ever accused Courtney or saw it as anything other than a suicide.

    And they don't like Courtney.

  58. Come on .. someone post it. It wasn't "Et tu, Brute" .. it was "Et tu, Chloe."

    As to the post, I think as mentally unstable as Mindy has been in the past, I find it well within her wheelhouse to shoot the man she just had a child with [and probably believed she had found that elusive stability she seeks] when he announced he was cheating and leaving. I think this will not end well for her.

    1. Wil, I believe you are correct.

  59. You guys are killing me with the Chloe stuff! Lol!!

  60. I don't believe Courtney was ever stable enough to arrange a murder and cover her tracks. I believe she was very angry at him for committing suicide and leaving her alone to raise Frances Bean. As for Mindy, oh yeah. I believe that one.

  61. I read a book written by Courtney's mother about her childhood. It was a very sad but interesting read. She was difficult and struggled with mental issues from the very beginning. Her mother didn't seem to handle her too well either. If I recall correctly, she even sent her away at one point when Courtney became too much to handle. Like literally put her on a plane by herself kind of sent away... The book is called Her Mother's Daughter.

  62. If Courtney killed Kurt, she'd have told it to someone by now, for the damn attention. As for Mindy, I wouldn't put anything past her.

  63. I was never a huge Kurt fan back in the day, but got into the conspiracies a few years ago. Sometimes people just have troubles accepting the death of a famous "loved one" and the consproacy gives them a messed up closure. I get that. And still... I still think CLove was involved.

  64. I took forensics in college and iirc when a bullet is self inflicted to the head there are certain physiological responses that wouldn't occur if say, a killer wrapped the hand of the victim around the trigger and pulled. These responses could be observed and help determine homicde or suicide. That being said, because of krissies comments I'm not sure this would apply in the cobain case, but maybe it would with mcready's

  65. Shut up! I have always thought that C. Love was intricately involved in his death and almost all of my friends thought that I was banana's. I vividly remember the moment that we found out that he was dead. His death was my version of peoples reactions to JFK's death. I think we might dealing with potentially three murder cover ups recently...escandalo!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I think that people who believe that Courtney Love caused Kurt's death must never have lost anyone they love to suicide. He was a tortured soul... some people just can't go on. And the rest of us are left behind, bewildered and bereft. So we blame his crazy wife. Sigh.

  68. saucyjane - i agree.

  69. One thing about Cobain's use of heroin was it was actually therapeutic. He had a IBS, which is sort of like eating a steady diet of hand grenades and barbed wire. Heroin is smack-dab in the middle of substances that ease or alleviate the daily stabbing pain.

    It's bad enough to be a "healthy" heroin addict, knowing once you get through withdrawal and such, you can live without it. But with IBS, if you quit heroin (or switch to a less deadly, but still powerful narcotic) you go right back to horrible sickness. It's a terrible choice: Be on heroin, or be violently ill.

    (Yeah, I know there's all manner of treatment, but back then, it was darn near impossible to have anybody take it seriously. Hell, it's STILL not easy to get treatment for it!)

  70. Well if you watch her sex tape she tells her boyfriend she is going to kill him. She says it 3 times and seems very possessive. Telling him there better not be any other woman but her, and she grills him about always being faithful and never cheating. Ya, she has issues.
