Saturday, January 19, 2013

Mark Salling Is Being Sued For Sexual Battery

Unless you watch Glee, you probably have no idea that Mark Salling plays Puck on the show. Well, Mark is now being sued by a woman who claims that Mark forced her to have sex without a condom. Roxanne Gorzela said the pair dated for several times and the last time they had sex she said she was willing to, but told him he needed to wear a condom. He forced himself on her without a condom and then had sex with her. Later, she went to his house to confront him about it and fears that he might have given her an STD. When she arrived she found him in bed with another woman and when she demanded he take an STD test he grabbed her and then pushed her to the ground. Roxanne says she then went to the police and filed a police report.


  1. If this is true, why go to his house to confront his ass? File your police report, go get tested and stay away from the man. Going to confront your attacker can only get you hurt/killed.

  2. Not surprised one bit. He looks liks an asshole.

  3. I hope he is arrested and found guilty. He obviously has a history of this kind of stuff.

  4. Whathisname who runs the show should put his money where his mouth is and drop him from Glee.
    His character's mostly gone anyway.

  5. Oh yeah, a gentleman for sure.

  6. What an asshole.

  7. What an ass.

    Glee was a good show the first season, but at this point, I'm surprised it's still on the air. This is just another nail in the Glee coffin.

  8. I always say there is nothing more dangerous than a good looking socipath. It's like a passport to evil with their face and body letting them get away with lies and abuses for years and sometimes even murder.

    Scott Peterson, Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias, Ted Bundy and many others, all good looking all sociopaths.

    All it takes is for Mark to snap and a push on the ground can turn much worse.

  9. So let me get this straight. This all happened 22 months ago. March 2011. She filing suit now, as the legal time to file is about to expire. The police, if they were contacted(as we haven't seen the police report), decided there was no case. So she waited 22 months to file a civil suit.

  10. Sean - because women who have been raped, or sexually assaulted are ALWAYS taken seriously by the police, right?

  11. I believe it...he is a creep and a half, he broke what's her face's heart...the Hispanic cheerleader

  12. He said she said is always hard to prosecute which is why so many preadators get away with their crimes.

    Not everything is a money grab and sometimes civil suits are your only option. She might of been waiting for the police to do something and kept waiting for some justice that clearly wasn't coming

    I think the good thing to come out of this is some young girls won't be subjected to abuses if they are aware of what he is.

  13. Anonymous10:30 AM

    A different Sean - she filled the report after he pushed her to the ground and not for the sexual act.

    As for the sexual act, if he forced her it's rape, even if she consented at first, once she said no and he continues, then it becomes rape.

    I dod agree with the first commenter, nolachickee, she should have gone straight to a doctor, hospital or clinic for testing and treatment. They have drugs for possible pregnancy or HIV prevention but the window for they usefulness is small. She also lost all evidence and it now becomes a he said/she said.

  14. My point isn't if the acts happened or not. My point is why it took her 2 yrs to file the lawsuit. If I had been assaulted and the police did nothing, it wouldn't take 2 yrs to file a lawsuit. I would have been at my lawyers that day. The timing is the questionable part.

  15. He ought to get sued for that stupid hair cut.

  16. actually she may have strengthened her case by confronting him in front of the new woman she is a potential witness if he said anything incriminating, if nothing else it shows what a sleaze he is

  17. I wouldn't doubt that this is true, but we don't know a 100 % if it is though.

  18. Interesting. I thought he was gay.

  19. it is also standard to wait unti the criminal proceedings have run their course if there is a criminal conviction you are already proved the case at the level of beyond reasonable doubt vs on a balance of probabilities which is the civil standard

    if there he get acquitted etc then you have to think very carefully if you have a strong enough case

    her lawyer may have been trying to get a settlement without going to court, maybe there was some back and forth going, maybe his lawyer trying to buy time etc

    or maybe her lawyer was trying to make sure they had a strong enough case before filing, and also getting police co-operation is not always easy

    sometimes you have file a motion vs the police to get information

    you can't really judge the timing of filing as an indicator as to the veracity of the original claim

    maybe they were waiting for her to pass 2 AIDS test in one year....

  20. how do we know she didn't go to get tested the very next day with some STDS it takes a few days or a few months or even a year to show up

  21. Read his bio........raised in a strict Christian home.......he couldn't have done it. hahaha!

  22. Now this is a classy situation from start to finish. Ugh

  23. This incident happened two years ago, not last week. Does she have an STD? What happened to the original police report?

    I get that it takes courage to report these things, but waiting two years? Sorry this isn't some childhood sexual abuse.

  24. And enty, you should mention that the incident happened in March 2011. To omit that is suspect.

  25. There was another blind or reveal about this guy. I can't remember the details but there was something about this guy being a douche of the first water.

  26. she did report it to the police right away what are you talking about and clearly you did not read my post and don't understand how lawyers and the legal system work, it is not always your call you rely on advice from your lawyers

    more women should take men like this to task for this, if a condition of your consent is you wear a condom and you don't that mean no consent and it means rape, HPV causes cancer in men and women, there are now strains of VD that are resistant to antibiotics - you don't want to die a slow death from VD, just wait until a new STD that kills comes along

    in Canada there was an African man with AIDS and he infected at least 12 women with it, and he was the first AIDS patient charged with knowingly transmitting a STD and also murder because some of the women died, he had been under a Health Unit order to refrain from having sex - this was early days of the disease.

    Some of the women testified that they insisted he used a condom as a condition of having sex and this jerk put on the condom then took it off just before penetration and before the women realized what he was doing

    that image has stick in my mind forever

    he knew he was dying so he didn't give a f**k and he did die before he could be convicted

  27. I saw this on another site. It said she asked him to wear a condom, but he slipped it in without one. She asked again, he pulled out then put it in again without one. It never said he forced himself on her! She could have got up and left. The timing is also suspect. I'm not saying she is lying, but there are plenty of women who do out of spite or whatever else and that makes it so much harder for the real victims.

  28. @timebob...I really do wish women would use their brains a little more when it comes to men. This isn't going to stop the idiots from flocking to his trailer hoping that they may be the one that he falls in love with and they run off into the sunset together so in love that he forgets everything and everyone else in his life.
    When it comes to star power, it over takes any sensibility and that is why it is easier to point the blame at someone like the accuser rather than the douche bag in question.

  29. Another man who hates women! Pig! She should have reported the rape. With celebrity, who knows how many women has has victimized as he now has access to much more than the average Joe. Digusting.

  30. So because he broke Naya Rivera's heart (and is a douche) ...that makes him a rapist?

    I know how the justice system works and I too am suspect that she waited until the statute almost ran to file. Add that to the fact that she didn't file a police report until AFTER she found him in bed with another woman.... And no one else thinks that's suspect?

  31. 2 years ago,they had sex together without condom and she waited until now to go in the police so now it's he says against she says because there is no physical clue

  32. How did she find him in bed with another woman Did she have the key to his house?

  33. @Vicki Lon:
    yes,there is some holes in the story:
    is it a rape? she looks more worried about his cheating than the sex assault

    1/on the police report,he's only accused of battery (not sexual battery): he shoved the victim to the ground after she wanted to talk with him according to the victim
    police report

    2/TMZ has pics of her bruises but the bruises are all around her 2 knees (weird bruises )
    pics of her bruises

    3/ is it a rape? she looks more worried about his cheating than the sex assault

    4/maybe he's a douche with women but the story is weird

    there are some holes in the story

  34. It's terrifying how much victim-blaming is happening in here.

  35. Lola, she filed a police report after being shoved to the ground.

    1. @Puggle...which supposedly happened after she found him in bed with another woman.

  36. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Let me give you a scenario. I was 21, in college- and a frat guy tried to rape me. To the point he was yanking my pants down (while I was trying to keep them up), all the while I was saying no and screaming and kicked him off of me with both feet, and ran back to my apartment in tears. Called the cops, reported it, but here's the kicker...

    He had RECORDED earlier in the evening when I WAS topless making out with him. Used it as evidence AGAINST my claim- and the D.A. dismissed it.

    Yes, I was a willing make out but noextant sex which he forcefully tried. So after a District Attorney says I have no case, at 21, I let it go and moved on. What did I know then?! That is behind the scene details how things can not make sense, or not fully line up if you don't have
    the whole story. So just use that example how the system has faults, and those without power don't exert it- or perhaps do way later.

    Worst part, he (the guy who tried to rape me) always said his plans were he was going to run for the mayor of
    Sam Antonio. I never even googled it to see if it ever happened. It's in the past so I'm keeping it there.

    1. Anonymous9:39 PM

      Ugh.. Sorry for my constant typos and autocorrect changes. Hopefully the gist gets through when I post. I can't go back when posting on my phone to spellcheck, fix, etc. I would if I could. And btw the DA was in Lubbock County. Fucker!

    2. thank you for sharing your story @10-4 over.

      and yes, the victim blaming in this thread is terrifying.

      i think a lot of people would be shocked at how common sexual assault is and denying it doesn't help anyone.

      because i think that creating a dialogue about sexual assault is necessary,and because i feel safer within the anonymity of the internet, i will share a story of my own. at 19, i was assaulted by my roommate, someone who i loved and cared about dearly but in an absolutely non-sexual or romantic way.he was my best friend, but certainly nothing else. i was black out drunk and alone when he found me and i know it is not something he interpreted as assault even though i had rejected his advances many times in the past. i attempted suicide twice in the year that followed and had to drop out of school, but was unable to comprehend what had happened as a sexual assault until much later. my friendship with my former roommate fell apart soon after the incident, but he would still have no problem telling me about how awesome it was to stay sober at the clubs so that he had better game with drunk girls whenever we were in communication. by never confronting him, i fear i've allowed a similar fate to befall other girls since me. a culture of silence and shame exists where sexual assault and rape are concerned and i refuse to participate in it any longer.

      i have no idea what happened in this particular situation, but how about we let the law try to figure it out before we assume every woman with the courage to fight back is lying and looking for a payday?

    3. Ack, and now i understand your frustrations over editing! I got scared and regretted posting this immediately, but apparently i can't edit from my phone? Blerg.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. They both sound like somewhat troubled people to me.

  39. Do a Google image search for "mark salling" and behold the narcissism and smugness. It's weird, he carries the same pursed lips look into every photo. Whatever he is, he is that every minute of every day, apparently.

  40. Eh, Rob Lowe has always had the same pursed lips in photos. Do a Google search for him and it will immediately jump out at you. I think it's a personal quirk, like arching one eyebrow is for other people.

    What I've always thought is weird is his Mohawk haircut. I can sort of tell he thinks it's retro cool. I don't.

  41. Sounds like the movie Knocked Up to me!

  42. 10-4 and Amy, you two are amazing women! Thank you for sharing your stories. I agree, the victim blaming is sad here.

  43. The term 'victim blaming/shaming' is becoming so overused and abused it's losing it's potency, and is especially irksome when thrown into the middle of an otherwise thoughtful discussion to end any discussion that isn't strictly about turning the occasion into a presumed victim rally.

  44. Ahhh 10-4 I have had my own shitty experiences with them!! Thank god I left that barren place yesterday and will never look back.

    Well, you probably won't see this anyways.
