Monday, January 21, 2013

Man Convinces High School Crush To Have Sex With Him If He Gets 1M Likes On Facebook

Apparently there are still one million people using Facebook and they are all willing to help out a random guy from Norway in his quest to have sex with his crush from high school. Peter Kvereng says he convinced his crush to have sex with him if he received 1M likes on Facebook. He posted the plea and photo above and got his 1M likes within a few hours. He says that the crush plans to follow through on her promise and they will be having sex soon. Would you make the same bet?


  1. I don't know which one of them is more sad.

  2. If a guy proposed this scenario to me I'd dry up so fast it'd create a vacuum.

    1. LMAO!!! @Amber, that's my favorite comment of the day. Wait, no--the year! ;-)

    2. Also, loving you as John Oates!

  3. Amber-that is the phrase that pays!

  4. probably a joke between them

    1. FrenchGirl, I hope so.

    2. Yeah, an article I read about it the other day said it was an inside joke for their group of friends.

  5. It depends on the person who was crushing me. This guy seems harmless enough. It's a funny story.

  6. Ah, Norwegians. This is why we can't have anything nice!

  7. No, I wouldn't make a bet like that or hold someone to a bet like that.

    If they were even raising money for a cause it might make some sort of wacky sense in a kind of misplaced-good-intentions kind of way. I'm sure their families are less than thrilled.

  8. Yeah, I would never EVER make a bet that I wasn't prepared to pay up if I lost.

  9. Ew, just tacky & gross! Although, I assume she would have had sex with him anyway, since that was the deal if he got the "likes", she wouldn't even agree to the bet if there was no way she would have sex with him.

  10. Lol at the last line, "Please share & like" with a big arrow pointing right at her.

  11. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Sounds like she just REALLY didn't want to have sex with him and thought of the most impossible thing to give him so he'd never be able to.

  12. That's disgusting. He couldn't just say "date"?

  13. I really hate those 1 million like things. Effen losers. Twice this weekend some lamo husband/dad had a sign asking for 1M likes to get a bunny to go along with the other pets. Grow a set.

  14. The 1M 'Likes' things, and the 'LIKE IF YOU HATE CANCER B-CUZ IF U DONT IT MEANS U THINK CANCER IS TEH EBST' things have gotta go. If I hid everyone on my timeline who did that crap I'd have a timeline that updates like twice a day.

    1. @amber so would i! i am so sick of those taking up space in my newsfeed. i wish i could mute them like i can mute people i follow twitter on the echofon app.

  15. Seriously? You're going to let the vast idiocracy on Facebook decide something like this?

  16. Anonymous8:50 AM

    She should have said he had to get a hair cut and take a shower. I agree the 1M Like things are lame.

  17. I think this is a joke, mocking the other ones.... at least I hope it is... My cousin's husband put one up mocking them... his said "if I get 1 million likes my wife said I can get herpes" I chuckled... I also saw one that said something about wife letting guy grow his mullet out to joe dirt level if he got 1million likes, that made me laugh too..

  18. STOP the new reload every time I go back to the page Enty. Sucking up my monthly bandwidth for nothing. Please and thank you.

  19. Enty, you should know that what you wrote is wrong, unless you do not bother to do some research. "They will be having sex soon"? That guy (BTW, his name is Petter not Peter) never said such a thing.

    It was meant to be a joke.

    1. @martador...yeah . Enty is not the NYT... I'm thinking "no" on the research.

  20. As a high schooler and even now as an adult I would be mortified at the idea of this becoming public, with my parents finding out I agreed to have sex with someone for followers. Ugh. Do kids have no shame anymore? They'll do anything. We've made being famous to easy.

  21. Is there a way we could make other life decisions for these people?

  22. This isn't new, as others have pointed out. I saw something a few years back that went viral. A guy built a web page, and he needed to get 1m hits for his girlfriend to agree to a three-way with another girl.

    He'd not had the website long, and it was already into 7 figures. Turns out he was looking for a job in advertising, and was trying to prove he could "sell".

  23. Amber and Barton: Both your posts are excellent.

    And if this WERE real and I were involved I would have to have at least a little crush to even consider doing the nasty.

    Hey didn't some girl auction off her virginity also? God, what's this world coming to?

  24. I would totally make this bet, but only with my supa sexy guy friends.

    Lighten up y'all, it's not like the kid said get me 1mil likes and I will kill this chick or infect her with a STD.

    Enty's research has gotten pretty shotty lately I have come to realize. It seems like in every story, not even blinds, there is wrong info or Ent left out crucial parts to the story. It's all about the game I 'spose.

  25. OK, the kids asking for a puppy if they got 1M likes was cute, but now they're getting dumb. So many of them just scream attention whore. What's next? "If I don't get 1M likes I'll kill myself. Plz share."

    And I HATE those "like if you hate cancer" or "like if you hate animal abuse" posts because they are so manipulative and stupid. You know what? I love tumors and kicking puppies, so I won't like your spam post.

  26. Ha Ha! I saw this on facebook & liked it for him (before it hit 1m). I thought the starburst lines around "sex" was cute. I figured - She's in the picture & willing, why not?

  27. I don't use Facebook but isn't 1 million likes a really low number for something viral on Facebook?

    My boyfriend is Norwegian and very nationalistic. I'll have to ask him what he thinks of this, 'tho it doesn't make Norwegians bad, the kid that did this just happens to be Norwegian. (Norway is so infrequently in the news that my b/f dislikes it when it sometimes IS, it's something silly.)

    Yeah, he can be a stuffed shirt sometimes.

  28. Huh. I wonder if I get one million likes will she have sex with me. I also wonder if they had sex before and just wanted a good facebook prank.

  29. I love me some facebook, but I hate crap like this. That 1 like = 1 prayer or "Like if you love your grandma, ignore if you want her to DIE" shit makes me homicidal. This is tacky as fuck.

  30. Where are their parents?????

  31. When did we become so desensitized? Remember when sex was something you did with someone extremely special, a gift you reserved for just that special someone?

  32. Ah young love...

    I really hate this about Facebook. I've culled my list of 'friends' to below 100 and occasionally shit like this still slips through.

  33. This is a girl who will be offended when someone calls her a whore - but at least whores get paid in cash.

  34. "When did we become so desensitized? Remember when sex was something you did with someone extremely special, a gift you reserved for just that special someone?"

    This is 2012 sweetheart, times have changed from the good ole save yourself until marriage days.

  35. 'Like if you think this five year ols with cancer is cute. Ignore if you want her to die', I haaaaaate that shit! I have one or two friends who always "likes" pictures like that, so I end up getting that shit in my news feed at least once a day.

  36. Her parents must be so proud. I'm sure she won't regret this in the future.

  37. Whatever happened to asking her out on a date? These things are just social experiments
