Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Says She Is Innocent Of Lying To Police

Lindsay Lohan has a big problem. She says she is innocent of lying to the police and that she was really not driving her Porsche despite numerous witnesses stating otherwise. See, in Lindsay's world all those people are out to get her. Lindsay probably has herself convinced that she was not driving. Apparently she will not accept any plea deal because then she would have to admit she is guilty. You know, because her fans don't want her to plead guilty. And if she goes to jail or lock down rehab she will miss The Wanted summer tour and this time she was going to be roomies with all the band. Being out of the public eye for six solid months would probably be good for Lindsay. She could get clean, hopefully for good, but likely not because she has a prescription for all those pills she takes so she will stay f**ked up even in rehab. She should go without all of them and get out and not talk to Dina or Michael ever again and then she would have a chance. She won't though.


  1. Seriously, she needs to be euthanised.

    1. No, that was mean. I should have said "she needs to go live on a farm somewhere".

    2. Christopher! I was totally okay with euthanized. Sending her to a farm could cause people to actually side with PETA for once.

  2. Among all the many substances she is addicted to, she also has a need for constant attention. That is why she can't go away to a lock down rehab for any length of time. There would be absolutely no one there to take her picture and keep her name in the news. Without that she would certainly fade away into obscurity and that would be worse than anything else that could ever happen to her.

  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Do not pass go, do not collect $200

  4. Her downward spiral is so sad I don't even know where to begin. What a waste. What terrible parents and hangers-on ...

  5. She is an attention whore, well asides from being a straight out whore, who lives for drama and needs constant turmoil around her.

  6. So messed up, her parents are leech/enabler mutants and after umpteen stints in rehab, she has no motivation to change. It's always someone elses fault. Club 27 for her I'm afraid.

  7. Sadly Paul S has announced we won't see The Canyon for st least 3-4 months. Oh and it was a good thing Sundance passed on the movie since they weren't ready yet. I think Paul might of drank the Lindsay kool aid of excuses.

  8. She can't go to jail...who will pay Dina's bills ?

  9. Poor Linds. Guilty only of being the universe's most innocent victim.


  10. Audrey got it. She's addicted to the attention. She'd never get over no one persuing her day and night.

  11. At this point, I cannot even imagine Lindsay leading a normal life for herself away from Hollywood. Not even close.

  12. Well it's good to know she is doing all of this for her fans. Lawd only knows what would happen to her fans if she did plead guilty, it would be a riot!

  13. Wow she's like the walking, breathing definition of delusion.

  14. If she actually told the truth for once, THAT would be news. This was to be expected.

  15. Poor, misunderstood Lindsay. Chickie just can't get a break!

    I feel as if we're watching a horrific accident in slow-motion. We know something terrible is going to happen; it's just a matter of time. I just hope no one else is hurt or killed.

  16. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Friends????? Get clean and sober?????? Bwaaaahhahahhahahahahaa! You're on a ROLL this morning Enty!!! You slay me!

  17. @Christopher Cruz - I like the first one better. She needs to put us all out of her misery.

  18. She got 99 problems but the truth ain't one

  19. Anonymous9:55 AM

    And I'm not sorry but, can we please stop blaming her parents???? There are millions upon millions of people that have fucked up parents, that come from horrifying circumstances, and don't blame their parents. She's been a fuck up/drug addict/thief/liar/con artist all on her own since before she was eighteen. Her life is her fault. Her choices are her fault. I can't imagine Dina, who has no other visible means of support other than pimping her daughter, (as evidenced in the NYPost article recently about her Canyons debacle) every telling her little meal ticket to cut the shit and pull her head out of her ass. That's never going to happen. She's not misunderstood. She's understood perfectly. To be a lieing/thieving/drug addict/drunk driving alcoholic/ pathological liar prostitute. Which she's been for a very very long time. She used to be able to pretend that she was something else, like in Mean Girls and Herbie Reloaded, Parent Trap. Weren't those her only films? Two of which were when she was a child. She did ONE GOOD ROLE in her whole life outside of being a child star, in two movies. And that was Mean Girls. You're telling me that a teenage girl had to show a whole bunch of range to play a teenage girl? There was so much depth to the role, how DID she rise to the challenge? Please. She's a lieing stealing sociopathic drug and alcohol addicted streetwalker, nothing more. How many times have we seen " Wild Child Lindsay Lohan opens up about her struggles with child stardom, drugs and alcohol, rehab and turning her life around, this is her big comeback press tour!" ????? 5,6,7 times? By the time she "gets it" and does turn it around she'll be pushing 50 and no one's going to care.

  20. All I want now is a Lindsay Lohan, Tara Reid reality show.

  21. I agree, she became an adult years ago, and it is HER responsibility to stop being the ultimate fuck up that she is.

    I detest this stupid fucktard excuse for a person.

  22. Her and her whole family.....Can we please PLEASE not have any more posts about her or them? They whole lot is addicted to fame and drama. She has never been accountable to anyone and has not had to be accountable for her actions. Why should she start now? She has pissed away any chance of anyone taking her seriously and giving her another chance. Her time has come and gone. Her best opportunity would be to get to rehab for a minimum of 6 months. After that, take some college classes and move on.

  23. Agree with those sick of blaming the parents. They are no prize, that's for sure, but she's been an adult for some time now.

  24. All I want now is a Lindsay Lohan, Tara Reid reality show.

    @ timebob They can lock them in with cameras 24/7 and call it "Skank House"

    I don't think Tara has ever been reported as violent but chances are that Lindsay would punch Tara on the first day of filming.

    1. @Mango

      If you're already doing those two, you have to have Paris Hilton too. Then you're really putting the band back together!

  25. @Mango, that would be comedy gold!

  26. @timebob: Damn, what did poor Tara ever do to you that you'd wish that on her? ;-)

  27. haha @Robin I actually think it is bullshit that Lindsay is getting all these chances that Tara isn't or wasn't given. The girl likes her bottle!

    I actually think Tara did a decent job on the American Reunion movie.

  28. The worst punishment for her? Take away the Blackberry. And iPad and laptop. Cold turkey. Oh, and mirrors. No mirrors in the house, the car, the PA's fanny pack, in the jail cell when she gets busted again...

  29. @Malibu That totally reminded me of the Faerie Tale Theatre version of Snow White where all the mirrors turned to black when the evil queen looked at them. I can now picture that happening to Lindsay and her reacting the exact same way! Bwahahahaha

  30. Lohan has fans? Those poor, poor people.

  31. I hope she brings no harm to innocents.

  32. Alll her drama is the smoke and mirrors to deny her addiction, especially to herself.

  33. Please, despite Tara's many issues, she's never been arrested (has she?) or charged with drunk driving. Standing on the outside, Lindsay is far, far worse. And we don't see Tara's parents making weekly statements to the media.

    (Can't believe I'm actually suggesting Tara is any better, but...).

  34. when she causes an accident, and she or someone else is hurt or killed; just wait and see all the people she or her parents sue. the fur will fly.

  35. She such a pathological liar that's she's seriously starting to believe her own lies. The way she chooses to live is beyond sad.

  36. There are very few people I would say this about, but I wish Lindsay would just die already. It would save taxpayers a fortune going forward.

  37. she needs to just die, I hate her

  38. If you lie about a lie does it revert back to the truth?

  39. Drug addiction is horrific.

  40. She is going to join the 27 club. She hasn't got much time left. Sad. I am sick of hearing about her.

  41. Anonymous7:47 PM

    The 27 club is for musical artists. It's clear on Wikipedia. Every single time there's a post about LL the 27 club is brought up. She will NEVER join it, even if she dies at 27 because it's for musical artists i.e. Janis Joplin, Curt Kobain, Hendrix etc.

    Not being rude, just making a point clear. She ain't gonna be part of that club.

  42. I'm so tired of hearing about this drug addicted, pathological liar, hustler, thief and prostitute. Can't we just ignore this loser?

  43. She's not dying at 27. She is a cockroach who has been exposed to radiation and spray tanning - she now has super powers and will live forever.

    She'll be one of those old hookers that keeps her oxygen tubes in her nose (COPD) while going down. She has talent!

    She'll outlive all those Disney princesses (including Zac Efron).
