Friday, January 11, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Says NY Times Article Is True Except For The Bad Stuff

Apparently Lindsay Lohan has decided that even the NY Times has a vendetta against her. She thinks that article is stunningly accurate except for the parts where she looks bad. Not kind of bad like being shy or late, but the really bad parts like drinking on set or drinking and driving because she says that is irresponsible and she is never irresponsible. Oh, and the having to use her dad to get her to agree to do all the looping and not getting paid for it. All I can say is that the producers would not be saying such nice things about her if they had a decent budget and could afford nice things for her to wear or nice props. They would have all ended up in her pocket like the $600 tab she ran up at lunch on the film's budget and the costing crew members jobs because of her antics. She says that happens all the time in movies. Uh huh.


  1. What a flipping trainwreck. Man, I miss the days when she was young and innocent, starring in those Disney flicks. :(

  2. Ugh. Lilo & Sarah Palin should have lunch together. They could spend the whole time talking about how they are always the victim. ALWAYS.

  3. I need to go back and read that article. I didn't have time yesterday.

  4. I only read a few pages. She is such an asshole.

  5. God, I'm so fucking sick of her.

  6. I hope Enty doesn't go for the trifecta with a Kardashian post next.

  7. And I thought they were kind to her...

  8. One thing I thought that was interesting in the article, was when Lindsey talked about having nobody to give advice about what to do when not working.

    Anyone who's worked on contract knows what that is like. In show business, though, one would get addicted to high drama on the set, getting attention from fans, and doing interviews.

    That's a life skill, and her mother should have been there for her in the down times instead of going drinking with her.

    I'm not denying the *uckery that Lindsey caused during the filming of this movie, but she's grown now, and she seems to at least know where some of her weaknesses are.

    I wonder if Dina has ever acknowledged Lindsey's kleptomania?

  9. Having read the article, Ms. Lohan, all you did was confirm what Paul Schrader would say you'd do to him on Page 1. Huh.

  10. Look at the free publicity generated for this film. All calculated by Paul and cohorts by choosing Lohan and having a writer covering the project from the beginning. I think that is the more interesting aspect of this.

  11. It's funny I was just asking yesterday what kind of crap she must've pulled on this set and I was not disappointed by the NYT article. Anyone who hires her after this has been living under a rock.

  12. @Agent - when life gives you lemons, you make lemon drop martinis and get pissed. I guess.

    Not sure why it's so hard for her to figure out what to do with her downtime. Plenty of celebs do charity work and volunteer and do GOOD things (even if it is just for their image).

  13. It is a thrilling read. Lohan comes off as relatively sympathetic. Sure, she's part malevolent but the piece gives a few clues about the origin of her issues without being apologetic for her.

    The best parts deal with the cluelessness of Paul Schrader, who's a very talented screenwriter and (occasionally) director but who hits rock-bottom along with writer Bret Easton Ellis, as this project clearly shows. When the voice of reason on the set is a weirdo male porn star who appeared in 1,300 movies in eight years, it's not a good sign.

    Still, it's a very entertaining read. Like a real life This is Spinal Tap, or The Story of Anvil, except for a bunch of Hollywood people with lot of baggage who assume that going indie will fix most of their issues.

  14. As much as she is an asshole, even the director of Canyons would hire her again! So, how will LL ever change?

    This is the problem with Hollywood. It doesn't matter what kind of person you are, if you can bring in the money, people will hire you.

  15. Lindsay lives her life like a Shaggy song (It Wasn't Me)

  16. I think not knowing what to do with her down time is just typical Lindsay cover story talk for sleeping the day away after staying up partying all night, every night.

  17. @ Angela- story of anvil...classic. I saw them a couple years ago and they had a want to get away moment. Singer says "it's good to be hear in Austin"...we were in Houston. Fail.

  18. I'm so sick of this numbnuts. Why is she still famous????

  19. ha ha ha ha ha ha like a Shaggy song. Nice one!

  20. Just finished reading it. It was very entertaining reading. I also thought it was relatively sympathetic to her. The writer talks about her still shining talent and beauty quite a bit which is weird, but whatever. Maybe it does come through during certain scenes.

  21. I have to say I find it difficult to be truly angry at her because it seems to me that she's seriously ill. She obviously has some serious issues with depression, anxiety, addiction, and stuff like that. And for that reason, I cannot hate on her. She reminds me of Amy Winehouse and Anna Nichole Smith, and we all know how those turned out. I suspect this one will ultimately end the same since she has absolutely no support system whatsoever, and people who are that sick seldom seek help alone.

  22. Does anyone remember that video of Amy Winehouse that leaked of her stumbling all over a stage? I think it was just a few months before she died. Anyways, I feel like Lindsay is in that arc of her story. We're all seeing that she's a public mess and wreck and doomed, and the inevitable is getting closer.

    I have a smidge of sympathy for her, mostly because of the trash that raised her and set her down this path.

  23. I would go so far as to say this is the beginning of the end for her. She's going down a really dark road and has burned every bridge... She's a lost cause. What's really sad is that she still thinks she's on top of the world. It's going to be quite the fall when it comes unravelled. It was a really juicy story and I hope people stop hiring her and keep calling her on her bullshit. Good for the ny times - it was refreshing to read what we already knew

  24. She could try reading a book, or maybe go to a church or two or three. I hate it when people in general say "family is everything". Not when it's a toxic one. She has access to help, unlike a lot of people, and if she chooses not to use it, that' s on her.

  25. I read the article. Taken as a whole, Lohan comes off fine, vulnerable and even likable. It's when you cherry pick excerpts, like done on this site, that it makes her look awful.
    Typical these days - listen to a snippet and act like you know it all.

  26. why. do. they. continue. to. hire. her????????? Does anyone even care to see her in films any more? anyone? anyone...?

  27. That was a very good article.@Steppy, I totally agree with you. The part where he asks her if she's okay after being smacked around by the co-star and she says used to it b/c her dad did it all the time - sad face.

    Speaking of co-star, I googled James Deen and found his blog. Dude is into some interesting things. (NSFW)

  28. I, too, thought the article was sympathetic (perhaps too?) to Lindsay. And then, you have the other story of her ripping off an old, retired nurse and trying to shame her for complaining about it.

    And Angela, I don't think James Deen is a weirdo. While I don't watch porn he seems relatively normal and quite professional on set. He just gets paid to have sex for entertainment.

  29. Agent**it has it right (as usual). Read a book. Learn to do needlework. Go on-line. Read newspapers. Go to church. Collect seashells. Go hiking. Geez - I'm semi-retired and there aren't enough hours in the day to do all the things I enjoy. I've never understood why people "don't know what to do with their downtime".

    And yeah, I thought the article was kind of sympathetic. She should be damn grateful anyone has anything nice to say about her at all.

  30. I read the article earlier and I must say it was an excellent read!

    Lindsay is a mess and has been for a while. It appears from the article she has a lot of enablers around her and has a f-ed up childhood - I am not excusing her behaviour in any way though (and I did think the article was fair in it was sympathetic to her - it wasn't all "look what this silly bint has done now!" type stuff usually associated with her.)

    I dabbled in drugs in my 20's and used to (actually, still can but not as frequently!) binge drink to the extreme myself. I thought I was just having a good time, being a party animal and all that, although now I realise I was just self-medicating. For some reason, one day, I just thought "enough of this, I am going to end up killing myself". Years later I was referred to counselling after being diagnosed with stress and it seems I have issues with my dysfunctional family/childhood and how much I like myself as a person. I didn't even connect this when I was partying or when I decided to stop but apparently, it was connected.

    Anyway, all I am saying is Lindsay's behaviour probably is a product of her childhood and dysfunctional family, sycophant hangers on/enablers with the healthy dose of narcissism and self-aggrandising you would ex
    pect from most Hollywood 'stars'. I did find it interesting, like a lot of people have flagged up that she thrives on the drama (the paps and her assistant threatening suicide?! WHAT?!) and doesn't seem to know what to do with herself when not in the public eye.

    Nonetheless, she is not going to change unless she has that realisation to CALM IT DOWN and you don't need a shrink/counselling/rehab for that. As I said, I just woke up one day and decided to calm my own drinking/drugs down without questioning the whys and wherefores. I just knew I needed to start respecting myself a bit better.

    You can't help someone unless they want to help themselves in a nutshell.

    I keep on expecting to hear that she's died and it would make me sad. It just seems she hasn't got any true friends or a decent family, it all seems pretty lonely and she seems a bit lost TBH.

    On a lighter note, I want to see this film as it looks total trash and I do love me a bit of James Deen, it will be nice to see him and his too-close-together eyes do something that isn't porn. Perhaps because I am female, porn just gets BOORRING after ten minutes.

    1. I am curious as to being diagnosed with stress. Something is going on with me. I just don't feel right. What you wrote just hit home to me. How were you diagnosed? What did you go through? What was treatment? Of corse, only if you don't mind... Thanks!

    2. Hi! I don't want to leave you hanging. The best way to start dealing with anxiety/stress is often to go see a therapist. I suggest calling a couple and asking them a few questions about their specialty and areas of expertise. Therapists are people. Some you click with and some you don't. Def check them out and go to one you click with and respect. I have been to therapists before who were great and then some who had no insight whatsoever and/or we didbt click. It's ok to go to someone else. All therapists are not created equal. There are a number of great books out there too as well as medications and supplements. Best of luck!

    3. Cycliste femme
      You can email me. I have a similar experience as Sophie and have had success in treating my issues

    4. Cyclists
      I should add that I rarely check that yahoo account so maybe reply to this post (I subscribed) and give me the heads up :)

  31. Here is proof what an asshole she is. TMZ just posted audio of a rehersal and she is rude to james talks over the director and is just an all around twat.

  32. Shrader knew what he was getting himself into, just like Million Dollar Decorators. LL has been on Bravo shows before and acted the same way, but hey great publicity!

  33. Her punishment should be serving a month as Naomi Campbell's assistant. She'll get quite a beatdown, which she deserves.

  34. Agent, ITA. She is an a-hole and she does whatever the hell she pleases damn the consequences.

  35. The only person who was even remotely sympathetic was James Deen and I don't watch porn. After the disaster of Liz&Dick, another must see that I haven't seen, Schrader needed some kind of positive publicity for his.

    It was like wallpapering a wall that is marred by deep holes and gouges. The damage underneath the paper is still visible.

    Lindsay shouldn't have any complaints about the article. They tried their best.

  36. Phenomenal article. Really well written. She's a footnote, at this point. I thought the writer's term of her being a "punchline to a generation" was totally true. I hope it doesn't turn out bad for her.

  37. One of the things I found interesting in the article was the part where they broke on the set one day for lunch and LL wanted to go off somewhere on the PCH and Schrader sent someone to drive them so they'd be back in time. As they got to the gate of the house they were filming at, Lohan, her publicist and her assistant jumped out and ran to the assistant's car and took off. They returned only 15 minutes late to the shoot but Schrader was royally pissed.

    I'm not sure if her publicist was complicit or was actually instrumental in getting her back at a decent time but it must suck to be him.

  38. Mango, that publicist quit not too long after that I believe. Picturing him manicly mashing at the gate control pad so Linds and pals could make their escape had me LOLing.

    There is a Lindsay post here pretty much every day, and it always blows up, so I'm declaring LiLo the patron saint of this site. ;)

  39. I've yet to read the entire article, but what I did read was more sympathetic towards her than most everything else out there. She's actually the perfect person to put in a low budget, substandard production, especially if there isn't much money for publicity. She gets the publicity, I'll say that.

    I really like reading the more sympathetic posts here, just because I feel the opposite about here a lot lately. The truth is, if she keeps down this road, she isn't going to last long. It's not a good feeling being a spectator to someone's death spiral like we were with Amy Winehouse, and not being able to do a damn thing about it.

  40. Liz and Dick comes on at 8/7c tonight on Lifetime Movie Network for those of you missed it the first time around!

  41. I read the whole article, found it really interesting. We dont usually hear about what goes on behind the scene.
    I thought Lindsay came off as very narcissistic, like needs strong meds narcissistic.
    If y'all dont love James Deen, youve not watched enough James Deen.
    Start with the babysitter one. His BSDM stuff isnt for the faint of heart.

  42. I'm no longer sympathetic to her. I didn't read the article yet, but even with that "Million Dollar Decorators" show, when you saw her onscreen, she sounded like a nice, likable person. Too bad it's all a front.

    She fooled Liz's nurse with that act, nurse gave her one of Liz's furs. To repay this, Lindsay steals her bracelet, denies it, and turns on the nurse. Lindsay is a sociopath.

  43. This trick...Please, for the love of sweet minty Jesus in the Manger, PLEASE let be the year that she goes away.

  44. Cycliste Femme - apols for the delay in replying, I haven't been online all weekend.

    I went to the doctor at my mum's behest when I started to have panic attacks out of the blue, crying in the middle of the supermarket and the weirdest thing - I felt hungover all the time when I hadn't touched a drop of the hard stuff. I also began to have issues with food and got obsessive about exercising. I didn't connect the symptoms with stress AT ALL as I consider myself a fairly laid back person.

    It might be different for you as I live in the UK. My doctor quickly offered me antidepressants which I flat out refused - I didn't not feel 'depressed' and I was adamant I did not want to mess around with my brain chemistry, plus I know a lot of people who have been prescribed them, the pills made them worse and have a hard time coming off them. The only other thing they could do was refer me to counselling.

    I had 13 sessions, one every two weeks for a while. I didn't have to pay for it as I got it through our National Health Service. I found it really helped with understanding myself a bit better, why I did/do certain things and how to deal with panic attacks if I feel one coming on.

  45. great read yes
    my conclusion from the article is that she's a big fucking BABY!!

    ps: LOVED the reference to the old guy with presents. The writer could have easily left it out but she chose not to. GOLD.
