Monday, January 28, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Keeps Making Friends - They Keep Buying Her Things

Lindsay Lohan keeps on finding more old guys to spend money on her. I think that is why she spends time with Max from The Wanted without expecting anything. She is probably just happy to spend time with a guy who does not figure out his age by multiplying Lindsay's birthday times 2 to start. Over the weekend, Lindsay spent four hour shopping with one her suitors (above) spending his money. She shopped so long and hard that she had to leave the store several times to take a break. I don't think any of us really want to know what exactly she had to do to get such a long shopping trip.


  1. I would like to know.

    1. Prolly something that requires depends in the long run.

  2. Maybe he was buying her a nice suit for her court Date this week. Judge said she had to appear in court on 1/30.

    Lindsay's a hustler, she is just doing her hustle and pretending she is still a movie stah!

    1. I'm so hoping she skips her court date, especially after her case was given back to Judge Saunders.

    2. If she doesn't show, I would think there would be a bench warrant immediately issued for her arrest, and she wouldn't be able to come back to California without going straight to jail.

  3. She had to leave the store to stuff her pocket with more money from the old dude (and you all know what pocket I mean)

  4. I know this is a repeat but I'm so shocked at how bad she looks! Yes, she's a druggie and a drunk, but dayaaamm, she looks horrible!!!

  5. How does this STD ridden skunk do it ? Aren't they afraid of bringing that sickness home ?

  6. @timebob, this makes me think about your comment on the Taylor Swift thread. If Natalie Maines is accurate (at least she's insightful), Lindsay stopped growing emotionally when she first became a star when she was a child. And that explains why many child stars don't become adult stars.

  7. Men are really stupid sometimes.

  8. Apparently there's quite a few men out there who have nothing better to do with their money or time, apparently. If she were smart, she'd ask for cash and hire a good investment attorney instead of blowing it on crap.

  9. She's an escort. So what?

  10. What else could she possibly need to shop for at this point? And where does she live, anyway, that she has a place to store all this shit? Or is she just straight up turning around next week and selling this expensive stuff on the street to support her habit, or what?

  11. this is the Vikram Chatwal guy, isnt he?? the one he's always featured with her

  12. I feel guilty when my mom buys me clothes, let a lone a stranger. But then again, if I am sucking dick for a living I probably wouldn't feel as guilty.

  13. Man, she really is a doorknob and everyone gets a turn.

    Tina Fey last night - at what, a little under twenty years older than Lindsay? - looked like the woman in her mid-twenties, and her former quasi-protege looks like a forty-year-old handbag (to steal a SATC line).

  14. Apparently, that is one mean firecrotch then! Nothing else can explain why these men are so stupid! I just feel bad for the unsuspecting partners/wives of these disgusting old men. Can you imagine not knowing that your hubby is paying for THAT?! GROSS!

  15. I'll bet Lindsay shops like a person who has won three minutes in a supermarket with a shopping cart - right for the expensive meat section.

  16. Look at his face. Busted cochino. You naaasty! Good luck getting a date with anyone other than a pro now.

  17. Tux Cat: I'll bet she does. I also this ho sells it or leaves her stuff everywhere. Do not understand who wants to let Liho spend their money.

  18. *think*this ho..

  19. Why does she need a guy buying her crap, when she can steal it?

  20. I love her shameless expression. Like she's walking around with a boyfriend when we all know he's a paying customer. She has ZERO shame about her choices. Pathetic

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. But NO, she'd NEVER sell her body. NEVER.

    I agree with the other poster, what could she possibly need to shop for? Stuff to sell, so she can pay her debts?

  23. She's disgusting.

  24. Tuxedo Cat: They had a show in the 80s called Supermarket Sweep. That show RULED. They always went to the meat section first and then to the diapers. Which could be a metaphor for LL's dates.

  25. She looks like her age is her birthday times two, so the old guys may not know they are wooing a much younger woman. They might think they are doing a dried old up cougar a big favor by showing her a little attention.

  26. so how long do we all think Linds can ride this trainwreck?

    Considering how bad she looks, and the probably wretched state of her health, she'll be out of paying options by the time she's what.......30?

    32 at the latest?

  27. Frufra - I think she's straight-up selling everything these rich guys buy her.

    This happened when Ali reappeared from her "Asian modeling gig" around the time Lindsay punched out that fortune teller. One of those shows (ET, Extra) gave Lindsay's account, that Ali's purse had gone missing, and Ali wasn't at the club because she was selling some of their clothes.

    My memory is fuzzy... they said she was either selling stuff to consignment shops or online. They made it sound like that's a regular thing, that she takes the extra stuff they get and sells it. Also, they did show Ali, ending our "where is Ali?" speculation.

  28. She isn't even hiding it anymore wow!

  29. yes, she had Ali sell her stuff to a consignment shop for cash and they were pissed when they couldn't get as much as they wanted.

  30. This trick! And what an idiot that guy is! What kind of dirt does she have on him? I don't know that any sane, respectable person would be financing her shopping trips

  31. So which one's gonna pay for the vaginal rejuvenation? Maybe her & Dina can get a 2 for 1.

  32. what could she possibly need to shop for? Stuff to sell, so she can pay her debts?

    @ paris - Nope, she doesn't pay her debts, remember?

    I think she's a hoarder of sorts. I saw a photo in some mag of a room in her house that had boxes and boxes of shoes and racks of clothing.

    Remember that NYT's article about The Canyons? When the director fired her she pounded on his hotel room door and wailed in the hallway for 90 minutes.

    *karen* is right about her arrested development. She's got this childish gimmee gimmee gimmee thing going on in her head and thinks the world owes her.

  33. The guy doesn't look that old

  34. Lunaire, great catch! (Unlike all the not-so-great things one could catch by staying in that room after Lindsay...)

  35. Umm you guys got me curious w the Vikram talk, and that's definitely him in the picture, but this pic is at least 8 months old....

  36. J Sarah sometimes when I see your post I think it's mine and I have a "Wtf I don't remember typing that" moment. But it has only started happening recently, weirdly. It's like my brain is just deciding that since I'm not in school this semester it can just stop functioning all together.

  37. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Lindsay is INDEED a hustler. She knows a mark when she sees one. She'll survive the apocalypse along with the cockroaches.

    Don't EVER change Linds....Don't EVER change.....LOL

  38. Yes, this pic is at least 8 months old.


    She wore this outfit out w/ Vikram last year, no way she'd wear the eXACT same outfit. Not a new photo.

    1. @hunter, it's weirding me out. I googled it, no stories at all abt her shopping in the past wknd. I'd say maybe he got some scoop and used an old pic, but the whole "pictured above" thing really points to him implying that's the pic from this wknd.

  39. Hey you guys here are the pictures that go with this story

    this one is especially trouty and there are more before and after this one. If a member sign in box appears just close it and scroll down. You should be able to view them.

    1. @pv siren, thank you! My big question is if she was with him and it looks like she was. He's still married right?

  40. @Betsy

    I don't remember that - it sounds like it would be a fun show to watch!

  41. @Onyx, you are welcome. Last I heard his arranged marraige fell apart, that was quite some time ago, even maybe a couple years. But no divorce is allowed I also heard so they are only separated. His father sold off 85% of the Dream Hotel to investors a while back but the Chatwal group still manages it. Chatwal has also taken over the Plaza Hotel in NYC last fall as one of three partners with a 30% stake so this is likely the new lohan batcave in NYC.
    Those lips are HYSTERICAL.

  42. I'm assuming Dina can't take a cut of a shopping trip... Plus, no tax!

    1. Dina sets up her dates first, I think she sees the guy and gets her cut before sending Lindsay on her way. The reporter who did the story on The Canyons basically witnessed this going down.

  43. PV Siren thanks for the pics
    those lips are haunting me!!
