Thursday, January 10, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Just Can't Stop Stealing

Radar has a great story posted about the true depths of how low Lindsay Lohan will go in her quest to steal. Elizabeth Taylor's nurse was kind enough to invite Lindsay over to her home and show her some of the things Elizabeth gave her over the years or left her in her will. In fact, the nurse did actually give Lindsay a fur that Elizabeth had given the nurse. When Lindsay left, the nurse noticed that the bracelet was missing. Everyone knew it was Lindsay who stole it but Lindsay insisted she didn't have the bracelet and that the nurse was just wanting to cause trouble and even sent the nurse a text message saying that Elizabeth would not appreciate how the nurse was behaving. Then, the nurse said the magic words. She was calling the police. Instantly the bracelet showed up at the house, delivered by one of Lindsay's people. Lindsay is the slimiest, sneakiest, trashiest person around. She will steal anything and then lie about it. She will cause whatever harm she can and blame it on others. She is one of the worst people working in Hollywood and she wonders why people don't want to hire her.


  1. entitled .....she is entitled and misunderstood ....what is wrong with you Enty ?

  2. Despicable. I hardly have any words for this one. OMG

  3. Can't we just banish her or something?

  4. If it wasn't news when she got in trouble then maybe she would start to fade away.

  5. Anonymous6:12 AM


    LMBAO! X-D

  6. Oh man, I misread the original article and thought the nurse had texted that to lindsay as a plea to get her bracelet back....doesn't shock me it was the other way around, but what a cunt.

  7. Wow! I mean, it's what we're all thinking, but this is probably the harshest Enty has ever been about her. Hooray!

  8. Tell us how you really feel, Enty... Just stop reporting on her.

  9. Yes please, a week free of the Lohan (any / all of them), and Kardashians as well...

  10. I can't wait to hear what kind of shenanigans she pulled on the set of that movie with the porn star. Is that still being released? After Liz & Dick we should all be so lucky to be spared of any more atomic bombs.

    1. @Lotta I bet she stole some herpes from the porn set

    2. Haha or some sex toys to use with her sugar daddy in London

    3. Which she can use ass to ass. All roads lead to "ass to ass" LOL

    4. The great Linda Lovelace had "deep throat" now Lindsay Lohan has "ass to ass"

    5. There's an article in the NYT

  11. Blohan is such a dick. Cant wait for karma to catch up with her. BTW love that pic of Liz-stunning

  12. She's not even a good thief, there was no way she wouldn't get caught. Her brain must look like swiss stupid.

    1. Radar also reported that she planned to return a fake duplicate to the nurse but she didn't have time because the nurse said she was calling the cops. All the people that have loaned her jewelry better start checking the stones.

  13. I'm assuming the nurse would be up in age, dare I say, elderly? And this little crack head stole from her? And sends a text "that Elizabeth Effing Taylor would not appreciate the nurses behavior? Omfg. Lohan is just a gross scummy person..geez . I want to text Lohan and say " Elizabeth effing Taylor says "the next bump you take is your last, you ginger devil."

  14. I can't believe she texted her & said "Elizabeth would not appreciate how you're behaving" what a bitch!

  15. It's a double-edged sword. If bloggers keep reporting on her, she'll get the attention she craves. If people stop reporting on her she'll get away with even more shit.

    I can't wait for her to turn 27 so she can achieve her dream of gaining immortality by joining the 27 Club. Or just fucking die now. I'm not picky.

  16. @VIPblond

    she already has plenty of that...

  17. But people ARE hiring her....

    I used to feel bad for her and think that she might see the error of her ways, but that train left the station a long time ago!

    She will be living on skid row soon!

  18. I hope she steals from the wrong person one day and something happens to her.

    1. I think that's exactly what's going to happen. It will probably be someone drug related or someone trying to rob her knowing she holds large amounts of cash.

  19. She's pathological. I'm convinced she will eventually push the envelope a step too far (not that she hasn't already by every standard except Hollywood's).

  20. Roman, she and that guy from Terminator 3 can be crack buddies.

  21. Klepto? No that's an easy way out. She's just a selfish bitch.

  22. People like her believe their own lies. They think they are fooling you with their BS.
    My dad is an alcoholic. He has been sober for years but recently has started drinking again. He tells us he is sober. He thinks, in his drunken haze, that we believe him. It's like he is winking to himself!
    He opens beer cans and coughs while he is doing it so we 'can't hear' it.
    I bet she believes if she is outraged and indignant at such a preposterous allegation that people will feel badly for thinking such a thing.
    It is a sad way to live. Both for the addict and the people who have to live with it.

    1. Its Just U - thank you for sharing :-)
      It sucks when they start drinking again after a long time sober and suddenly you find yourself dealing with all the bullshit you thought was gone for good.
      My sympathies to you.

  23. That is not an excuse for such atrocious behaviour, just an observation.

    1. You're so right. That's the exact situation that my friend grew up in and its so painful to see the family suffer.

    2. My sympathies to your friend. Its a hard road. After years of being angry and taking it personally, like he just didn't care about us and was deliberately hurting us, I realised he is lying to himself as much as anybody.
      When he is sober he is the greatest man in the world. Then he convinces himself it will be 'just the one'.

      It never is.
      I hope your friend has support. It can affect you through your whole life.

  24. She's a freaking sociopath. She has no conscience and will never reform. The only way to help her is to actually punish her when she commits crimes. I don't think that will change her personality, but it would probably influence the people around her (like White Oprah) to keep her in line so that they don't lose their meal ticket because she's in jail again.

    Of course, take my diagnosis with more than a few grains of salt. I took one Child Development Psychology class 11 years ago, but I also used to read Sweet Valley High. Anyone who has, knows that Jessica Wakefield is a borderline sociopath, so I feel like I have a little experience with this.

    1. Love the Sweet Valley reference! I miss those books.

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      My first thought too was she's a sociopath. According to the book 'The Sociopath Next Door' 1:20 people are. So it's not uncommon, she's just dumb too, so she doesn't know how to properly hone her lack of conscious like others do to get ahead (i.e. CEO's)*

      *(not saying all CEO's, just repeating a point I read; those at the top of the Corporate ladder have a greater tendency to be sociopaths)

    3. 10-4 over. - Up to 25% in corporations at executive levels according to Boddy's study in Australia.

    4. Haha. I never put that together. Good one Karen.

  25. @ Vicki, IKR? I am sure there are others too - only they did not reach the level of fame like crackey and EF!!

  26. LOL@ *karen* Love it!!!! You are qualified!

  27. What happened with her Monday court date .. obviously she didnt show because she is hooking in the UK .. just curious.

  28. @Diane - it was postponed...She didn't have to be there

  29. She was totally framed you guys, stop trying to make Lindsay look bad. >:(

  30. Who is still hiring and befriending this woman and letting her into their homes and on their sets?!

    I mean, we're the first 50 times NOT a clue on how it always ends up?'

  31. *karen* is right - she's a sociopath. But the people who are hiring her are just as bad. They're just enabling her - they KNOW how rotten she is. And I'm sick of hearing how poor parenting made her this way. Too many people with poor parents do well - she's just rotten, rotten, rotten.

  32. P.S You shouldn't work for/with this woman either as an assistant, attorney, accountant, management, publicist, etc. because she'll just drag you into her drama and escapades and it will fall on YOU.

  33. Blacklist her, already!!


  35. And now I want my damn fur back too beyotch.
    ~ Nurse

  36. Cannot believe she tried to shame the nurse, who yes was most likely elderly, into complaining about something she stole from her. FFS she GAVE her the fur and that wasn't enough. Ungrateful crack head whore. I usually don't call names but this is too much. And THEN try to make a copy of it? Does she have a fencing operation going on somewhere? Someone really needs to look into that. I would have gotten my bracelet back and still called the cops...One more thing to add to her arrest record so she never gets out of jail ever!

  37. Amazing that Lindsay had the nerve to tell the nurse that Liz would not be happy. I've felt bad for Lindsay before but I just can't. She's now in Kardashian territory and I don't even bother reading those.

  38. The problem with sympathy for broken people is putting up with all the other people the go around breaking. I can't.

  39. LOL you guys! Poor Frufra and everyone else who was horrified yesterday :P

    @Lotta - BTW I saw your McBeal comment last night! I just finished episode 10 w/the transvestite hooker that was Rickey from My So Called Life.

    1. Oooo @Amber, Loved that epi and loved loved loved Rickey and MSCL.

  40. This is a little off topic but did anyone watch that Millionaire Designs show or whatever? The scene where the decorator is reading and "email from Lindsay's publicist", I paused it and looked closer. Its just an article from Hollyscoop about the accident. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, I just wanted to point that out.

  41. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I stronly suspect that Enty has some extra first hand knowledge of LiHo's kleptomania. He's always saying that she's the biggest thief around and will palm anything from anyone constantly. this washed up child star, coke fiending, nasty, dirty, skanky, stealing, lying, cheating, conniving, low down no good prostitution whore-ah is actually stealing from La Liz's nurse friend who gave her sentimental treasures to thank her and remember her by ?and LiHo thinks she can prey on this woman's memories and snatch stuff with her freckled paw? Go away Liho, just go away .

  42. @Anna - that's a great theory. Maybe he's had the displeasure of working with her in the past, or has a close friend that got screwed by her in some way.

  43. Wow! Amazing article about the making of the canyons and how batshit LL is.

  44. Nellie, I was just going to post that link. I'm halfway through the article. What's up with the mysterious man with presents and Dina Lohan leaving with Lilo? She really is her daughter's pimp. Ugh. Sometimes I really do feel bad for her, but of course that is part of her game.

  45. This girl is trash. Pure trash.

    She's not going to die at 27, karma is going to make her live a very long, painful, horrible life. Hopefully far away from the public eye.

  46. @Anna... several years ago when the blog first started Enty met Lindsey and said she was nice. After that, he changed his mind. Obviously, her antics speak for themselves but maybe some other inside knowledge. I wish I could remember what year it was to find the post...

  47. Sorry about your dad. Hugs.

    1. Above meant for its just.

    2. Thanks. Very much appreciated. I know I probably shared more than I should but its something I've lived with my whole life.

  48. She won't die at 27. Eviil never dies.

    1. LOL! *Evil. My phone went nuts.

  49. Let's just keep giving her more chances. She has earned and deserves it.

    Ughhh...that Lifetime movie was horrible. The guy who played Richard Burton was great....Lindsay didn't even sound or act like Elizabeth. The costumes and makeup were the only reasons why she looked like Elizabeth.

    I feel bad for the guy playing Richard. Putting him with Lindsay was the biggest insult.

  50. This is just about the lowest, dirtiest thing! Can I just have twenty minutes in a room with that dirty crack head? I would beat the ginger off her hair! This just makes me so mad when people take advantage of somebody trying to help!

  51. The nurse should have asked for the fur back. She didn't deserve to keep it.

  52. Will SOMEONE PLEASE throw this piece of shit criminal in jail???

    Or at least on an episode of "Beyond Scared Straight"?

  53. Stupid nurse! Doesn't she know it's an honor to get screwed over by La Lohan?

  54. Ho. Lee. Shit. Thanks for posting that article link. I'm only halfway through it and Lindsay is fucking insane. Wow. I just cannot believe people continue to hire her. I think at this point, whoever does deserves what they get ... everybody now knows what a disaster Lindsay is. And she's beyond saving. Seriously.

  55. As my grandmother would put it, "I'll snatch that little heifer bald-headed!"

  56. Wow, so fucking manipulative to imply that Liz would be displeased. And arrogant! The nurse was a longtime friend and confidant to Elizabeth, but in Lindsay's crack addled brain, the one conversation she had with Liz, added to her Dubois celebrity, would outweigh the nurse's bond with her.

  57. Wow - that NYT article was fascinating - I would watch a "making of" film before I'd ever see teh canyons.

  58. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Her story going to end so glorious we will a be around too

  59. Why is ANYONE surprised? This is the environment she lives in! The LAPD has let her get away with so many offenses, she thinks it's ok to behave the way she does. Please, please stop writing about her. You stopped writing about Paris and she faded away. Do the same with Lindsey.

  60. Sorry but the 27 club is for talented musicians not sociopathic washed up never was beens

  61. @*karen* you are so right. Except I would say that Jessica was more multiple personality than anything else. Remember when she dyed her hair black and assumed the identity of a third sister?? And now that I have typed that out I feel like I need step out of 1987 and back to reality. haha

  62. I would have texted her back thanking her and then I would have called the police. I see no reason to be nice and give her a warning shot. Shit happens. It's her turn.

    Oh, yeah. WTF was I thinking?

  63. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Let's just not publicize anything the Blohans / Kunt-trashians do ever again. Plz?

  64. Little puppies lapping up the bs written daily...sad.

  65. I think this time it's over for her. Look at "Liz and Dick" and "Million Dollar Decorators."

    It was, you could take a boring project and raise its profile tenfold by stunt-casting Lohan. Nobody's talking about Lifetime movies starring Heather Locklear, but everybody's talking about Lohan as "Liz!"

    But now they realize, even with way more viewers, her antics will gobble up all those profits, and more. Hiring Lohan means you LOSE money; nobody's ever going to hire her again once they figure that out.

    Personally, this bracelet story is it for me... there's nothing there worth saving.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Didn't the nurse hear about her trashing Elizabeth Taylor's trailer??? Or read a blog or magazine in the past 5 years? Sigh.

  68. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I swear, I would love to give this piece of trash a good old fashioned Jersey Beat Down .

  69. Lelaina - Neither article mentions the date of the theft, so it's possible Lohan stole the bracelet before she trashed Liz's trailer. Or maybe Lindsay had trashed it before meeting the nurse, but the story wasn't made public yet. It's a shame the articles didn't specify.
