Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Flies To LA - Maybe Going To Court

Lindsay Lohan was really lucky that American Airlines did not cancel the last flight of the day yesterday from  New York to Los Angeles or Lindsay would have been screwed. After telling the world she was too sick to fly and did not want to infect anyone on the plane, but busted in her lie by photos of her shopping and chain smoking for 8 hours the same day she was diagnosed, Lindsay decided to fly to LA. Lindsay has court this morning in a couple of hours. I don't even know if Lindsay's New York lawyer will be there or her food critic lawyer, but Shawn Holley won't be there for Lindsay and is probably laughing and laughing at someone having to handle the mess known as Lindsay. So, how do you think Lindsay earned enough money to fly herself and Dina to LA in first class last night?


  1. Let's start a prayer circle that her ass goes to jail. Now all join hands!

    1. Shes a holy mess, no doubt, but i dont see what good jail will do her. Look at cameron douglas- still using and selling in prison.

  2. Same dude that took her shopping of course.

  3. Damn you TMZ, should have STFU and let whores lay in the bed they made.

  4. What a horrible outfit.

  5. What in animal cruelty hell is she wearing? That outfit!!! Her swollen face!!! Is that why she didn't want to fly? Bad fillers, again?

    If the LA courts can't bring justice, I'm pretty sure PETA knows what to do. They don't play.

    1. I know! Are those leather harem pants??

  6. Oh snap. Someone suddenly experienced a miraculous recovery. Score 1 for Judge Sautner without having to utter a word.

  7. And all that leather is new....she's such an idiot, when I think of how secure she could have been if she had just had an ounce of control and went to work did her job and took home her enormous paychecks....she was making 7 million a film when she started all her crap....
    Dina really wasn't thinking of the future...

  8. What a mess- and that outfit? I can't.. Not a tmz fan but I saw something on my twitter feed about her and pimpmama Dina getting denied at a hotel?

  9. With no lawyer present what can go down?

    She looked scared straight in those pics on TMZ but nonetheless she'll get off like always.

  10. Gaahhh that outfit!

  11. Urban Chaos they got denied at two hotels!

    Lindsay has officially been blacklisted in LA. Guys, I think this just might be the beginning of the end.

    1. I agree. And god I hope it was by some night clerk who reads gossip sites!

  12. I think Enty tried to see how many times the word Lindsay could be used in one paragraph. May be a record here.

  13. in a hotel?? doesn't she rent somewhere in LA? she lives 100% of her time in hotels??

    those lips are glorious, they crack me up.

  14. Haha, oh jsierra that tidbit makes me morning coffee that much sweeter.
    Let's hope her day of reckoning is finally starting. ::crossing fingers and toes::

  15. Is Kanye dressing her now? Good grief, girl is a mess!!!

    Count me in for that prayer circle! I think the only thing that'll save her at this point is jail time: get away, get clean and sober. But, Pimp Mama will be waiting for her when she gets out. God, what a mess!

    1. Haha! You beat me to it. The new Kimye Krackhead Kollection.

    2. @Reeses, I had the same thought! Hahaha!

  16. For real she got denied a hotel? What about her beloved Chateau Marmont?

    1. I guess the the Chateau will not be lowering the drawbridge for Ms Lohan.

      No soup for you!

    2. They were denied at Shutters and Loews, both in Santa Monica. Per TMZ, Shutters blacklisted her for trashing a room. Where does she keep her stuff if she's living in hotels? I guess it sits in lockers until it gets auctioned off.

    3. Where is her house located in that was on that makeover show? Is it not in LA?

      I was under the impression that it was.

    4. What??? She actually owns a house?

      Is there a meth lab in it? Maybe that's how she got the quick cash.

    5. IIRC, she was leasing it for a year and it just ended couple months ago.

    6. What!? Well that explains why she threw all the furniture in a storage facility.

      They're going to auction that storage facility like they did with Paris and will find loads of stolen jewelry and clothes.

    7. So you think Barry Weiss will win that auction? I love that man and his skeleton gloves!

      "Wait, wait, what do we have here!"

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. @dia, I don't care who gets it I just want photographic evidence of the contents! Elizabeth Taylor memorabilia and all!

    10. @Dia, I love Barry, he's the only reason to watch that show.

  17. @JSierra - we can only hope.

    @KendraWM - I was cursing TMZ, too.

    I have low hopes for justice being served which is too bad as it may be her only hope to get her life on track.

  18. Haha Lindsay's staying at the Motel 6 off the highway. They have free HBO & bagels for breakfast!

  19. Haha, Lotta, I was wondering the same thing.

    Thank God (!) her hearing this morning will be live-streamed.

  20. I am irrationally excited for this court appearance. Like Christmas morning excited!!! Hoping I can watch someone streaming it at work :)

  21. I know it's mean but I will be happy when this trick is gone.

  22. It could be points? I'm an optimist.

    Anyhoo, am still really sick and home, so will be watching live. Remand without bail! ...said the dreamer

  23. It appears that Enty and I had the same thought upon hearing about this turn of events - what did she do real quick to get the cash for the plane flight? The mind reels just thinking about the possibilities. And yeah, that outfit - if she's laying the groundwork for an insanity plea, I say good effort, girl.

  24. LMAO @ ReesesPeace and ethorne.

    Good lord, she looks awful.

  25. I just want to know WTF she's wearing...

  26. Y'all are making my early schedule worth it!

  27. Frufra----


    I did that for you in a Lilo & Dina thread.
    But as you wish, Fru. As you wish (sexy Elwes voice).

    I'm more worried about catching the hearing... Is it TMZ--Is that the best place to go?

    1. Awww, thanks, sweetie. That's the nicest anal sex reference I'll hear all day, I'm sure of it!

    2. Omg @Frufra- I'm dying over this comment.

  28. worst outfit EVER. Looks real comfortable to be flying in....

    1. @ Derek - right? And if your knickname's ever, ever been Fire Crotch, I'm not sure leather pants are the right choice under any circumstances.

    2. Fru! That's the best one of the morning!


  29. That Lindsey - always thinking of others.

  30. God, I'm SO excited. 1 hour 14 minutes left!!!!

  31. is it bad that i, too, am overly excited?

  32. Geez, you guys...spewing all the hate at the poor girl. She told you it's not her fault!!

  33. Nothing is likely to happen to her today, I believe this is just a procedural hearing to set dates and such. More for the lawyers.

    One can hope for next time though.

  34. Ambular! Where have you beeeen?

    Mustache protection program? Beer and Cheese detox?

    I hope you weren't sick. Your poor lungs! I tried to work out for the first time yesterday and had a major asthma attack. Sad lungs are a bummer!

    1. Sorry to anyone who is sick!! It stinks!! I have been sick since dec 29! Cold, flu, bronchitis, cough, and yesterday-woke up with head cold!!!!!! Wth? One right after another! So big hugs, chix soup, fluffy tussues to all my ill cdaners:)

  35. Funny how she was too sick to fly but managed to put on her best Carmen Sandiego outfit at the last minute. I'd love to think she's going away - but the legal system is such a joke to the famous - she'll get a slap on the hand, as always and she'll continue being a herpetic sore on our society. Grrrr

  36. Everyone let's not forget that we've been here 1,000,000,000 times already. I think the worse thing that could possibly happen to her is MAYBE going to jail and getting out instantly due to overcrowding. While she needs court ordered rehab in a REAL in-patient facility with no options to leave, that is just not going to happen. & I'm sure she got the money from the guy who took her on a shopping spree the other day...what's an extra 7-10 grand to a wealthy trick? SO many fallen AND current "starlets" make their real money by what we would call hooking, and THEY call getting gifts from friends. Unfortunately, there are plenty of these wealthy dudes who are willing to pay crack whores with big names lucratively for their time.

  37. @dia - I was on a business trip in Dallas! We got back late last night after a 3 hour delay due to storms. Another plan coming got struck by lightning.

    For lungs, try OmegaGenics EPA 500 Concentrate. I take 3 in the morning, and 3 at night. It has a much higher amount of the anti-inflammatory than regular fish oil.

    1. Thanks Amber!

      Apparently you can't leave again. Dallas and lightening, oh my!

    2. @Amber I've missed you & your smartypants-ness! Btw- love your J Oates pic. I dressed up as him 5 years ago and it was my favorite costume ever. Good to see you :)

  38. Now that I look at the picture, I'm sure just the ONE ensemble she's wearing cost at least 3x the amount of 2 first class tickets on AA from NYC to LA. God help my daughter, if I ever have one. We're going from the delivery room to Disney. Mama needs a new Birkin, and a leather and fur bomber jacket!

  39. I feel like she may have worn that because there wasn't enough room in her luggage and she had to throw it all on... that's the only excuse, anyway.

    I don't have to be anywhere yet this morning and I plan on checking TMZ when they go live with the coverage. PLEASE PLEASE let this be the time she gets in trouble. Real trouble, I mean.

  40. I read somewhere that LL was evicted from her rental house...maybe non-payment. Dear Lord, please let LL get what's coming to her.

  41. Wow, Lilo is so poor she's having to wear Hefty bags now?

  42. I'm no clothes hound, but that hideous outfit caught my attention. What is it made of, rubber? And her face - what fresh hell...?

    As always, I expect her to get a slap on the wrist and maybe a light reprimand and stern look from the judge, but that's about it.

    1. It looks like those outfits wrestlers wear to sweat off a few pounds

  43. Thanks Amber, you're a peach!! =)

  44. That outfit looks exactly like what a hooker would buy if she had access to high end stores. What a surprise!

  45. Is she serious with that fucking outfit? It looks like something from the shopping montage in European Vacation

  46. Audio is up! Get ready!

  47. It's not coming up on my IPad dammit!

  48. bitch is laaaaaaaate!

  49. Thank for the link, Amber!

    The anticipation is KILLING ME!!

  50. Ok switched to laptop and can see the feed! Of course she is not there yer.

  51. I have to stream from my work computer. TMZ and E! won't load, but is covering it (somewhat) on their live newcast that you can stream. They're here!!!!!!!

  52. "Did the doctor prescribe retail therapy?"


  53. Her lawyer looks happy!

  54. What? You mean she isn't wearing that leather monstrosity to the courtroom? I'll admit -- I'm watching the live feed. LOL at the comments from the paparazzi while they were waiting for her. They don't like her either! I'm sure this isn't news to veteran LiLo watchers, but this is my first live courtroom feed. It's a special day, kind of like the first time you watched an R rated movie.

  55. They are not filming in the courtroom.......I really wish I was a fly.

  56. Does anyone know if they just are waiting for the hearing to start, and that's why we're getting only the California state seal?

  57. Those watching on livestream, can you update us on what's being said?

  58. @Seachica - I believe that's the reason. When I've watched court feeds on TMZ before, they've always done that.

  59. She as wearing black shift type dress and sparkly stripper shoes. Hair in a pony tail and she is very orange, just thought I'd add some fashion commentary.

  60. Yay, myfoxla's breaking news feed is showing a state seal now too! Looks like I'll be able to watch along with the TMZ'ers!!

  61. What were the paparazzi saying?

    Omg is her outfit worse than that pic above @Laura?

  62. TMZ is saying that the hearing will start at 9am sharp. 4 minutes, y'all! I wish I had popcorn or whoppers.

  63. Her outfit isn't bad, if it weren't for the shoes.

    And here we gooooo

  64. No, much better! The shoes are bad but the dress (might be a two piece shirt and skirt) are pretty respectable.

  65. Bitch looks hungover

  66. LOL the judge just asked her if she really wanted Heller and not Holley, and Lohan said yes. IDOT.

  67. Heller and a local council officially her new lawyers.

  68. Maybe Lohan will get lucky and Heller will My Cousin Vinny this shit.

  69. OMG her lawyer is making me laugh, he wants this to be fast to put closure to all the "drama" (said with a long A) in her life.

  70. LOLOL @ Heller trying to schmooze Sautner.

  71. Is he tawkin like a typical new yawkah?

  72. LOL, Heller is hella bad. The judge offered to postpone the next hearing so he would have time to put together his case, and he declined it. He tried to butter up the judge, bonding over NYC, and she had none of it.

  73. TMZ may wanna smear some vaseline on their lens. The shots of Lohan are ROUGH.

  74. Yep, Amber got with the Uncle Vinnie!

  75. Um, did he just say "ab-stench-ia" instead of absentia?!

  76. Hahahahaha Sautner to Lindsay: "I'm glad to see you're feeling better."

    Heller is explaining her "upper respiratory infection", and Sautner busts him out and asks, "Is that like a cold?"

  77. Lotta - yes, he's talking like a stereotypical New Yorker. It's all yo this and yo that. dr-a-ma. He is asking the court if it's ok for LiLo not to be present in the future. LOLOLOL, the judge just said "I'm glad to see you're feeling better" to LiLo. BAHAHAHAHA. She isn't buying the upper respiratory infection excuse at all.

  78. She keeps stopping herself from laughing. Does she have gas?

  79. Next court date -- 3/1. Lohan is ordered to appear then.

  80. Lmao! Let me know if he drops a "you's guys" to the judge.

  81. Change that. Trial date is 3/14.

  82. now 3/18 . She doesn't have to appear on 3/1 is what I heard?

  83. I'm an amateur at courtroom watching. They were just debating the date. Trial date set for 3/18.

  84. Pre-trial is 3/1, trial 3/18. Sautner is retiring before 3/1.

  85. And that's all folks!

  86. She does not have to be at anymore per-trial, but must be in court for trail. Trial to have new judge.

  87. @Agent - she does not. It's some 9-7-7 thing.

  88. I hope the new judge is a hard ass!

  89. I love that they made her fly her ass over there for 15 minutes in the courtroom.

  90. Oh, the judge is retiring on 3/1, so there will be another judge on the case.

  91. What a slimy lawyer! The judge treated him as she should have. She wasn't going for any of his skeeze.

    Love how LL gave a little cough after her attorney mentioned her illness. Yikes.

  92. She had to be in court because she fired her old lawyer.

  93. I wonder if she's catching a break with Judge Sautner retiring. I hope not.

  94. @Em - She's probably got a permanent death rattle from all the chain smoking and meth.

  95. I wonder if this was "strategy". If she knew Sautner was retiring, by firing Holley she basically gets a continuance. Maybe she's gambling that she'll get a more sympathetic judge?

    1. Amber, she didn't get a continuance. This was always meant to be a procedural hearing to set a date (and, since last week, to deal with the lawyer thing). Often defendants aren't required to show up for any of this sort of stuff. The fact that she was required to (even before the Shawn thing happened) would indicate that the judicial system is getting frustrated with her. (If you remember, it was the other judge who ordered her to appear).

  96. Love all the live-blogging comments! Thanks fellow CDANers! My workmates just don't understand how important this is! LOL

  97. She coughed? Lol I imagine it was like Karen from Mean Girls coughing into the phone saying "*cough cough* I'm sick"

  98. I can't believe their is going to be a press conference (I guess) for this!

  99. Well now I see, her lawyer is going to have his time in the Sun. The TMZ guy is pretty cute!

  100. We're all waiting for a press conference with her lawyer. I guess if you're taking on this case, you're only doing it for the fame. Because you KNOW LiLo won't pay any of your bills.

  101. She has to be in court the day after St.Patrick's day. That should be interesting.

  102. But it was such a fake little cough! Like someone pretending to cough.

    I gotta say, the smirk she was wearing through most of this drove me nuts. There's something wrong with that girl... either that or she knows she's gonna get off scot-free.

    Also, the greasy hair and no undereye concealer were nice touches. "Really, I'm SICK."

  103. Shawn Holley would NEVER be holding no damn press conference! Where did she find this bigshot?

  104. There was something off about her hairline - like she is balding due to years of bad extensions. She had a couple of tendrils trying to act like a combover to hide it, but it was obvious.

    I really like her little black dress. It has a beautiful keyhole cut in the back. Shame about the wearer. Can you imagine the horror of whatever designer made that dress, to be associated with LiLo in some sort of anti-red carpet way? "Lindsay, what designer are you wearing as you are carted off to jail?" ;-)

  105. Anonymous9:47 AM

    She looks like Don Quixote in that photo.

  106. Wow I got here late! Aunt Liddy the Opster has been sick for about 3 weeks going on 4. He has THE worst nasal conjestion and is trying everything to clear up. Ears crackle when he swallows, plugged up nose so he snores. He's just miserable. Psuedephed (sp) and netti pot hasn't even helped. I feel for ya baby.

    Ugh this trick...She KNEW her ass was in trouble. I can't believe I missed it all. Damnit guys, wake me up ewarlier!

  107. I can't believe I am home and didn't follow this live with you guys. ARGH!!

    Thanks for the BELATED laughs, everybody :)

    (Nellie - LOL at the wrestler comment and yesterday's Bethanny Hannibal Lechter stroller)

  108. Seachica, TMZ says it's Chanel!!! rolling in her grave right now.

  109. Thanks for the update guys!! Sounds like a circus.

  110. Argh, I had to step away to do some work. Did I miss the press conference?!

  111. BAHAHAHA, Lotta! I guess we now have Beauty Chanel to go with Beauty Dior!

  112. Not yet Seachica, still waiting.

  113. I am looking at pics on TMZ, and she apparently did a handstand in her tub of self tanner. She forgot her legs

  114. @Sunny, those legs are so pasty white! Thank you for pointing that out. What's with the rabbit's foot they are pointing at?

    Oh Lindsay, good luck charm or not the drama never ends for you.

  115. I was wonderng if Liho would have time to color her hair since she's been red for a while now and she likes to appear in court as a blonde..And sure enough! She did something to make her hair lighter. When did the girl find the time?

  116. Damn I leave to go to do yoga and get an eye exam and come back to 141 comments. Y'all are live this morning!

  117. I give up. I leave it to my CDAN pals to give me the presser scoop.

  118. I've got a tab open with the TMZ feed, but it's been an awfully long time. Maybe her attorney is consulting with prosecution? I'd like to hear what the guy has to say.

  119. Fuck!!! I thought wow why isn't talking about the shithow...sorry I added my 2cents in The Kerr blind!!

    My bad. Thanks for the laughs


  120. The headline should actually read.
    "Lindsay Lohan Flies to LA to go out drinking, get wasted and then drive her car and attempt not to kill anyone."

    Then the cops will pull her over and give her a warning. Next day, someone will offer her a movie role.

  121. EmEyeKay, he's probably figuring out what his job is.

  122. LOL @Agent!

    They're starting, I think... people are coming out of the building.

  123. You know how when you were in school, and the teacher calls on you when you haven't read the material and have no idea what you're talking about? Yeah, that

  124. This guy! I can't get over how many words he can cram into a sentence, he is fun to watch in a car crash sort of way.

  125. @Laura, in my experience, THAT'S a lawyer :(

  126. Oooh, he's ignoring the Shawn Holley questions!

  127. Awww, poor Lindsay. Traveling 5-6 hours in the middle of the night, while in poor health.

    Lindsay came so she could show respect to the judge and the court. I feel a cough coming on...*cough*bullshit*cough*

  128. He did eventually answer the question about Shawn, he said he wasn't familiar with it. The TMZ guy kept asking if it was true that Lindsay had asked for Shawn back just yesterday.

  129. Em, you are right about that! Well he thinks she is a great beauty and talent, all she needs is a little luck. I can't wait to see what he says in a month.

  130. Shawn Holly is watching this and toasting to Mr. Heller!

  131. Um, check out the pic of Lindsay from today that D Listed posted in their write-up from today. I have no words

  132. @VIPblonde
    I don't know. I think she looks really good for 45.
    However, wth is up with that tan???
    Fishbelly white legs and orange on top. She could have at least dipped her whole body in the vat of solution.

  133. I missed the courtroom drama so I will just comment about her clothes:

    The leather outfit - if it was new and she hadn't had a chance to break it in, can you imagine the NOISE it must have made? She must have sounded like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz before he got oiled.

    The black dress she wore to court was simple and elegant but the white legs? I had assumed she was wearing white hosiery but someone commented that she hadn't put self tanner on her legs? WTF? I still think it's hose but I can't imagine Lindsay showering let alone wearing pantyhose or stockings.

    The shoes are a big ol' fail.

    I wish the legal system moved at a faster pace and this trick was locked up already. Now she gets to go back to her hotel room and some some meth with her moms.

  134. In other Lohan news, Lindsay has a new baby brother. Michael and Kate Major just had a baby in Florida (of course.)

  135. Anonymous3:42 PM

    going away for a few months is what she really needs
    she lives in lala land
    she gets away with murder. shit crazy

  136. I just want to know what she will have to pay in restitution to the two yutes in the car she hit.

    "What's a yute?"

  137. That was the line going through my mind while watching today, also "my biological clock is ticking like this!"

  138. Is that some kind of dank mold growing on her arms?

  139. Does her lawyer remind anyone else of Barry Zuckerkorn? I've been laughing about it all day.

  140. I am on my phone and can't link, but I just noticed attention starved Lindsay is wearing a simple gold band on her wedding finger in the court photos today. Beyond pathetic

  141. That picture! Where did she fly in from, 1987 West Berlin???

    Ethorne said...
    > "Haha Lindsay's staying at the Motel 6 off the highway. They have free HBO & bagels for breakfast!"

    Lindsay also has free HBO, if you know what I mean. And seeing her leather suit, be glad I'm not gonna make a cream cheese joke! lolol
