Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Fires Shawn Holley - Owes Her $300K - Due In Court Today

Showing that she really is idiotic and a hopeless cause, Lindsay Lohan fired the one good person in her life, Shawn Holley. Despite being owed $300K in unpaid legal fees, Shawn has kept Lindsay out of jail and seemingly pulled magic trick after magic trick to make Lindsay's problems go away. So, on the eve of a court hearing, what does Lindsay do? Fires Shawn and replaces her with some guy who was suspended from practicing law for 5 years right when Shawn was on her way to pull another rabbit out of her hat and keep Lindsay from jail. It would have meant rehab though for Lindsay which would mean she would have to admit she has a problem and that it is her fault and she wouldn't be able to booze or drugs until she got out.


  1. Conclusive proof that she looks better with red hair.

  2. I cannot wait to hear the outcome of this...

  3. That hair in the first pic. Yeesh.

  4. My first thought was who the ring in the hug picture was stolen from..

  5. Maybe it's the best thing that could have happened, blah blah blah and she will go to jail blah blah blah and get clean enough to see what an asshat she's been for the past few years.

  6. Sooo excited for the shitshow

    1. Yes! I love that expression too :)

  7. @Lindsey - aren't you glad she's a LindsAy?

    At the end of yesterday, Lindsay was trying to get Holley back. She claimed she didn't know her new att'y sent off the letter firing Holley, but she signed it. LOL

  8. @amber where's the link of her trying to get holley back? i MUST read it!

  9. as of this morning, she's trying to get her back

  10. She should have paid Ms. Holley first, lord Lindsay's an idiot.

  11. @Amber, I read that on Dlisted. She's a dumbass.

  12. @Onyx, I was thinking the same thing! I have a meeting in 2 hrs though, so I hope I don't miss anything!!

  13. Does this mean she may actually land in jail? I honestly can't even remember what this court hearing is for.

  14. Shawn Holley must be the happiest person in the world right now - she doesn't have to deal with Lindsay's bullshit anymore and she can work on collecting the money she is owed.

  15. Please get shanked in a prison riot. Please get shanked in a prison riot. Please get shanked in a prison riot.

  16. I give it a year or two before Holley does a book on the whole ordeal. She gets her money back by proxy, and simultaneously throws Lohan under the bus. Two birds, as they say.

    How in the hell LiLo is still in general circulation is beyond me. What an idiot.

    1. Lol "general circulation." I did hear she gets passed around lot.

  17. Is it for lying about her accident?

  18. TMZ
    There's a hearing scheduled for 8:30 AM PT today. Shawn will probably show up because she's still counsel of record. If she stays on the case, prosecutors could present the deal to her, but Lindsay is making it all very difficult.

    Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz2I3PFRoKK

  19. Replies
    1. @ Amber Well she would do much better to think of her as a first mother

  20. It's like the greatest hits of Lindsay's court appearances. Enty should have Aerosmith's "Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" in the background.

    (Hi everyone, Ive decided to finally stop lurking)

    1. @EMB3712, omg that was hilarious! Welcome by the way :-D

  21. Miss Holley probably wouldn't work for blow jobs.

  22. Hi, EMB! Welcome!

  23. And I thought that today was going to be boring. LOL

  24. so where is this 'lockdown rehab?' using those words make it sound like it's serious, but in L.A., and with lindsay especially, we've seen how that works out.

    i'll repeat what i say every time, which so far has been correct:


  25. @karen and @LottaColada Hi!, Thanks!

  26. Does anyone remember when Shawn Holley quit? It was a few years ago & only lasted a few days. I suspect this firing won't last long either, and still nothing will happen to Lindsay.

  27. I'm hoping this new, somewhat incompetent lawyer will make things interesting. Shawn is so good at her job that Lilo would never gone to jail for more than an hour....lets see what New Dude will do.

  28. Could it mean a continuance? Your honor I have new counsel, wait, maybe, I didn't mean to get new counsel, it's my dad's fault, Liz and Dick, do you know who I am?

  29. I can see it now: Lindsay goes to Shawn Holley's house, bangs on the door begging and screaming for her to take her back, then slides to the floor on the other side of the door, sobbing for 90 minutes.

    She's really quite manipulative. No one I can think of could get away with a tenth of the stuff she has and still have people feel sorry for them and want to hire them.

  30. Lmfao @ Katie & @MadLyb


  31. MadLyb--LOL.

    I love how Lindsay is (to borrow a phrase from the 2012 election) 'a well-lubricated Weather Vane.'
    ANY blowback to any of her constant impulsive acts, she does a full 180.

  32. Wow, Shawn must make pretty good money to not worry about $300k!?! If SCH shows up at court today, she should just shrug her shoulders and say, "please take her to jail."

  33. Omg madlyb and jerkula have lindsay down lmao

  34. Move that rehab, I'm Lindsay Lohan!

  35. Shawn Holley has done too good of a job. I hope Lohan goes to jail for a good long while. It would be the best thing for her.

  36. She's not even bothering to appear in court and neither is her attorney which forces the judge to issue a bench warrant. Shawn will only be there to be removed as attorney of record. Lindsay is screwed if she doesn't actually show.

  37. hey h'wood, if you're sick of dealing with a criminal-manipulative-drug addict.... i'm available. stable, drug free, dependable.... just saying.

  38. Did Shawn Holley think Lindsay would treat her any differently than the other thousands of people she owes money to? Of COURSE Lindsay won't pay her!

    @Comma Chaser - she's still bound by attorney-client privilege even if she was fired so that would limit what she could write about.

  39. I hope Shawn stays away. Anyone who does anything for or with Lindsay is an idiot

  40. wow, I wish when my brother was a drug addict fucking up all the time that someone wished HE got shanked in a prison riot! Forget compassion! Forget empathy! Forget the fact that people are HUMAN.

  41. TMZ is reporting that Shawn procured a deal keeping her out of jail in exchange for six months in a lockdown rehab facility. Lindsay doesn't want rehab. She wants the drugs and booze.

  42. I doubt Holley will be back. She is one of the most professional, prestigious and successful attorneys in Los Angeles. She isn't Lindsay's BFF or a hanger on looking for VIP nightclub access. She doesn't need the clientele and to make name for herself. And she answers to a firm which expects to be paid.

  43. Anonymous9:48 AM

    This is a perfect way to start my day. The one person that has helped her and she's fired her. Flaming bag of shit. I love it. This is gonna be good.

  44. Anonymous9:50 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Anonymous9:53 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anna, don't blame you for deleting, not worth it:)

  46. I can't believe I am going to do this, but I am going to defend Lindsay Lohan.

    This is what I think happened. I think she signed the agreement thinking she was hiring Mark to represent her in NYC case and i'm assuming he would do it pro-bono because of the free publicity she brings (we all know LL is all about the free). But he is greedy and wants Lindsay on both cases because where Lindsay is, cameras are and that is just more free publicity and he doesn't give a shit if she does jail time or not. He wants to ride on her train wreck coat tails. So he didn't explain what the agreement was fully and she like the lemming she is just signed it.

    I am only saying this because when I was in my early twenties I was in a car accident and the lawyer I signed with told me it was 33% of the settlement(legally standard cut) but in reality the agreement said it would give him a percentage on each thousand which would end up in the 60% range of settlement. It took me threatening to report him to the disciplinary bar association for his bait and switch before he backed down. timebob don't play that.

    She just didn't read what she was signing. I feel dirty now.

  47. Didn't she attend that foreign prince's party for $100k?

    She needs to do three more "Fuck a foreign prince and his friends for $100k parties" so she can pay off this legal bill. Thing is, once that cash is in her hands, she sure hates to part with it. Lilo thinks people should be honored to work for her gratis.

  48. Lindsay is not human. She is a coke whore. They have no souls, because it is eroded by drugs and the semen of strangers. She doesn't have the ability to feel joy, compassion or friendship, only hate, jealousy and greed. This trumps even the soulless nature of being a ginger.

  49. @timebob, I agree with you. I think that lawyer stuck it in there, but LL didn't read the fine print. She got caught with her pants down. LOLOLOL. That made me laugh.
    On another note, I watched (hanging head in shame) the trailer for The Comptons or whatever her new movie was called. The one with the porn guy? Well, that one. Her voice is SO raspy, she's now totally a chain smoking 40 yr old crack whore. No way around that. It's sad to see just how far she's fallen. Not done though. There's more to come, unfortunately.

  50. Hasn't she fired her lawyer before and begged to come back? I can't say I feel sorry for SH or it sucks she she is never going to see the $300K she is owed.

    She knows who she represented. It's the same one she got off time and time again. It's kept LL free to practice her thievery skills, prostitute herself, and available to make any day the day she takes too many pills, steal a car and smash it into an innocent person.

  51. With this crook lawyer representing her, LiLo might actually get jail time now. Shawn should be thrilled to be done with her. Unfortunately, she'll probably never get that 300k from Cady.

  52. @SusanB interesting. But would that still hold if the client defaults on the bills? I'd not thought about that, makes sense though.

    Where there are ghost writers, there are ways.

  53. Just checked TMZ, for anyone that's interested...

    So Shawn claimed that she still represents Lindsay, the judge called up the lawyers and was all, "WTF?", and postponed things until January 30th. Lindsay herself has to appear on January 30th to make it clear who is representing her, because at this point who knows?

  54. JAX - where were you a few days ago? I totally could have used some backup

  55. @Talks anything can happen in here, I just defended Lindsay, you just gotta role with it. Sorry if I was rude I get nutty sometimes.

  56. Shawn Holley was party of OJ's defense team, so I don't feel bad about her getting screwed out of 300,000 clams. Is FoolHan 27 yet?
