Lindsay Lohan Fires Shawn Holley - Owes Her $300K - Due In Court Today
Showing that she really is idiotic and a hopeless cause, Lindsay Lohan fired the one good person in her life, Shawn Holley. Despite being owed $300K in unpaid legal fees, Shawn has kept Lindsay out of jail and seemingly pulled magic trick after magic trick to make Lindsay's problems go away. So, on the eve of a court hearing, what does Lindsay do? Fires Shawn and replaces her with some guy who was suspended from practicing law for 5 years right when Shawn was on her way to pull another rabbit out of her hat and keep Lindsay from jail. It would have meant rehab though for Lindsay which would mean she would have to admit she has a problem and that it is her fault and she wouldn't be able to booze or drugs until she got out.