Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Lindsay Lohan & Dina Lohan Party In London

I guess Lindsay Lohan must have hooked back up with her rich sometime acquaintance and met him in London and brought mom along for the ride because there is no other way that the pair could afford a trip to London. You know that Dina was coming along because if Lindsay got any cash, Dina was going to stick her pale, snake like hand into the wad and take her share before Lindsay could spend it on furs and other necessities. Maybe Lindsay thinks if she sticks around London, someone from The Wanted will give her a call and she can go over to their place and get back in with the band. Maybe she is in London because she loves fish and chips. I do know that Dina has been getting wasted while she is there and Lindsay has not looked so hot herself. Look at the photo above of Lindsay and tell me how healthy and fit she looks. You know that she wishes she was having Kanye's baby.


  1. Pulled back from the brink yet again...

  2. Its like a sick demented version of Gilmore Girls but with vodka and coke instead of coffee. Still just as chatty!

  3. Hey Enty, as a Pale-y, I object to the pale comment!

    JFC! She looks like shit! She looks like shit with her pale skin and she looks like shit as Oompa Lindsay. Does she own a mirror?

  4. That visual was awesome, Rejected!

  5. They have GOT to be down for whatever, because they're so nasty and used up I just cannot comprehend how they're worth more than a pack of Parliaments and a wad of old gum.

  6. ReesesPeace- I too am ridiculously pale, but the visual I get on this description of Dina is reminiscent of Lord Voldemort.

    1. Just had to add: count me as a member of the Pale Club. I'm maybe the whitest white girl ever; well, at least I'm a contender. But I think these Lohans have us all beat, because they are probably never conscious when the sun's up.

  7. How is she still pulling in sugar daddies?

  8. Amber, dear... surely they're not worth that much?!

    Yes, ButterKwup, Pale-y's Unite! =) The reason I like my piccy is the sun was setting on the ocean and I actually appear to have glowing, sun-kissed skin! lol! I haven't *tried* to get a tan for almost 40 years.

  9. Ha ha, pack of Parliaments & wad of old gum. Ha ha!

  10. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Her friends were at Prince Azim's NYE party in London where she was probably at as well

  11. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Hello all btw! Long time lurker and decided to start posting! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    1. Hi MissW - welcome to the party, and Happy New Year right back at ya!

  12. LOL! Thank you Rejected!

  13. LOL! Thank you Rejected!

  14. Way to show those kids an example, Dina. Grown children still look up to their parents. How is Lindsay supposed to clean up if mama is always in party mode?

  15. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Since Blohan's stock has plummeted, maybe she threw in a buy 1 get 1 free special this year on her services. You know Dina would be down. Especially since Lindsay would be the freebie add on, haha

  16. Lol @ the parliments and old gum hahaha.

    These pics honestly remind me of the ones of Whitney right before she passed...not looking good chick.

  17. I totes know these broads have chosen this lifestyle time and time and time again (although I also think Lindsey's life was doomed from the start thanks to crap parenting), but a part of me pities them: look at that pic, and imagine how shitty it must feel to be inside LIndsey's skin. Yuck.

  18. Parliaments are pretty pricey. She may still be worth more than Pall Malls, but definitely not Parliaments. Soon to be ex smoker here!

  19. Puggles: wishing you good luck!!!!You can do it!! =)

  20. Welcome @MissWanderlust!

  21. Puggles- parliaments are around 8 bucks where I live so yes Pall Mall is a more befitting brand for her. Good luck on quitting- I need to also become an ex smoker!

  22. @rejectedcarebear, I laughed soo hard, lol!!

    @@MissWanderlust, woohooo!! Welcome and happy new year!!

    I do wonder how this girl gets this around while never working... oh, I get it!. But with mom? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  23. She's the new Tara Reid

  24. @ rejected, hahaha!! The twisted Gilmore Girls!

    @ MissWunderlust, welcome :)

    I would give her a pack of Pall Malls if she went and took a shower! She looks all kinds of grungy!

  25. Hey...I smoke Pall Malls!

  26. Okay, so this is her new bodyguard which leaves me wondering the following: 1) how exactly is she paying him? 2) how screwed up is he that he thinks he's going to actually get a steady paycheck? 3) does he charge extra to peel Dina off the floor in a drunken/high stupor?

  27. That fake birkin bag just makes the outfit.

    She needs Dina so when they fly home Dina can tape the cash Lindsay earned from whoring to her belly. Taxes what taxes!

    1. That was my initial response yesterday. Fake Birkin, dirty clothes, and high as a kite.

  28. Welp this answers Blind Item #1.

  29. Wassup Wanderlust!

    It makes me feel yucky inside when I think about Lindsey and Dina sharing coke and men.

    Goes how do you do it? I will get them when I am super broke, but otherwise I can't stomach them

  30. Is it just me or does her hairline keep getting farther and farther back? It's like male pattern baldness.

  31. In the movie "Machete" she and her mom (in the movie) had a threesome with some guy. That has to be weird knowing your real mom more than likely saw the movie - I bet it's happened it real life. Gross!!!

  32. ICK NAST....her and Dina are disgusting and you know they're selling Ali too

  33. I wonder what karma is in store for the lohans esp dina.

  34. Whose mother hangs out them all the time? No ones! Oh wait, there was cash and coke involved. Guess Dina has to put out more than just her pasty claw these days.

  35. I agree - this picture gave me the same feeling as the last pics of Amy Winehouse and Whitney did. LL does not look healthy at all there - she's bloated up.

  36. It looks as though the bodyguard is reminding her how to walk. "Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot..."

  37. and @tuxcat (another post) are on a roll...LOL...normally I'm an old grump...well not old ...just a grump...actually another word would be more appropriate...



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