Sunday, January 06, 2013

Lindsay Lohan And Her Ugly Bruises

I have had some ugly bruises in my life. They generally are from falling down drunk or running into things drunk. When I fall down drunk outside I end up with lots of scrapes and cuts to go with my bruises. When I run into things drunk, it is usually the lower part of my body that takes a beating. I would say the majority of injuries in my life have come as a result of drinking. I have yet to ever receive an injury like the one Lindsay Lohan is sporting on her arm except when I decided that I could handle being hit by a baseball bat. I would love to hear your theories on how Lindsay received this particular injury. It is pretty horrific. This is baseball bat to the arm stuff. This is tie me to the bed as hard as you want because you paid me a lot of money stuff. Notice there are not really cuts or scrapes so it does not look like a fall was involved. I wonder what Lindsay has been doing in London when she has not been out partying.


  1. Fighting off rehab

  2. I've seen some nasty bruises after folks have fallen while drunk. Stairs and concrete curbs are not good to be around when blackout drunk.

  3. Let's see. The prince of Brunei paid her 100k. Afterward she has these bruises.
    Hmmmmmm let me think long and hard, OH I got it. She's a port a potty girl. Herp derp.

  4. Looks like her prince likes it rough

  5. a john get rough with you crackhead?

  6. well, S&M would be the last scene she wasn´t in yet. maybe its their turn now. must really, really, really need the money...

  7. Horrible. I know she is 26 and an adult but how can Dina enable this lifestyle? WHAT THE HELL does this chick do behind closed doors? Doesn't she realize that no one in their right mind will hire a walking corpse? Very VERY sad....Whether you think she was talented in the past or not is one thing but you cannot argue that at one point in her career she was one of the most stunning actresses/models in Hollywood and she threw it all away....

  8. Surely we have a CDaNer who's a forensic expert and can tell us the real 411. Experts can look at the type of bruising and determine how it was caused, correct? Let's hear from you smarties out there!

    I know that Lindsey is a grown woman, and I am certainly not making any excuses for her. But this picture has moved me from feeling disgust to feeling pity. She is bound to be just a shell of a human being at this point.

  9. God, this is some sad shit.

  10. I bruise easily, but this looks like very rough sex being held down or more than 1 partner....anyway it's not good...

  11. if you look closely, she also has bruising on her neck. i wonder what she is hiding behind her coat.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I have no doubt, if he offered her that money again, she would go back. She is a lost cause imo.

  14. Agree w seaward. They seriously look like marks from being held down like someone else said or like hickeys.


    1. Usually when someone is restrained, either by hands or tied objects, you see ligature marks on the wrists, sometimes several sets,or distinct fingerprint markings. These bruises are higher and wrap around to the real elbow, as she might have caught herself on her elbow, in an attempt to cushion her head. Or has her arms wrapped around her head and received a blow and her arm took the impact. Sadly, I've seen too many things like this.

    2. Could also be advanced bondage... There are all sorts of fancy leather strap and rope combos that can pretty much cover your whole body. Some interesting things in the world of alternative erotica.

      Also, I read on a Mac w the colors inverted... The bruises do seem to have a linear pattern to them like they were straps of some form.

  15. She's fooling around with the kind of people who make other people disappear

  16. Lindsey's life could one day make an excellent movie. Unfortunately the story told will be about a mostly downward rollercoaster ride that includes extreme degradation, the enablers that helped it to happen, and an ending that includes the ultimate tragic waste of human life, beauty and talent.

  17. Heavy, long-term drinking coupled with using ibuprofen for hangovers can cause bruising like that.

    1. kassandra, bingo! Thanks for that.

    2. And kidney failure. Looks so bad!

  18. Alcohol abuse can cause bruising on its own, without the alcoholic even falling down. Alcohol also thins the blood, which can make bruises worse (My husband is on blood thinners, I've seen a similar effect on him). The bruising can be a first indication that all is not right with your liver. If she's really drinking as much as has been reported, that could be what it is. Sad enough.

    1. Combined w how pale she is (under the spray tan), it would show really brightly.

  19. I'm on my phone, so I could zoom way in. It doesn't look like there are any hand prints, or finger impressions. I didn't see any bruising on the little bit of neck that is showing. A lot of the bruising is yellow, which means it is already healing, so she may have had them prior. She was wearing lots of long sleeved shirts in recent pictures.

    1. I zoomed in as well and a lot of the brusing seems very straight and squared. She has a smakl one on the back of her neck. Its only just visable though

  20. I can't help but think it's related to a certain prince wooing her with a large sum of money on New Years Eve. Oh man..

  21. @ iLeaf: after getting the story on a regular basis, would you watch a movie about her???

    i wouldn´t.

  22. Excellent point, sylmarillion. I didn' think about that.

  23. when i saw this earlier i thought that if you looked closely towards her bracelets it looked like you could see fingers marks as if she had been held down or gripped hard but i'm probably just projecting

  24. On another not she has some very fancy bracelets in that pic. Do we say it was a gift?

  25. but then I think why would't she just wear a long sleeve shirt? Is she really that desperate for attention? If I had bruises like that I would be very self conscious.....

  26. Also, ITA to the above posters. Unfortunately, I have witnessed substance abuse and alcoholism with relatives. Bumping into a wall while staggering can cause bruising when you are so far into the addiction.

  27. I think it looks like she's been tied up. That's the first thing I thought, especially knowing she's been a paid "date"

  28. They do kind of look like sexual bruises in my opinion. I supose they may be from something else but they look rough to me as long as it was consenual (judging from her pay i'd say it was) then i dont see what the big deal is. Everyones got their thing.

  29. The Bdsm community does not want her crazy run your mouth sell it to the highest bidder lying cracked out whacked out self or her Mom.

  30. It looks like she was propping herself up on her arms and elbows for an extended period of time. I think we all know why she would stay in such an awkward position.

  31. The Bdsm community does not want her crazy run your mouth sell it to the highest bidder lying cracked out whacked out self or her Mom.

  32. lmao Moosefan, I'll take your word for it :)

    1. Hell. Y'all know she would sell every bit of it and name names to make a buck.
      One of my best friends of over 15 years, her and her husband are in the lifestyle. She was reading this and saw the comments.

  33. The bruising near her bracelets look more like they would be from restraints than hands. I honestly think it is from rough sex and being drunk. She probably just bruises easier than you or me.

  34. I used to get pretty toasted in my younger days and fell a few times, once being into my friend's tub, pulling the shower curtain and rod with me. I never got a bruise like that. We can speculate all we want - I guess everyone pretty much believes she's not only swapping sex for money, but that she's reached the point where as her fame drops, she likely has to significantly "up" the ante in the bedroom. I hope that this is not the case, and if it is, that it's consensual. :(

  35. Also this bruise looks older. A fresh bruise is more red, then purple, then green, then yellow. This has yellow in it. It may not have happened while she was on this trip. Anyone else want to add to this theory?

  36. I agree, most look like they are healing. I think she bruises easily due to being in horrible shape.

  37. @Sherry, WHAT is on your cake?

  38. I can't even begin to guess what it could be but they do look old and I think they're spread too much to be hands holding her down.

  39. I once banged my ankle and my whole leg from knee down was black blue and purple. Mb she banged her elbow really hard. She was trying to hide it, but wind blew her cape/coat up. Idk. If its abuse for money, thats just awful. Dont even know what to say, but it isnt t fun to watch someone slide into an abyss.

  40. When exactly was this pic taken? Those do look like several day old bruises. If the pic was taken last night, then they could be from NYE and the trick with the rich Arab.

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      So you think anyone brown is arab? Try looking at a map or reading wikipedia. Brunei can be your first look. Plus the prince is as camp as a row of tents.

    2. Have to agree with @The Truth on this one, re the prince in question being rather more partial to the chaps than the ladies. Doesn't mean his guests .. or sister for that matter (that is snark, not suggestion) didn't spend one-on-one time with Lindsay, but I doubt he did.

      I have seen how the gossip talk in the last days has somehow knighted Brunei as a middle eastern nation, on CB it was even mentioned as Bahrain! Guys, com'on, what are we going to do once we colonise other planets if we can't even get our countries straight?!!?!

      Live long and proper!

  41. Those bruises look highly suspicious to me. Not like she just fell down.

  42. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Now I understand why she was paid so much more than Pamela Anderson.

  43. Anonymous11:14 AM

    And her sick, pathetic mother is over there with her. Is she being paid for SM sex too? The entire Lohan family is such a sad mess. How did they get this way?

  44. NYE date with restraints (mutual of course for 100K)! Bruises would be healing after a week as NYE was the 31st. Oh kiddo, at least pay the fricking IRS with your sex money.

  45. She looks like a corpse.

  46. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I bruised like that before but shoulder blade to a little below elbow. It was by being hit by a baseball thrown by a guy with a good fastball. Seriously thought my arm was broke for a few minutes after it hit. Was chasing boston terrier who slipped collar at the park and ran onto the baseball field during a game..she loves chasing balls. Have also got a hella nasty one and massive gooseegg on thigh by being hit by golf ball.

  47. I'm thinking leather restraints on her forearms.

    I don't know about the other bruising.

  48. i woke up with bruises on my right arm that looked like someone grabbed me, a bruise on the left arm that was about the size of a deck of cards and one on the back of my shoulder and a tender spot on my head......NO clue what happened but doctor said sleep walking.

    in this tricks case - ya rough trade

  49. Didn't she go out with a younger guy after the NYE party who offered her drugs and 25k?

    Or at least Enty's previous blind item alludes to it: Blind

    Photos from Daily Mail: Guy

  50. I am not on the bondage wagon. I think she has a systemic problem with clotting.

  51. some of you ask "how can dina allow this?" but you fail to notice that dina is part of it!

    she's not there in UK to watch over her daughter. she's there to pimp, and in all disgusting liklihood - probably to participate with her. no sultan/prince is going to pay that much for just some washed up celeb. never - no matter how little cash that is to the royal.

    they'd never pay it for a gross celeb. UnLess something truly twisted is part of the deal. as in, mom/daughter or even mom/daughter/daughter. where is ali anyway?

    we all know linds was grooming her to take her spot being paid by the Indian hotel dude. a blind enty never revealed i think, about a younger sis who already got nakey in front of him now taking over her sisters spot now shes legal. that was ali.

    would not be shocked if all 3 HoHans were selling sick sex to sultans. linds and dina tying each other up and beating the hell out of each other? very likely. anyone see pix of dina this past week? is she bruised?

    but to them its just another "role" or income stream. when no morals exist you cannot break them. cocaine is a helluva drug as rick james said!

    i'm just glad my family was semi-normal and i have a great man who loves me without wanting to turn me into a pervy potty, punching bag, or wanting me to be a porn star. i enjoy a lil spice as much as any freaky girl but not the crazy train rides.

    this is all the side of hollyweird they dont show on american idol. and any wonder girls like bynes, thora burch, etc. all grow up to be disasters? they werent born that way. they were bred into it by family, scummy rich sickos, producers, and even boyfriends. been going on forever and likely will continue. now please pass the brain bleach?

  52. @Derek Harvey

    Bingo!! I totally agree with you. I still think it is wrong it she has been hurt by someone. I think it's just as likely that she fell on tile or marble.

    Lindsay is an expert at getting attention, and she has to be in court Monday, so will be looking for any public sympathy.

  53. I think we have officially lost her. When does she turn 27? We know she isn't as talented as others in the "club", but it's pretty obvious that she sure as hell thinks she is. I wouldn't be surprised if she offs herself sometime in the next year.

    God that is horrible. Horrible, but true.

    And that is some heavy, all over the arm bruising. I totally understand drunk falling or blood thinners; shit I get bruises when I am totally sober in a bounce house. But her arm looks like it was just pounded on with something heavy.

  54. I'm a redhead, extremely clumsy, and a former alcoholic. I NEVER had bruising like that.
    I had a lot of "dates" when I was smashed, but managed to avoid any rough stuff.

    1. @ Turkish taffy - interesting! I fit your same profile and I always gad visible brusises. Still do in fact.... but these days they're related to crawling on floor with my baby

    2. @Jenin - don't want to sound like a prat, but good for you.

      We must each get ourselves one of those excellent "choose life" t-shirts, eh ;)))

  55. Ohh Tuxedo that is a good angle, I didn't even think about upcoming court dates.

    In all honesty, I am surprised we can't see any track marks in this photo.

  56. She's wearing at least $10,000 in gold on that one arm, but she can't pay her taxes.

  57. Opiate use makes you just numb enough to barely notice the kind of hard knocks that leave these kinds of marks.

  58. Also, the one on the forearm looks like a cuff bracelet mark.

  59. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I think the big yellow one looks like a cuff or restraint. Not a surprise seeing as why would a wealthy man hire Lindsay Lohan for a little fun, when there's lots of other normal starlets/reality hoes/d listers available for hire. She's a dirty, nasty, (unrelated) lesbian or bi, jailbird, with a nasty drinking and drug habiit and they (allegedly) are paying her for sex. Let's be real. This isn't " put your hair in pig tails and play innnocent" this is Lindsay "gravelvoiced" Lohan, they want someone down and dirty who's going to get really debauched. BDSM ( no offense to that community) seems to be the next logical step for a John wanting a dirty nasty Lindsay experience. She's desperate, what choice does she have?

  60. Anonymous12:05 PM

    And the Prince of Brunei looks like a giggling sixteen year old queen, think Jack from Will and Grace but from Brunei with endless amounts of money, there's no way he's spending private time with her.

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM


    2. Maybe the turn on is his ability to make a "Hollywood starlet" debase herself w her mother involved for money... That's gotta be a bigger ball tickler than picking up a random person to bang.

  61. Anonymous12:06 PM

  62. I bruise easily and when I have had some obscure weird ones I would keep them hidden by wearing either pants or long sleeved tops where there would be no risk of the sleeves or pant legs riding up in any way. Most of the time I had no clue how the bruises happened, but often it was because I walked into something without looking where I was going. This was done very intentionally because she knew she would be photographed, an advertisement almost.
    It also almost makes me think of what the beginnings of flesh eating disease might look like.

  63. Holy cow, that looks painful.

    I bruise *very* easily (it's genetic) and have had some that look like that, but they're localized, not the entire arm.

    It's weird that the bruises start below the bracelet.

  64. I've broken my arm, twice, and what Lindsay is showing there is nothing accidental, it's not from a fall, it's not from someone gripping her to make sure she doesn't fall, and it's worse than the bruising I had even with a broken arm.

  65. I had the same sort of bruise about a year ago. I fell and fractured my elbow--the bruising was really bad and as it started to heal, the bruise moved down my arm and caused almost that same bruise-- very yellowed with some spidering (that you see by her elbow) and a lot of purple on the underside of my arm where the bruise was pooling. It looked disgusting and was terribly embarrassing. I also had a sling and I wore long sleeves the whole time because I didn't want to disgust others.

    This could just be the same type of thing, she got one really bad bruise and because of her alcoholism, it is having a weird traveling effect?! Not defending Lindsay, no doubt she did something (a lot of things) stupid, but I am defending the prince (lest we all assume he is an abuser) and shedding personal experience that might explain that bruise.

    Either way, cover it up, drama had to have known there would be paps around.

  66. @ The Truth, you seem to be quite defensive over this piece of shit prince?

  67. I know it's just Lohan but sort of because of that I feel yucky speculating about how she got the bruises. I hope she did trip over herself and this wasn't inflicted by a second party.

  68. This whole thing just turns my stomach. It's just like watching Amy Winehouse all over again and just waiting for the obituary.Some people just can't be saved. You know she is never going to rehab again because she is Dina's personal ATM.

  69. She got the bruises from getting caught trying to steal furs and jewels. Someone wasn't too thrilled with getting ripped off by Lohan, and took matters into their own hands for once instead of watching LieLo get yet another slap on the wrist.

  70. It's highly unlikely that those bruises are from paid BDSM play. It's pretty rare for women to be paid subs, and even if she went that route she'd likely have a scene control pimp-type in the room to make sure she didn't get bruised where it would be visible. She doesn't seem desperate enough to do paid-sub tricking yet, or to get herself into a situation where she could get roughed up by a john.

    Looks like either warding injuries from a fight or she fell. Given all the shots of her stumbling on her pins, I'd guess a fall. I wonder if she has some cumulative neurological balance deficits due to all the traffic accidents, fights and heavy drug abuse. Better get her a Bill Holden drinking helmet!

    That's not baseball bat to the arm stuff anyway. I've been hit that hard and what you see is deep purple-brown bruising.

  71. Meh, she fell when drunk. It also looks like she has a scrape on her elbow.

  72. @EmEyeKay: It's a Persian Love Cake and those are candied rose petals. The Opster does the decorating since he's the artist. I only cook it since I am the chef.

    I'm not so absolutely sure it's from BDSM or anything untoward..We speculate but we don't really know. NOT defending Hohan. However, this prince is well known for paying celebs to be at his party and giving them lavish gifts. See the picture Anna Amuss linked to ...Mariah Carey ALSO attended one of his parties as did Sophia Loren.

    I bruise easily..Don't even look at me bruise easy. Could it be frm her drinking and falling? Most likely. Could it be from rough trade..Possible but not absolute. In this case it's speculation.

  73. I have to say, we see so many pics of her stumbling and falling over, she probably got hammered with her 100k payout and fell into someone's garden

  74. Wait, just a few months ago, wasn't there a phone call released to TMZ (courtesy just as gross Michael Lohan, naturally) in which a hysterical Lindsay was yelling and crying that White Oprah was coked up and hit her or something? Just saying.

  75. I am totally cool with BDSM as long as it is consensual, but ghost, you have got me on your track. Hopefully it isn't abusive at all and it just her being Lindsay, trying to steal shit, and getting caught. She may be a mess, but I don't want to think about what else may have been going on in London with that Prince.

  76. That looks like bruises of a person who walks into walls a lot. I have a friend who suffers from crazy labyrinthitis and would walk into walls. She had nasty bruises like this. It's a balance thing. Lohan is off her rocker - drunk and stumbling falling into shit because she no longer has pride or any dignity to keep her in check. She is just a mess. I don't pity her at all, it's self inflicted.

  77. I mean, it wouldn't and doesn't surprise me if she sells herself out to be utterly used and abused. She is an adult and can make her own choices. It's just sad to think how low she's really gone and she has nothing to show for any of it. A few bougie luxury items, a rap sheet longer than her IMDB credits, and a once-legitimate career that can only be likened to Chernobyl. I don't rule anything out when it comes to her anymore. Her life is perpetually like a bad Aaron Spelling show.

  78. I got some real good purple/green ones on that exact spot on my arm from getting blood drawn. So, whether it was legit needles or not, that'll do it...

  79. It looks like the bruising stops at her wrist above her hand. Hmmmm....

    Also the only time I ever had a bruise close to that size was when a horse bit me on the back of my thigh. I was bruised pretty bad for a month. Still have broken blood vessels to this day and it was 18 years ago! Somehow I don't think Lindsey's bruise is from a horse bite.

  80. I'm glad I was not born to her parents. She has no clue anymore of right from wrong. Hopefully, somebody will get throught to her because ... it's not looking too good.

  81. If it was from bondage, wouldn't the bruising be at her wrists? It looks to me like the bruising is right below her bracelets and extends down her forearm. It looks too big to be caused by being held down, and that's a weird spot for a bondage strap.

  82. agree it looks like a combo of old and new bruising. if she falls, and someone tried to grab her by the arm to stop her fall, it might do that. i hate to think what it probably is.

  83. Yeah, there are BDSM restraints that secure around the forearm but not the wrist. They're pretty uncommon though, and you'd have to massively thrash in them to cause that kind of bruising. Much more telltale are handcuff bruises on the wrists, which are very distinctive. Not that I know of such things....

    As much as she's become an almost irremediable chunk of human waste, it would be inhumane to not care if she's inflicting permanent damage to her motor functions.

  84. It always creeps me out when people say death pool but in this situation...

  85. As a person in the Kinkster lifestyle Id have to say some kink was in her weekend with that prince.

    Looks like there were some thick ropes used (upper forearm looks like it has lines), any maybe she was doing some suspension play or something.Could also be finger impressions but they look really thick and are not spaced right. the one on her neck looks like a hickey.

    The bruises are also yellowing, which is a sign they are a bit older. She could have been wearing makeup for a long time and stopped caring to put it on too. Being that she is a red head, freckled and pale skinned id guess she bruises super easy.

    the bruise on her neck looks like a fading hickey.

    Trust me, if people think this is terrible, Id hate to see what they though of knife play.

    Its no problem if both parties are agreeable and have restrictions. I bet she had a team of security around her too. just saying.

  86. B., I know he was a bad drunk, but I hate to see William Holden mentioned in a Lindsay Lohan post.

    All I wondered when I saw this pic was who's missing their jewelry?

  87. telling.. a rap sheet longer than her IMDB credits. Perfect description.

  88. Those look like bruises in different stages of healing, maybe they didn't all occur at once? The one on her neck looks sorta gross, too. I'ma redhead, and I know how easily I bruise, so I'm sure that's why they look SO bad.

    But, I agree with the others who say this is just another publicity thing (not that the bruises aren't real, and I don't think they're self-inflicted). It's like she covered her horrendous face so the ONLY thing we'd have to focus on were those awful bruises.

  89. I don't think the bruises are from a fall. The wrist and elbow are spared and it's common to fall on an extended arm to break a fall or bang the elbow if falling back. Something was done to her.

    Her mother and father are both total douche bags and make as much off her as they can . If she called her dad right now for help he would record it and sell it to the highest bidder . Her mom would just give her more coke and tell her to get her ass back in the room ! My sons are all in their 20's but they will always be my little kids to me and if I saw them going downhill I would be right there MAKING them get help !!! Pisses me off that her family sux so much

  91. My husband thinks she is now a lost cause because the people , like this dude she will 'working' for now have enough money to keep her drugged up .

  92. sadly, I think she's been getting sexually roughed up.

    doesn't anyone else here remember the socal girl a few years back who detailed what she allowed herself to go through when she was selling her body to wealthy middle eastern men??? sadly I think that's what's going on here too. and when I say sadly, I really, and truly mean it.

  93. Someone beat the shit out of her. She's not one to cover her face.

  94. Enty drinks to much, he should go to AA.

    1. And you should find another blog to read if it bothers you so much Steppy. Why do you come here? I just don't get it.

    2. FFS, Enty says he drinks too much. He also says he is 400 pounds and lives innhis pparent's basement.

      Laugh and move on, or don't laugh and move the hell on!

  95. after watching liz and dick we all wanted to die. now after looking at her she looks like she is starring in snuff films and she will die

  96. LMAO that's the Prince who hired all those mega camp ultra DIVAS too hang out for his birthday, right? He has to be gay.

  97. I was just tattooed on my inner arm a few weeks ago (2 hr session) and had similar bruising to Lilo all around my arm. Girlfriend had to have been roughed up pretty hard to create a similar bruise :/

  98. Where are you guys seeing this picture of a bruise on her neck ?

  99. Omama, I never see you on here! I remember you from when I used to lurk here! Camcolty, I still don't see the neck bruising. I had am aunt addicted to prescription less. She would walk into walls often. She would stagger, trip over nothing, you name it. She always had bruises on her arms and legs. This picture is incredibly sad. I'm the same age as her. I think about the future often. I make plans, get scared at times (I may be a momma some day!), and excited. I wonder if Lohan even thinks about her future, or thinks she may have one. She needs a major wake up call.

    1. Less=Drugs No idea how my autocorrect got that one.

  100. kj people who star in snuff films dont make more than one, theyre dead before end of filming

  101. Who cares, she has 100k in the bank and is still alive

  102. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I had a bruise like that on my elbow after rolling/crashing an SUV...the only injury I had was my elbow after hitting the arm rest on the drivers door. I think this has something to do with needles belts/restraints around the arms and trouble finding a vein though.

  103. she is a victim of mk ultra/ monarch programming. she is a mind controlled slave. her mind is shattered by extreme torture, in order to create alter personas. nye she look great, but later that night, she was wearing ill fitting clothes and appeared out of it. they put a white/black striped shirt on her, which reinforces the traumatic torture she endured. bruises are evidence of this

    1. ....and I'm the Queen of England:)

    2. I have no problem thinking that the CIA had a fancy mind control programme post WW2.

      I am bored of seeing this rubbish in celebrity gossip sites though! Nobody mindwashed LiLo, PantyAirs, Brittney, etc, so that we, the great unwashed, would focus all our time on it to the exclusion of all other! Pretty much everyone here knows about current events, has job, is not a moron. This MK Ultra crap is .. crap! It's blocks internet garbage. Ohh err, I have a fancy internet conspiracy. Sorry to be so harsh, but the Majestic cadswallop has had it's day. Let it die.

  104. Snuff films+research= life long nightmares and no recurring actors.

  105. I got bit by a horse on my tricep about 2 years ago and it looked like someone had beat me with something. It was black and gigantic. Maybe she was on horse and a horse. Hahahahaha

  106. I think people are confusing Brunei for Dubai. On the earlier post, everyone kept saying Dubai.

    Brunei is in southeast Asia, borders Malaysia, near Phillipines, Cambodia, Vietnam.

    Dubai is in the UAE in the middle east, near Iran and Saudi Arabia.

    I don't think this prince's parties are all about prostituting celebrities. He throws this party every year in London, and typical guests are Dionne Warwick, Mariah Carey, Sophia Loren, Joan Collins.

  107. Bdsm players sometimes wrap the forearms together behind the back with thick ropes. That's what this looks like to me. We need to see the other arm to be sure. Either that or she tried to shoot herself up and couldn't find the vein.

  108. I remember years ago when my sister was a bad drug addict she would have bruises like this all over her arms from repeated attempts at trying to shoot up when her veins had collapsed

  109. I remember years ago when my sister was a bad drug addict she would have bruises like this all over her arms from repeated attempts at trying to shoot up when her veins had collapsed

  110. Catlady1234 - totally agree with you

  111. My ex had her blood drawn once and the phlebotomist had problems finding her vein. She had some seriously effed up looking bruises similar to these for about 2 weeks!!

  112. @Steppy

    I think Enty exaggerates for comic effect. He manages to put out a blog 7/24/365. Quit being such a little troll?

  113. Could the bruises be from putting a tourniquet on her arm to inject heroin? I have no firsthand knowledge - just researched on the net. There is a 2010 photo of LL with a tourniquet on her arm about to shoot up.
