Saturday, January 26, 2013

Liberty Ross Files For Divorce

Well, Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders have officially destroyed a marriage and made sure that a couple of children will have to grow up in separate households. Liberty Ross has filed for divorce and even though she just put down what everyone else puts down as the reason, everyone on the planet knows it is because her husband and Kristen Stewart were having sex and got caught. If they had not got caught do you think they would still be having sex? I bet they would which means they are not really sorry it happened, just sorry they got caught. Liberty wants child and spousal support and for Rupert to be forced to watch Twilight movies on a loop 24/7.


  1. I just can't see ending a marriage for the queen of the butterfaces.

  2. I'm sorry but those pictures have always seemed so staged to me...

  3. I can't decide if I think Liberty is a victim of a PR stunt or a part of it.

  4. Every time I see these pics I think about how she HAD to have known. She's the queen of private, puleeze. Totally on purpose!

  5. Kstew is no prize, but I'd like to see more blame heaped on Rupert - he's the one who had a wife & kids and threw them away. To me that's much more disgusting than cheating on a boyfriend.

  6. Good for Liberty. I wonder if Kristen will break up whatever that is with Rob and start up again with Rupert, or is not quite as exciting when it's legit?

  7. That middle picture makes me want to puke. Blech.

  8. Susan what is with that? I have heard next to nothing about Rupert being the dick in this situation. I'm not a big fan of Kristen's acting or attitude, but rumor has it Rob was cheating left and right, she has an affair with a married man and she is treated like she fucked every man in Russia while married to Prince Harry. Again, not a fan of hers but this blame game isn't right.

    1. See I am a kstew fan. I loved her ever since I saw her in the movie speak. I mean sure she not the best actress or the prettiest but I like her. She picks interesting rolls. Anyways I think the difference with rob is there was never photographic evidence. ( no I am not team Robert or anything. Actually I think he is rather boring.) I mean did he probably cheat, sure, but having it plastered in the papers with pictures is totally different.

      I think this was a pr stunt to an extent, I think kristen was bored of Robert and wanted an easy out. I think she really thought this would end it easily, but Robert played the I'm so hurt card instead of the I'm so pissed card and she didn't have the guts to say she didn't want rob any,ore. So she was stuck with him trying to earn him back.

      I think rob took her back for the the twilight franchise since it mad things easier, but now it's over it over.
      I think kristen used Rupert in a wy to satisfy her insecurities and Rupert was all too obliging.

      I think the wife was just collateral damage.

      I know ppl blame Rupert of Kristen, but kristen is not a child, she's an adult. She went to scenes Rupert worked on but she didn't. I think that speaks words. I think they are both equally to blame.

      This has been great for robs career in the sense he has big name draw and recognition, ands bad for kristen and no producers wife etc will let them work with her

  9. First time commenting....looking at how "happy" (sarcastic) Kristen looks...the whole affair thing smells pretty rotten. She looks pissier than usual for (bad) acting like she is really enjoying a romp with a honey. These people know they are followed to the point of being there is no fricken way this wasnt stagged....The divorce is just another stage in career building 101 Hollywood style.

    1. Welcome!! I totally agree with your post - these pics were completely staged.

  10. SusanB, I 100% agree. Stewart got waaaaaay too much shit for this. He made the choice to to cheat on his wife, the mother of his children. Stewart did not force any of this. Yes, she cheated on her boyfriend with a married man, but she did not destroy that marriage. He did that. I saw very little criticism for Rupert Sanders, and too much for Stewart.

    1. I think a lot of that has to do with everyone knowing who KStew and her "boyfriend" were, but how many really knew anything at all about Rupert and Liberty? I doubt most people could even pick them out of a lineup. I remember at the time there was speculation that the "affair" was staged to bring awareness about Liberty.

  11. I was never convinced of the validity of the whole affair either. The thing that makes it strange was the extreme height difference (even when she had heels) they had on the press tour for Snow White and in these pictures their almost neck in neck (with her in sneakers!) Is she on a soapbox?

  12. Anonymous9:21 AM

    An actress gets caught screwing her married director??? shock!! I think it's hilarious that she even looks grumpy and petulant when she's being grinded on and grabbed!!! Hilarious!

  13. Blech. Those pics look like a bad magazine spread.

  14. Welcome to crazy town GrammyCC

    1. Thanks...been a long time reader and love this shiettttt....makes me feel normal....LOL!

  15. Agreed Jsierra. I wanted to say about time u go girl but I'n like this could all be a publicty stunt.

  16. I thought the whole thing was a big scam. There was a video circulating (can't find it though) showing how all the photos could have been staged. Does anyone else remember this?

    1. Yes Dia. I remember it. Don't believe this story one bit. They really tried to make Liberty Ross a star but something didn't take. Is she in anything that anyone cares about? And why grind on someone but no other parts touching. You'd expect a back of the neck kiss or a breast fondling. Nothing at all.

    2. @dia, I saw it and the height thing has me convinced that these pictures are staged.

  17. I am wondering if maybe K-Stew set this whole thing up. She could have had a paparazzi take and release those pictures for some reason, Maybe she wanted to piss off Liberty, Robert Pattison, Her Twilight Producers....many possible scenarios.
    Maybe she got tired of being forced to be in a fake relationship with Pattison for the sake of the Twilight franchise. If the whole thing was a publicity stunt, no one got any good PR out of it which would normally be the whole point.

  18. It does smell like PR stunt, doesn't it? I'd never even heard of either Rupert or Liberty before this happened and was all over the news. Then they're not divorcing, she's so sorry, Rob's drowning his sorrows in Ojai, he's taking the girl back despite her wicked cheating ways, Liberty is standing tall but not standing by her man, new movie is coming out, filming part 2 and OH THEY'RE DIVORCING NOW! New pics of KS getting the sexy backside bump on a bridge!

    {sniff, sniff - EWWW}

  19. It's the typical double standard. Don't you know it's ALWAYS the woman's fault? The wife is a shrew/bitch/lousy in bed and the other woman is a conniving bitch looking for a sugar daddy. That's the way men look at it.

  20. Anonymous9:57 AM

    From June 2012 Elle US-

    She unlocks a nondescript rental car (she can’t drive her Mini Cooper without being followed by paparazzi),

    So if the article was published in June and it came out online in May, it was probably written in say April?
    So in April 2012 she confirmed that she can't drive her own mini cooper without being followed, why would she then in July drive around her mini cooper to have a make-out session outside with someone not her boyfriend? She knew she was being followed.

    This is ridiculous.

    She unlocks a nondescript rental car (she can’t drive her Mini Cooper without being followed by paparazzi), drops the books in back, slides into the driver’s seat, starts the engine and offers up a Camel. Pushing the cigarette-lighter button, she says, laughing, “I went for the high-class rental. This car’s got all the fixin’s!”

  21. Here's a quote from a recent blind:

    "On set romances are nothing new. They happen all the time so they are not really blind item worthy. It is not even that big of a deal if one of the people happens to be married."

    I post that because, drop the names Rupert and Kristen into that, and suddenly it becomes A SERIOUS DEAL, STOP THE WORLD, OMG DOOM AND DESTRUCTION!

    I'm not a fan of hers and I think her acting in the "Twilight" films was terrible, but it's outrageous how for anybody that isn't her, cheating "is not a big deal." And I don't mean it to pick specifically on Enty, it's like that everywhere.

  22. I'm not so sure. Fame does weird things to people and it could be the marriage was rocky to begin with and this was just the last straw. I can't see Kstew having that much power, to be honest. Certainly not enough to break up a tight union. It's sad for the kids, but kids of Hollywood and most marriages are likely going to end up with just one parent. :(

    Maybe it's all legit but there's something weird and phony about this, and I"m not talking crazy Twihard conspiracies, either.

  23. I'm not defending cheating, but damn, I don't remember ever seeing someone this reviled after it since last century, but it could be she was reviled before and this just justifies the hatred all the more.

  24. I think this was supposed to be her way out of the PR relationship that Twi-hards forced upon Rob and Kristen. Even the 'apology' note sounded like a fake piece of crap. Who does that? Only someone who is compelled to put on a good front to keep a movie franchise afloat. As you saw some of the Twilight fans are a little imbalanced and a few of them probably were arranging for a hit man when these pictures surfaced.

    As for the marriage dissolving...blame the person who is truly at fault...the cheating husband.

  25. Staged or not these two are scum. Those pictures will be seen by his kids. Kristen won't dissapear that eady because of nepotism...oh i mean because she is so beautiful and irresistable. They deserve each other, him with that goofy grin and her looking all dirty and stung out. In twenty five years kristen will look just like liberty. Same stick figure body, same banana head, same serious pissy attitude. Douche has taste.

  26. Omg SusanB, I hate when people say "you stole him from me". He chose to step out. If it wasn't with Kristen, it would be someone else. I have been cheated on. I was livid, a lot of my anger was towards the "other woman". When I took a step back, I realized my ex was the one feeding both of us bullshit. He was the chump in the whole clusterfuck. I'm happy the "other woman" emailed me awhile back. We compared notes, had our own stories about what a scheming douche he was, and left it on a happy note.

    1. I normally agree. Except in instances when the woman is proud of her part in it. Some women think they accomplished something by "taking" him. It is not only the wife guilty of this mentality and many women do not respect each other or even little children and will knowingly fuck said woman and children over.

    2. @Alma, unfortunately there are idiots who brag about "taking your man". I find it disgusting. In this instance, that wasn't the case. I dream of a world where women can lean on each other, and respect one another. We all go through so many similar things, and should embrace it, rather than being against one another.

    3. PuggleWug, how eloquently said! I agree with you.

  27. So does January Jones smell an opening in Ruperts next movie? :)

  28. People who aren't famous cheat on their spouses and get caught too.

    And yes, he's the one to blame the most. To paraphrase a line from "Sex, Lies, and Videotape," the other woman says to her married lover, "I'm not the one who took a vow in front of God and everybody to be faithful to her."

  29. For the record, I've hated the very SIGHT if KSpew from day one.

  30. Oh ChrisC: we knew we loved you for a reason!

    OT: How's Oz today? Wish I were there since it's summer!

  31. I don't think it was staged, I just think they were arrogant and thought they wouldn't be caught. And both their little head were doing the thinking.

    I guess that is why RPatz took off for Australia and wouldn't let mopey face come with him. He didn't want to be part of the blow back when she filed.

  32. Yea, I don't think that it was staged. She will probably get back with Rubert to finish off what they started.

  33. It probably wasn't his first affair, but the first time he was caught publicly ...

  34. One of my friends was cheated on by her defacto with her best friend (who was married). The cheating twosome always looked so smug & happy when hubby & I saw them out. They ended up together, had kids, bought a house, got married, & they have never looked as happy as they did when they were running around cheating on their significant others. Scum.

  35. lotta - interesting note about the height difference.

    No fan of Kristen but as Topper said, she didn't make a vow, HE did. She didn't step out on a marriage, HE did.

    please direct your ire properly...

  36. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Seems like typical actress trying to get ahead in HW by hanging all over her director. There were other photos of her like that with another director too, only not quite as bad as these.

  37. I think Kristen Stewart is kind of hot, but I have problems...

  38. I'm not a fan of K-stew. I've never seen a Twilight movie but did see her in the Pat Benatar movie.
    She does not impress me as a thespian of any talent. She is basically a one note performer, if she can't look pensive and bite her lip she's got nothing.
    I think her career from the beginning has been a giant PR stunt, this last part blew up in her face.

    Sadly, a family is broken, Rupert is to blame for stepping out of his marriage. K-Stew is guilty of more bad acting, and a stunt that gets her PR, but not the really good kind.

    I always thought that she was asexual, I get no passion vibe for anything or anyone from her.

    1. Del, do you mean the Runaways? Not familiar with a Pat Benatar movie.

  39. Sounds alot like the jolipit affair...smugness abound! If any of us truly believe even a sliver of these blinds, in Hollywood it's not who you know but who and how many you have blown! Its a bed of sleezy behind the curtains sex and whatever the fetish of the day is....everything is a business name it....color me jaded..but being famous comes with a price and all who participate must pay up along that road to fame....the only true victims are the far as cheating...KARMA baby and sooner or later she will collect the debt one way or another.

  40. Everything about this girl is contrived, and she could be Pinocchio's sister her acting is so wooden. I really don't understand why she keeps getting acting jobs when she is so horrible, other than being flavor of the minute.

  41. Are you sure He's not trying to talk her out of suicide?
    Pic 1- "who thought disappointing Twihards would have such repercussions?"
    Pic 2- "No! I'm gonna Jump off this bridge!
    Pic 3-Now that Liberty has has her 15 minutes...I can get the divorce and you will get even MORE publicity like I promised."

  42. I still think it's a pr scam.

  43. Unless someone is holding a gun to their head, only a husband or wife can destroy a marriage.

  44. Somehow KS even makes an affair boring.

    For whoever asked earlier - In Sydney today it is overcast and rainy which is a teensy relief because the humidity has been stifling at night lately.

    1. Thanks. Jessie. Loved Sydney!

  45. @Sherry, yes "The Runaways", I thought it would be a way to check out her acting without falling victim to the Twilight saga.
    I thought she was just terrible.

    1. Del I didn't think she was any different in "Funland" or whatever that movie was either. Same look and mannerisms every movie. How about playing someone a little crazy or happy for once.

  46. There is no way Rupert was ever going to get as much shit from the public as Kristen. It's not about the fact that he is a man and she is a woman. It's about the fact he's hardly known by the public, and she is part of a huge franchise with INSANE fans who worship everything about the franchise. Yes, Rupert is the one who made the vow, but those "Twilight" fans (not all, but some) are obsessed with the idea of Rob Pattinson and Kristen being together. Of course they were gonna go on the warpath when she stepped out on Rob. Who she did it with, doesn't matter.

    And yes Enty, I do think Kristen and Rupert would still be boinking if they had never got caught.

  47. You play, you pay. He did and he will

  48. where's hmmmm when you need him? ive always thought this (these pics) were so staged..would love to have an insider confirm it, and tell us why this whole situation was even necessary

  49. I think the whole affair was a cover up to end both the marriage and the Kristen/Rob sham relationship

  50. There is something so unbelievably creepy about Rupert Sanders - she looks like a child in those photographs.

    As on topic aside, so many Twi-fans deride Kristen as being "dirty" and "greasy" etc - especially on ONTD, where i get all my good, really relevant content - does it really matter to you what your movie star looks like? I don't wash my hair or wear dresses very often and i'm constantly taking off my shoes at fancy events and slipping on thongs. Some people seem to take it so personally. On ONTD, they go on and on about her "job" as if she doesn't have the right to be herself.

    In other news, it's PISSING down in Sydney now but still a bit humid. In Queensland, the end of the world is apparently nigh.

  51. I always thought this was all PR.

  52. Zelda ITA but I will say, I always want to give the girl a good wash. Especially when she runs her hands through her hair and it says back because it is so greasy. You don't have to look 100% all the time, but at least look like you shower once a week with soap. Not just a quick rinse in water like my youngest brother is known to do.

  53. Crushable
    I found this interesting reading at the time how the pictures could be staged.

  54. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I'm disappointed that I even know what a liberty Ross IS......


    Please people Lets NOT make herhappen.

  55. Good one Enty, about Rupert being forced to watch twilight movies 24/7.

    I asked my older son if his friends watched twilight. He said no, and his exact words. "All I know is that there is a sparkly one, and one that looks like a llama" I said "Which one is the llama, Taylor Lautner? Because he is sort of cuddly looking? He was disgusted with this comment, and showed me a search that came up with alternating Taylor Lautners and llama heads. (Talking about Robert Pattinson's and Taylor Lautner's characters).

  56. She didn't destroy anything. She wasn't the one who took a vow before God & man.

  57. Im puzzled about the PR angle some of you guys are saying, who would benefit from this situation? why would it be staged?

    (im not trying to be snarky, just an honest question)

    agree with SusanB&co, although I strongly dislike Kstew and her moody teenager attitude, the pig here is the guy.

  58. I don't think this is a PR stunt at all. I really think 2 people having an affair got busted. Kristen's rep has been completely ruined, and now she's lost a movie role (the sequel to Snow White), because of it.

    I also agree with Susan B. I'd like Rupert to get more of some blame for this too. They're both low-lifes. Kristen's getting most of the blame. She didn't know Liberty as well as Rupert who said "I do" to Liberty and knew her on a deep level. Rupert is actually more of a scumbag and a both Liberty and his children.

  59. I'm with Susan B. Sorry folks...but we can blame the other woman as much as we want, but HE Was the one who was married and wandered. If it wasn't KStew, it would have been someone else. Are they both assholes? Sure. But he's the only one to blame for the failure of the marriage.

  60. Maybe Rupert and Liberty were already wanting a divorce and this just brought ALL of them PR. She for her modeling career (or whatever) and he for his directing. Since no one had heard of any of these people and now they are front and center, PR machine worked! Pattinson got all the sympathy he needed from the fan base and KStew was seen as sexual. The only drawback was the unexpected backlash against KStew. I don't think they saw that one coming. The rest totally makes sense for a PR event.
