Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lena Dunham Says Rihanna Is Not A Good Role Model

I'm not sure Rihanna ever signed up to be a role model. She is though to lots and lots of women and girls around the world and Lena Dunham thinks Rihanna should step up the role modeling and stop posting so many half naked photos of herself smoking pot in bed with a guy who almost beat her to death a few years ago. "Like, you know, she left Barbados, she's had this amazing career, she's won a Grammy. . . She's talented. And then she gets back together with Chris Brown and posts a million pictures of them smoking marijuana together on a bed. And it cracks my heart in half in a way that makes me feel like I'm 95 years old."

Lena says now that she is famous from the show Girls that she is going to try to be a better role model and not do anything that 17 year old girls watching her show would find fault with. I have watched Girls. I am not 17 and female. What is she going to do to be my role model?


  1. Isn't Lena the one who is always naked? I think she better rethink her ire at RiRi.

  2. I fault her for her bad tattoos more than I would fault her for being actually naked while doing a sex scene.

  3. I don't watch Girls but the promo for next week is her doing coke. Great role model indeed!

  4. I do agree with Lena. RiRi is a terrible role model and I for one would not describe her as talented, but so are many stars today, like the Kartrashians. I also agree with Henriette - don't slam someone for getting naked when you're doing it yourself.

    1. Using actors/singers/ball players as "role models" is ridiculous. Disney kids, etc, aren't supposed to be your kids moral compass, you are, so while Rhianna is dumb as dirt, Lena D shouldn't be considered as one who gets to decide these issues,off the back of her crappy show. Maybe she can go snort some more coke and tell us who is ok in her book. With her naked mag pics. Ugh.

  5. I am NO Lena fan. Actually NOT a fan. I'm agin' 'er.
    BUT I read this quote earlier, and she was expressing her own sadness, as a FAN Of Rihanna. It didn't feel so snarky in context.
    I know y'all are shocked by that right? Enty out of context?

  6. Now she feels 95? This coming from someone who felt it was appropriate to tell her fellow nominees they got her threw middle school.

  7. I think Lena's warm embrace of living a life handed to you by your parents is as if not more dangerous than Rihanna smoking the evil marijuana.

  8. I know what she means about Rihanna - it's sad to see someone so talented, obsessed with a guy who has treated her so badly. It's certainly not the only problem celebrity relationship, tho.

  9. Yes @ Libby- I still can't figure out that blob on her arm.

  10. Rihanna has never expressed any desire to be a role model. If you don't like her or what she does then ignore her completely.

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      @smiley i hate that anyone famous is automatically responsible for being a role model. why can't they make their money, give back to the community, and live their lives however they want? like that guy said about britney, leave rihanna alone! lmao

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Tuxedo--Her comments about RiRi could have been cribbed from many of us from this very blog. It was no scandal, what she said.

    And as I mentioned, I can't stand her!


  13. I find this Lena chick extremely vapid, self-absorbed, sanctimonious, and a younger version of Ashley Judd. A chick with a thesaurus and family connections. I haven't seen her show, but have seen her in interviews. I find no evidence of any intelligence or amazing wisdom just someone stating she is "not fat."

    I'm no RiRi fan, but when Lena cures a major disease or brokers peace in the Middle East, I will listen to her. Until then, she is on the same ship as RiRi with different delusions.

  14. Thank god my nieces can't stand her. We're still working on Bieber. And I have a rock/punk son who will change the station whenever any sugar pop songs come on.

  15. Pot, meet kettle.

  16. By the way, Lena's statements about RiRi imply she is a good role model, which she shows no evidence of. Did anyone see Gawker's leak of Lena's book proposal? It's special:

  17. I never thought of Rihanna as role model material. She has always leaned towards the dark side.

    There are great role models out there for young girls.

    I have no clue who this Lena person is besides she's on or makes a show on HBO that seems to be about spoiled rich kids and is raunchy....I think.

  18. interesting point of view and Lena thinks what many person think on Rihanna but in another side,she's not in Rihanna's shoes and Rihanna doesn't care to be a role model and she takes responsability of her choices

  19. I have no opinion about the role model thing, and only know who Lena is because I read CdaN. But I just wanted to say that she should have worn that green blouse to the Golden Globes. She looks a lot cuter in this pic than she did in that dress.

  20. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Shut up lena you self important rich girl. Boo hoo.
    ( fyi i dont rate rihanna either) .

  21. If Rihanna lacks such self respect that she would actually be in bed with Chris Brown, do you really think she's concerned with her impact as a role model? Probably not.

    I get what this Lena broad is saying, because I think Rihanna lacks many role model qualities and yet many many young girls look up to her. But, she doesn't give a shit. I adored Fiona Apple as a teen. I seriously doubt that she cared. The point is, you have artists who care about their image - Taylor Swift and Beyonce come to mind, and those who do not. It's up to parents to explain why Rihanna sucks as a role model.

    Girls may be the greatest show in the whole entire land of TV, but I have zero inclination to watch because I find Lena SO incredibly annoying.

  22. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Comparing Lena to Ashley Judd is an insult to Ashley, who may be a bit smug but has some decent opinions about women's rights and worldly issues. Lena seems right, but still in 'it's all about me' mode.

  23. If the people buying your product are young women, then you are a role model. Rihanna stays with her abuser, she's a terrible role model to women you and old.

    Lena's nudity is playful and funny and not sexualized, she's just naked. And she's acting. Rihanna's nudity is highly sexualized. She posts nude photos of herself to the world, while smoking an illegal drug and walks around in outfits with her tits hanging out and no pants. She's a ho and needs a life overhaul.

    Oh and if you haven't watchedGirls, you can't criticize it.

    1. I watched and it was stupid.

  24. I think Lena has big issues with women of color.

    1. @agent**it I HIGHLY agree. it's pretty evident at this point isn't it? Especially in her interviews.

    2. hollywood dime, when the slow one (me) picks up on something like that ... she has veiled contempt, IMO.

    3. How can you say that?! She is clearly just heartbroken to see us squander our potential! We browns could be so NOBLE if we just tried. Or, idk, were born exponentially more privileged or whatevs.

  25. Oh Lena STFU; from what I hear you are constantly naked on that crap show that I refuse to watch. God just the thought of you naked sickens me.

  26. Lena isn't trying to be a role model. Her show is on HBO late at night and is geared towards a mature audience.

    Honestly, I think Lena is a 100x better role model than Ri. She is comfortable in her body and proud of it, despite it's imperfections. She worked hard, graduated from college, wrote and produced her own hit award winning show at the age of 25 and isn't afraid to be herself.

    Don't even get me started on Princess Ri Ri over here.

    Yes I am biased because I love Lena, but look at the facts. Compare the two side to side and tell me who the better role model is.

    I honestly wouldn't want my 17 year old looking to either of them as a role model. But at least one of them is aware that younger girls are looking to them and copying what they do.

  27. oh please people there's a difference between the shit lena does on her SHOW and what this trashy skank rihanna does in REAL LIFE

  28. Also, it's not like a celeb can decide to be a role model. It isn't a choice, it is a fact that when you are in the public eye and market yourself towards teens, show up at kids and teen choice awards people are going to look to you as a role model.

  29. I would actually love to see Rihanna's response to this. I'm sure she couldn't GAF what Lena Dunham has to say. I hope this fad with her is over soon, because I don't want to know her opinions on anything.

  30. YES Bunnymother. I hate when people talk mad shit about something they haven't even seen or know nothing about.

    Give it a watch, you may be surprised. But the show and Lena aren't the shit hole that everyone thinks it is. But not everyone likes the same thing, sooo it may be exactly the shit hole you were expecting.

  31. Neither one is a role model, imo, for many and varied reasons.

  32. Len looks like a grandma, so I guess I should probably listen to her sage advice.

  33. I had no idea who Lena was until the Golden Globes. Who are her famous folks? *off to google*

  34. I see what Lena is saying and I think she talked as a dissapointed fan not out of meanness.

    I actually like Lena's show and find it entertaining, on her personally, I'm not sure yet, need to know more. But I don't buy that claim that she has issues with black people.

  35. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Oops, I was trying to says seems SMART. But I stand by the high-horse attitude Lena seems to have, based on interviews and comments I've seen of her.

    It's all a ploy to get attention, anyway. Who says 'cracks my heart?' Breaks my heart, maybe? I'm all for using different words in different ways, but that sounds pretentious, even to me.

  36. Give a girl a Gloden Globe and she thinks she won the Nobel Prize in science and economics in the same year. Please bitch!. Just sit down and shut up.

    Never hear of her till the Globes.

  37. The huge different between Rihanna and Lena is that every inappropriate thing Lena has done on her television show is FICTION. FICTION FICTION FICTION! Jesus Christ.

    Sure Lena is sanctimonious for preaching (as is every single self-involved, narcissistic actor out there), but you people skewer Rihanna every chance you get for getting back with Chris Brown (deservedly so), yet when Lena says something you're all of a sudden defending her? I know snarking is fun, everyone, but it's amazing how many people lack a bit of perspective because she's a hipster or she's was born into a rich family? Burn her at the stake!!!

  38. Some of these responses are ridiculous. Lena is an actress. When she is naked on her show, when she is doing drugs on her show- she is ACTING. Rihanna is a real dumb ass who got back together with her real abusive boyfriend and posts pictures from her real life of her doing drugs and banging him.

    One is not like the other.

  39. Well thats true...but...

  40. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Why is Lena giving an opinion on Rihanna, anyway? Was she asked? Does she know Rihanna? Lena doesn't come across as the girl power type. So what gives? Some context is needed.

    I think everyone here is smart enough to know Lena is acting on her show. Do you think of us as that broad and obtuse? :-/

    1. You know who doesn't know the difference as well though? Teenagers looking up to you.

  41. She has a lot of nerve, I don't get her appeal or praise

  42. If I need a role model I'm sure as hell not going to look at an actor, singer, model, reality star, etc. etc. I'm going to look for someone who positively contributes to society and makes the world a better place.

  43. Anonymous8:10 AM

    That's true, but when have rock stars/pop stars/athletes or anyone in the public eye been a role model. The wheatie box cover people are long gone now, we live in a dangerous wilderness of unbridled capitalism. we are a sluggish, overfed, overworked, exhausted country that needs a cattle prod of sexuality and/or violence to be roused from our collective somnolent slumber.

  44. Lena may be an asshole, but she is right.

  45. I'm surprised so many of you are attacking Lena. What she said is true.
    BTW, I did start watching Girls that I have on my DVR from last season and I love it. I'm glad I didn't listen to so many of you that said it was awful! Lol

  46. awww, I thought Rianna was a great role model, lololol. Ri is headed for the 27 club, if she makes it that far. feel bad for her.

  47. I don't care if Lena thinks that RiRi is a good role model or not, as long as Lena doesn't think she's a good role model. She's not. Yes...she's a good role model for body image (as in not your classic hollywood skinny girl) and proud of walking around naked, but other than that...I don't think so. Having sex with guys on the show does not show a good role model.

  48. I actually did watch Girls and thought it sucked. Many on the IMB boards agreed with me about Lena's show being overrated. She is a product of nepotism and favoritism.

    I think Gawker was great at exposing Lena's egotism and immaturity.

    As for Ashley Judd, anyone who lets their pets die in their apartment because he or she is too busy to take care of them, is an ignorant a$$hole.

  49. @crila16
    By making that statement, Lena is implying she is a role model. Especially by bringing up feeling "95 years old."

    Yes, random people on blogs may crap on RiRi, but I seriously doubt we will be on some talk show or publication and tell our random thoughts on RiRi.

    Yeah, I think RiRi is an idiot, but I'm not going out of my way to point out who is and isn't a role model. Especially, if what I'm producing does not fall into great behavior category either. The depiction on Girls of young women with loser boyfriends and huge doses of narcissism are not what I want for young women either.

  50. If anyone is looking upto rihanna as a role model, there isn't much hope for them anyway.

  51. I suspect Lena is just trying to drum up some PR and attention for herself with this comment. Color me unimpressed with Lena. Rihanna is an easy target because of her questionable choices that is neither here nor there. I don't see that Lena offers much of an alternative as a role model. Seems self absorbed and way over-estimates her importance and talents. So sit down and be quiet Lena.

  52. Oh I forgot to mention Lena Dunham is a putz who is trying to promote her book of "advice for young women" to be published by Random House for $3.7 million dollars, hence the comments about RiRi. I don't like Howard Stern, but I agree with him about her.

  53. This bitch's opinion is about as relevant as Welkner's wife going in on Ray Lewis.
    Just have a seat,hon.

  54. Henriette - Do you mind sharing Stern's thoughts? Just curious..Thanks.

  55. If people here didn't watch TV shows/movies or listen to music because the actors or musicians are famous due to nepotism and favoritism, THERE WOULDN'T BE ANYTHING LEFT. Am I the only person who knows how business works?

    Andrew is right, some of the comments here are so ridiculous I can't help but laugh my ass off. Ah CDaN.

  56. Who asked this person what she thought? Fuck her. Seriously.

    It's up to parents to be role models for their children and to have a decent enough relationship with them to discuss what they see in the media.

    This self-important broad reminds me of the rich kids at church that spent time with you because mommy/daddy thought it would be a good idea for them to have "diversity" in their lives by hanging with the poor. They tried to treat you like an after school special, spouting off about the lesson in this is....Funny how a lot of them ended up being strung out on drugs, sex-fiends or delinquents. Self-importance is a helluva drug.

  57. I want to know Lena's thoughts on Lilo or Charlie Sheen...waiting.

  58. Justin Bieber? Amanda Bynes?

  59. Okay, I don't know who Lena Dunham is but I have a quick observation. It might be dumb but here goes...

    I love the side by side pictures. Lena with a prairie looking blouse on, no makeup and unremarkable hair.
    Then you have Ri, full makeup, designer duds and hair laquered into place.
    I find this kind of funny in my own little world.

  60. Jeez guys, tell us how you really feel about Lena.

    Here is one link to the article so you can actually read it and understand why she is saying those things and also read what else she said, not just a one sentence snippet.

    And another

  61. Wow, lot of Lena hate here...I like her. Considering her age, she's incredibly talented and already successful - I say go HER. Her show is very entertaining and it's on HBO so guess what, parents? Monitor what your kids watch.

    And she's right about Rihanna - she's sending a terrible message to her young female fans by getting back together with her abusive ex and putting the pictures of the two of them together out there for everyone to see on social media. How can you argue that? I quite like Rihanna, but she's kind of breaking my heart, too.

  62. I don't think I've disagreed with you once, JSierra ;)

  63. YES to JSierra and RQ. YES YES YES. :) The reason I defend Lena is because she's an educated young woman who writes her own stuff. As in, she uses her brain and went to college, takes a pen and writes words on paper, and those words have become a movie and a pretty successful TV show. How many vapid, uneducated, fame-obsessed assholes in Hollywood can say as much? Very few is all I'm saying. So her parents are rich and not everyone can relate to or likes her work. So fucking what.

    1. But the fact that lots of vapid people get to be successful because of their connections and clog up our media with their dreck is exactly what we're complaining about...

      I don't like her work, I find it limited and yes she's a bit racist in that hipster-acceptable way! But kind of say good for her, too. I have friends who know her. I get the impression they don't like her per se but it is moot because they are kissing her ass in hopes of making it on her coat tails. So it goes.

  64. As a fan of both, I feel like Lena is in the wrong here. I don't exactly think being a role model was in the contract Rihanna signed when she moved here from Barbados when she was like 16 to be a singer. We hold celebrities on such pedestals and shouldn't look at any of them as role models. We don't know their whole life, we only know what their people want us to know about them. Lena has no right to judge Rihanna and she doesn't know her life. Of course Rihanna had made some questionable choices regarding Chris Brown, but she's just a person who makes mistakes like everyone else, and no one really knows the extent of their relationship. Rihanna is an adult and should be able to make her own choices in life without the entire world criticizing her for it.

  65. Celebrities shouldnt be role models but they r! With that said its up to parents to talk with their kids about whats right and wrong. Kids do need to see that adults do make mistakes, we dont all make the best choices everyday. When i was growing up my mother hated Madonna. My mom thought she was a whore! Lol.

  66. I agree with Lena. I don't like her much, but she makes sense. Whether or not they want to be or not, celebs ARE role models.

    Rhianna is disgusting.

  67. Oh please Lena. I guess you girls should look up to you for your mediocre acting? Oh how you got the job on that terrible show because you come from privilege? They should look up to your friendship with the writer of your show who's a coke head and has said multiple ignorant comments about minorities? Yea you're such a role model.

    People in glass houses.

  68. RQ great minds alike :)

    Tuesday Lena actually says that in the article that I posted links for.

    Straight from the source:
    "again, I don't want to ever throw stones from my glass house "

    Research is your friend guys. Have we not learned that Enty skews stories yet?

  69. I usually agree with JSierra, too. Except that she doesn't like The Big Bang Theory. BOOOOOOOO!!!! :)

    @JSierra - Enty skews stories strictly for the purpose of getting more hits and traffic.

    I've only seen bits and pieces of Girls so I really can't speak for the show, but when I saw/read the link Henriette posted I thought Dunham got $37 million and I'm relieved to see it's only $3.7 mil. I have HBO but Dish doesn't have On Demand. I might check out Girls if Netflix puts it on streaming.

  70. I'm w/all of the people who call her out on her nakedness. I do find it to be a bit much. enough already, we know what you look like naked, lena we don't need to see you f-ing yet another guy on the show.

    she is however, really talented as an actress and writer/producer/director.

    but with all of the sex on the show, I don't think that she should consider that she's a better role model than anyone else.

    as for rhianna, why does everyone always hate on her? she is who she is, she is amazingly talented and no more dysfunctional than your average rock star. she doesn't purport to be a role model, just an artist.

    its just that she is a woman and african american, so she is held to a higher standard. she's getting the misogynistic hate that hilary clinton got for all of those years.

    1. Hillz deserves her hate because she was no different than her slimey male counterparts.That's why when Obama became a viable alternative,the Dems jumped ship to him.They didn't have to put up with 8 more years of the Clintons.Seriously,what "feminist" would STAY married to a man like Clinton.He's the epitome of the "glass ceiling" when it comes to females in the workplace.Those feminist groups knew he had propositioned Paula Jones and groped the Wiley chick along with Lewinsky shit BUT they kept mouths shut along with their boycotts and protests.What kind of woman stays with a man who constantly disrespects her like that...a weak one.

  71. Anonymous12:01 PM

    well I dont think her job is to be a role model (rih) but as a fan of hers, when she was strong enough to walk away from that bad situation and think abt her future and career and deserved better i was like YES GIRL!!!!!! SEE WOMAN CAN BE STRONG AND WALK AWAY and now to see her back, you wish more for her as a (friend in ur head) type thing. He was seen last night with karreuche at draya party. So many men in this world, she can have anybody..he SUCKS! u just wish better for her

  72. Anonymous12:03 PM

    i LOVE girls.. but off camera that lena just doesnt stfu

  73. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Oooo what did howard say abt her?

  74. Rihanna and Lena just make me grateful I have boys. I love women, but there is only so much stress one can have.

  75. wow annabella, "amazing talented" and an "artist" are not words I hear many use to describe Rhianna.

    She is marginally talented, pretty and blew the right people. THAT is why she is famous.

  76. Listen to the podcast. It's just her expressing her opinion in a conversation. It's not a press release. She makes a good point that echoes what most people on here have said before. I'm not a Dunham fan but if I had a daughter if rather she idolize her values and not Rhianna's.

  77. Mango I have no idea why I don't find that show funny, maybe if I force myself to watch a few episodes I will come around. Thats what I had to do with How I Met Your Mother and now I love it.

    Ahhh there is the sexist race cards daily appearance.

  78. Totally agree with JSierra. I'm not a fan of Lena, but she's right. Celebrities are all positioned as role models, whether or not they like it. That's the trade off. I agree that it is a parent's job to teach their children about the many ways in which Rihanna sucks, but Lena is allowed to have an opinion too and the responses in this thread are directly related to how everyone feels about Lena and not the actual topic. Would everyone be reacting the same way if Susan Sarandon had said it? Jodie Foster? Michelle Obama?

    And I also don't like TBBT.

    1. Regardless of what she does, she's right about Riri. Especially in regards to Fist Brown. And it is a difference to do stuff on a show or to publish what you want people to think is your life.

  79. I think Lena is talented and, for that matter, hot. Totally my type. And the tattoo on her arm is a panel from "The Story of Ferdinand", which was my favorite book as a child (and a favorite to read to my son). Why assume her success is dependent on her parents? And how would it be more so than Britney Spears'?

    I think a lot of the Lena hate is generational - she seems like most of the creative-type 25 year-olds I know.

  80. @Lucas
    I kinda want Lena to break up with her dude and hang out with you!

    I have watched Girls a couple of times, but I couldn't really get into it. However, I agree with Jolene Jolene up there. Lena is bright, creative and ambitious at such a young age. And I think the reason people are jarred by her nudity is because she isn't thin and fit. I don't recall people dwelling on Kim Cattrall being naked all the time on Sex and the City. If I'm being honest, I'm always surprised when I see boobies on t.v and movies that are natural. I pretty much expect to see those babies point to the moon

    1. @Sunny - exactly. I think people can handle it better when someone who is conventionally beautiful makes it big because they can say "Well, if I looked like that I could be famous too". With Lena Dunham the only difference is she is probably smarter (or at least harder-working) than most. And that bothers people because they have to accept that it is their own fault they aren't as successful. Oh, and she doesn't pull a Kevin Smith (who is my hero) and say "I'm just a fat, lazy slob who got lucky." She is confident in her abilities and doesn't apologize for it. And good for her. If I had a daughter I'd be happy for her to call Lena a role model, hell, I'd be happy for my son to call her one.

  81. As much as I agree with Lena and think thar Rihanna needs to sit her behind down and will be either in the 27 club or the Whitney Houston club, I find it hard to take anything Lena says seriously. Let's be honest she would not have gotten where she is we're it not for nepotism (and I'm referring to both her show and that absurd book deal).

    I used to work at a tech startup and all the girls there loved that show(pun intended). They always talked about how much they could relate to the characters and when the controversy about the show and it's lack of people of color and Lena's horrible response, the only thing I could think about was the place I worked and how horribly they treated people that weren't white or Asian. You should've heard some of the stuff they use to say about this black girl that worked there. It made me not like the place and really take a second look at not only the people there but at Lena because she seems to be cut from he same cloth.
    /rant over

  82. Shut up Lena.

    I stopped watching Girls because it depressed the hell out of me. I hope to God I was not as stupid and aimless as these girls/women when I was in my 20's.

    Rhianna isn't a role model for sure but neither is Lena unless the role you aspire to is to parlay your schtick into a 3 million dollar book deal. I find her very self involved....a little like Rhianna.

  83. I hate harping on this, but how is it nepotism? Her parents are not involved in either film or television. Lots of children of much more famous parents don't achieve the level of sucess that Lena has (I'm looking at you, Willis girls). Merely being born well or having connections doesn't get you the kind of acclaim she gets. It may crack the door open, but that's about it. She is talented, whether you appreciate it or not. For comparison's sake look at Thomas Kinkade. Dude made a gajillion dollars, and more power to him, but those paintings were terrible (from my artistic point-of-view anyway).

  84. Someone needs to hook up Lucas and Lena STAT, it sounds like you guys are soul mates. I say that with zero snark, I absolutely love Lena.

    Someone said it up^^there somewhere but I shall say it again, I find it funny that people who normally rage against RiRi are suddenly defending her and are all up in arms "How dare someone say she is not a role model?" Make up your minds guys, you either like her or you don't.

  85. @Lucas
    It's nepotism because the cast are famous offspring. It's favoritism because of Judd Apatow. Here it is:

    Howard Stern called her out for hogging her show. Here is a link from the daily mail:

  86. I will definitely have to respectfully agree to disagree. I don't know if I'm getting cranky at 40, but lately I am just sick of all these people who are famous for being famous, get paid $200,000 to show up at a club and say "Lets party, Vegas!", get pregnant at 16/do hard drugs and become a #3 trending topic. I don't even relate to the show, so I find it comical I'm defending her, but at least she is freaking DOING something talent wise.

    And one person's "nepotism" is another person's "hey we grew up together and I'm creating a vehicle for us. I hope people dig it"

    Not looking to fight with anybody, but I'm just thankful someone is being recognized for something more than getting pissed on/getting pregnant/sex tape etc

  87. agh, that could've been more eloquent, but my toddler and preschooler are fighting over a balloon. Yeah, that's my exciting life :)

  88. Lena comes from money? But no one ever taught her how to walk on high heels? Tsk, tsk.

    Rihanna isn't trying to be anything but what she is. She is dickmatized and not making a secret of it. So what? Most women have been there from time to time. Would I put up with violence to get great sex, nope, but she's allowed to make her own choices as an adult. Will he beat her up again? Of course. Leopard. Spots. Duh.

  89. "Hillz deserves her hate because she was no different than her slimey male counterparts.That's why when Obama became a viable alternative,the Dems jumped ship to him.They didn't have to put up with 8 more years of the Clintons.Seriously,what "feminist" would STAY married to a man like Clinton.He's the epitome of the "glass ceiling" when it comes to females in the workplace.Those feminist groups knew he had propositioned Paula Jones and groped the Wiley chick along with Lewinsky shit BUT they kept mouths shut along with their boycotts and protests.What kind of woman stays with a man who constantly disrespects her like that...a weak one."

    This. This is why I'll never have even a smidgen of respect for her.

  90. I'll admit to not being too up on the backstory but as I understand it she got the show based on Tiny Furniture. I get that the other people in the show are the offspring of people much more famous than Lena's parents but if we are going to start dogging on people for casting their friends then we are going to have to call out Leo DiCaprio and Scoresese. Or Apatow and Seth Rogen. And Wes Anderson and anyone with the last name Wilson. You know what I mean?

  91. I can't stand either one of them. That's my two cents worth.

  92. If anyone thinks their kid isn't watching this just because it is on HBO late at night they need to wake up and smell the coffee. Kids can watch whatever they want on iTunes. If your kid doesn't have a iPod/iPhone I am sure their friend has one. It's hard to control what media your kid is exposed to. You would basically have to home school and never let them out of your sight.

  93. Okay, I have serious FEELINGS on the subject of Rihanna, pretty much none of them good. And I like Lena, and I like Girls. But seriously, in Season 1, Lena's character was naked almost every episode. And the storyline was about her repeatedly going back to hook up with a sleazy dude who treated her like crap. I know that's fiction, and "comedy," but this is insanely hypocritical. People should stop talking about being role models, because no one's perfect, and eventually they will screw up and catch the wrath of hell for it.

  94. @Lucas, I remember hearing about Tiny Furniture before Girls came out. Was it any good?

    I think what Sunny said about her is correct. It is kind of refreshing seeing a not size zero being so completely ok with her bod.

    I doubt Rihanna cares what Lena said and I don't disagree with what was said.

    Oh and I think my favorite person on that show is Zosia Mamet.

  95. I am going to add Lena to my laminated list (since I have a girlfriend and all). If any of you guys know her feel free to have her get in touch ;)

  96. Henriette got it right and I dont tbink RiRi is gonna lose any sleep over anyones opinion.Lena is a self absorbed twat. But good for her being successful despite the cringe worthy tattoos. I will be surprised if Girls gets another season.

  97. When Rihanna started in the industry, she was nothing but a sad knock off Beyonce. Once people started catching on to her ripoffs, she *believed* she had to start shocking the public to stay relevant and interesting. I actually enjoy Rihanna's music. I just don't agree with the fact that several million young girls enjoy her music too (whether she wants them to or not) and are watching her every move. No 3rd grader knows who Lena Dunham is. EVERYONE knows Rihanna, and whatever she does in her private life, fantastic--go for it girl. But don't plaster it all over Twitter to your 10 million followers (some of whom are young, impressionable youth). I am so tired of hearing that she instagrammed a pic of herself with no pants and a big fat blunt, or a candid of her at Coachella with her scooping a controlled substance into a mountain on her bodyguard's head...come on. Is that really necessary? She has issues and it is really disgusting.

    Lena Dunham, however pretentious, is on a show on a cable network with a mature rating that airs after 3rd graders are in bed. Twitter and Instagram are everywhere, any time, and you can see whatever they push out there. If these photos were popping up from someone else being an asshole and sneaking a pic, okay, I'd give her a pass. But she is actually craving the outrage, the attention, and the criticism. It's sick. She is a public figure. Do what you want in private but what you do when the world is watching says a hell of a lot about your character.
