Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lane Garrison Stays Out Of Jail For Beating His Girlfriend

Lane Garrison made a deal with prosecutors which will keep him out of jail after being charged with felony domestic battery. He has to attend 52 AA classes and 52 domestic violence classes and do 8 hours of community service. This is a huge break for the guy because of his vehicular manslaughter conviction. He could have been in jail for a long time. So, he has killed someone and beaten his Playboy Playmate girlfriend and really not spent much time in jail at all. Good to be a celebrity.


  1. Didn't he date Lindsay too? Put that on the list.

  2. Also in breaking news, Chris Brown set to release greatest hits album with Rihanna on the cover.

    Sorry, saw it on Twatter earlier and couldn't resist.

  3. F*er.

    I *hate* people that get away with crap like that. 2 classes a week for a year & 8 hours of community service - I sense total rehabilitation. One year from now, he will emerged a changed man, with not one, not two, but THREE self-help books about overcoming batterers' syndrome, and...


  4. I remember the video of the altercation. She snatched his cell phone from his hand, and he was trying to get it back. No doubt things got heated between the two, but I don't believe for a second that he "beat" her.

    He was on probation, and she filed a complaint. Whether it was legitimate or to just a way to get back at him, who knows? As we all know, things aren't always as they seem.

    I think it's fair what the judge did.

  5. Sorry but who is Lane Garrison and if he was truly fighting to get his phone back was that a beat down? Truly curious.

  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Where's Shelly Miscavige?

  7. Anonymous9:51 AM

    As Agent It would say..

  8. @ Sherry: Lane was on the TV show Prison Break.

    He's also an old friend of Jessica Simpson's family (I think he may even have lived with them for a while in his teens).

  9. Thanks Surfer! I was totally clueless too.

    Guess the gossips are slow today?

  10. You're welcome dia!

    As we all know, there's usually more to most stories, and it really gets me when BS is not only repeated, but reported as fact, leaving out important information that would most likely help us come to a different conclusion.

  11. Thanks Surfer. Dia, the thing I hate about the weekends is less posts. Guess the twitter which I don't get makes up for it. Sads.

  12. I love stories like these.

  13. I don't know all the details of his bad boyness to judge this, but the purple tie with the brown suit is a crime.

  14. He's making a face like William Regal.

  15. Thanks for the explanation, Surfer. Although he obviously has major problems, I always respected him for taking complete responsibility for the accident, which 99% of celebrities would not have done. Unlike, say, Mark Wahlberg, who pulls the "it was a long time ago" and has never even apologized to the man he blinded. Asshole.

  16. lol@William Regal face

  17. Not only good to be a celebrity, but a white celebrity.

  18. Who the hell is Lane Garrison?

  19. @Mooshki

    Wow, I did not realize that Mark Wahlberg had never apologized! That is unbelievable. What a dick. A normal person would be driven crazy by their conscience.

  20. Yvettie only if he deserved it.

    *Sarcasm font on*
