Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lance Armstrong Is Still Lying

Investigators say that when Lance Armstrong told Oprah that he had not doped or used blood transfusions since 2005 for competing that he was lying. Apparently there is proof that when Lance returned to cycling in 2009, the blood tests show that he had received at least two transfusions and that is just when they tested him. That does not even count the times where he was not given tests. I think he wanted to try and prove that he had been clean for 7 years so cycling and the other sports where he wants to compete would give him a break. But, if he was doing the same thing in 2009 and 2010, then they will probably just keep him banned for a very long time.


  1. This was an interesting read:

  2. Are his lips moving?
    Then he's lying.

    1. Bingo, Merlin. He strikes me as the type of man (psychopath, perhaps?) who would never, ever, ever admit to anything unless it served his purposes. I'm sure this "admission" is just spin to advance his agenda.

    2. Psychopath is nature, sociopath is nurture.

  3. I think it had to due with statute of limitations he only admitted to what he couldn't be prosecuted for. He was clearly lying and Oprah either didn't catch on or gave him a pass.

  4. I really wonder if he'll ever come clean. Seems to arrogant to admit any failings.

  5. It is unfathomable to me how someone decides to abandon their scruples to get ahead. I don't understand how you can take satisfaction in or enjoy something you know you didn't earn and don't deserve.

  6. I just read they moved his books to the fiction section in an Australian library. Lolz.

    Also, I can't stand this guy, I want the press to die down and him to go away.

  7. This guy makes Nixon look like Honest Abe!

  8. lmao Onyx. Thanks for the best laugh I'll have all day I'm sure :)

  9. I hope he gets slipped an air bubble next time a needle is in him and we can stop hearing about this piece of crap.

  10. Also, it wasn't the watershed moment OWN was hoping for. The Bobby Kristina interview did a bit better ratings wise. The first run and replay netted about 4.1 million viewers way below then numbers Discovery was hoping for. Oprah and OWN aren't out of the woods yet to turn OWN around.

    Lance couldn't even come through for Oprah with ratings. He is a shit.

  11. Onyx, I saw a picture of that! That bookstore is awesome! Armstrong is a mega douche. This couldn't have happened to a nastier person.

  12. As my kids would say: "Liar, liar, pants on fire!!"

  13. So they pump him full of drugs then do a full blood transfusion to erase the evidence? Sounds draining (hehe) and time consuming.

  14. Did anyone else hear about the Lancebiopic JJ Abrams is planning? Jake Gyllenhaal really would be a great Lance.

  15. There is also a benefit to transfusing your blood. All those fresh red blood cells to absorb oxygen to give you more energy and to help you cheat and win races.

    My dad had some blood transfusions after chemo. He went from barely being able to walk 5 steps, to having pep in his step for awhile.

  16. Oprah isn't exactly a hard-hitting journalist. If he REALLY wanted to come clean, he'd have gone on with someone like Bob Costas (remember him asking questions of Jerry Sandusky?) or someone like Anderson Cooper or Shepherd Smith. Where's Mike Wallace when you need him?!

  17. @Agent thanks for the link, I think what is interesting about the email was Lance never even admits what he is sorry "for". All so he can't be culpable with evidence for any future criminal action against him.

    Of course his lawyer counseled him on what to send. But holy bicycle, as a human (which clearly Lance isn't) if this writer defended him for 14 years. He should of gotten more than a standard form letter.

  18. They do it with race horses too. Draw blood earlier in the week, spin it, save the red cells, then shoot em back in before the race.

  19. Bless his jellybean heart - you know he needed transfusions for the cancer!

  20. @prolixe he actually had the ball (pun intended) to say the testosterone injections was because of the cancer and he deserved to take it.

  21. you people need to look up the traits of psychopaths/sociopaths. according to a lot of commenters on this site any celebrity who lies is a "sociopath" NEWSFLASH: some people are just lying douchbags! let's not forget that sociopaths do not feel love....i'm sure lance loves his children & wife. so remember just because someone lies does not mean they are a sociopath/psychopath. you can't just go throwing around personality disorders and labeling people as such especially if you are not a doctor. enjoy:

  22. Which wife and children do you think he loves, the first set or the second set?

    1. Good burn, Count. Good burn.

    2. Very nice Count! Glad Cheyl Crowe got away!

  23. I'm sure he thinks he deserved it. The others who doped didn't win, he did, so he is their better.

    He is a classic sociopath - manipulative, will lie as easily as breathe, charming if it suits his needs but abusive to those close to him. Driven by a total sense of entitlement and a complete lack of remorse.

    I refused to give a ratings point to Lance and Oprah but have seen clips and quotes and nothing surprises me. He has an agenda behind this that suits him. Some people can salvage their reputation after a bout of contrition and humility but Lance is not that person.

    And yes, if he meant it he would have gone to Bob Costas, Bryant Gumbel, Sally Jenkins, Tim Keown. None of them would have given him an inch. He went to Oprah.

  24. Ahh thanks Time and Count. I have no experience with transfusions so I didn't know if they were beneficial or just a cover up.

    Jennifer a lot of the posters on here are qualified to classify someone as a sociopath. I know this because a lot of the emails I received regarding the ratings chart had professional signatures at the bottom. CDAN readers have very, VERY impressive resumes I have come to realize.

  25. Charming, manipulative, entitled, lie to get what they want, need thrill & excitement, will emote proper response if it furthers their interest without having genuine remorse. Sociopath does indeed foot the bill. We all passed Psy101 too Jennifer.

    1. Every Lance post, I have to hop on and talk about how much I hate him. I hate him because I have a father who is exactly like Lance, with all the traits that Popnursing described above. Yes, daddy issues, get over it, I hear you, but I know a sociopath/psychopath when I see one.

      And the (limited) research I've done tells me that a sociopath is capable of love, and a psychopath isn't. So they're very close and debatable diagnoses. People in the know, PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong.

    2. Antisocial personality disorder = born with those tendencies or behaviors started very early in life (Axis II)

      In this context psychopathology is typically used do describe abberent behavior (usually shortened to psychopath). As far as I know (I've been doing therapy for 8 years) there is not any true sociopathic diagnosis, kind of more explaining how the individual has a reckless disregard to other (hence prefix socio-).

      The DSM V is coming out this year so there's going to be disorders added and some taken out (like they did a while ago dropping homosexuality from being a MH issue, thank goodness). Although, curiously, beginning of 2013 us health care providers have had to go to much tighter regulations with the implementation of online records. The ICD-10 lists transvestitism as a disorder. Don't think I agree with that one so much, unless it's contextual in that someone has that pattern from a trauma or other incident.

  26. He would make the perfect politician. Sociopath is a qualification for that field, I'm convinved.

  27. The guy cheated at EXERCISING. Why is this story still even a thing?

  28. @count he doesn't have a second wife just a baby mama he isn't giving up half of what's left if she takes off

  29. I jut realized why I instantly hated the host of that Motion show - he looks and sounds just like Lance. Ugh.

  30. Of course he's still lying...I think anyone can figure that out.

  31. He's a sociopath, so OF COURSE he's going to lie and keep lying, until he's dead.

  32. he's an asshole, that cancer made him evil

  33. I think he was an asshole before the cancer, Ari. You would think after a death scare, one would gain some clarity, and stop being a douchebag.

  34. @Frufra Actually, if I were going to give him a proper psych diagnosis, it would be narcissistic personality disorder.

    I don't know that the ability to love is actually in the Diagnostic Manual.

    1. I was gonna say he's a narcissist moreso than a sociopath.

  35. Thank you, Little Miss Smoke. It's interesting - I think you can get as many opinions about what is/is not psychopathy, etc., as sources you'd like to consult, especially internet sources. And I love to play Dr. Google, and just get enough information to be dangerous!!

  36. U gotta admit that mofo got America good

  37. @hero, I would add that those with personality disorders are not precluded from having or caring about their children as long as the children further their goal or in cases of narcissism perfectly resemble them.

    I am interested to see the dsm-v changes, they removed aspergers and just put it as autism spectrum. should make things interesting.

    1. Kady, my ex MIL completely fits this description and I agree completely. Been in an awful custody battle for 4 years after she tried to get custody (!!!) Refuses to allow my ex to talk to me (he has schizophrenia, UNTREATED) so it's difficult. She wants my son because it makes *her* feel good. Nothing but a possession. Disgusting. At least he's with me majority of the time and I can counteract the crap she puts in his head.

      Not sure how Aspergers being changed technically to the autism spectrum will change (unless with insurance and billing) because it is on the autism spectrum anyway, maybe it'll have the qualifiers for it? Maybe it will help with making autism not seem so "weird". Most individuals I know with Asperger's are brilliant. Where I practice it seems less likely for an adult to be diagnosed with it but I see it in several clients I have.

  38. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I'll quote Michael Moore in my comment: Lies and the lieing liars who tell them. Lies!!

  39. Hi, Enty -- I know this post is old, but I had to comment. I think he's saying 7 years ago because the statute of limitations on the False Claims Act is six years. He had to have signed something with the USPS saying he was drug free. He lied and got government money. It's a felony.

  40. I hope they do a better job of prosecuting him than they did Bonds and Clemens.

    Any info on statute # he broke so we can start papering our Congress people to push for prosecution?
