Friday, January 18, 2013

Lance Armstrong Admits Doping - Doesn't Seem That Sincere

What got me the most when I was watching the interview between Lance Armstrong and Oprah Winfrey where Lance admitted he cheated all those years, is that he does not seem to care about all the damage he caused by denying everything all these years and all the lawsuits he filed when people accused him of doping He simply said he did inexcusable things. He ruined lives is what he did. People went bankrupt after he sued them.  He also said that he stopped doping in 2005 and when he made his comeback he did so clean. Uh huh. And that after he retired he never doped in any of the other sports in which he has competed. Uh huh. So, you were doping for years and years and then just stopped? I think he is trying to make himself look good. As I have said before, everyone seems to cheat in cycling, but what makes Lance different is the way he ravaged the lives of people who ever accused him of it.


  1. I loved his "yeah, I called her a bitch, and a liar and crazy... BUT I DIDN'T CALL HER FAT!" moment.

    What a tool.

  2. I might be slightly moved by his admission if he hadn't tweeted that smug photo of himself with all his medals just last month.

  3. Douche Bag alert!!

    He's mad he got caught. If he hadn't been caught, I don't think hed even confess on his death bed.

  4. Today's Washington Post "Face Checker" took a look at his history of denials of doping. Normally, they evaluate a lack of truthfulness on a scale of 1-4 Pinocchio's; scroll down to appreciate how many Lance earned.

  5. Yes! to Enty and y'all's comments. I'm so happy to see this lying liar exposed. (It's in my contract - I have to comment on every Lance post.)

  6. he has no remorse,that's just it!

  7. People such as Lance always make sure they come out smelling like a rose. He knows the public has a short memory. Anyone who would use cancer treatment as a cover for doping will do anything, I guess.

  8. I wonder if his cancer's back and that's why he's decided to suddenly come clean; his conscience is bothering him? What a low-down lying cheater though. I've lost all respect for him.

  9. Douche McOneball is finally getting his. He's sorry he got caught and he has to give his mea culpa. He's just biding his time until the public forgets and he can go back to making millions as a cheating nut(less)sack.

  10. He is disgusting. Enty nailed it, he destroyed lives bc people dared to tell the truth about him. What a dick.

  11. He's a jerk and I hope everyone who watched it saw what an arrogant pri*k he really is. I can't stand how smug he acts, ugh!!

  12. I'm glad he admitted he was a bully. He didn't necessarily have to say that to admit to doping, so I give him some credit for trying to come clean in a better late than never kind of way.

  13. I'm pretty sure everyone who was watching this wanted to see if he had remorse. Now that what we suspected is confirmed, the show is over folks. Lance Armstrong is still a huge asshole, I repeat, a huge asshole.

  14. Douche with a capital D. Hope he goes bankrupt, cause the lawsuits will be coming.

  15. If he was really sorry, then he would return all his medals (without having to be asked) and try to make restitution to those whose lives he ruined.

    No, this guy is just trying to make himself look like some kind of martyr.

  16. not surprising. everyone knows he takes what he wants and uses people. i never liked this guy. the way he treated sheryl crow got me looking into his background, that really should have been expected. think some kind of mental thing going on with him. more than the cocky-quarterback or fly-boy thing. JUST a little bit above that. so he's still functional in life, but leaves a "path of broken" in his wake.

  17. Yep, he'll be on welfare before the year is out.

  18. What an as*. No remorse at all. Is just doing this so he can go on to make more $$$. What a piece of crap.

  19. The simple best thing that could happen in this case is that everyone who's life he ruined over this sues him into poverty.

    I could really care less of athletes dope, but wrecking people who call you out on it? Yeah, no.

  20. He's a douchey disgrace dick

  21. Armstrong is a douche to the ninth degree, but he wouldn't be doing this if he thought he would go broke.

  22. He's a selfish prick...

  23. Dewie, great link you provided.

  24. The interview reinforced everyone's megative opinion of him. And seriously? He could not see how his smug, self satisfied, i did something wrong but i didnt attitude would be percieved?? He has no self awareness of his amoral behavior. He is in zero way sorry for what he did. His thinking is , sure, i doped and am a prick, but without that I wouldnt have all this fame and money, whoo hoo. And I notice no one has a good word to say about him, which would upset me no end, but ol' oneball is fine with hhat.

  25. He is sorry he was caught but not sorry he cheated. Notice how he never speaks of himself in the 1st person in the interview.

  26. Charismatic. Pathological liar. Manipulative. No remorse. Inflated view of self. Lack of empathy.
    Failure to accept responsibility for own actions. Need for stimulation. Many short-term romantic relationships. Irresponsibility.

    Just marking off the psychopath checklist, that's all.

  27. I would like to point out that he did not come forward to confess what he did out of some sense of making it right, out of guilt, or out of remorse. He did it because he was caught, he did it in the most PR-calculated way that he could, and he did it because he had to if he wanted any chance at legacy control at all.

    The guy is an ass.

  28. @ Me My friends are convinced he is a Sociopath with some weird Mommy issues.

    Ever notice how all his girlfriends bare a resemblance to his mother.

  29. Anonymous6:57 AM

    He is a perfect example of why I never give people the benefit of the doubt.

  30. Thanks Agent**It.

    I know the USOC stripped him of his medal but what I want to know is, do they send someone to pick it up, like an Olympic repo man? Or is Lance entrusted to FedEx it back? :)

  31. I was surprised at how smug he was. When Oprah showed Lance clips of prior interviews where he denied doping, he had the same attitude in the Oprah interviews as he did in the prior denial interviews. Mr. Borg is a testicular cancer survivor and really looked up to Lance. Mr. Borg was devastated that his idol was such a liar. I never liked the way he would dump his wives to take up with someone new and don't get me started on him dumping Sheryl Crow a few weeks after her cancer diagnosis.

  32. I care less about the cheating than I do the way he treated everyone around him. Like others said, he went after all those who dared to speak the truth, threatened and sued them, to the point that some ended up bankrupt.

    He's an awful, awful person. And don't believe for a minute that he "came clean" because he was caught - there are always ulterior motives where Lance is concerned. But he has now opened himself up to some huge civil lawsuits. Talk about schadenfreude.

  33. Once a dick, always a dick.

    Lie Strong!

  34. Doping in rampant in all professional athletes. Lance should've said that. Not condoning what he's done, it's inexcusable but everyone does it.

    1. Doping is rampant but I think the biggest thing was all the people he destroyed for trying to speak out. The people he had kicked out if the team for not doping. Doping was not the worest thing he's done.

  35. I feel bad for the people who looked up to Lance. Those are the real victims. I hope Sheryl Crow is having a nice celebratory drink. Karma's a bitch.

    1. I thought the same thing Borg!

    2. @Borg Queen, I imagine Jake Gyllenhaal is devastated that his bromance with Lance is a big sham. Remember how cutesy they were always cycling together? He said if they ever made a Lance movie, he would want to play him. I have to wonder if that offer still stands!

  36. 100 million is allegedly at stake. Lance makes Mark McGwire look good re his steroid usage: "Yeah, don't do it. Use your head. It's a mistake that I have to live with for the rest of my life. I have to deal with never, ever getting into the Hall-of-Fame. I totally understand and totally respect their opinion and I will never, ever push it. That is the way it's going to be and I can live with that. One of the hardest things I had to do this year was sit down with my nine and ten year old boys and tell them what dad did. That was a really hard thing to do but I did it. They understood as much as a nine or ten year old could. It's just something, if any ball player ever came up to me, run away from it. It's not good. Run away from it.

    1. Wow, thanks for the Mark McG link, Agent. It takes a real man to lay his cards on the table like that. Kudos to him - that's what being a good father is all about, too.

      Isn't he a hitting coach for the Cardinals now?

    2. I'm glad Mark is taking some level of responsibility now, but he is no nice guy. My sister used to babysit for him when he played on the A's, and he was very rude, very cheap and a total egomaniac. If his wife wasn't such a sweetheart, he would never be able to hire someone because he was such a jerk.

    3. Wow, E Gee Be, thanks for the inside dish. You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat people who work for them. Maybe life has humbled him a bit? One can only hope, eh?

    4. I think he' s with the Dodgers this year. I think Oakland is where the roids connection to Conseco started. You want complete crazy,meet Conseco. Arrogant and stupid.Really, really stupid.I heard not nice things about Mark from my cousin, but the fall from grace apparently did him in.

    5. I think you are right @Agent, and I heard exactly the same about Conseco. ITA, @Frufra, I never understand how some can can treat te people who take care of your children poorly. It is the worst character trait.

  37. There's a term used for people like this: psychopath. He lacks empathy, is a massive narcissist, a LIAR and is extremely manipulative. It's textbook. Oprah should have had him take the Hare test.

  38. Anonymous7:24 AM

    He's a disgrace. He will hopefully lose everything. I think the smugness is more disgusting than the actual doping too. The way someone can lie so vigorously is just scary.

  39. He is definitely a psychopath. Thank goodness for society that he had cycling. Otherwise, he would be taking it out in scarier ways (columbine was done by psychopaths).

  40. At last he had the ball to come forward.

    tee hee

  41. The most surprising thing Lance admitted to last night was that he used to date Manti Te'o's girlfriend.

  42. "...The psychopath is callous, yet charming. He or she will con and manipulate others with charisma and intimidation and can effectively mimic feelings to present as “normal” to society. The psychopath is organized in their criminal thinking and behavior, and can maintain good emotional and physical control, displaying little to no emotional or autonomic arousal, even under situations that most would find threatening or horrifying. The psychopath is keenly aware that what he or she is doing is wrong, but does not care." ~ Kelly Hare, PysD

    Hi, Lance!

    @Seachica, the Columbine shooters are generally described as sociopaths - psychopaths wouldn't react out from being bullied, they would just beat the s* out of the bullies and then make it look like the bully's fault his nose, arm and leg were broken in a bathroom argument, and then get an award for bullying prevention.

    BTW - did anyone see the Takei meme going around? It's a picture of Lance with the words: AT LEAST HE HAD THE BALL TO ADMIT IT. Snerk!

  43. He's a sociopathic psychopath. (I'm not sure of the difference). What amazed me is I didn't put 2 facts together until today - these drugs can give you cancer, he got cancer, and yet he still took the drugs! How insane is that? I hope the people he sued and won money from all sue him in return and get more money back than they lost.

  44. My family health history runs rampant with cancer that never went into remission and died a short time from diagnosis (maternal and paternal grandfathers, paternal uncle, and my brother, to name a few). My dad has been diagnosed with both skin cancer and spots of cancer in his kidneys, I've had to get cancer cells removed from my lady parts.

    I ay all this because although I never followed cycling I always believed Lance wasn't guilty. It was such a wonderful thing that shen he was diagnosed he brought a lot of awareness, funding, and research for testicular cancer. I am absolutely sick that he did this because it's not so much the cycling, it's smearing his foundation for LIVEstrong. I desperately hope that there is no backlash for anything he has endorsed or has been associated with regarding cancer. I also can't help but wonder if his doping contributed to his cancer aside from him cycling for years and putting so much pressure and possible injury to the area.

  45. Lance Armstrong is a thief, a bully, and a scumbag. Wonder how Sheryl Crow and Tory Burch feel about fucking him now.

  46. Hmmm we obviously haven't got the benefit of the interview yet in the UK, but they've had loads of people analysing what he said so far.

    He earned $100m and maybe if everyone sues, he could lose $50m? So he's still $50m up on the deal.

    Also, and I may have heard this wrong, but the partner of one of the people he fell out with ended up killing themselves - don't know if there's any correlation - was only half listening.

    But I guess the general view over here is his biggest regret is getting caught.

  47. It was a disgusting display of arrogance. I have to hand it to Oprah for sitting back and letting him show what an ass he is.

    It was more powerful that way--he just gave himself up to it.

    I saw the head of Nike on one of the tabloid shows yesterday right before the interview and they asked if he would ever consider taking Armstrong back and he just said "never say never".

    I wonder if they'll make some specially designed asshole shoes just for Lance to promote. Maybe a new line called "Liars Only".

  48. I was watching this last night trying to see his micro-expressions and body language...also looking at it psychologically as well - what a case study this asshole would be. I was leaning towards Narcissistic Pers Disorder w/ sociopathic tendencies but have to now say the psychopath definition fits him to a tee. His reaction to the Emma O'Reily question about him suing her was..."Ahhh i don't know, we probably did. We sued everyone." Yeah he doesn't remember practically ruining her life, calling her a whore and a drunk every chance he got... Textbook!

  49. The govt is still investigating him for money laundering.

  50. Heh, oldster here (my first "botten" record was a 45 called Telstar).

    After all these years, I've come to the conclusion that in the grand scheme of things, thugs win. In EVERY arena (business, politics, religion, and arts as well as sports.)

    While I've never liked Armstrong the man, one still must admire the accomplishment-- 7 Tour de France. Everyone in the top 10 are suspect for drugs, that he managed 7 is still amazing.

    It's long past time for people to get over hero worship. All people in the public eye are just that, people. They've clay feet just like the rest of us. (Anyone who reads gossip should really understand that).

    I hate bullying, it's one of the few things that gets me in action mode. But, anyone who thinks that those in power (of any sort) aren't bullies, are fooling themselves. We ALL come from a long line of thugs and bullies-- the survivors. We just happen to live in a time where we can say "Oh, no, not me"

    In my dotage, I look for accomplishment. And, if I find actual goodness, I'm blessed.

    1. Terry, first time I can remember seeing dotage used by a Cdan reader:)

  51. God, I loathe him more than I have words to describe. I cancelled magazine subscriptions because they worshiped him in every issue. Everyone in the cycling world has always known that he doped. Greg LeMond shouted it from the rooftops. This DB cheated the next finishers out of their moment in the sun, his sponsors out of their money, and made the people's lives around him a living hell. Not only did he dope, but used dick tactics when he raced. I will never forget when he lost the Leadville 100 against Dave Wiens. He went back the next year with hired goons that chased down Dave all day so LA could win. He has always treated people like shit. He never even calls anyone by their name. He gives them a nickname. Well, Mr. Fed Ex, I hope you never come back from this, but people like you always seem to. When you do I hope Dave hands you your ass.

  52. He may be an a**, but his Foundation has done a lot for many people. Be thankful for that.

  53. He is the epitome of everything I detest in humans.

    People, remember all of this when his inevitable biography comes out. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING THIS MAN PUTS OUT THERE. Seriously, no more money in his pockets, please.

    Ugh. He always has been scum acting like a king.

  54. I will bet $$ you that someday he will run for office. He is, more than anything, absolutely driven by competition. Wow.
