Saturday, January 12, 2013

Kristen Stewart & Liberty Ross To Meet

According to the rarely correct, but always entertaining, Now Magazine, Liberty Ross and Kristen Stewart are set to meet next month in Los Angeles. You know, because Liberty has some questions for Kristen and wants answers that only Kristen can provide. First of all, I can't imagine either one of them agreeing to meet. What would be the point for either? Kristen could say, "Hey, I'm sorry I had sex with your husband and father of your kids," and Liberty could ask Kristen, "Why did you have sex with my husband and father of my kids?" I suppose that Liberty could be double checking Rupert Sanders' story in case she is thinking of taking him back, or she could just want some alone time with Kristen. Would you ever meet if you were in this situation?


  1. If I were Liberty Ross I would definitely meet with K-Stew, to have sex with her. I've heard, she's a tornado between the sheets and who wants to miss something like that?

  2. details for divorce?

  3. This sounds an awful lot like the stage meeting of that Sur waitress who did Eddie Cibrian with Brandi G on RHOBH. If this is real, who set it up ? I don't really see what purpose it would serve or why either one would want it. Especially KS, as I would think she'd much rather leave this bad publicity behind her, espec if her relationship with Rob P is real (probably isnt...)

  4. I've done this, meet with the other woman. It was a good idea. It cleared a lot of things up.

  5. Damn, Kristen looks like she wants to throw Liberty down & get busy.

  6. 'Peeee' 'Arrrr'

  7. I was on the Kristen side of things (sans another boyfriend and found out only after a while when I was ready lured in by the psychopath) for 2.5 years of my life. There were no kids involved and she married him after she found out. So with the only parallel being the cheating guy, I would still really like to meet her and tell her the whole story. Not to hurt her, but I'm sure he lied about how serious we were and she would not stay with him if she knew the extent of the betrayal. But them again, he was engaged to a third chick at the same time an she knew, not sure what I could tell her that would be worse than that.

    Anyway, I would feel empowered if I could meet her.

  8. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I had my live in boyfriend start seeing a woman, then came to me and said he wasn't happy and wanted to have an open relationship with her, which she was fine with (the open relationship part) We talked on the phone, but didn't meet up. I was hut/pissed at the time, and wouldn't have wanted to meet up, but it was nice to ask her some questions on the phone. It really helped me. It's always the cheaters fault mainly, how can I blame someone else when your significant other is the one doing something wrong? There's no way K Stew and what's his names wife are going to meet up, no possible way. She's young and young girls make stupid mistakes. If she was in her thirties, I'd be bothered, but she's just a kid.

  9. I was in Liberty's position with my ex husband. I did speak to the woman on the phone for a very long conversation. I'm glad we talked.

    This here though, I do not believe for one instant they are going to meet.

  10. Eh, this could be a good idea, if both are ready.

    My ex cheated on me, with a woman I got into a large argument with after finding out. Six months went by, I met my now husband, life was great. Suddenly, an email popped up from her. She was incredibly apologetic. She was basically told that me and my ex weren't together (when we were), and was also told some nasty lies about me. During our previous argument, I told her of the kind of relationship she was getting into with him. In her email, it turns out I was right on the money.

    Anyhoo, we both apologized for our insults towards each other, agreed that the ex was a douche, and moved on. I believe she is now blissfully married, like I am. And the ex is still a loser, judging by the emails he "accidentally" sends me here and there.

  11. I get this feeling that Rpatz and KStew are set to break up just before she starts filming the sequel to "SWATH", and Liberty Ross will give her blessing so her hubby can continue on as director.

  12. "So I'll tell you what, you can have him on Tuesdays, Thrusdays and Sundays. I'll have him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Saturday is our day off and we can get together to make fun of his small peen over some margaritas"

    One can only hope...

  13. Liberty Ross wants to meet up with KS to people will talk about Liberty Ross some more.

  14. Seeing that KStew knew about the kids and marriage, I don't think they have anything to "discuss". However, if I were Liberty I would have already had a come to Jesus meeting with my fist and her face. But that's just the bitch in me.

  15. HAHAHA, @Rolf! Excellent first comment!

    Don't know if I would - there would definitely have to be a considerable amount of time between the events, because I would be raging at both of them. Time is a balm, and maybe enough has passed that they can talk. And KS can emo her way through.

  16. Of course Liberty is willing to meet. It gets her name in the press again and extends her 15 minutes

  17. I was in liberty's position not very long ago. I think it is a mistake to think in meeting this person will have an actual soul and feel bad or help give you any closure. In my case, she would say she was sorry she hurt me then constantly text lol and "he loves me not you" to my phone. Now she teaches my kids to say they love her. My ex mil introduced them while we were married.

    Sometimes it's best to just move on with your kids and let people fester in their own pool of sick. The kids are what matters.

  18. This whole thing was made up to get Liberty some press and to make us think Kristen was hetero and hot and desirable enough to have some hot affair with a guy besides RPatz. Also gives RPatz a reason to see other women without the Twihards wanting to lynch him.

  19. I know there are faithful people out there. For all who have been brave enough to share your were too damn good for them anyway! Hollywood is a different ball o' wax. These Hollywood types engage in ritualistic sex anyway. Look at Liberty-her whole aura shouts 'high priestess'.

  20. If they were normal people I would think this is a good idea as some of you have said but these two are looking to get their names out there again. We haven't heard their name in a few days so they had to create drama.

  21. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Like an earlier poster said, it's just PR. I doubt they will ever really meet (unless to get a picture for a kneepad article). The agents plant this story out there so we talk about them or change/add to our perceived image of them. If the entire story was ever true (psh), this matter of meeting would be kept private. Especially if it was about Liberty healing as a wife. It was put in our faces, told to us. Image control/15 min extension etc. It's not about Liberty's healing via sorting thru sordid details with K'S. Nope. Don't buy it.

  22. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Since I'm newer to this blogger thing, can anyone tell me how to delete a previous comment? Sorry for the annoyance =P

  23. 10-4, you can't do it on your phone (which I always use when on here). On your regular computer, there is a trash cam under your comments. To delete, hit the trash can. It will ask you if you are sure, and just hit accept. If you are like me, and on your phone, you are SOL.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Thanks for the help!!YAng yep, you called it- was using my phone :)

  24. I would only meet to kick the filthy little slut's ass. :)

  25. I think they should meet for mudwrestling. Maybe they should have about 5 mojitos first. Winner gets her pick of the guy(s).

  26. might not be just the need for attention. who knows. when my ex had an affair, I was seriously devastated. I had some crazy need to hear her side of it. I asked her to meet for a drink- she was afraid of me and brought a friend in case I tried to hurt her- said much more about her than me. Although I did learn some valuable info, it took me a long time to understand the significance.

  27. for you guys who met the other person, or were in this kind of situation BRAVO for being mature and emotionally inteligent. It takes 'cojones' to meet up with the other person in a situation where you're suffering so much!!
    Im not sure id be able to spur up enough energy myself to do this because I can be a resentful bitch :P (im working on it... jeje)

    as you guys said, I dont see this meeting happening
    as Agent**It said, IF it's happening my guess would be divorce details.
    But with the movie happening id guess the studio will try to put divorce on hold.
