Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kris Jenner Gets A Talk Show

A few months ago I warned you that it was probable that Kris Jenner was going to have a chance at her own talk show. Well, it is official. Kris has pimped out her daughters and exploited them enough to get her own fame and is using that fame for a talk show. Never has a mother used her daughters more to get ahead and now Kris can celebrate and exclaim that Kim Kardashian having sex on tape was worth it to Kris because without it she would have never got her own talk show. The show will begin airing in the summer and if we are lucky it will be canceled by the time school starts in the fall. I don't see how Kris can add anything to any talk show that is currently in existence and her kids are not going to want to be on the show everyday so it will be Kris all alone out there. Unless you are a parent who is looking to sacrifice and exploit your own kids for fame or cheat on your husband, I don't see how anyone will have anything in common with her. The show will air on FOX.


  1. The Mayans were right.

  2. Oh Kris, I guess she forgot about Chevy Chase and his talk show!

  3. I bet this will get pulled faster than Carnie Wilson's talk show did!

  4. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

    1. Ah, FSP, you beat me to it! My sentiments exactly.

  5. What is her appeal? What is the whole Klan's appeal? Who are their fans so I can avoid them for life?

  6. It's hard to think of anyone less deserving of a talk show. Honey Boo Boo would be a better host. (I'm serious).

  7. The is no God, how can this happen ?

  8. Isn't FOX the network that canceled Anderson Cooper's talk show? They rather give us this than the Silver Fox?!?

    I for one will not watch.

  9. I think we're missing the proverbial silver lining...If she is busy with her talk show perhaps she will not have enough time to manage her kids' "careers" which will cause them to slip into oblivion. I know I'm reaching on this, but one can dream!

  10. Great lesson society is teaching young women: make a sex tape, release it, become a millionaire and make your whole family famous with several TV shows!

  11. Oh boy, the sleaze factor is sky-high already this morning: Skullet (thanks FSP!!) Hogan and Pimp Mama! I'm sure Lindsay will be next up!

    I'm so happy with my decision not to get TV!! I've never watched a Kartrashian show or a Real Housewife show or Honey Boo.

  12. Yeah, I can't see a lot of publicists working extra hard to get their clients on this.

    On the other hand, she might be dumb enough to book Kathy Griffin, who will pretty much go anywhere. I'd tune in for that train wreck.

    1. @comma, that would be awesome!

  13. This is what she's been waiting for, I'm sure. The intro can be her awesome 80's video about friends and the show will be like QVC for Kardashians products. I'm a talk show junkie, but this will be terrible.

  14. I blame all the people who watch the K's on tv and keep this shit going. They will never go away if we keep talking about them! Myself included:)

  15. God i hate this family.obama should drone them out.

  16. I wonder if she will talk about herself as much as Tyra did.

    1. @bluevelvet- That was the cherry on top of an already fantastic show, The Soup. Joel McHale had a special way of making Tyra look like a damn fool!

  17. Are you fucking kidding me? What is she going to talk to people about? Turning their children into money hungry whores and douchebags?

  18. Ugh. Kill me now.

  19. This is interesting background. http://m.deadline.com/2013/01/its-official-kris-jenner-talk-show-from-twentieth-tv-to-get-summer-run-on-fox-stations/

  20. She has the same too little for her face nose that Dinan Lohan has. Why would you do that to yourself?

  21. another sign of the apokalypse.

  22. Oh, kome on, y'all! Keeping Klassy with Kris will be a mega hit!

  23. They need to get off my planet.

  24. I read Agent*it's link - I've never seen an article with 100% negative comments. The best part of the article is that it's only a 6 week trial run - hopefully there will be zero interest and it'll be cancelled. In the meantime, it'll be The Soup gold!

  25. Oh here go hell come.

  26. To quote the great Whitney Houston,

    ''HELL to the MuthaF***in NO!''


  27. It will be interesting to see who chooses to appear on her show. I feel bad for those whose shows air on Fox.

  28. Anonymous7:50 AM

    It won't last ten minutes. On the flip side It will be fun to watch her lopsided nostril do the pug snore/ weeze, (sorry PuggleWug).

  29. Just in case anyone forgot this gem.

    Reeses you should seriously look into Honey Boo Boo, yeah they are a little redneck but they are a great family.

    I want to watch it to see how horrible it will actually be, but I don't want to give her the ratings. I probably would watch a Kourtney and Khloe talk show though, I love those bitches.

    1. JSierra, I hadn't seen that before, Randy Newman did the music!

  30. Susan B, I'm ticked off that Enty didn' t mention Queen Latif. New show! That I would take a look at, especially if she promotes live musical performances. I like Queen, so I say we all skip K.J. discussions and Give Queen a Chance.

  31. Lordy Lordy. Will not watch. The last thing I want to see is her UGLY intentionally deformed vulgar face.

  32. Wow, can't even contact Fox to let them know she is not welcome.

    MAILING ADDRESSES to your favorite shows: (Sorry, but at this time we have NO Direct E-mail or Paper Mail addresses for ANY of our shows).

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Wen, try these names: Stephen Brown, EVP of Development & Programming, Twentieth TV. and Frank Cicha, SVP of Programming, Fox TV.

  35. Maybe it'll get canceled after a month and signal the end of the dark days known as The Kardashian era. Maybe.....please let it happen!!!

  36. I wonder if the Seacrest cameras will be following her for the 6 week test as part of her "reality" enterprise?

  37. If any of you watch this we are fucking DONE professionally.

  38. Oh, and @JSierra - if it helps, I love me some Honey Boo Boo, too! Alana's actually my least favorite part of the show, the rest of that family and the personal interviews are GOLD. Alana's a bit annoying.

  39. Well that link did say the show will have a test run. I think that test will FAIL.

    Did anyone else notice that ...Jenner will serve as executive producer.

    That means she gets TWO paychecks. Greedy cow.

    I am really shocked that her show isn't on E! They really kiss Kardashian ass over there. Giuliana Rancic named Kourtney as a best dressed pic last week on Fashion Police when the waist of her skirt was pulled up right below her boobs. hope this link works. And even Joan pretended to be thrilled when Khloe stopped by the show.

  40. RQ I agree, they need to stop feeding that kid so much sugar. Chubs may be my favorite, she is so honest with herself. "What can I say, I'm a big girl, I like candy!"

  41. I'm really terrified that there will be a Kardashians network soon.

  42. IMake I think they are working on it, they have started showing special "sneak peeks" that is just all the footage they couldn't fit into the hour long premier. It's like they are showing every second of footage that they filmed.

  43. Wow, White Oprah is gonna be so jealous!

    I kinda like the idea of a Kardashian network. Look how well it's worked out for (real) Oprah! And people actually like Oprah! Anything that speeds the K downfall is good.

  44. Who still watches their shows damnit? Go away!

  45. I don't know. I mean Bethenny isn't at all likable, yet her show got picked up. Unfortunately, anything is possible. Wait, Fox is cancelling Anderson Cooper for this trash heap? Way to go Rupert, you dumbass.

  46. Hear that neighing sound? That is the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse saddling up!

  47. I am glad I work all day...and now I have a legit reason not to turn the tv on until it is time for the news.
