Monday, January 07, 2013

Kim & Kanye Say They Turned Down $3M For Baby Photos

If any celebrity says they are offered $3M for their baby photos then their name is Jennifer Aniston. There is no way that any celebrity will ever be offered $3M for baby photos. This is not 5 years ago when Nicole Richie earned over $1M for baby photos. There is not going to be a $6M payday for Jennifer Lopez baby photos. The baby issues just do not sell that well. Do they sell better? It depends on the baby. Christina Aguilera sold like crap. Do you want to see a Kim Kardashian and Kanye West baby? Don't you think that instead of buying a tabloid you could probably wait a day or two longer and see the never ending Twitter photos that Kim will take. You know, the five or ten minutes she will spend everyday with her baby will be filled with photo ops before she hands the baby over to a fleet of nannies until the next photo op. You really think that Kim is going to be hands on like Kourtney? That would require putting the needs of someone other than herself first. Kim & Kanye have said they were offered $3M for baby photos and turned it down and think the market is going higher. Lets remember that number 9 months from now and see if they even crack $1M.


  1. Anonymous6:02 AM

    She looks huge already ! Isn't she only 3 months pregnant ?

    1. Agreed! Her ass looks ridiculous in that pic. Wow! I'm hoping shel'll gain hideous amounts of weight

  2. The only thing worth commenting on here is the person photobombing behind the bodyguard. Good job, that person!

  3. Agree money tak is bullshit. She looks huge because she doesnt know how to dress herself. Notice the work she gets now is mostly overseas, like arabic countries that havent had time to be sick of her, lol

  4. First lets see if there is really a baby...but as for the way

  5. Three million they wish. But, I do bet they will be offered a stupid amount of money.

  6. This year in gossip is going to suck because of these two!

  7. Anonymous6:24 AM

    $3 Million?! HA HA!

    You know what this is? This is the desperate girl's version of hard to get. "I don't care that Bobby didn't ask me to the dance, I'm doing something with Kenny that night anyway. Oh, I thought I'd told you about Kenny before. He's my boyfriend, serious boyfriend. He's in college. In Canada. He's totally visiting that night! No, you can't meet him, he flies out the next morning."

    I bet, Kim. I really do. It's your story, you tell it how you want.

  8. Exactly- I call horse shit!!!

  9. As you notice, not once was it stated that they will donate the money to charity. Fucking fame whores!

  10. Charity? Haha, that is funny to imagine: Kim giving money to charity. As if Pimp Mama would let that happen.

  11. Time to put those leather pants away. I can't wait to see how large her ass expands.

  12. I bet she'll spend a couple of hours a week with the kid and dress it up in different outfits during that time, take tons of pictures and then post them throughout the week to make it look like she's with the kid but she'll just be tweeting from her stockpile of pictures.

  13. wait... the reason they declined the offer is because they think the market is going higher?!?! THAT"S THE REASON!?!

    umm hello, fiscal cliff?

  14. Also, I hope she gets really, really, really fat and can't lose the weight and no one pays attention to her anymore. A large shapely ass is one thing, but a giant shelf of cellulite is another.

  15. No offense to overweight people out there. I think we all know the rules in the tabloid culture we're dealing with here.

  16. @Paper Trail

    I think the local charity is Kris' church.

  17. No offense, discoflux ;) My ass is at least in proportion to the rest of my body and not currently suffocating under an onslaught of shiny hard cow.

  18. Ahhhhhahahahahaha, brilliant!

  19. I wonder why they don't want to have pictures of that tall lanky blue-eyed basketballplaying baby spread around ....

  20. I don't think they'll get anything higher than $300,000, and that's being generous.

  21. zombiecrush, i agree with you that it's stupid for them to hold out, but the so-called 'fiscal cliff' issue was/will be not what you think it is.
    It's an easy phrase to latch onto, but it's much more complicated than it sounds. The only way it would affect the baby-photo industry is if the entire nation's economy collapsed (because of the austerity & tax hikes in the so-called 'cliff')before that baby is born---That is, if there are no consumers because consumers have no money. We'd have to have a sudden Depression for the market to disappear for such drivel in the next 9 months.

    So don't worry?

  22. Well Kris did get some Internet certificate to be some kind of celebrant for some dumb wedding of a couple of idiots, so maybe she set up her own church and got tax exempt status for it. Then her commissions would be charitable deductions.

  23. Yo, guys, can y'all remember to address your replies to the actual PERSON?

    Can somebody help Enty have all the comment formats be the same? Is it that hard?

    I vote for Disqus, only because it has a direct 'reply' button AND a 'vote up or down' arrow.

    Anyone have a better suggestion? Please help Enty out with this comment thing, smart people!

    I'm leaving for hours, I may not see you today again ladies & Mayor timebob. *sniffle*

  24. I wish the comments had a 'vote up or down' because I think it would engage the MANY lurkers here especially.

    NOW I'm gone.


  25. Anonymous7:15 AM

    No offense taken, discoflux. My ass may be big, but I don't push it into the forefront in every picture taken of me, smiling coyly over my shoulder. Nope, I mostly just use it for sitting.

  26. She's a shortie (like me) and will probably carry this baby in a similar way to Jessica S - meaning big from beginning to end.

    I feel so bad for Khloe bc she really wants a baby and would actually be a good mom to her child. Not this famewhore plot. I still don't believe these two are anything more than a business deal. No chemistry. At. All.

  27. The pictures of her lately are so completely unflattering. Looks like a baby elephant. And this is her first pregnancy that we know of - wayyyy too early to have gotten that heavy. I'm only 5' tall and I remember people at work always telling me that I didn't look pregnant from the back.

    This whole pregnancy reeks of desperation and in a perfect world no one would give them a dime for pictures of their newest commodity.

  28. Ratings / publicity baby. This trick is beyond pathetic.

  29. did anyone see the Daily Mail photos today of the dress Kim had on, big gaping opening down to her navel... looking at that photo, i'm kinda getting on the 'perhaps not pregnant' bus. even when your tummy doesn't show, the boobs do...

  30. toodles @libby see you soon!

    I just wish we could edit our comments, i screw up with typos so much it irks me to have to read my greatness with mistakes ;-P

  31. That's a very unflattering photo. THANKS ENTY!

  32. She needs to be preceded by one of those WIDE LOAD trucks. Love it! (only cause I can't stand her...I'm not in the habit of making fun of most peoples' looks!)

  33. Karen said: "...person photobombing behind the bodyguard..."

    That guy isn't photobombing Kanye and Kim. He's trying to escape their presence and fly away!

  34. Hell, you just know that E! Network is gonna go apeshit with their coverage of the birth. No reason for the magazines to even bother!

    Re: Kris's church
    I just found one of their sacred hymns on YouTube! Pretty cool they were able to get Boy George to sing it...

  35. The other day someone typed Khloe's name as "Khole". That cracked me up. Too bad she's the least intolerable of the K-Bunch. If we are going to refer to this bunch of Knobs, we need some comical names for them. Suggestions?

  36. Mango - new names would be a very fun game!!!

    And Libby (not sure you'll read this).. ITA with using names to reply to someone. I think it's good manners and polite.

  37. I say this with all due respect...those are some child bearing hips!!!!

  38. Wow...where have I been? I didn't know Kim Trashian was preggers. Artificial insemination? Unless they used a cup and a turkey baster...cause Kanye is gay all the way.

    She looks very heavy in that photo.

  39. She will NEVER have this baby. My guess is she will "miscarry" and Pimp Mama Kris will use it as an excuse to sell a heartache story.

  40. please they ain't no Brangelina ....biotch SIT DOWN

  41. Yup, don't believe a) there was a $3M offer for photo's and b) believe she turned it down because she's not actually pregant but will use the sympathy card on this one.

  42. I hope she's pregnant and that she will love the baby like it deserves to be. And that she finds a nice new man to settle down with and forever be out of our lives.

  43. What is their freakin' affection for leather pants (even if they are a size 2)

    But seriously...this picture of her...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  44. she looks like an oompah-loompah in that outfit. i'm 5'2" and never looked pregnant from the back. also, there is no obvious bump until about 20 weeks with your first one. up til then it just looks like you had a big lunch. i just wish she and her entire klan would go away.

  45. she looks like an oompah-loompah in that outfit. i'm 5'2" and never looked pregnant from the back. also, there is no obvious bump until about 20 weeks with your first one. up til then it just looks like you had a big lunch. i just wish she and her entire klan would go away.

  46. she looks like an oompah-loompah in that outfit. i'm 5'2" and never looked pregnant from the back. also, there is no obvious bump until about 20 weeks with your first one. up til then it just looks like you had a big lunch. i just wish she and her entire klan would go away.

  47. Hey now, some people do get a bump early, even for their first! I looked pregnant at about 10 weeks, even tho I threw up everything I ate from about week 5.

    But don't take my defense of her to mean I like her!



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