Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Kathy Griffin Simulates Oral Sex On Anderson Cooper

You know that CNN will have Kathy Griffin back again though, no matter what she does.


  1. New face Kathy?

  2. Why do people think she is all that? I don't get her appeal.

    1. Me either. My friend got pissed off at me because I didn't want to go with her to see Kathy's stand up when she came to my city.

  3. She's pushed the envelope with him on national TV before, but that was in a category by itself. I think it's time for CNN to retire her, and I'm no prude by any means.

    1. I wonder if she would have done this if Coop was straight?

  4. I was only halfway watching them in the few minutes leading to midnight so I missed THAT. And I'm glad of it.

  5. And somewhere Michael K throws the TV out of the window...

    1. @SingBlue I'm terrified to check his blog. I might hear that blood curdling scream through my laptop. "Not MAHHH BOOOOO!!!"

  6. She is irritating.

  7. I'm with Phoenix - I saw it, and I think she went too far this time.

    I actually felt really uncomfortable for Anderson. I was embarrassed for him.

    1. Its all show business folks, its all show business.

  8. Fucking attention whore ... dont fuck with my Anderson. And to do this on national tv ... shame. I dont get her appeal either ... she is just a shock-value kind-of-a-person. She looks like a troll too.

  9. You'd think Anderson would put a stop to this crap. This doesn't exactly add to his reputation as a serious journalist.

  10. Isn't that sexual harassment? Seriously, can you imagine if a man on television continually groped and put his mouth on his unwilling female co-worker's vagina??

    And holy shit HER FACE. She was homely before all the surgery but man she's off the charts at this point. Yikes.

  11. @Chop chop - you are so right with the harassment. If the roles were reversed we would be reading a different story this morning ... I just sent a quick email to CNN about this behaviour.

  12. This happened well after midnight almost 45 minutes after 12 actually. I watched parts of it because I love mah bou Anderson. They are close friends in real life, have been doing the New Year's Eve show for 6 years and yes she is over the top. Like she acts every year. Big deal.

  13. Good idea about sending email to CNN...I will too. Kathy is starting to look like Joan Rivers...Anderson knows this crap happens with her and he still agrees to it. Must be lotsa money...

  14. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Am I the only one who finds this funny? By the way, Michael K claims to have pulled some "Freaky Friday shit" and taken over Kathy's body to give him a faux bj.

  15. It's kathy griffin being kathy griffin. They are friends. There are many other stations to watch the ball drop if you find her to be crass.

  16. Syko- I laughed my ass off.

  17. I love her she openly admits to doing anything she can to push CNN's buttons and get them to fire her and they won't. It's funny!

  18. Yeah she is crazy, but I expect nothing less from her. It was inappropriate for TV but they are good friends IRL, this happened way after most people have already turned the show off. It's just a little scandal is all, no big d.

  19. If I knew Anderson wasn't in a long-term relationship it would be funnier, but Kathy seems to get away with stuff other comedians can't. She's so spontaneous it's hard to be mad at her.

    She fascinates me in that she has taken herself from sort of average-looking to pretty glam.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I was embarrassed for him as well. There's edgy but then there's stupid, she pulled the joke into the stupid zone.

  21. lol. I love Kathy. She's very honest in that she loves to push the envelope to almost getting fired and SHE LOVES PRESS. The more people complain the more giddy she is.
    the controversy just thrills her. At least she's up front with it. There's no hiding that. While sometimes she's cheezy, I also think she's hilarious. I mean, its a joke. And what little kids are still up near 1 am watching cnn? No harm, no foul.

  22. I watched and loved it. Kathy always comes up with something outrageous, that's why she's there. For Anderson, it humanizes him, which definitely helps. It is funny to watch him anticipate Kathy. He gets better at it every year. They are an odd couple, but it works.

  23. I follow Anderson on Twitter and he LOVES Kathy. They're like BFF. Yeah, she makes him super uncomfortable sometimes but he knows that's just how she is. Anyway, I get the impression Anderson is a LOT less uptight when not on camera.

  24. I think Kathy is hilarious. /endofstory

  25. I watch them every year and this is just part of her routine! She likes to push the envelope and specially push Anderson's buttons which is usually funny.

  26. I didn't watch the countdown with AC and KG because I can't stand her, although I love the Silver Fox. We switched to it after midnight and I hate to admit I thought it was pretty funny, especially his comments that "this would be a first for me". My hubby thought it went on waaay too long, until it wasn't funny anymore. As soon as they did the bit about "kissing the tuna" in Maine or wherever, CNN shoulda known what was coming next. Even boring ol' me thought it was a perfect set up for a bj joke....

  27. she is soooo desperate to be viewed as a sex object (or at the very least, "*&ckable" to men), and always has.

    she needs new priorities, as this 'ish is O.L.D

  28. Ah! Kathy is just like that, cracks me up every time with her over the top antics!

  29. She got what she wanted out of it, everyone's talking about her...

  30. I thought it was funny as hell, but she needs to know when to stop. It went on too long. She talks so fast and says so many funny things in a low voice I have to really pay attention to her. I'd rather watch these two than Ryan Seacrest and Jenny McCarthy any day.

  31. I thought she got some work right after the first season of her talk show ended--her eyes got much pointy-er and her cheekbones look different.

    I usually love Kathy but she didn't seem to have much material ready this time and the little she did have wore thin pretty quick. She seemed a little off to me.

    At this point with Anderson showing he's as into the cheesy as she is on his daytime talk show, her trying to embarrass him isn't as funny --you know it's their schtick now and he is prepared for it.

  32. Hero of the stupid.
    Derivative. (Um, starting? to look like Joan Rivers. Please. Her entire act is based on Joan)
    Sexless. despite talking about sex constantly.
    Not entertaining in any way.
    A mean old bitch who hides behind a pose of pitiful desperation. I guess she makes other pitiful desperate bitches and creeps feel better about themselves. Great.

  33. Also thought it was funny. I suspect alcohol was involved.

  34. What Smash (and several others) said. They are BFFs. Does anyone watching them NOT know she does stuff like this every year? It's not like it was prime family viewing time (it's cable anyway so even if it was...). They clearly make each other laugh.

  35. I use to like Kathy when she did My Life on the D List, but now she's just annoying. Oh and I almost jumped through the tv when she tried to put her mouth on my boo too!

  36. Love her. She get's a lifetime pass from me.

    @ __-__=__ Kathy doesn't drink. Ever. Her mother, however, drinks wine by the box.

  37. tip of the box to you Mango!

  38. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I'm no prig either, but I despise her and I think she is a disgusting person for making fun of people who self-inflict injuries and suffer with depression, etc. It's not just for "emo" kids. It is a real problem, and most times not so much a cry for attention as it is a way of punishing yourself because you feel like you don't deserve to live...

  39. I didn't watch the vid yet, but he doesn't look mad! lol

  40. I watched this as it was happening and it was hilarious! If you find it offensive, turn the channel to one of the other NYE programs. It was funny watching Anderson squirm and yes, she is obnoxious, but she was just being her (they keep hiring her!!). C'mon! Anderson has to always be so proper on screen, this was a welcome change.

    What I was offended by: Jenny McCarthy's new face and the fact that they muted the Sushi drag queen when he tried to congratulate Anderson on coming out. Boo!!

  41. I imagine the two of them acting like this together in real life - crazy, crass, fun!! Suspect alcohol was involved and Kathy just took it to the next level on screen - love it, as long as AC doesn't mind (which I doubt he does - he's trying not to laugh).

    Come on, 'kissing the sardine'??! That's just funny stuff.

    Also looooove that she's trying to see how far she can push CNN. Go Ka-thy; Go Ka-thy!
