Monday, January 14, 2013

Justin Timberlake & Kenya Moore Debut New Songs

Well, yesterday was certainly the take of two songs. After teasing everyone in the past week, Justin Timberlake released his new song which features Jay-Z. No video yet to go with it. Just a screen with what looks like one of those t-shirt tuxedo things. Also debuting a song yesterday was Kenya Moore. Apparently all of that twirling she has done all season has pushed her brain a little off-center and she decided to release a song entitled Gone With The Wind Fabulous. She made that famous two weeks ago on RH-ATL and apparently thinks she can make a buck or two off it with this song. She will probably spend all day in her house cackling away while she tries to find all these copies of her performance and take them down so you better hurry. MJ looks like she is trying to pose for porn as she stands next to Andy when he introduces the song.


  1. That JT song is boring, boring, boring. i expect more. Nobody i know likes it.

  2. The JT song is no longer available due to some copyright issue. If I cared more, I'd google it.

    1. @Cathy It's on iTunes as well, you can listen to the preview there (I just did). It's very vanilla. I was hoping for edgier.

  3. Kenya Moore's song is by far the worst of the Housewives' songs. And that's saying something. Even "Chic C'est La Vie" is better than this


    On the 5000th RH-related post of this blog's history, I would like to ask that if anyone connected with Bravo happens to have anything to do with this blog, even if s/he just reads these comments---

    PLEASE find a way to take Project Runway back. Lifetime has ruined it with scripting ...PLEASE.

    Thank you for your time.

  5. Pretty basic sounding, elevator chic perhaps? and not what you'd expected after a 7 year musical hiatus to prepare. Maybe he's saving the best for last.

  6. @libby

    If people complain maybe they will go back to ad-libbing.

    They did that on Mythbusters once and it was *so* annoying (and obvious).

  7. i was comped the jt single. meh. #notimpressed

    now the real housewives lady....i don't know if that was meant to be a spoof, but it was fabulous (as a spoof)! *dies*

  8. As far as the JT song goes, I'm sure my mom & sis will like it, not for me though. Kenya, no, just, I can't. Worse than She by Sheree.

  9. The original twirl off camera was better, but I can't blame Kenya for trying to make a dime while she can. Who knows if they'll even keep her next season.

  10. I love JT and im glad he is back! Heard the song on the radio and i think it has a nice groove to it.

  11. I was underwhelmed by JT's single but it can only get better.

  12. Tuxedo Cat---PR All-Stars is TRYING to purge poor Uli, as they quickly did to ALL Bravo-era participants. But Uli is such a happy little miracle, day in, day out---Try as they might, they can't eliminate her without being too obvious. Oh, how they try though.

    Tuxedo--Sorry reply is late. Hope you see it.

  13. Kenya Moore now has the 2nd worst RH song. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Michaele Salahi, lip synching live in a Miami news studio.
