Friday, January 11, 2013

Justin Timberlake Doing Something He Is Good At

Unlike his acting career, Justin Timberlake is a very good performer and singer. A couple of months ago, rumors were everywhere that Justin was making a new album. Those rumors were instantly shut down by Justin but it turns out the rumors were right and Justin was probably lying. Not a bad idea if you are a hacker looking to release some tracks before they are ready. The rumors have not officially stopped, but when Billboard and The Hollywood Reporter both say an album is expected out soon and that one of the songs is a collaboration with Beyonce and Jay-Z that seems way closer to fact than a rumor. The entire album was produced by Timbaland who has not uttered a peep about anything or got back to anyone who has requested a statement from him. Considering I am tired of listening to decade old Justin songs, I think a new album would be in order followed by a tour with Lance Bass and Jessica Biel as his opening acts and a nice long hiatus from the acting world for Justin & Jessica. Take a year, maybe two and do a world tour.


  1. Yay!! I too am sick of listening to old JT music (except Nsync..which I will never tire of)

  2. Yes! A new album (but not about married life).

  3. If only Justin locked Jessica away like Ryan does to Blake.

  4. It's an awesome idea for JT to have Biel warm up his crowds with a 'dramatic monologue'.

    Nah, she's too pretty to hire in the entertainment industry, on second thought.

  5. I'm sure it'll be commercially fantastic, but I'm over it. At this point he's just too calculated and inauthentic. It'd be one thing if he owned that a la Britney, but he gives airs that he's relatable, down to Earth, blah blah blah. I either want a cyborg or an artist.

  6. LOL libby.. i completely forgot about the "too pretty" thing

  7. lalaland---Being too pretty is the WORST. I bet.

    But yeah--'I can't get a job in entertainment because I'm too pretty'---some of the funniest shit ever!

  8. @Amber, agreed. His solo artist work has limited shelf life. He's basically riding on the back of prior Nsync success imo, which was pretty much the work of others anyways.

  9. Yay! I love JT's music. It's so much fun.

  10. @libby, that was brilliant! She blamed Anne Hathaway and Natalie Portman for taking all the good roles. I take it they are just not as pretty as Jessica Biel.

    1. I remember watching an old episode of 7th Heaven and during some of her lines, she would emphasise the wrong words. I think you HAD to be funny looking to be on that show. Those kids ALL straddled the line between cute and fugly. Except Jessica. She was, and is, the most beautiful girl in the world. I can't believe I typed that with a straight face!!!!!

  11. He's an okay singer but I've never understood the hype, plus he's not in the slightest bit attractive so the 'Justin is such a heartthrob' things annoy me.

  12. @Shocky (when did you change that btw?! Am I blind?) - I think he has what the kids call "swag".

    1. @amber I'd been thinking of changing it as it's confusing with two Sarah's and the other one was posting here before me. I did it a couple of weeks ago :)
      Ah, so that's what 'swag' is!

    2. Sorry, if I had an avi it would help! I can't figure out how to do it from my phone (and I'm lazy)
      I love yours though

    3. Oh, not at all, it's not a problem in the slightest. And thank you :)

  13. They still play all those songs from his last album constantly on rotation between the new hits on my local top 40 station here. Agree we need new JT songs!
    Wow, what a run on sentence! Sorry~

  14. Lotta---I think I just figured out how she (maybe) got the idea she is 'too pretty' and loses to actresses like Hathaway & Portman. I think she's being told she's not believable as anything deeper or grittier than 'a pretty girl', and she's twisting that into simply 'too pretty', for her pride's sake. Because basically they're telling her she can't act.

    (I'm just trying to figure out how she could think something so dumb.)

    (I know nothing of JT's music, except that he shouldn't have left it for acting, it seems. Sorry if I'm kinda OT.)

  15. Never a boy band fan, but I did enjoy his solo stuff in it's time, so I'm curious to see what he's got... I have to give him credit for his musical shorts on SNL with Andy Samberg, and I LOVE his anatomy of hip hop bits with Jimmy Fallon! Horrible actor though, I think we can all agree!

  16. Timberlake was WATCHABLE in SOCIAL NETWORK

  17. @frenchgirl He had the douche factor down perfect for Social Network!

  18. Mama Ray--I was just about to say, it was because he played a DOUCHE so well! haha! Glad I refreshed.

  19. Guess JT is just typecast as the douche and Jessica as "the pretty girl"..Oh the crosses these two must bear!

  20. He is very well respected in the music field, because he can write, sing, play several instruments, and produce hits. I'll bet there's a lot of people (who want to work with him) who are waiting for him to get the acting bug out of his ass.

  21. Not a huge JT fan, but I am much more on board with JT, The Singer than, JT, the Actor.

    I had to Google when Sexyback came out (I was thinking "Decade????"). 2006. It doesn't seem like that long ago.

  22. Did anyone else note the irony of JT hinting at his comeback on the day of the Oscar nominations? And saving the reveal for Critic's Choice announcements?
    He's been trying to get into that inner circle for a while, it seems like he tried to shit all over the awards.

  23. I think he's amazeballs and can do little wrong musically or on SNL. I find him incredibly talented and super cute, and I thought his collaboration on SNL made his & Andy Samberg's credibility increase dramatically. I'm super excited, particularly about the Timberland aspect. I'm just sqeeeing to myself over here...

  24. Justin badly wants an Oscar.

    Go ahead and laugh. I did, too. He did everything he could to get nominated for The Social Network.

  25. Sorry ladies, straight men love the Jessica Biel. She creates boners.

  26. Timberlake is a pathetically self-conscious actor (really, he surpasses Anne Hathaway in onscreen self-awareness, and that's saying something), so I guess he's decided to cut his losses a bit. Confine yourself to what succeeds, Pippy. You'll never be a Gosling, who has the onscreen magnetism and gorgeousness to overcome any lapses in acting ability. Sorry.

  27. He was outstanding as Sean Parker in the Social Network, and almost certainly injected some additional asshole-ness into the character just to get back at Parker for his role in making it acceptable to rip off the music industry.

    Don't really buy that he's not a good actor. He was pretty winning in Friends With Benefits, too.

  28. I am very excited for new music from Justin. Nothing can top Justified but I am happy for him to take back his mantle as THE Justin.

  29. If you guys want him to make a new album, don't tell Mila Kunis! And if you do, say it in English!

  30. I will laugh my ass off if the album is shit. After everyone begging him to go back to music, and him just expecting his new work to be well received... I would just find it hilarious if he bombed :)

  31. When Timbaland performed in the middle of Justin's last tour, it literally put the whole crowd to sleep. Everyone was pumped when he came on stage and then sat down after a few minutes. I was excited to hear him, but ended up taking about a 30 minute nap instead.
