Monday, January 21, 2013

Justin Bieber Moons The World

If there was one thing I could go a lifetime without seeing, it is a photo of Justin Bieber mooning the world. I'm actually surprised it has taken him this long to show his butt and that it didn't happen with those diaper like pants he wears halfway to his knees in hopes that people will think he is cool. With his popularity fading though and a need to find someone older than 15 who thinks he is attractive he decided to show off his pasty butt for a few minutes on Instagram and then realized that the parents of the 12 year olds who follow him would probably not appreciate it so he took it down - after the world had already saved it, looked at it and then decided it never wanted to see it again. Just imagine if I had not blurred it for your protection.


  1. Why is this picture blurred? AS IF there is something to see.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can't stand him and I hope that he starts to fade away but unfortunately he isn't. He has a song all over radio at the moment with Nicki Minaj (who also needs to go away) and i think all of his other singles off this album have been top 10's. Here's hoping for a drug scandal!

    I kid.

  4. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I'm traumatized

  5. Jesus Biebs, it's like being mooned by a 5 year old. Take a fucking seat already

  6. eyes!!! I saw this yesterday and was hoping the Entys wouldn't subject me to it for a second time.

  7. FSP MUSTARD MAN !!!! Love it:)

  8. Omg I hate butt cracks and I totally just threw up my protein bar a little bit.
    Ahhhh it keeps looking at me, my flesh feels like it is crawling.

  9. He and Miley Cyrus are both having a terrible time transitioning from teen stars into adulthood.

    Are Neil Patrick Harris and Jodie Foster the only two people to do this successfully and with class? And Ron Howard, of course. Anybody else?

    1. Do they have to still be acting? I think of Fred Savage for starters. I know there are others. They go on and get real world jobs.

    2. Do they have to still be acting? I think of Fred Savage for starters. I know there are others. They go on and get real world jobs.

  10. And the world moons back!

  11. Aren't there laws against this crap? He's a baby with diaper rash. EThorne nailed it- taking a f*cking BOOSTER seat, kid.

  12. Oh God. I'm sitting at the OB struggling with my 3hr gestational diabetes test and this picture just about made me barf and void my drink. Just stop, child.

    1. Hang in there, Mama Robot. Hope you'll be finished soon, and don't feel too horrible from drinking that disgusting stuff :-(.

    2. Thanks, Frufa! I'm one hour in and they had to move me in a room due to me being so dizzy. At least I get to lay down for a bit. Then they told me I could just refuse it and be treated as diabetic. Why refuse if I'm already suffering lol?! They're talking crazy.

    3. You sound like me - I'd want to finish what I started, even if the room was spinning! Take care.

      I have hypoglycemia that onset after I had my kids; I was fine through the tests both times during pregnancy, but I had one about 10 years ago that resulted in my 3rd hour blood sugar being 34. My doc was afraid that I'd passed out on the way home - he left a hilarious message on my answering machine - but I powered through, ate a bunch of fruit in the hospital cafeteria, went home, and carried on with my day. Sillly men - they don't understand what us momma are capable of :-).

    4. @Frufa Thank you so much. :)

      You're right, men have no idea about mom strength! Your 3rd draw was 34? Good lord! I would've been worried if I was your dr too. I didn't think I could drive home but I made it then had a pretty delicious chicken sandwich. I still feel odd but I'm just glad it's over! Xoxo

  13. Nutty_Flavor: Joseph Gordon-Levitt is one of the only currently huge stars I can think of who has transitioned nearly seamlessly from child star (Angels in the Outfield, 10 Things I Hate About You, Third Rock From the Sun) to adult big box office.

  14. @Amy - JGL is hottttttttttt. For a second I felt dirty, but I just looked and we're the same age so yay!

    Biebs needs to try harder. Mooning people does not a badass (no pun intended) make.

  15. @ Nutty Flavor, don't forget Clint Howard, he hasn't had any scandals has he? Gentle Ben was awesome lol


  17. Stay classy little man.

  18. He has absolutely NO class whatsoever! I could go my entire lifetime without seeing ANYTHING of Justin Bieber, period! What a LOSER!!

  19. Eeewww....that's so gross! Thanks for trying to salvage our vision by blurring it out! LOL!

  20. That needed a "Not Safe For Life" tag. Gross.

  21. Someone needs lots of attention!

  22. Hmmm. Think I'll make pancakes...

  23. MMM I heart JGL. Just watched Premium Rush this weekend and I highly recommend it. Natalie Portman was also a child actor and the little kid from A Christmas Story ended up hot and successful.

    Re: this nasty picture; thanks for making me vom up my granola bar!

  24. Anonymous8:22 AM

    That's some good weed to make him think THAT was a good idea!

  25. Anonymous8:24 AM

    But yeah, it's gross, pasty, flat, hairless, dirty teenage boy ass, gag! cough! I can't go on...

  26. HAHAHA
    Comments are making me literally laugh out loud !!!

  27. OMG, Michael K has the funniest picture and write up on this!

  28. I made my husband look at JB's butt with me yesterday. Neither of us could believe how hairless it is! Does he wax it? Has he just not grown body hair yet? It's weird.

  29. Seaward yeah right? Absolutely no hair on this "kid" at all. When is he going to hit puberty? I don't believe he and Selena ever even did it cuz I'm absolutely certain he's not uhm, equipped to do it. Ugh on his pancake ass like Michael K called it.

  30. You'd think Usher could hold a camera steady...

  31. @Nutty, such a good question-I love thinking about those that have made it instead of the normal "so sad" stories. What about Christina Ricci? Though she's gone quiet again. Defintely Claire Danes...Oooh, Leo-admit you have an addiction to models-DiCaprio. Diane Lane. Brooke Shields. Uhmmm, willow smith...LOL, joke.

  32. He has major Mommy issues.

  33. @ SingBlue - LMFAO! And minutes later he had his lunch served on that...

    Reese and my secret boyfriend Jason Bateman are two more child stars. One day I'm going to get arrested for hiding in the bushes outside of Jason's house.

    Drew is another.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. @Mischevious, I don't think they have to be actors, or even in the business. To me, making the transition to adulthood successfully means finding a life in which you can support yourself and serve the community - whether it's as an actor, behind the camera, or as a real estate agent or teacher.

    Plus not making a giant fool of yourself in public.

  36. Stuff like this just makes me feel old because while I'm absolutely grossed out by this, I know there are millions of girls worldwide swooning over this shit. Ew.

  37. My retinas are seared.

  38. Enty, are you trying to scare us away? If you want us to leave, please just say so.

  39. Bieber and his mom are assholes.

  40. Let me know when he pulls down his front. I need a good laugh.

  41. BobNYC its out there. I will post a link after I eat dinner if you guys are too lazy to google.

  42. Why post this crap??????????
