Monday, January 07, 2013

Justin Bieber Meets With Cancer Patient As Everyone Wonders Who Sold The Pot Photos

The interesting thing to me is not the photo that was taken of Justin Bieber smoking pot, but the woman to his left and our right in the photo who probably has some very interesting things to say. I hope the tabloids are looking for her because she not only was there with Justin while he was smoking pot, but she is the person he spent the night with. Is she a regular girlfriend of his or was this a one time thing? If it was a one-time thing, how was she approached because there are some very interesting stories about how Justin finds the women he is with and it would be great for this person to discuss it. Anyway, with all of the pot drama, there are still kids who love and adore Justin and the child above was diagnosed worth leukemia three years ago and it came back a few weeks ago and Justin gave her some love.


  1. I do think it's really sweet that he went to see this girl, and it probably made her day, but a part of me wonders if this wasn't just a publicity stunt to counteract the pot pics gossip.

  2. Well, even if it was a publicity stunt, he still made the little girl's day. My BF's Aussie nieces (4 and 5) LOVE the Biebs, much to their mom's dismay. They would be absolutely over the moon if they met him.

  3. Amber,
    OT : check out what Tony Ortega is doing each Friday .

  4. I am extremely doubtful about his motivation, but that doesn't matter here. He brought unspeakable joy to this sweet girl - the Biebs is still HUGE in the elementary school girl demographic. She will remember that moment forever, and now believes that wishes can come true.

  5. As much as I dislike Biebs, he seems to genuinely care about kids with cancer. He constantly visits with kids in hospitals. This was something probably pre-planned before the pot pics.

  6. @Agent - BRILLZ. Thank you!! He posted something about there being an emergency last night, but I haven't followed up on what it was.

  7. See, just before Christmas I posted that Justin does alot of visiting to childrens sick hospitals all over the area.
    Enty, did you really have to make this nice post so potty?????

  8. The Biebs is a decent kid in my oppinon. He has been visiting sick children since the begining of his fame. Scandel or no scandel.

  9. @Amber, a friend's girlfriend texted last night and said, "Is this Karen? It's Amber."

    My immediate first thought was "Amber from CDAN?! How did she get my number?! Cool!" Then I realized that it was probably the Amber I know in real life. Slightly disappointing.

  10. Justin seems to do this quite often. He may be a bit of a tard, but he sems to have a big heart and care about his fans which is sweet :)

  11. @karen - LOL how funny! Though I promise not to internet stalk you and start texting you w/o your permission :)

  12. Bieber always goes to see leukemia kids :it's not the first time and it will be not the last time

  13. Oh who cares that a teenager smoked some dope?? If hes not an addict, he will get tired of smoking anyway, it gets boring. Hrs an idiot, but he does make kids happy by visiting.

  14. Biebs screws around on his girlfriend. That's bad. He smokes pot. Who cares? And he visits kids with cancer. Awww.

    Hmmm, it's almost like he's a real person, with strengths and weaknesses.

  15. He does this all the time. It's not some "stunt".

  16. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I can't say enough good things about someone that does good and takes time for terminally ill children. How can you not love someone that does that. I am usually one that dislikes him, but the way he's cuddling this little girl makes me forgive all of his silly adolescent shenanigans. He's been supposedly cheating on Selena for a while, but I really can't bring myself to get outraged about a seventeen year old and an eighteen year old, they're babies for goodness sakes. That's what young kids do, they date, they cheat, the fall in puppy love, they cry and pout, oh and he smokes pot "Heavens! No!" He is working, travelling, helping sick kids, what's the big deal. I can't bring myself to feel strongly about him, when there's dumbass hookers, not helping anyone but themselves, like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Kim K sliming around. Bieber's just a kid for goodness sakes. An entitled rich, wannabe rapper, kid, but still just a kid. Give him ten or fifteen years, then we can judge him.

    1. You never see KTrash visiting sick kids, or giving up a dime of their ill gotten money. Why not???

  17. Enty why are you criticizing him for visiting kids? He may be an epic annoyance, but he does a lot of good charity work.

    And I thouhgt him and Selena were done, so does it matter who he is sleeping with?

  18. oh come on. we know why this picture's out there.

    publicist to bieber: 'those pot pictures are all over the fucking place. where are the letters from the kids with cancer? yeah, that one's fine. call them, and get bieb and a crew over there stat.'

    this is why we're seeing this today.

    1. No, he does this ALL THE TIME. For years he's been going to children's hospitals to cancer wards to sing to cancer patients before concerts. These visits have to be set up at least a week in advance. It's not a publicity stunt.

      Hate him all you want, but don't smear this.

  19. Not a fan of the beibs but I couldn't care less that he is smoking pot. Is that any different than what the rest of us (mostly) were doing at 18? AND he seems to genuinely enjoy visiting with sick kids and that is truly commendable. Cheating on Selena every chance he gets is another story entirely, she needs just leave and stay gone.

  20. Yeah, it's cute and genuinely heartwarming, but it's still a PR move. Most of us don't give a flying f-ck if he's really into weed, but I think his fanbase (are they all still under 18?) need these to show their parents why it's still ok to be spending their weekly allowance on all things Biebs.

  21. Enty is trying to increase his Tweener readership , guess that's why we hear about him so often. Which is wise on Enty's part. To me, he's just an incredibly wealthy and famous young kid. I shudder to think what most of us would do at his age with that lind of access.... :)

    1. kind of access ...

    2. He's an 18 year old behaving like an 18 year old, but with way too much money.

  22. damage control that's all to keep the tweener moms happy so they will keepy buying his crappy music for their daughters.

    Not saying he doesn't enjoy doing it and it is a good thing. But the timing is just ridiculous.

  23. As an almost 19 year old who doesnt like or dislike justin. I findbit kind of sad that people get up him for being young and dumb. Most people do stupid thing when they are young. Like i was a hot mess from 15 to 17 i can only imagine what practically instant fame would do to a young ego when they are surrounded by enablers and hangers on that just kiss up to him for a free ride.gosh knows if ibwas in his situation i'd probably be 10x worse ahaha

  24. Good for him, for his charity work. I guess they are reminding people that there is a good and generous side to Biebs....

    My housemate (first husband) just recovered from Stage 4 lymphoma and I cannot imagine a child having to go through the poking, prodding and nausea that he did.

    Even if he brightens one little face for a minute, it is worth anything people can call him.

    1. Tuxedo, it really does break you heart. I'll probably get crabbed at for putting a website here but it is a foundation dedicated to research and awareness of pediatric cancer. After my bro died at 32 I started really getting involved with caregivers and oncology patients. My bro loved kids and over Christmas they sent IPads to kids being treated for cancer. I'm trying to get something set up dedicated to my brother that can donate to the organization, as I know he would approve. is about how J4AC came about, due to the strong will, love, and determination of Declan Carmical. Amazing child, amazing people.

  25. You know, I became unable to hate on Bieber after reading about the extent of his relationship with the little girl who called herself "Mrs. Bieber." That little girl adored him, and he didn't just visit her once, he visited her several times and spoke to her regularly. She died a few months back. I think, despite being a seriously crappy boyfriend, he loves kids and likes to make them happy. He's got a lot of growing up to do, but he's only 18. Most 18 year old boys aren't yet the men they're going to end up being. He's got time.

  26. this isn't "timing"...he's been doing this publicized...and not...for years...anything that makes these very sick kids happy ... how can you rip this apart...these kind of posts and the posters who respond negatively really piss me you have any idea the horrible things these "babies" go kills me thinking about it...this is a positive thing people ... even if it's done by Bieber...

  27. Granted, He's been doing this for years. (barely knew it) but after those negative photos? Definitely Know it Now! Actually, I'm glad the "Pot Photos" are out, it makes him seem normal (unlike those dorky pants. Did he just stuff his bird legs into a sweater and belt the mess around his waist?)

  28. wow, i'm just shocked that just because he's done this before, he's having a crown placed on his head. he has a PUBLICITY MACHINE for chrissake! they make damn sure those pictures are taken and seen, and the sad stories known.
    a lot of people have fallen for it, apparently. i haven't seen one thing that makes me think this kid will become anything other than a selfish asshole adult. not because he smokes pot either.

  29. Seriously? Everyone that I have ever met has used or at least tried Pot. I really don't care if Justin smokes weed. If he does coke, or shoots crystal meth or does heroine and then becomes a low life like Lindsey Lohan, inflicting self harm on himself or others, then I think it would be a problem.

  30. I seriously cannot hate on the Beibs for giving his time to sick kids. And yes he does it all the time. We really don't hear about all times he's contributed. He gets a pass from me.

    And Like Ella stated, we were all sorta shits at his age, add fame and ass kissing and that's a molotov cocktail of jerkiness. (He gets no pass on that though.)

  31. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Every time a celebrity gets some negative press, his/her PR team comes up with a very public way to do damage control. At least a sick kid benefited from this PR move.

  32. This is damage control. Full stop. Sure, he may have done it before - but, that was part of crafting his "clean teen" image for his squealing fans and their mothers. I'm over-the-moon for the little girl who he visited, because he's brought her such happiness...but, do I think better of him for doing this? No. I know what a repugnant asshole he is - and it has nothing to do with smoking pot. He's an entitled, hateful little shit - and I hope that karma keeps biting him.

  33. But I'm curious: does anyone know a story about how he gets women? Enty implies there's a story and I want to know it!

  34. He has a good manager (Scooter?) who procures his grass, so the Biebs is stoned and happy and isn't stupid enough to try to score it himself, and schedules these hospital visits to both keep da Biebs grounded and to let the world know what a lovable guy this young man really is. Awwwwwwww.

  35. The beibs is a stupid kid with too many yes people, access and $$ his behaviours don't shock me in the least. That said, image or not! He's making these kids happy. If he wants to glean his image who cares? As long as he keeps doing so I say good for him!

  36. @Gladys - I believe there was a blind about a mom getting pros for her son - that way she didn't have to worry about some little groupie girls trying to get pregnant on purpose

  37. The body language in this (and other similar photos) say a lot to me: notice how close he is to the little girl, cheek-to-cheek, holding her tight, and looking relaxed and happy doing so.

    Compare that to 'the perch' that other celebs *cough ANISTON* strike for these photo ops: the celeb doesn't even kneel (wouldn't want to get your knees dirty, or relax longer than it takes to snap the photo) they perch next to the child, making sure several inches of air is between their faces. The smile is 'warm' but the eyes are tense. And this is from the supposed 'actor!'

    Justin isn't afraid to touch and get close to these sick kids. There's genuine affection and warmth in his entire posture. Look how he is completely embracing her here.

    I think his publicist recognized something kind in him and decided to use it to his advantage, but I don't think that takes anything away from what's really happening.

    JMHO. Not a Belieber, but a former sick kid.

    1. Letloverule- I hope you are good today! True words my friend. Bieber truly embraces these children. It is really beautiful to see.

  38. Bieber is a entitled douche HOWEVER as many have said, he is well known for doing this all of the time (the timing of the release of the photo...pure publicity). He seems to genuinely care about kids and I certainly can't fault him for doing good and bringing happiness to these kids lives.

  39. The Biebs was probably after the kid's medical marijuana card.

  40. @Smash, thank you, I am! I had terrible childhood asthma, and a compromised immune system, so I spent years of my life at Children's Hospital here in Seattle. I'm one of the lucky ones; I outgrew it, for the most part. But I never forgot how some adults would actually come close and touch me, and some wouldn't. (I was not contagious to anyone with a normal immune system, and I was only vulnerable to infection at certain stages.)

    Anyway, Bieber is aces (for this, anyway) in my book!

  41. I also wanted to add that being touched, hugged, and held is EVERYTHING to a child, especially a sick one. There's also strong evidence that it stimulates the immune system. This is a mitzvah, and good on him.

  42. Letlove- glad to hear you are a healthy grown up:) i

  43. scroll down to" justin bieber delays concert for sick child"



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