Friday, January 18, 2013

John Mayer Sings Live For The First Time In Two Years

John Mayer performed Wednesday night at a fundraiser in Montana to thank the firefighters who saved his home from a fire this summer.


  1. That 2 years was way too quick. He should take another 2 years off just to be safe.

  2. I know we give him a lot crap for his diarrhea-of-the-mouth syndrome but that's actually pretty cool that he did that for them.

  3. He doesn't sound the John Mayer of yore. Maybe he should just let Katie P. sing his songs

  4. He's on my permanent hate list for the David Duke d* comment. Jerk.

  5. I thought he was very charming and sounded good. He's very talented. I can understand why all these hot women fall for him. Totally.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      @reno i agree, i'd never fall for it but he is fine! lol

  6. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Nearly everyone has good qualities. Thanking hard-working firefighters who saved his home is one of John's. He put some good karma into the world. That's all that matters in this context.

  7. That was a good deed. Bravo. Now he can go back to shutting his mouth to keep his foot out of it.

  8. The surgery definitely affected his range. He used to be more tenor than bass.

  9. That is just outstanding. Very nice gesture and I'm sure it was much appreciated.

  10. I went woth a friend to one of his comcerts and he was really good and very charming, as a matter of fact this was a week before the "David Duke" comment.

  11. Shadow Land, while I like it, it sounds faintly like an old Seeger song. The guitar parts. He sounds fine in it though. Still a douche.

  12. Very nice gesture but oof, I miss his old voice. He had good range and a beautiful clear tone. Still ridiculously charming, though.

  13. Anonymous8:22 AM

    He is talented, I'll give him that. Now if he could just keep his mouth shut when he leaves the stage. And this was a great thing for him to do. I hate him a little teeny bit less for doing this.
