Monday, January 21, 2013

It's Not Les Miserables

I'm trying to imagine once again how bad Lovelace would have been if Lindsay Lohan had managed to stay attached to the movie. Instead of Lindsay, the producers got someone in Amanda Seyfried who can actually act. The movie is not like Amanda's latest movie Les Mis, but it is so much better than it would have if Lindsay had been in it.


  1. Well. She is a really good actress. I am glad they moved liho to the side. I may actually watch this.

  2. Not available. :( I really like Amanda.

  3. Reno- I just looked it up on YouTube. It wasn't available for me either.

  4. If Lilo was still in this, it would probably be one of those real sex movies like master actor Shia does now.

    1. I can't unsee that image in my head now. Thanks.

  5. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I too am glad that LiHO didn't do this movie. Now it actually has a shot. Good for Seyfried. I think this role is actually pretty brave. I remember thinking at the time that it sounded like soft core porn when Linds was attached to it, now it seems like their could be some interesting depth to it.

  6. If this role had been offered to Lindsey, she would have thought herself too good for the part.

    If Lindsey had felt she had been passed over for the part, she would have felt robbed. I thought I had read that Lindsey was passed over for another Linda L. biopic.

  7. Wasn't the movie Lindsay was attached to called Inferno? I'm pretty sure they're two separate productions with Inferno being shelved even after Lindsay was no longer attached.

    1. I think so, Malin Akerman was to take over that role.

  8. @Mhdz - yes, Lindsay was attached to a completely different movie. I believe it was reported that Malin Ackerman (sp?) took her place.

  9. Yeah, Inferno originally had Lilo cast, now Lovelace will be played by Malin Akerman IIRC

  10. Yes, this isn't the Linda Lovelace movie Lindsay was attached to. There are two.

  11. Late to the party :P

  12. I couldn't watch this either and I couldn't find it on YouTube.

    I just read the NYTimes magazine article about Lindsay again and did not know it was titled "How to Catch a Falling Star-This is what happens when you hire LL". NOT glowing tribute when you read it that way. Could it be that someone may finally get the hint and never hire her again? Nah....people never learn.

  13. Thanks for refreshing my memory. This role would have been way to hard for LILO anyway.

  14. different movie, saw a test screening is not good

  15. I like Amanda Seyfried in movies. In interviews she seems to want her image to be that of a pretty airhead. Maybe as she gets older she will be more confident that smart can be sexy too.

  16. I'm not watching this shit unless she actually deep throats something.

    1. @ingrid -- are you channeling your inner count jerkula today?

  17. As a few others have pointed out Lindsay was attached to a different movie and was replaced with Malin Akerman. She was never attached to this.

    Is it really that hard to do a little research?

  18. Lilo sounds like Deep Throat - the guy from Watergate, that is.

    I don't know that I could watch this movie. It seems like a sad story. :(

  19. @Alma - the truth is Amanda Seyfried is actually not terribly smart so get used to it. Good actress, not a brainiac though.

    1. I see. Well at least she is beautiful.

  20. Seachica, the only Count I channel is Duckula. :)

  21. I love Amanda Seyfriend. I have no clue why but I do!

  22. I'm hoping this movie ends up being more like "Boogie Nights" and less like Lifetime movie of the week.

    1. "Boogie Nights" was awesome! So much better than expected! But somehow knowing how tragic Lovelace's story is? I doubt this will have the ability to laugh at itself like BN did.

  23. It's not the same movie, Enty. Your favourite Malin Ackerman took over for Lohan in another Linda Lovelace biopic called Inferno.

  24. @Alma, I think a big majority of actors are just not that smart. Not sure if Seyfried is putting on an act or not. I havent seen many interviews with her.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. So, B.Profane, do you enjoy Schrader and Ellis? I am still not sure. Please elaborate.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. @BProfane: As much much as I think BBE is a shitty writer and Paul Schrader doesn't work much now for a reason not sure I want them to die. I believe H'wd has both their numbers and see there is no there, there. Their days are, in Ellis's case, prolly not going to be much longer or in Schrader's, almost over. Or one can only hope. Both hacks now.
