Monday, January 07, 2013

It's Like Shaun White Was Never Arrested

Just like that, Shaun White has had his public intoxication charges and vandalism charges dropped. A judge on Friday dropped the public intoxication charge after Shaun did his community service work and took an alcohol class. He had the vandalism charge dropped a few months ago after he paid restitution. The charges happened at a friend's wedding in Nashville. White got hammered and pulled a hotel fire alarm then tried to make a run for it and smashed into a fence and ended up in the hospital in cuffs. But it is like it never happened now.


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I miss his hair. Now he just looks like ever other dude....:-(

  2. Never thought I'd say it but I miss his hair too. It was the only thing that made him marginally attractive but then I like long hair on guys.

  3. meh lots of people get their records expunged after paying their dues and doing community service. He only hurt himself in his insanity. Hope he learned his lesson and moves on and kicks his habit. He really made the winter Olympics amazing.

    1. This is an easy case for expungement, Mayor.

    2. At least he DID his community service, restitution and fairly quickly. Unlike the one who shall not be named!

  4. "But it is like it never happened now."

    Well? Why not? He did community service and paid restitution. Has LiLo ever done that much?

  5. Was his hair cut or just in a pony tail?

  6. It's because he's (Shaun) White!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Baka
    It looks like it's pulled back.

  8. @Baka, it was pulled back then but he's cut it off since.

  9. lol@Sunny or should I call you 'just curious'.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It's nice to see someone famous NOT trying to get out of it. /side eye to Lindsay....speaking of, isn't she due in kangaroo court...again?

  11. Anonymous9:33 AM

    that's how it works, mess up, make up for it, and be good, then you're forgiven, what's the big deal? Sure he's got issues, it's not like he's alone in that.

  12. I was going to say I can't hate on him for having a little juvenile fun .. However if he's an addict I can see how this is just sad. He must've woken up like "" oh. shit. "" I've totally been there before.

  13. i think cases like this get expunged
    often, he paid restitution, took the class, and did his community service,
    this is more than some mere mortals do and certainly more than most celebrities do in a case like this.

    I think his hair is just in a ponytail, last time I saw him, he still had long hair.

  14. Ah yes, the Oh Shit moment. When you wake up at your friend's house and wonder why everyone looks mad at you!

  15. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Shaun cut his hair and donated it to an organization that makes hair pieces for cancer patients. Saw it on television last week.

  16. Sounds like the punishment fit the crime. I got no problem with it.

  17. For Locks of Love

  18. I think that in this case, the embarrassment caused by the publicity is probably punishment enough. I mean, he might have been drunk, but it's not like he was driving a car or anything that put people in actual danger.

  19. @fancy...if that's true, that would endear him to Mr.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM was really cool of him to do that. He rocks. :-)

  20. Me* Endear him to me!!!

  21. @Reeses yeah she was due in court but TMZ just posted a story that she was a no show but it didn't matter becuase the case is delayed.

    per tmz: This morning prosecutors announced, "The investigation into this case is continuing."

    Read more:

    I think she is in NYC but with her who knows where she is.

  22. Faux outrage at its finest. This is just S.O.P. for charges like this.

  23. I give the flying tomato a pass on this due to the story about him standing up to that jackass Mel Gibson in the past-but next time...

  24. I did that too...a couple of years took three years to grow my hair out...down to my waist..chopped it all off and sent it it's really short...and I don't miss worth it

  25. They have alcohol classes? Where do I sign up? I'll get a fuckin PhD

  26. So glad the locks of love thing came up. He is sort of meh in my book. But that gave him some major cool points.

  27. Is he still with Bar Raphaeli?

  28. Without the hair, his transformation into Danny Bonaduce is nearly complete

  29. No biggie. Intoxicated and vandalizing stuff? Sounds like a weekend at my place.

  30. Like it never happened??

    The Internet is forever, my friend.

  31. What the hell kind of law school did Enty go to that he thinks this is unusual?

  32. And this is how you know Enty isn't an attorney. Despite charges being dropped there is a record of a arrest and charges filed. Those don't just disappear (they do after awhile, but the record isn't immediately expunged).

  33. @shopgirl: I don't know what type of law Enty practices, but we're pretty sure it's not criminal law.I think some CDANers a while back figured out that Enty was working in the type of law that deals with a lot of boring paperwork.

    I once took a criminal justice class from a really ignorant professor who didn't know the constitution from a McDonald's menu. He was always bragging about his law degree. A classmate and I looked him up, and he turned out to have a degree in real estate law, not criminal law. He hated it when the classmate and I would point out the inconsistencies in what he was teaching; even tried to write us up for it.



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