Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hide The Electric Shavers & Pink Wigs - Britney Spears Is Free - Kind Of

This could be the last time Britney Spears truly smiled. It is probably also one of the last times she was not heavily medicated. Of course, she was probably on other drugs at that time, but at least she was happy. She was free and could do what she wanted and say ef it to everything else. Britney and her babysitter, Jason Trawick officially called it quits yesterday. Britney had wanted to love him, but he just did not see anything other than dollar signs and a headache when he had to be with her. So, now she is under the thumb of just Dad again and he loves Vegas and hates traveling so he probably wants to hook up his showgirls and money train to a casino and have Britney go through her medicated dance moves 6 times a week. During the day the casino can put her on display behind a clear glass wall as she goes through her daily routine. Hey, they do it for the tigers and lions and they probably feel just as caged as Britney. Dad probably told them if they throw in an extra million a week it is all doable.


  1. I will always root for Britney. She's a good soul.

  2. But she can't go off her meds and be unsupervised. I don't know what the solution should be. Poor lady.

  3. Uh oh, I hope we are not in store for another breakdown. Splitting from fiance and getting fired from X Factor can do a number on a girl.

  4. I'm inexplicably rooting for her.Please go to a real doctor that is not associated with any of your overseers. I think they may have slapped that mental illness label on you a little too quickly. Call Justin for a referral, quietly. I am very bossy today but it is meant with sincerity. Start writing while you have recollection of your life to date. Enjoy your life.

  5. i love you, britney!

    if you need to hire someone as an assistant, i'm available!

  6. I think the solution should be she lives on a fixed income and retire. But too many people depend on her financially and daddy spears will keep pushing the golden eggs out.

  7. That is so sad. She has become a shell...a pretty puppet. I wish she could wake up and take the reins of her life...if not for herself, for her boys at least.

  8. I love Brit. I hope this al works out for her somehow. The whole situation is sketchy and while I do think she likely needs some sort of medication at this point, I do not believe that Jamie Spears is more invested in her being happy than her making money.

  9. Yeah, great idea, she was really so happy hooking up with paparazzis, shaving her head, going around without underwear, doing lots of drugs. Really Enty?
    I've seen so many people saying how they have relatives/spouses that have mental disorders and how they need and want to be occupied. I don't see her father running around in public. Maybe her scenario is not ideal, but to me, it seems way better than before...

    1. This, 100%. It's very easy to say 'oh I think that person is over medicated'. Really? Well we only saw the barest fraction of how bad it was. She has more than one doctor, at Cedar Sinai unless I'm mixed up, and that is one of the best hospitals in the world, not Conrad Murray in the bedroom cupboard. Nobody wants to be on meds or see others on them. The alternative was the police called when she was locked in a toilet with her children. Mental Illness seems to provoke an either or response, not only in patients, but others. No treatment, and it's 'oh my God!' treatment and it's 'oh that's too much'. To get a 5150 isn't a suggestion to go to your GP because you can't sleep, it's the profoundly tragic reality of 'dangerous to themselves or others'. I applaud her father for helping her. We see what happens when people either can't or won't help someone on the news every day.
      Sorry all, rant over. It just makes me sad. Mental Illness is simply that, illness. However while people don't say 'oh, you're taking TB antibiotics for four years? That's too long!' they seem to always think people are over medicated for M.I. I truly understand why, but come with me to the psych ward for a day.

  10. With so many different medications and dosages, it is possible to be a highly functioning and very capable adult. Counseling is also important. Though i doubt that is encouraged because no one wants secrets about the family getting out. It is also possible to medicate someone to be a zombie while keeping their mental health on edge to keep legal control of them and their finances.

    It's hard to really know what is going on but i truly hope the best. She seems like a fragile soul.

  11. It would be easier for Brit and others to recover if there weren't so many predators out there. Looking at YOU Jason!

  12. If Jamie Spears is not the best person to take care of Britney, who is? She's not capable of taking care of herself, even if she were to quit show business and live a quiet life. Someone needs to provide her with structure. Who?

  13. Poor kid...I do hope her dad genuinely has her best interests in mind, and isn't just pimping her out for the Almighty Dollar. She probably does enjoy performing to a degree, and might not know what to do otherwise; I hope someone can figure out a way she can do this and still have enough time to just kick back and enjoy life. And yes, Jason Alexander probably would have been better for her than the guys she's been with since... *sigh*

  14. I definitely think she needs some supervision /guidance , probably i the form of the conservatorship. There is something so vulnerable about her. Funny how LiLo has mental issues too but I don't root for her at all , yet Britney, I so want her to come thru this and be happy. Even more so after I watched the documetary that someone linked on CDAN comments a bit back.. Britney: For the Record. I highly recommend watching it.

  15. Brit brit picks picks nose and farts farts. Sorry. But that's my lasting image of her.

  16. Enty, I don't understand you. One second you are chastising stars for being addicts and telling them to get help, and then (in this case), you seem to be chastising Britney for doing exactly that. She is undoubtedly heavily medicated, but isn't it clear from her past that the meds are necessary? She was on all kinds of illegal drugs and putting her own life and her children's lives in danger routinely without them. Cut her some slack.

  17. I hope Libby comes round to chime in on this.

  18. How old are the kids? Before they know it they'll be in a situation where they are basically parenting mom. I've seen it happen in several families with troubled parents.

  19. To me, she should not be working in any capacity at all

    She needs a stable environment and low pressure - that is not touring or TV tapings.

    I root for her too

  20. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I feel she should retire, but maybe if she had nothing to do she would lose it again? I LOVE BRITNEY :)

  21. The father may have her best interests in mind. Work, or having a regular task or hobby, can ground some mentally or emotionally ill people in reality and give them reasons to take their medication.

    1. @Anna, I completely agree. Everyone who keeps saying she should just retire and go live out the rest of her life, look at how that's working out for Amanda Bynes. The girl wanders around aimlessly because she has nothing better to do with her time.

    2. Completely agree! Not to mention, Brit has been performing her whole Life and probably doesn't know any other life. It has clearly always been a passion for her. Just because you suffer a mental illness doesn't mean you become useless to yourself or society and if Brit wants to keep working, and is able to do so then she should. I think most people would be furious if someone suggested they quit a beloved career for good because of a manageable illness.

      Obviously I don't know the details of Britney's situation and it's possible she's being manipulated or isn't as stable as she appears, but it's not a cut and dry and people seem to insinuate.

  22. I've never been a fan of hers, but I do agree that it seems that her father has helped her with her recovery. I think without his help, she'd be off the rails like before.

  23. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Maybe I'm completely out of the loop but whatever happened to her mom?? Did they burn bridges?

  24. @Mari - thanks, you have some very interesting insights.

  25. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Thank you Mari! Great explanation of overmedicated vs. cuckoo for cocoa puffs. This makes me reevalute how bad she really is. If she had her way, who knows what she'd be doing? Who knows if she can every take care of herself if given the chance. The reality is only her Dad and the Docs truly know how much of a basket case she is. Her whole shtick was "sexy young girl" Well you know what? She's neither sexy nor young anymore, and she's a mother of two. She's a medicated, ward of her father, in her thirties, who's been around the track many many times. She's not a raving beauty, doesn't have an amazing body, doesn't write or sing her songs, can't act, can't hardly read a cue card, and apparently can't even take care of her own safety without having a court appointed guardian. I don't know about you but a thirty year old mental patient in a rhinestone covered bikini is not going to be the next big thing. She't not strong enough to go on a protracted tour anywhere. But she could do a Vegas show. Until she flat out rebels and flips again. That virginal rolling stones cover where she's on a pink princess phone in her underwear and bra? That young girl is long gone, and it's not like she ever sang her own songs anyways. Let her Dad take care of her, let her have a say in what she does. Her "career" was laughable even at it's height. Where's her Mom in all of this, wasn't she minding her when she was younger? Is she in retirement after successfully momaging her Daughter?

  26. Did she break up with Jason or did her father fire him?

  27. I hope one day she comes out with a tell all biography.

  28. I think she enjoys performing. I also think she blew a huge portion of her fortune during her "crazy time" and Daddy is helping her to get some of that back and preparing for her to be able to live out her years in a comfortable fashion. Managing Britney Spears' life is a full time job for her dad and yes, he should be paid for it. I believe if you could analyze her finances that he isn't taking an extravagant, over-the-top amount for the things he is doing.

  29. I am interested in the illegal drugs she was using at the time of her craziness and the legal drugs she was placed on ..(yes..with a caring eye from somebody, hopefully a family member) to deal with the crazy illegal drugs she used. I read here.. on ..CDAN.. that there are illegal drugs being used that can alter the brain's chemistry that may cause it to mimic or duplicate the seed of mental illness.Just curious about that aspect.

  30. I still wish she's be allowed go retire with her kids in Lousyana. She could have someone to look out for her but she's be free to live quietly with her boys and family. She needs a break and to stop being drugged up and made to work. Isn't she wealthy now? It's cheap to love in NoLa...

  31. Yay I love this pic of Brit for the same reasons Enty. It was taken at a time of my life where I totally identified w her. Running around crazy making bad decisions enjoying the highs, avoiding the lows.... such is life sometimes but things change, people change and we change. We are our own Phoenix and she'll rise again, like she usually does and become better, stronger, and wiser. Age does that..... *team britney*

  32. What people are ignoring is that Jamie didn't just unilaterally take over her life. He is a court appointed conservator AND there is ANOTHER conservator who is an attorney. The decisions have to be made jointly. They have to report regularly to a judge. The finances are scrutinized by an independent accountant. There are safeguards built into the system.

    Britney can't take the kids and retire to Louisiana as Kfed has custody.

    Britney's mom was an enabler.

    1. Along with that, Unknown, he also submits finances and stuff to the judge more often than he is legally required to. You don't see him all over looking for kudos or publicity, he seems to be quitely taking care of daughter.

      As far as Vegas...Celine Dion has been doing Vegas for so long because she says it is way less stressful than touring and she gets to have a relatively normal home life. She goes in for a few hours each day then goes home, sees her kids/husband and sleeps in her own bed. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to convince Kfed to move with the boys to Vegas. Maybe that's just what British needs.

  33. This "at least she was happy and free" shit is dumb. If she is in fact Bi polar than she needs to be on her meds. Bottom line.

  34. I never really get overwhelmed with sorrow for Britney. She has a steady income from work and a huge income from the interest on her wealth, as well as wise investments. The conservatorship has protected her cash for a long time, and while she might not have the perfect marriage, I suspect that she wakes up and gets a few hours of happiness out of each day. I mean, she has kids, clothes, there's a Starbucks, she can exercise, she has a phone. What's with the "poor little prisoner of cruelty" thing that everyone imagines and projects on her? Her insanity was pretty much contained when her father got the conservatorship, and i think she's gonna be okay.

  35. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Her eyes look empty now. there's Noone there

  36. Her eyes were empty before when she was full of illegal drugs. I know a lot of former drug users get all nostalgic and like to talk about how fun it was to be out of control and make bad decisions and live it up. For some people it's too much and they don't get to post a comment about it years later because they EFFED THEMSELVES UP FOR LIFE.

    This girl's dad is doing his best and doing a great job. She's medicated by necessity and for the safety of herself and those around her. It's good. She's cared for. Thank God.

  37. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Once when I was getting my car worked on in Virginia, a guy in the waiting area with me told me he was a photographer and he had worked with Britney. He told me that her record company had commissioned a specifically engineered medication just for her, that kept her thin, kept her "happy", kept her skin clear, and gave her energy to work so hard and long. This was in '06 and I forget when her spiral started but apparently when she stopped taking this combo drug it messsed her up. I sometimes wonder now if that guy was right, at the time it seemed kinda far fetched.

    Her parents will die eventually ya know? And she will be able to fend for herself again.

  38. Trawick wasn't her "fiancee" - he was her minder and caretaker. They broke up because he could no longer hide his contempt for her and her dad got wind of it. Being publicly cruel about her wasn't part of the minder/conservator job description, so he had to go.

    Poor Britney. She'll never be free of people who just want to exploit her.

  39. The problem with wearing a pink wig... it throws the white balance off when you take a picture. She and her car look green!

  40. Interesting site as it relates to behaviors she has demonstrated.

  41. Britney's a survivor, and I think she will be all right. She has her children with her now and has more than just herself to live for.

    I hope she can stay away from alcohol and whatever she was on a few years ago, and find a medication mix that will help her. Antidepressants are better than ever now.

  42. It' s being reported that she is close to signing a Vegas deal that is as lucrative if not more than Celine' s contract. If that is true she is either healthier than she appears or Enty may be on to something.

  43. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I am rooting for Britney, too. Although I don't know the root causes or extent of her mental illnesses, I wouldn't be surprised if they are the result of being systematically used and abused by those hitching their wagons to her star. Like Stodden, I wouldn't be surprised if Britney is valued by her caregivers and handlers as a product rather than a person. Unlike Stodden, Spears is talented.
