Heidi Montag And Spencer Pratt Got Paid $500K For Celebrity Big Brother
I think I have figured out why Celebrity Big Brother in the UK does not attract many stars. They think ones like Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag are worth $500K. For one week's work, the couple was paid $500K. For that kind of money I am shocked Lindsay Lohan didn't want to appear on the show. It sure would beat doing what she does for middle age men with presents. Plus she can be the biggest pain in the butt ever because she gets paid in advance. Compare that amount with something like Dancing With The Stars and the approximately $250K participants get, although it can be higher, and the amount of practice and work you have to do. You work way harder for that kind of money unless you have the game figured out like Pamela Anderon who flies from one reality show to the next earning serious coin and getting eliminated the first week after she has been paid.