Thursday, January 24, 2013

Greatest Florida Story Ever

For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you know of my obsession for all stories Florida. I am convinced that the craziest stories and crimes occur in Florida. This recent arrest might be the perfect combination of Florida though. It is possible there is nothing that can top this. A couple in Florida came home to find a 21 year old carnival worker (above) sitting on their roof. He was naked. The carny worker dropped down on to the husband from the roof and then went inside their house and started trashing the house. The wife, grabbed a gun and started shooting at the carny worker. She missed and 911 was dialed. The couple waited for the police while the carny worker proceeded to masturbate all over their living room floor and also crapped in two separate places in the home. Oh, and to make things even more fun the guy sucked up the contents of a vacuum. Bath salts?


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