Friday, January 18, 2013

George Takei Still Doesn't Like William Shatner

It has been about 45 years since George Takei and William Shatner first worked together on Star Trek, but you get the feeling that George has thought about yelling at Shatner everyday of those 45 years. Last night on Watch What Happens Live, George said that William Shatner was the "biggest douche" on the show and that everything revolved around Shatner and that he could not stand for someone to get more attention and used to have the director always focus on Shatner's reaction rather than what other people were saying. So, basically wanted everyone to focus on his face and the rest of the dialogue could just be done off camera. George said this was not a one time thing but a daily, regular thing.


  1. Shit my lieutenant says.

  2. Sooo not surprised. Watch the nerds fly into a frenzy over these allegations!!!

  3. LOL @FSP!

    This is a fun little tidbit. Count me as Team Takai.

  4. 45 years is a long time. Bury the hatchet already.

  5. it's not a news! it knew by every Star Trek fan

  6. Shatner has a new Priceline ad with Kaley from BBT. FSP, lol.

  7. Ooh, Agent, I've got to be on the lookout for that one - those Priceline ads crack me up. I'm sure WS is an egotistitical son-of-a-gun, but he's still funny as hell.

  8. 45 years of whining, and we can look forward to more in the years to come. Boring! He got paid for being a minor character in a TV show. He should be grateful for the role and the paycheck.

  9. *egotistical*

    Sorry - let the typos commence!

  10. To be fair, the word "Shatner" never passed over Takei's lips. He asked "Do I really need to say?" Cohen asked "Shatner?" -- and Takei gave the long blink. Overall, he was pretty funny last night; but -- and I say this as a champion grudge holder -- there comes a time to let things go. But then, I find something kind of endearing about Shatner's self-involvement, like he's in on the joke.

  11. Shatter takes occasional digs at George on twitter from time to time I always thought they were good natured teases but I don't follow the ST lore closely and didn't know they hated each other. I like them both.

  12. Shatner seems like a prick, and I Love Takei (if you don't follow him on facebook, you should!), so I guess I'm team Takei, because Scotty never had a good word to say about Shatner either, so if it were just Takei, I'd say sour grapes, but with multiple people basically saying the same things consistently over the years, I have to believe where there's smoke, there's fire when it comes to Shatner being an egotistical douche...

  13. Honestly, Shatner was the star of the show, and Takei, who I think is terrific, was a third-string player.

    (Second-string would be Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan and Nichelle Nichols, and Ms. Nichols only makes second-tier because she was the readily-available "hot girl." Third string was Takei and Walter Koenig and Majel Barret.)

    On the other hand, isn't it practically axiomatic that actors are all egomaniacs, and always because they're deeply, deeply insecure people, constantly needing reassurance they they're special?

    So whenever there is an ensemble of actors together, the star is going to demand the reassurance of attention, and the other players are going to feel badly slighted that the attention is going to those stars, and not themselves.

    Not to say Shatner was never a self-important douche, but everybody involved, including both Shatner and Takei, was working through their own issues and insecurities, and everybody saw themselves as the beleaguered heroes of their own stories.

  14. I love Tekai. Shatner has always struck me as insincere and annoying.

  15. I'm team Picard when it comes to favorite Captain. Shatner always overacted but I thought that was the theme back in the day(?)
    He won me over when he was on SNL and went to the fan convention "Get a life, people!"

    George seems bitchy, but maybe that's his theme.

  16. Holy cow Jonathan Andrew Sheen, that was excellent!
    On point and I agree completely

  17. I like them all but Bostonian Leonard Nimoy comes first in my book.

  18. Not totally unrelated but not quite on topic - I recently saw Shatner's one man show. I'm not a huge fan, I went as a guest. He was downright entertaining! I could have listened to him for another hour. He covered a lot of topics and wasn't afraid to poke fun of himself. Well worth the money if you get a chance to see him.

    I received no money from this endorsement....

  19. I've met Shatner on two separate occasions, years apart. He seems very full of himself. However, his CD with Henry Rollins scored him major points with me, I loved it.

  20. George is still very bitter that Shatner cock blocked him from being a Starfleet Capt.

  21. I saw that same show @mikey (husband's a fan) and it was funny, self deprecating and often touching and profound. I consider myself a fan now. That man can really tell a story !

  22. I saw that same show @mikey (husband's a fan) and it was funny, self deprecating and often touching and profound. I consider myself a fan now. That man can really tell a story !

  23. William Shatner is one of my few celebrity encounters. I used to go to horse shows in KY as a kid. Shatner was usually there, and no one could stand him. He was such an ass to everyone, a real diva, expecting lots of special treatment.

  24. Sounds like the issue was the director not having the balls to actually direct.

  25. George guests as the announcer on the Stern show a couple of times a year, and that week is always hysterical. He is honest and candid about everything in his life, it is hard not to love him!

  26. Takei is hysterical on Facebook but really get over it already! Shat was supposed to be the star and then got bent out of shape when Spock was the fan favorite. Yet Nimoy and the Shat are friends to this day. I'm sure Shat was shit to work with on ST but you never hear rumors of being hated on his other shows. I also love the way he makes fun of himself. Let it go George!

    1. @msgirl - George's sentiments are generally echoed by the rest of the cast.

    2. @msgirl - George's sentiments are generally echoed by the rest of the cast.

  27. George has discussed this for years on Howard, because Howard has asked him to talk about it. I didn't see him on watch what happens, but he's never come off as being bitter or angry towards shatner. He just laughs it off.

  28. I read an article about the Shat. Well interview of sorts in Vanity Fair and he did a fair amount of making fun of the Shat. Egotistical? Most likely. Charming? Oh absolutely. Also love Takei. I can see they asked and he gave an entertaining and as always bitchy George Takei answer. Makes for good tv.

  29. Takei will never let this go as that's the only reason anyone will cover him anymore.
    When he came out as gay, it was revolutionary, he was one of the first.
    Now he's just another old guy that can't stand that Hollywood has passed him by.

  30. He's funny at night.

  31. don't shit on the Shat

  32. I like them both, but I could definitely see Shatner as being a total a*hat. My boss does a great impression of Capt Kirk (we're in an original vs TNG war, Team Picard!) that is absolutely hysterical. He'll call me and Shat: "Pro... I... NEED... this report... BEFORE TOMORROW COMES!"

  33. I recently added Takei to my facebook feed and he's very clever. I think he knows if he's invited somewhere he's supposed to dish on the Star Trek days and be a smartass about it. I don't think its an actual grudge.

  34. I know that Shatner is ridiculously egotistical but I still think he's good at comedy. I thought he was great in Boston Legal opposite James Spader, and I think he and Michael Caine were the only good things about Miss Congeniality.

    That said, I love George Takei and I'm sure he's right.

  35. Oh, please. George Takei gets tons of publicity ragging on Shatner. This has been going on for years. Shatner was the star of the show, overacting and all. Still is. George just hangs around for reflected glory. Could have been dignified about it but instead decided to be a douche.

  36. Shatner on SNL was priceless.

  37. A "statement" from Shatner:
    "I would love to RESPOND to these
    totally and




    but there's not enough time for me To say any---WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S TIME FOR THE COMMERCIAL BREAK! I'M ACTING HERE!"
    Cut to annoyed news anchor rolling eyes and cursing the "dramatic pause."

  38. As Frenchgirl and others have stated, this is not new! (I'm not even a trekker [<--- tho know enough not to refer to them as trekkies] and I've known this for a couple of decades!)

    Maybe age has mellowed Shat-pants, but he does seem to take the piss out of himself. He's guest-hosted a couple of comedy/quiz shows here, and some of the other panelists would not put up with divatude from anybody... even James T Kirk.

  39. As an aside, Shatner has had three hit shows in three different TV eras, which is a rare thing:

    Star Trek
    TJ Hooker
    The Practice/Boston Legal

    Plus he's still going strong. Unreal.

  40. I never saw star trek but i have watched shatners old show where he would interview celebrites. He was surprisingly good at interviewing and was entertaining. Shatner even interviewed wayne brady who i never like but after his interview with Shatner i starter like him!

  41. Sorry meant "started to like him". Also i love Takei!

  42. Shatner was the star of the show. And the 6 movies. Takei was just a small part of the show. Shatner could act any damn way he wanted.

  43. I love them both and refuse to take sides, as long as neither disses Spock, because then they're both on my shit list for life.

  44. Shatner may be an a**, but he was the start. Of course the focus would be on him!
    Takei sounds like a big baby.
    And as ridiculous as Shatner can be - he's entertaining. He was hysterical on Boston Legal with Spader.

  45. I love them both. George Takei took a very minor role and made it into a career by going to the conventions and endearing himself to the fans. Really, watch the classic Trek. Other than the one where he freaks out and does some martial arts moves, he is barely part of the show. But he worked it, and that's cool. Shatner is a legend. A bit of an ass but a loveable legend.

    I think it is very cool that Nichelle Nicols and Walter Koenig were a part of George's wedding.

    And I'm team Picard all the way!

  46. It has indeed long been common knowledge that Shatner was an ass and was pretty much hated by most of the cast. Nimoy got along with everyone, though, including Shatner.

    Most people will do some complaining about some of their coworkers. I suspect more people would if they had as wide an audience for it as Takei does.

    Shatner has definitely developed a sense of humor (and self-awareness) over the years. He's a big boy and can take what Takei's dishing out.

    I wasn't a huge Kirk fan growing up, and much, much preferred Picard when TNG started. I did have some affection for him - I like camp as much as the next ST fan. But Shatner did totally win me over as Denny Crane. In a million years, I don't think anyone could come up with a role that suited him better than that.

  47. Many years ago I met Takei at an event and even got to spend a few minutes alone with him. He waa an ass to me!!! Since then, whenever I have seen him on TV in interviews and such, he has seemed so pompous and self-absorbed. That being said--I do find his lifestory very touching (the internment camp as a child, etc.) and I do follow him on Facebook, where he is just a scream, so damn funny.

  48. Maybe the show makes it more obvious, but just reading Enty's post, it doesn't read as Takei carrying a grudge. It just sounds like it came up and he gave his opinion of the old days.

    Also, Shatner reminds me of Calculon, the actor robot on "Futurama." Calculon is the typical diva actor, always wants the camera on him, desperately tries to win awards. They may have based him on Shatner, but I don't know for sure.

  49. This comes as a surprise to absolutely no one.

  50. What True Leigh said

  51. Don't any of you listen to the Howard Stern show on Sirius? George is on there often and he is utterly kind and adorable with a fantastic sense of humor. Shat has been on there too and discussed Takei's opinion of him with Takei on the air with him. Takei is such a kind person, I have to believe Shatner must have been sooooooo baaad for Takei to ever mention it let alone continue to mention it after all this time.
