Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gary Shirley Being Evicted

This is what happens when you spend all the money a television network gave you for getting your teenage girlfriend pregnant. Gary Shirley has a massive collection of Ed Hardy and Affliction gear but not enough money to pay his $650 a month rent and is being evicted. You know that if you are fully capable of working and have help with day care there is no reason that you should not be able to make $650 a month and pay your rent. Apparently though Gary keeps thinking he is above getting a real job and is trying to make a living off promotional appearances. Who wants to see him? Do you think I am going to a bar just to see him? Hell no. He is probably hoping that MTV will call him again and say they want him back. Is that going to happen? Hell no. Go work at McDonald's and take care of your kid.


  1. I still cant believe Amber will be in Jail for what another 5 years?

  2. Didn't he get paid a good deal to be on that show? Where the hell did all the money go?

  3. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I think Enty said it all. $650 a month for rent? That's nothing in California. Good Lord, that t shirt's hanging on for dear life. He looks like a real prize. He's got to be smoking something to think that he doesn't need to work and can wait around for appearance fees.

  4. And that my dear is your 15 minutes of fame ... oh btw, its up. Good-bye.

    KK your next!

  5. I have no idea who this is, but I first read it as "Gay Shirley being evicted." Weird.

    $650/mo? Where does he live?!

    1. Hhahahahaahah! That what I thought too

  6. @prolixe Somewhere in Indiana (mildly embarrassed that I know so much about all things Teen Mom)

  7. I can only hope that after Amber gets out serving 5 years she will never pick up a crack pipe again and set her life on a new path and will be able to repair the damage she has done to her child emotionally.

    Gary's a lazy piece of shit and thought like all the reality idiots the money was going to roll in forever.

  8. That picture should be in the dictionary next to the words "couch potato".

  9. lol@Susan that is funny. Actually every episode of Teen Mom or Teen Mom 2 I have seen they are all layin on the coach and bitching. Except Jenelle who is usually driving some scum bag around trying to score drugs or get bail money...

  10. Who, him? This guy!?[/Jack Burton]

  11. Uugghh I used to see this guy out and about at bars. All the time. He always had an insane amount of hangers-on, but he's the closest thing to a celebrity Indiana has, and sadly people actually cared about that.
    Also, $650/mo is pretty average around here.
    And as an aside, we can't buy alcohol on Sundays here, which is just not gonna fly with me today >:O

    1. ???? You can't purchase alcohol on sundays. I don't drink so maybe that's why it seems so bizarre.

    2. I live in Kentucky (bible belt) and we just got the right to buy alcohol on Sundays about a year or two ago. The liquor stores can't open until 1 pm, don't know the reasoning there-but I do like being able to run out and buy a bottle of wine on Sunday!

  12. Amber is probably going to get out next year. I feel so bad for all the kids on these shows. The parents are all screw ups.

  13. Vasectomy.
    Look into it.

  14. Oh thank god! I have absolutely no idea who this loser is.

  15. @VIP, I laughed so hard at your comment. The original teen mom was by far better quality than TM2. I cannot bring myself to watch Chelsea cry about that asshole or Jenelle cry about not being able to smoke weed. Every episode is the same plot with those two.

  16. Prolixe, I read "Gay Shirley" too! Don't really know who this dude is either, I'm guessing a "Teen Mom" participant. ???

    I do wanna point out that if a person does get a job at McDonald's, it would be difficult to pay $650 rent. Even if you were full-time, you might only bring home $1000 per month. That'd only leave 350 for everything: electricity, heat, water, food, car/bus, telephone, health insurance.

    I'm not defending this guy, he seems very douchetastic with his choices. I'm just taking exception for people who do have crap-jobs and struggle. (I was there for a LONG time.)

  17. Alma, there are crazy liquor laws out there. A relative of mine used to live in a town that spanned across two counties.

    In County A, you could buy beer and wine in supermarkets, liquor in separate state-run stores, but no bars were allowed. In County B, retail was the same, but bars were OK.

    In the town, the County A half allowed NO alcohol sales at all, no retail or bars. The County B half, retail sales and bars were allowed. Same town, half was dry, half was not.

    1. Thank you for explaining. That is nuts! But I am sure people will still cross county or even state lines to drink. Won't that increase drunk driving? It's one thing to leave your car at a bar ten minutes away and another to leave it in the next county. I may be overthinking this.

  18. I'm in NC and you can't buy liquor on Sunday, and ya gotta wait till after noon to buy beer and wine. Cah-razy! Being from NV, it was like WHAT? when I moved here. It's available 24/7 in NV.
    That's why I now stock up!

    1. Wow. Stocking up seems like the solution. Very strange.

    2. Here in Ireland you can't buy alcohol until 12.30 on Sunday afternoon. This was to allow people to go to Mass. Seriously.
      And you cannot buy off license alcohol of any kind after 10pm unless you are in a bar.
      Not that any of that stops us!!!

  19. Funny that so many read "Gay Shirley". I read "Gary Shirley Executed" lol! I guess I'm naive, though, because I actually thought he was a decent guy. Though, compared to Amber, just about everyone is decent. And 650 is SO low for rent. WTH?

  20. Both look like bums.

  21. And I thought my generation was bad. The generation that is responsible for putting teen moms and the Kardashians on the map has a lot to answer for.

  22. Man, I am a sucker for Teen Moms, though. I hate, hate, HATE all things Kardashian, but I am just so into Teen Moms. To each his/her own. :P

  23. What an idiot but then again he did get Amber pregnant so not much going on up there but I thought he worked in a medical office or something, in the first season he was always wearing scrubs.

  24. Interesting:

    Gary Shirley ‏@ItsGaryTime
    I moved closer to school. Yes my last date I paid rent was 12,12,12 lol and I was busy tried paying yesterday but they won't accept.

    Shit they do to get there money and have another renter I've had nothing but problems with these guys.

    Anyway time for work/school

  25. I'm pretty he is in nursing school so perhaps that's where a lot of his money went? School is expensive.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @prolixe Yeah, I hate it. Indiana is THE ONLY STATE left that prohibits retail alcohol sales all day on Sunday.
      My husband & I were in Texas last year and I was figuring, Fuck, there's no way Indiana is even more backwards than Texas. But we asked someone in the grocery store if we could buy on Sunday, and she looked at us like we were aliens.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Prolixe: yeah isn't that crazy about Utah? It was the only layover I had where the hotel lobby had a alcohol vending machine!

    I'm from NC and when we got "liquor by the drink" people could not grasp no cocktails before noon on Sunday. Out of towners wanted to know why. I told them the Baptist's don't get out of church until then and no one gets a jump on drinking before them.
    And don't get me started on the liquor laws in SC. Mini bottle heaven and used to be no drinking on Sunday with midnight Saturday as the cut off.

    1. That's funny Sherry!

      Amen and glug glug glug.

    2. No more mini bottles in SC!! Granted, lots of the bars still use them for the higher end stuff.

      In KY it's 1:00, I have bartended in both and don't get me started on Sunday's during football season. We would literally have lines waiting out the door and when we finally opened at one it was a mad rush.

  29. If Gary is going to be a nurse, I pray i'm never 100 miles near any hospital he works at

  30. Gary lives in podunk Indiana, $650 is pretty good or even expensive depending on what kind of house/apt roommate situation he has got going on.

    My apartment last semester was only $320 with utilities included. My cunty roommate/no longer good friend jipped me though, she was only paying $250. AND her parents were paying for it while I was paying for mine on my own. Sorry, still bitter about that one.

    The complex also refused to accept my monthly rent, demanded I pay the full amount up front ($4000) and then locked me out of my apartment when my rent was only 5 days late. Again, still bitter.

  31. I lived in Guelph, Ontario, Canada----which is suppose to be a liberal town and liquor stores were closed on Sundays. In fact liquor is very hard to get in Ontario. We only have government run stores that will sell alcohal with very restricted hours.

  32. The whole lot of them....They would F**K up a free BBQ....
    If he lost around 40 pounds, he could go in the service. Them he would have a check on the 1 and the 15th of every month. His daughter would have health insurance, and he would get money for college. Better yourself. Get out of the small town, learn something. Hell, anything would be better than being on the MTV payroll.

  33. Wait! Amber got 5 years jail? Wondered why she hadn't been posting last couple of threads.

  34. Seaward you can't buy liquor in Texas on Sundays, and other alcohol only from 11am-11pm. Friday-Saturday you can only buy liquor until 9pm and other alcohol until 12am. Shiiiittty.

    Lubbock, TX only became a wet county two or three years ago, I was a sophomore in college and so excited I didn't have to drive 30min to the strip. If you needed more beer and it was 11:30pm you were shit out of luck, unless you could haul ass to the strip and get there and get your booze before 11:55. Lots of drunk driving was happening during those days.

  35. Here in Ireland you can buy alchohol after 10.30am to 10pm from supermarket or off-licence and its after 12.30am on a Sunday.You can't buy it at all on Good Friday or Christmas Day.Legal drinking age here is 18 though.

  36. Here in Ireland you can buy alchohol after 10.30am to 10pm from supermarket or off-licence and its after 12.30am on a Sunday.You can't buy it at all on Good Friday or Christmas Day.Legal drinking age here is 18 though.

  37. This is why I was against MTV doing this show. All it did was glamorize teen pregnancy and make celebrities out of these idiots.

    I think that if MTV were going to give money for their time on the show, that money should have gone into a trust for the children.

  38. This is why I was against MTV doing this show. All it did was glamorize teen pregnancy and make celebrities out of these idiots.

    I think that if MTV were going to give money for their time on the show, that money should have gone into a trust for the children.

  39. @Sherry - HA! I was always told that they had blue laws in SC so people who worked in the stores could attend church? I always thought it was so ridiculous to go into something like Walmart (in SC) before 1pm on Sunday and they had it roped off, for "essentials" vs. "non-essentials". The mini bottles got switched several years back and that was a big deal for business owners although SUPPOSEDLY, you got more liquor per drink w/ them. The bars closing at 2a.m. was a much bigger deal to me in my 20's, although my mama used to say nothing good could come from drinking out past 2a.m. ;)

    Forget not being able to buy alcohol til 12/1pm (or at all) on Sundays. How about the 4 or 5 counties in NC that are dry?? How are those folks getting by? ;)

    On the flip side, when going out to eat in NJ, I think it's crazy that a lot of restaurants are BYOB and only serve beer/wine.

    I think Gary/Amber are the only Teen Moms I've actually watched. I just looked at his Twitter and he made three consecutive jokes about oil. Riveting stuff.

  40. I'll never understand the people who think Teen Mom glamorizes teen pregnancy...I got hooked into this show for about a year (both seasons) and the whole thing was horrifying. I was in my 30s and it made me think twice about having kids. of those kids was having a shitty time except the two that gave their daughter up for adoption.

  41. I'm more shocked that Ed Hardy still makes clothes. I was sure Jon Gosselin destroyed that company all by himself. I guess dressing like a jerk hole isn't cheap.
