Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Fantasia Goes On Anti-Gay Rant

Fantasia took to her Instagram on Sunday to do some preaching and complaining and reminding everyone that she is a star and that you should notice her. Oh, and while she was at it said that people should not judge her as long as gay marriage and pot smoking are legal. Are we still judging Fantasia? I think we judged her a long time ago. She hooked up with a married guy which last I checked was not really something the Bible smiled on. She got pregnant by the married man so had the baby out of wedlock which is again, something the Bible does not encourage. Then, the man shuttled back and forth between his wife and Fantasia. But, that was a long time ago, so no judging. Fantasia though feels like she is being judged and said, "I Rise ABOVE IT ALL!!! THE WORLD IS GONE MAD. KIDS, THE GOVERNMENT THE church House... Everybody Trying!!!!!!! Its a lot that going on that the Bible speaks about we should Not be doing. Weed legal in some places, Gay Marriage Legal BUT YET IM JUDGED!!! I'm not doing Nothing for you... My Life!!!!"


MISCH said...

Oh just shut your STUPID mouth..

Trey said...

what a mess

LottaColada said...

I feel like today is American Idol flashback day.

Patty said...

I was just saying how we need some Fantasia gossip. No, I wasn't and neither was anyone else.

Cecilia00 said...

Did she won Idol or was she just a runner up? I forget...

Pip said...

To each their own. I don't think this is great for her fanbase, though.

LottaColada said...

I think she won

Mari said...

Way to remind me you exist. Not in a positive way, but still.

Anonymous said...

People create their own moral universe inside of their own personal bubble. Of course she's a hypocrite......

catecanary said...

With the crazy rambling I'm guessing this was a drunken bout of self righteousness

Anonymous said...

Fantasia- always keepin' it classy. What a mess...

Chilie said...
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prolixe said...

Amen, @fancyscreenname.

I hate the flack gay people are given. Seriously, Courtney Stodden and Kim Kardashian - they're doing A LOT more to "ruin the sanctity of marriage" than NPH and Ellen. Good grief. said...

She already retracted this statement yesterday... I wish people would stop saying things that they have to retract.

g.strathmore said...

I'm with catecanary. She sounds like my section 8 neighbor with seven kids who gets drunk and fights people in the street while railing about how everyone is so down on her.

Pip said...

Wtf does "everybody trying" mean? How is that a sentence?

Barton Fink said...

When I read about this elsewhere earlier, I wondered what the message even meant. She seems to be saying that marijuana and homosexuality are controversial but that she gets attacked more seriously or something weird and stupid like that. I'm not sure what to make of "I'm doing nothing for you, my life" in particular.

Barton Fink said...

To be fair, she sounds like she was translating a scrap of text from an ancient Sumerian tablet and forgot her dictionary at home.

Frufra said...

Barton, I know people get upset when we throw out a mental health diagnosis around here (God knows I'm not a doctor, and I don't even play one on TV), but don't ya think this tweet just reeks of a mental health issue? Or a substance abuse issue? Or both?

Frufra said...

Correction - Instagram message, not tweet.

Tyler said...

It's always struck me as very strange how one group with such a sad history of discrimination can be so biased against another, but there you have it. The African American community is making progress in that department, but still have a ways to go as Fantasia's diarrhea mouth demonstrated.

@S. joy is correct though. Fantasia did retract her comments yesterday so this story needed updating before it was published.

Pip said...

I personally would rather smoke legal weed at a gay wedding, than have my husband cheat on me with a woman who is barely literate.

Agent**It said...

g.strathmore, we must have the same neighbors.

Kelly said...

I think she does have mental problems. I really do.

Princess ButterKwup said...

Macy Gray does raspy-voiced craziness better. I still have nightmares about the way this trick looked last season on AI, in her white shredded catsuit. Ugh.

Chilie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher Cruz said...

And there go her last three fans.

delete account said...

Fantasia, Alicia Keys, and LeAnn Rimes need to form their own support group so they can whine and wail to each other and leave the rest of us alone. They can call it the Scarlet Letter and even do tours together to raise funds for their upkeep and maintainteance so the husbands they stole won't leave them. That way at least all three will be singing and doing something their fans like, hence keeping their fans out of our way as well.

Princess ButterKwup said...

Also- welcome to being famous, Fantasia. People judging you is the trade off to people knowing who you are.

prolixe said...

@CL Russell - you are a genius!

Barton Fink said...

Frufra, you mean that "The world is conspiring against me!" undertone? Yes indeed, she seems to have some kind of craziness going on in this tweet.

prolixe said...

And here it is... bad publicity is better than no publicity, right?

"Barrino recently released her catchy new single, "Lose to Win," to radio this month. It will be available on iTunes on Jan. 8."

La Descarada said...

That made me choke on my coffee...slightly. Hilarious.

car54 said...

Don't we all know Fantasia isn't very smart?

She is barely literate, too bad she used her minimal writing skills for this kind of thing.

DAMD Tech said...

Judge not bitch, tattooing is also against the bible.

cheesegrater15 said...

God hated FIGS, Fantasia. You need to hooked on phonics, not on drugs.

Kewi said...

Where does the bible mention weed? Would God ban his own plant? If it weren't meant to be it wouldn't have been created. Fantasia you attention seeking crackhead, sit the fuck down and try to have a decent year.

Anonymous said...


camembert said...

PuggleWug said...
Wtf does "everybody trying" mean? How is that a sentence?

I interpreted as misspelling "Everybody trifling." Not that that makes any more sense.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she set up her instagram account from a INSTAGRAM FOR DUMMIES book and thought only dummies would read her comments. Oh snap!

Anna V. Xol said...

Classy and god fearing. Ooooh! Come quick children! An idol.

Sugar said...

Fantasia for real!

Princess ButterKwup said...

LOL @ Vicky! That made me snort OJ up my nose. And really, the consistency of figs are like chewy sand. Doesn't everyone hate them?

JSierra said...

Sucks you can't change stupid. Overweight people can diet and exercise but she will never, ever lose that ignorance.

greenmountaingal said...

Fantasia is pure trash. I don't like her singing voice, either.

JSierra said...

She unloaded all of this on instagram? Dear lord, we are in for one hell of a year.

I can decipher Fantasanguage. "II rise above all the hatas, kids, governemt, church house (as opposed to apartment, or condo) everybody tryin to judge me an bring me down! Yada yada stupid shit, I'm doing nothing to help you, I am doing nothing that involves you, this my life!!! Back up off it bitch!"

Ok so some parts I may have added, but I think thats the gist.

HolidayinCambodia said...

I suppose I would have to have a ghost of an idea of who she is before I would start to judge.

I've heard her name, but what talent does she have that would make her famous, other than a name that is the same as our local titty bar?

CamColty said...


Eeekalicious said...

I think she's super-talented, but I had no idea she was so anti-gay.

I think she just lost her gay audience (which was sizeable).

I hate it when other Christians dredge up a couple sentences from the Old Testament and use it to exclude and hate people. Witnessing is SHOWING BY EXAMPLE, not finger-pointing and listing what's acceptable and what's not. Fantasia, Get your ass to the New Testament (God is love. Jesus is love, etc.).

seaward said...

Hmm maybe I'm misinterpreting, but I don't see an anti-gay rant.
I hardly makes any sense whichever way you cut it, but I think the gist was, if weed & gay marriage are ok, sleeping with a married man should be, too. She's trying to justify her actions.
But I don't know. Like I said, maybe I'm just misinterpreting.

Mama June said...

LMAO @PuggleWug! ITA

KPeony said...

Wasn't she illiterate? It would have been better if she stayed that way. said...

@ Phoenix I understand what you're saying. But Fantasia definitely does not represent all in the African American community. said...

She won American Idol.

auntliddy said...

The only thing i would add is-" shut your ungrammatical mouth", lol

auntliddy said...

Agree, think she saying, you think my out of wedlock kids are wrong, but u ok with legal weed and same sex marriage? And enty is right, no really spares her a thought

Sherry said...

I think she was trying to say if we condone weed and gay marriage then adultery should also be okay'd so stop judging. Riiight...

auntliddy said...

You dont have to be literate to be smart.

figgy said...

Ah, ugly AND stupid. And really, her voice isn't particularly unique or fabulous.

JSierra said...

Her voice sounds like a Macy Grey with a slightly more shrill tone to it.

Eeekalicious said...

I reread it, and it could definitely be taken both ways. Sorry about that, I think she was just trying to justify her actions in the past. I didn't realize she was under attack (I don't think she is, really).

I wish she would sing more and dramatize less, she's so talented.

Barton Fink said...

seaward and Sherry, I too wondered if she was just firing on automatic and not really noticing who she was taking out. I mean, seriously, when you start claiming that marijuana is forbidden by the bible, you've wandered into some kind of Twilight Zone scenario. I, for instance, sometimes point out that gay people are condemned while divorced women stand up in church and preach on the "literal truth" of the bible, and taken out of context it would sound like I'm opposed to divorce or divorced women or women speaking in Church, right?

On a positive note, she can stave off "Fantasia who?" for a few more months with this ^$%#, lol

FalseProfit said...

Hood rats say the dumbest things.

Anonymous said...

@Barton - agreed. I hate when super religious people pick and choose which parts of the bible should be taken 'literally' - if you are going to take it literally, you cannot just choose the parts that help you prove whatever point you are trying to make and ignore the rest. Religion is fine, everyone is entitled to their own feelings, opinions and beliefs- just don't try to push those on others.

@PuggleWug - TOTALLY AGREE hahahah I died laughing at 'I personally would rather smoke legal weed at a gay wedding, than have my husband cheat on me with a woman who is barely literate.'

lazyday603 said...

I would never judge somebody I've never heard of before. She can rest easy.

Anonymous said...

@patty lmfao!

trainrides said...

@kewi Can I tweet the first 2 sentences? really cracked me up.

Eeekalicious said...


Something tells me you've never been remotely close to a 'hood'.

Bubbles said...

I don't know if this counts as an ANTI GAY RANT unless you're just into hyperbole.

OneGirlRevolution said...

@Seaward, I interpreted it the same way. I didn't read this as an antigay rant but as an "I'm too stupid to argue against my detractors coherently" rant.

nettalovesrobin said...

@phoenix yes black people can be just as discriminating as anyone else! Why would that be surprising! And gays can be racists too what a shocker! Smh

Jazzy said...

Isn't that her 2nd child out of wedlock? Didn't her T Mobile rep, oh I'm sorry, baby daddy go back to his wife? I hope her mom and aunt still live with her for the kids' sake, she seems so unstable.

Anonymous said...

It says in the Bible (Genesis 1:29 I believe) that God gave all seed and fruit bearing plants to mankind for their use and consumption. Marijuana is a seed bearing plant, so it's in the acceptable list too. Fuck her ignorant ass.

mooshki said...

"Guuuuuurl, please!"

MadLyb said...

There's nothing wrong with pot (in moderation, as with all things) or gay marriage. It's not quite the same as helping to break up a marriage that is bound by a sacred vow.

monica said...

Oh you guys! Be nice! She just passed kindergarten!

Unknown said...

does anyone give a rat's fucking ass what this ignorant bitch thinks?


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