Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Edward Furlong Arrested For Domestic Violence - Again

Edward Furlong must be running out of ways to make bail. For the third time in just three months, Edward was arrested for domestic violence. All three incidents were against his girlfriend. The same girlfriend. Don't you think that three arrests in three months would make her want to go someplace else that is not with Edward? If she has called the police three times in three months, I wonder how many times she has not called the police? This incident happened very early Sunday morning. Edward still has not made bail.


  1. she is most probably an addict like he is and stays because her other options are scarier.

  2. Wow. I can't believe I was obsessed with him when I was 12.

    1. @Vicki Cupper, me too! All those Bop magazines I bought! What a waste!

  3. Well, he's not really famous anymore, so maybe he'll get locked up and rehabbed. Best wishes to the girlfriend, and hopefully she can get counseling she likely needs as well.

  4. Maybe he should call Shawn Holley, heard she's looking for a job.

  5. This is already a sad news day: domestic violence, suicide, and Lindsay Lohan's existence.

  6. @FSP - Old. balls.

  7. Remember when he tried to free the lobsters at a grocery store? LOL

    1. I used to work in Loss Prevention and Meijer and read that report. Omg was it ever hilarious and the detective that wrote it had to be professional

  8. OMG @FSP Your avi! My eyes! Hahaha

  9. Hahahaha @ VIP - what! I never heard them!

    "Well, Edward, have the lobsters stopped screaming?"

  10. Oops heard that*

  11. I'm trying to attract a Playboy Bunny. They apparently like old man balls.

  12. FSP, just as I was about to dip my funky looking Dunkin Donuts cruller in my coffee...

  13. @FSP
    They have to have money attached to them.

  14. Have you seen this boy?

  15. I remember when he first hit it big in "Terminator 2". God he had such promise. Now he looks sleazy-scary. What happened to this kid? :(

  16. This guy is a mess! Another crackhead woman bearer. Smh

  17. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Im waiting for another headline about this man :(

  18. He's like the male LiLo

  19. Well clearly they're in love.

  20. Having grown up in a violent household, I still cannot fathom how women stay with men who beat them. Even the wealthy - with resources and support out the ying-yang - stay.

    I've heard all of the reasons and excuses, but it boils down to this: she chooses to stay with him.

  21. he tried to free lobsters?...sounds like something I'd do...

  22. White dudes #SMH

    1. White dudes? What about Katt Williams' crazy fucking ass?

    2. Or Charle Sheen's crazy ass

  23. This is what happens when you mix Peta with booze:

    Eddie Furlongs Lobster Tale

  24. He beat her three times. Where's the "Chris Brown" venom? Not justifying what CB did but there's hardly a ripple here and Enty chooses to focus on the ABUSED rather this POS. oh let me guess, he has MI or some other special circumstance that should be afforded. The veiled BS is really getting old.

  25. I think we are outraged but the bigger issue is why is she still there? Chris brown and Rihanna are unfortunately a list celebrities and it was out there more. But furlong is still an asshole

  26. 2:54,2:56
    Complexion of Protection,that Alabaster Armor shields you from virtually anything.Believe me,they know.

  27. Funny thing,I really thought Furlough would become a big star.I remember him from T2 and the "Living on the Edge" video.then the fool tried to emancipated as a teen and tried to run off with his tutor who was about 10 years older than him.Later,she tried to sue him because she said that he promised half his earnings to her.
    Detriot Rock City was pretty good.

  28. Wasn't wasn't he in the Aerosmith Crying video? I too used to crush on Eddie's hotness. . Hope he gets the help he needs and that his bf can get out of that abusive relationship

    1. It was Aerosmith's "Living on the edge."

      That fool was replaced in T3 by Nick Stahl.Weird,how their lives turned out.

  29. @Amy

    This is a far cry from outrage and you're questioning the victim? Here's PROOF that he's beating her ass on the regular yet now star rating is an issue? A or D list, does it matter when they're an abusive asshole? Better question: BLACK or WHITE does it matter? Most definitely. Its easy to light into CB because there's a general perception that all black men are just violent, whether you admit it or not. Yet this jerk off is getting a pass. It's right here before your eyes. But I guess there's a good explanation WHY EF "snapped". Maybe he was bullied or didn't get enough hugs, etcetera etcetera. I'm so sick of the blatant racism on issues like this. He's a sick, abusive fuck period. Just like the Sandy Hook killer & Batman movie maniac. There were shows DEDICATED to finding out what went wrong when clearly they just WASN'T SHIT! Minorities are NEVER afforded this luxury, it's just expected of them. You all can keep your heads buried in the sand but I'm appalled that Enty is calling the VICTIM out. Domestic abuse is a sick cycle that many lack the strength to escape. CB has kept his nose clean since but Enty continues grinding his axe like he beat HIS ass. I guess it's true, white men can do no wrong. Spare me your feigned "outrage" while you chuckle about avi's. Oh and Amy btw Mel Gibson is/was more A-list than CB will EVER be yet you NEVER hear about the time he knocked Oksana's teeth out anymore, do you? Exactly. You all have a wonderfully hypocritical night.

  30. J - Your Mel Gibson theory doesn't hold up. Gibson has been written off as a drunken, racist, anti-semitic abuser. He's also been out of the public eye, hasn't starred in much of anything since he melted down.

    If he was sneaking around with Oksana, or taking her to awards shows and pap-infested places, his abusive ways would be front and center.

    The same could be said if he was doing press for a new movie. That probably won't happen any time soon: Women no longer swoon over him, men don't want to see his movies. He's a pariah, a disgusting abuser.

  31. Remember him in American History X? He had a future.

    Check out his eyes. See how one side of his face is different than the other? This is a red flag. You should be cautious when you see this. Check out mug shots to see what I mean.

    Towlie rules!!
