Monday, January 07, 2013

Don't Mess With Iceland Air

On a flight from Iceland to New York, the man above got a little out of hand. OK, a lot out of hand. He drank an entire bottle of alcohol he had bought from duty free and then grabbed the women sitting next to him and told them the plane was going to crash. He started choking another man and spit on some of the passengers. The next thing you know, six people all jumped on him and trussed him up as seen in the photo. It looks like they let him watch television though.


  1. How much do you want to bet that he sues the airline?

    1. How unfortunate they don't have an abussive asshole parachute and ejection seat.

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Beautiful! This makes me feel better after the first three posts.

  3. That's what this d-bag gets. If you don't know how to socialize properly while under the influence of alcohol, don't drink or do so in the privacy of your own dwelling. Tired of having to put up with poor manners, tweakers, crackheads and addicts that take their show to the streets. GET.A.ROOM. and stay in there.

  4. It looks like Silence of the Lambs.

  5. @Nutty_Flavor

    Yes, and wins....

  6. There needs to be some type of right to restrain on the part of airline workers. This guy was abusive and dangerous. And I'm operating on the assumption that since this is Iceland Air, they didn't have the ability to just make an emergency landing to kick the guy off. Who knows how far he would've gone? Couldn't the choking of another passenger been seen as attempted murder, thereby releasing the airline from liability since they were protecting the safety of the other passengers?

    1. How unfortunate they don't have an abussive asshole parachute and ejection seat.

  7. ethorne, totally. I expect him to say, "Senator! Love the blazer."

  8. When I saw this the other day, I laughed out loud and cackled and snorted. It reminded me of that scene in Armageddon when Steve Buscemi goes insane and rides the nuke like a horse.

    Lesson learned - Don't act a fool on an airplane after 9/11. Or you will get duct taped to the chair!!!

    *Who randomly travels with duct tape? That's the real concerning part...*

    1. dia, I read an article where the airline stated that duct tape and zip ties are a standard part of their "emergency passenger restraint system" that every plane routinely has on board. And I think that's just awesome. Duct tape and zip ties can now officially be said to fix ANY kind of problem!

      And I think the airline was well within it's rights to restraint this wingnut. You can't just get tanked and try to choke someone!

  9. Outside the US you can't just go and sue companies as easily... I assume the judge would say it was his own fault. But we do take privacy laws very seriously here, so he could probably sue the guy that posted his foto and get like 10 bucks.

  10. Serves this asshole right. Idiot! And dia is right; who had the ducttape? Is it regulation on planes now? Interesting. If anybody sues, it should be airlines and passengers suing drunkie drunkerson!

  11. I hope the shame of this photo helps him stop drinking and start to act like an adult in public. His behavior put 250 other people at risk and created a dangerous situation for everyone on that plane.

    I agree with @discoflux. He's the one at fault. They should be suing him or at least arrest him when he landed. Someone *I'm looking at you Mr Duct Tape* is gonna have a hard time getting home. What airline is going to let him onboard after this?

  12. Jinx @auntliddy!

    I say sue him!!!! How many of those passengers were traumatized by his idiot behavior. You can't act crazy on a plane. Period. Never. And I'm feel safer bc of that!

  13. Is he a Lohan, by any chance? Someone should REALLY look into it...

  14. I feel like I should start keeping duct tape and zip ties in my purse.

    1. Look closely, that's eco-friendly duck tape. Good for you Iceland Air, go green!

  15. Who DOESN'T travel with duct tape???

  16. I find this very disturbing. I think it's the mouth gag. I mean, was that part really necessary? I'd be afraid his nasal passages would get blocked and then he'd smother and no one would know until they untied him. Very disturbing.

    1. Well he was screaming that the plane was gonna crash. How do you think the other 249 people felt hearing that? I agree it was dangerous but damn I know I would be scared for life if I were another Passinger.

  17. I have been traveling sans duct tape for too long! Apparently, it should be item number one in my first aid kit.

    Thanks for the info, Frufra! So question for the hubs... If I start carrying around duct tape and zip ties, will the cops think I'm a serial killer, instead of a very prepared person?

  18. Duct tape is great if you have "turkey neck". See Joe Pesci in Cousin Vinny.

  19. dia, I think they'll just be happy you aren't smuggling drugs or illegal aliens - duct tape and zip ties won't even be a blip on the radar!

    And, the scary thing is that I'd wager any number of very odd things could go right through airport security without being noticed. TSA gets spot-checked by federal agents all the time - amazing the frequency with which said agents are successful at getting guns through security unnoticed. Sorry to be a huge Debbie Downer, but all our "increased airport security" is a big dog and pony show. So, on second thought, we'd all be fools to travel WITHOUT duct tape and zip ties!!!

  20. I LOVE this photo! It cracks me up every time I see it.

    I don't think he can sue. If that were the case, the airlines would be sued left and right for kicking off disruptive passengers. I don't think we will be hearing from this guy again.

    It's a post 9/11 world, and he was an idiot.

  21. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I agree. If you can't handle your liquor and turning in to a raging dick bag then don't do it, dumbass. I love this photo. He looks like a toddler that got a forcible timeout. I'd love to be a fly on the wall of his office when he comes in to work monday morning. Doofus.

  22. nothing fun ever happens when I fly, except asshole babies crying

  23. whoa, timebob - slow your roll on the poor babies - their little ears can't regulate the air pressure changes very well :-(.

    But I don't blame you for not enjoying hour upon hour of continuous crying. That's almost impossible to handle when it's your own child!

  24. It's not that I feel sympathy for this dodo bird, but how absolutely humiliating that this photo was made available to the public. It looks like he went peepee in his pantalonies

    1. Sunny, now I feel bad.


      *pantaloonies - made me laugh though*

  25. I do hope they made him watch 'liz and dick' on a loop while he was tied up.

  26. Well, Sunny, I hadn't even noticed the wee-wee until you pointed it out :-p.

    Every time I see this photo, I think it's Drew Carey for just a second.

    1. Fru, which is why people need to wear Depends when traveling on airplanes.

  27. Do NOT give this guy a mimosa.

  28. Haha @ maja. When we first met my hubby kept a roll of duct tape, rope, and black gloves in his car trunk at all times.

  29. I'm not so sure the the tape on his mouth was a good thing. I get he was causing a lot of trouble, but what if he vomited, or something?

  30. I can see on an international flight why it's important to have restraints. Here in the states the pilot will just turn the flight around or land at the nearest airport. At least that's what the flight attendants from pdx to nyc told us when we asked about unruly drunken passengers .. We were just trying to gauge our limits! OT both destination and return flights.. Seperate airlines .. Gave us our booze for free ..hush hush style .. It was awesome but very strange!

  31. @Sunny
    I don't think it was meant to go public. The guy who took the pic was sharing it with a friend who posted it.

    I think this photo going viral is a good thing though. Maybe it will make someone think twice about getting drunk on this airline.

    I need some duct tape.

  32. I don't mind the fact that he was tied up, but covering his mouth with duct tape is really dangerous. I wonder if everyone would still be this supportive of these restraints if he had died. I'm asthmatic and I can't breath with anything covering my mouth. If someone had done that to me I would have died. And people have died this way.
    Icelandic Air could have gotten in big trouble because of this..

  33. Airport Security Theater is a joke. Getting felt up and/or pron-rayed by high school graduates does nothing to increase safety. They've never caught a terrorist. It has everything to do with giving the appearance of security, all while unconstitutionally searching law-abiding people. Terrorists and other obnoxious air-borne pests, like Captain Duct Tape here, are often suppressed by their intended targets, the first real line of defense: other passengers. Shoe Bomber and Panty Bomber went that way. So while rough justice doesn't look pretty, or comfortable, try putting yourself in the position of a passenger on that plane. This is a big guy, drunk off his ass, running around hollering about plane crashing. Duct tape and garbage ties are a good thing.

  34. I don't feel bad for this fool peeing on himself. You act a fool, you pay the price.

    Who knows what else he would have pulled running amuck on the plane.

  35. no Timebob's right, babies can be real assholes.

  36. LOL!!! I love this. This is great.

  37. After seeing two passenger planes fly into the World Trade Center. I'd tie him up and sit on him until the plane landed.

  38. At least they left his glasses on and looking closely, it looks like they loosened the tape around his mouth once he passed out. I'm sure he was screaming during the Takedown; I would. :)

  39. Oh many funny comments..Make him watch Liz and Dick, pantalonies, Cap't Duct Tape..Hilarious. People wonder what's wrong with me today at work. Hey they did leave his glasses on so he could see the other passengers laughing their asses off at him. You do have to wonder what his co-workers thought of him.

  40. My guess is people were watching him and if he started choking they would remove the mouth tape- given this POS was spitting I don't blame them.

  41. What's great is that duct tape comes in really cool colors like purple and pink now.

    As for taping his mouth, the dude must have been yelling or screaming. Who wants to be a captive audience to that?

    Airports and airlines do NOT fuck around anymore. My brother was stopped and searched and harassed by airport security because his secretary unthinkingly booked his ticket under his nickname, the name everyone calls him by, instead of his legal name. It's the universally known nickname for his legal name, like Bob for Robert, Bill for William, Larry for Lawrence, etc. He had security clearance ID's and only when it looked like he was going to miss his flight did they let him go.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. @Urbanchaos: I read that there was a flight attendant with him the whole time to make sure he didn't barf and choke on it. I once had a crazy situation BEFORE I got on the plane and I had to help translate for the dude who was attacked (he didn't speak english) by a mentally unstable woman. All the other passengers saw me speaking to the flight staff and freaked out and were begging me to tell them not to let her on because she could kill us, etc. (she probably could have). They kept her off the plane. I did my good deed for the day and got to my destination without my bag.(!)

  44. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I'm rather surprised airlines don't employ a deadhead riding EMT with sedatives... hmm..



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