Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Dina Lohan's Black Eye

Unlike Taylor Armstrong's black eye, I don't think the one Dina Lohan is sporting is caused by plastic surgery. After the NY Daily News published their interview with Dina, Entertainment Tonight secured the photo above of Dina sporting a black eye. Michael has never said he didn't punch Dina, only that she started it by throwing an ice tray at him and when he swung to avoid it he punched her. Purely unintentional of course. Uh huh. Just like all his other domestic violence arrests. What I don't like is how Dina is trying to convince the world this is why Lindsay is all messed up. There are lots of people who have parents that were abused who are just fine and break the cycle of abuse. I also think Dina is trying to score a book deal because she says that she will tell her story and wants to tell her story. I guess she figures that if Lindsay can't earn Dina much more money, then Dina is going to have to make money the same way as her ex. Selling stories about the family.


  1. Sigh. This family needs a psycho gun nut.

  2. I witnessed abuse and was abused and I'm a normal, tax paying and (mostly) law abiding citizen. Wasn't always- but I cleaned up my act.
    So no Dina, I don't feel sorry for you or your daughter and this doesnt excuse ANY of your or your kids behavior.

  3. That's what happens when the whole family does coke, addicts beat each other.. no pity from me..

    1. You got it dude. ( I always wanted to do that)

  4. She looks like Ali in that shot.

    Also, whatever.

  5. As much as I can't stand Dina , I LOATHE woman beaters that much MORE .

  6. He has a history of beating up about every woman he has dated ...

  7. This happened 25 YEARS AGO and she repeatedly went back with him. I do not think domestic violence is ok, but what can be served with dredging all this stuff up now???? Oh right -$$ for selling her story.

    gives her -1000 credibility with me. If she was SOOOO concerned about her daughters well being- she wouldn't be getting fucked up with her on a regular basis.

    This family is trash nothing but trash and the reason Lindsay is screwed up is because Lindsay CHOOSES to be - she's had ample opportunities to get help. She won't.

  8. I vaguely remember Dr. Phil giving her a chance to tell her story, anyone know what happened with that?


  9. What Dina fails to take into consideration is the fact that no one gives a rat's ass about her or any of her stories.

  10. What Dina fails to take into consideration is the fact that no one gives a rat's ass about her or any of her stories.

  11. Myself, I doubt that she is a victim of beatings. I imagine that her massive mood disorder combined with her massive substance abuse disorder cause her to battle with people a lot. She probably has been smacked more times than Mike Tyson during confrontations fueled by booze and cocaine. It doesn't make it all right, but ... damn, it's hard to muster sympathy for a malignant narcissist like her.

    1. My sister was married to a guy that hit her sometimes. She was also extremely narcissistic and had a rage issue, I never saw anyone push another person so far as she pushed him, and vice versa. I'm not saying she deserved it but more that it was inevitable.
      Two people with a similar temperament can't be trusted to act like rational adults if they're not.

  12. Why is this news? What happened is horrible, but she is not a celeb, and this was decades ago.

  13. This family makes me sick - they never assume any responsibility... Can we ban Lohan related stories until one of them inevitably crashes a car and dies or overdoses? I'm so so so very over it

  14. wait!

    lindsay's messed up?? i thought dina has always claimed lindsay is just fine, thank you very much.

    wow, lindsay must be REALLY fucked up right now for dina to switch to this tactic. deathwatch continues!

  15. I'm with Barton. Well said.

    1. Reno, me too. Nicely stated Barton.

  16. He missed her other eye.

    I'm against physical abuse of any kind...but Dina. I don't know. I've thought about punching her myself.

  17. That "excuse" worked for Lindsay until she turned 18.

    I agree with everything Barton says.

  18. Considering the Lohan penchant for playing the "victim" card, I find it hard to believe she was just hanging out and knitting while sipping tea and rolling around with puppies, then BLAMMO! Michael just comes in and decides to start wailing on her mug.

    1. Agreed. Dina is a rage-a-holic, too. It's a case of match, meet gasoline.

  19. What Barton said.
    25 years ago, I would have felt bad for her. Through my 2013 stinkeyeye...she deserved it for the lives she subsequently helped to fucked up.

  20. Nothing that ever happens to Lindsay is ever Lindsay's or Dina's fault - time to dredge up stuff that happened decades ago. Dina ran out of excuses a long time ago. And why aren't the other three kids being hauled in front of a judge every six months then, if this is the root of the problems?

    Dina Lohan is the most narcissistic, self-centered, lousiest excuse for a mother I think I've ever seen. The worst punishment in the world for her would be for the press and paps to totally ignore her and her family, and for them to never get another dime from any entertainment source - job or otherwise. They truly could not handle being "nobody's." And yet that is exactly what they deserve.

  21. ...and Lindsey is thrown under the bus by her family again. There is no excuse for what Mike Lohan did, and he's too much of an egoist to say how much he was hit during the relationship... Just a wild guess.

  22. There are other ways to get a black eye other than being beaten - I've had 2 - one getting hit by a tree branch falling and the other by falling and hitting my face on the back of a hardback chair. Both times I looked like someone beat the crap out of me - I even had a friend offer to find my then boyfriend and give him a black eye in exchange.

    And frankly, when 2 drunks get into a fight, whose fault is it?

  23. Yep, what Barton said!

  24. Exactly what stood out to me @Nancer. Dina's actually admitting something's wrong with Lindsay.

    Either Lindsay is close to death or she's cut Dina off.

  25. How sad this family is smh! There are no words anymore, well there is one word for her and Lindsey - REHAB! Oh wait, two words - THERAPY!!

  26. I know Lindsay had it rough, but that doesn't mean jack shit now. I know I have told about my family are all addicts of some kind before. My mom is an alcoholic and has major rage issues. My dad is an alcoholic but on top of that he will take whatever he can. They used to fistfight each other constantly. Holes punched in walls, beer bottle through a window, you name it. My dad reached into the car to choke my mom once and she rolled up the window and floored it. My dad eventually got a restraining order after my mom caught him in a parking lot with someone else. She broke his nose, blacked both his eyes and kicked him in the nuts. Once they finally seperated my mom started dating a guy who was an alcoholic also so it started over again. They split after almost 10 years of the fighting and other stuff like that. I had to go to a neighbors house to call 911 at 10 years of age. And I got in trouble for doing it.
    The point I'm trying to make is, there are plenty of people who had fucked up childhoods and turned out fine. It's about choices. My sister chooses to be the way she is, and I have chose to be a wife, mother, and the type of person who others can rely on, all while being sober and not thinking about how my faults are because my parents were shitty parents. They are my own and I own up to every fucking one.

    1. Hey, god bless and good for you!!!!!!!!!

  27. That looks exactly like a bruise from a needle, like botox or something. I think it's from plastic surgery. These people, and the Kardashians, are so disgusting...if they were neighbors I would avoid them like the plague. Con artists, liars, opportunists, money-grubbing gutter snipes. Absolutely cannot stand the lot of them.

  28. Google "botox bruise" images, they look just like that. If someone hit her there would be brusing in a different pattern, not a perfect circle right where they give undereye Botox shots. Horrible, horrible scumbags...I don't believe for a minute she was abused, although that ex husband is a piece of shit. She is an insult to all true victims of domestic violence with her bullshit. Sorry, I just absolutely hate that whole clan.

  29. @jet...1986-1987...botox wasn't used for cosmetic purposes yet.

  30. These people are all fucking nuts!

  31. This is all so unbelievably tacky. Even for them.

  32. Oh lets face it, we'd all like to punch her in the eye, lol Kidding!!

  33. Come on, aint no way that crazed coke ho riled him up enough to hit her and he only took one swing.

    If he wasn't able to numb his mind through drugs and booze, poor Michael would have hung himself in the basement decades ago.

  34. Why would Entertainment Tonight bother to secure a photo like that? I stopped watching that show when I realized what a bunch of paid shills they were, trying to make things relevant when they really aren't.
    It's almost a diversion for the masses so they don't focus on what is really wrong in the world today.

  35. Genetic trash - every one of them. And more to come thanks to Michael.

  36. Seriously if you lived with Dina wouldn't you want to beat her too?
    Okay bad joke.

    I do believe this picture was taken to show some abuse. But apparently Dina has a lot of emotional issues. Maybe we need to stop trying to push Lilo into rehab and therapy and get Dina there STAT! Maybe then she might start working on healng her family. Girls a bad mess!

  37. And @bobbi_1025: You've hit the nail on the head. The reason why you are NOT a crazy mess is because you've accepted the responsibility for what has happened and deal with it. Hugs to you girl!

  38. Getting on the Barton Fink train.

    God, I'm so over Lohans and their antics. It's bad enough that Lindsay gets the attention that she does, but why anyone gives any sort of air and print coverage to Dina and Michael is beyond me.

  39. I can't understand why Lindsay isn't embarrassed by Dina and the shit she pulls. Can you imagine Natalie Portman or Jennifer Lawrence's parents acting out this shit in public?

    The Lohans just can't get it through their heads that they are the laughing stock of the entire entertainment industry. They have heads made of solid rock.

  40. Jason, in order for Lilo to feel embarrassed or ashamed of her mother she would need a moral compass. Women like her mother and the mother of the "- ians" repulse me. So do a lot of these mothers in their 40's that "compete" with their female adult children. Hope Lilo wakes up, somehow.

  41. Well how can anyone doubt he socked Dina in the face? The man is famous for the cunt punt isn't he?

  42. Lindsay must be scraping the barrel now. Mama's preparing her money stream for when Dear Daughter has joined the 27 club. :(

  43. Anonymous3:34 PM

    bitch please

  44. Anonymous3:35 PM

    she only came out with this to deflect from her daughters shananigans and give her yet another excuse for her behavior,,, bitch please

  45. @ Black cat - I think EW secured the photo just by opening the envelope Dina sent them. And that eye is not swollen shut. Pose for effect much?

    1. Popnursing "secured the photo just by opening the envelope " - very funny and likely true .

  46. My father beat the crap out of my mother, threatened to kill her, my brother,and me, during his many drunken rants. She finally got the courage to leave him and NEVER went back. I don't let my past rule me, and I won't use it as an excuse for my failures. People are just different, I guess, but, the past is still the past, it shouldn't be an excuse for the present.

  47. I need a script that will take every entry of her name or her relatives, Kardashians, and whoever else annoys me, and turn their names to "Asshole," "C-U-N-Tuesday," etc.

  48. What Barton said. So hard to muster up any sympathy for this family.

    What bobbi and Jenn have said about having messed up childhoods is exactly spot on, only Lindsay will never recognize any of those things within herself.
