Monday, January 07, 2013

Dina Lohan Says Lindsay Lohan Is Messed Up Because Michael Raped And Abused Dina

I have read the interview Dina Lohan gave to the New York Daily News and she says in it that she was raped by Michael during their marriage and this is one of the reasons that Lindsay Lohan is so messed up today. In the same interview she says that Lindsay was asleep during the rape. So, it messed up Lindsay how? Dina says that Lindsay watched her being abused all the time by Michael and that Lindsay told Dina to stay and that is the reason Lindsay is so messed up today. All the other kids were apparently not around or something or they would be messed up too. Do I think Michael Lohan is an a-hole? Yep. Do I think he beat and abused Dina? Absolutely. Do I think that probably affected Lindsay some? Sure. Do  think it is the reason she steals everything not tied down, parties every night and thinks she is the greatest thing to walk the earth? Not at all? Does it explain her arrests or her indifference to anything that does not actually involve a mirror and herself looking into it? Nope. I think this is a way for Dina to try and drum up interest for a book while throwing a story out there to keep Lindsay out of jail and take some pressure off all the Lindsay is partying in London and getting paid to date guys stories.


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I just can't with this today. Seriously.

    1. Me.either. its the same story with these people. Over and over again.

    2. We definitely need a break from this whole mess of Lohanville.

  2. Hmmm, so maybe that is why she turns tricks w/her daughter - all that abuse from poor Michael...

  3. Oh just shut up....

    1. IKR? I rolled my eyes when I read the headline!!!

  4. Obviously LL is her meal ticket because she never speaks about her other kids.
    S.T.U.P.I.D. F.U.C.K.I.N.G. B.I.T.C.H.

  5. This bitch should have been steralized a long time ago.

  6. And so very classy to make it public like that. If you notice, its all about dina and her trials and tribulations. Un-f*cking- believable! You know good people die every day, yet this whore attention monger goes on and on. It really doesnt seem fair.

  7. Stop tricking your daughter out, Dina. A grown child is still a child.

    A 25 year old should not be burdened with supporting her entire family. It seems that anywhere and anytime Lindsey is acting out, Dina is somewhere nearby with her hand out.

    I'll bet that when the two of them get drinking the: "you would be nothing if it weren't for me" starts.

  8. How about you stop spending money on fucking trips and horrible fucking extensions and redirect that money to some god damned therapy? You know, we've all been throuh some shit and the fact that she uses the "poor pitiful me" tack and pimps out her children to keep bringing in money to self medicate with alcohol and drugs and serves no useful purpose to society makes me wish she'd just die. I know that's a horrible thing to say, but seriously, she's not worth the space she takes up on this planet. She's one of those people that will not try to change because she honestly believes that there is not problem that starts with her. It's all someone else's fault.

  9. I think it IS the reason this chick is so effed up. It is the mother's fault for staying in the relationship and then not getting her own head straight.

    Lindsey had been working since she was little. If you're gonna put your kid to work, the least you can do is get rid of her abusive father. I hate women like this who blame the kids for the fact that they couldn't empower themselves and remove their kids from situations that would hamper them for the rest of their lives.

    Not only did she eff the girl up, but she continues to use her and maintains an environment that helps Lindsey choose to avoid dealing with her past and overcoming it.

    She is just like Chris Brown's mother, they trot out exposing their children to an abusive environment as an excuse, not and explanation for their behavior. Then in no way do they do the true Motherly thing of saying "I'm sorry I screwed up your childhood, but now I'll help you become a decent fricking, human being. I'll stop enabling and excusing you."

    Sorry for the rant, I've just seen this type of situation so much and it touches a nerve.

  10. Oh, my friends, I just read the daily news article. The very very best part is when she says " her strong catholic beliefs prevented her from getting a divorce sooner"! Are you f*cking kidding me????!!!!! The only thing she worships is a camera and money.

    1. Yeah, that was my favorite part.

  11. Good god she looks like her daughter. That is to say, she looks like a 60 yr old alcoholic hag on the verge of decomp.

  12. This is like the song 'Fancy', except not as heartwarming.

  13. ButterKwup, at least in 'Fancy', the mom dies.

  14. @ButterKwup, perfect. Also, the mom in 'Fancy' was living in abject poverty. Dina has been living large for a LONG time.

  15. I think every Dina and Lindsay Lohan interview should come with a BAC star rating - * being 'sober', to ***** being 'ABSOLUTELY FREAKING SHITFACED'. It would be fun to see how many are 4+.

  16. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Beautiful idea, @Amber. From your lips to God's ears.

  17. Here is a key sentence in the article.
    “When Lindsay (who was 5 months old when this occurred) saw the photo, she was furious,” said Dina. “She said, ‘Tell the world! Talk about it!’ ”
    Dina is evil.

    1. So how old was Lindsay when Dina showed her the photo? This is a pattern of abuse by Dina.

  18. Lindsay isn't the only messed up kid in that litter. Ali LOhan, anyone?

  19. Ladies and gentlemen, let's all give a round of lukewarm applause for Lindsey Lohan's chief enabler, excuse maker and leach, her alleged mother, riding the pony of her daughter's life down through the gutter and beyond. How sad to have parents like both of them. And how sad that Lindsey still isn't taking any responsibility yet for her own life.

  20. Amber - It would be arbitrary as everything would get a 5 star rating.

  21. Honestly, it doesn't get old to crack on Lindsay. But the fact that she's never had ANYONE who has her best interest at heart kinda bums me out. No teachers? No co-stars? Or has she just rejected them all?

    1. I think Tina Fey and Jamie Lee Curtis have tried, but it was so frustrating they pulled away.

      You can't help someone who doesn't want it.

  22. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Yep too true Enty, too true. She's just trying to deflect and use the whole" Sniff, sniff, Michael's a MONSTER!! HE DID THIS TO US!!! WAAAA!" No bitch, YOU raised a piece of shit druggy hoe who's been fucking up since Herbie " Still LOADED" and making excuses for her saying"She's young, she's just having fun, she's being a kid. Why won't you let her be great?!" While all the while having her wrinkled gin soaked paw out for Lindsays money. Oh, and sure Lindsay likes to look in the mirror all the time, yeah while she's bent over it hoovering up enough peruvian marching powder to down a racehorse.

  23. Lindsay Lohan went off the rails when she moved into the Chateau Marmont at 17 and never looked back. She was coked up and Wilmer was having the time of his life having sex with an under age child. Dina has only herself to blame letting her move to LA alone with her PedoBear.

    Lindsay is 26 a grown woman that is out of control (and a shitty actress). Looking in the rear view mirror for excuses isn't going to help her. She has to help herself and she can't do it.

  24. I absolutely despise this family, but it's really a sad day when you, Dina Lohan, have made your ex look like the better parent looking out for his kids' welfare (despite his diarrhea of the mouth).

    Your kid is so screwed up because YOU raised her to be that way, and because you continue to whore her out. Nobody is to blame for this but you and Lindsay.

  25. As much as I'd like this woman to die a slow, painful death, getting her out of the way quickly would be the only way to save Lindsay and Ali right now.

    If Lindsay joins the 27 Club, then yeah, pancreatic cancer or ALS for Dina.

  26. I wonder how the newest Lohan is doing -- that teenage girl who found out on the "Trisha" show (via a DNA test) that Michael Lohan is her father. I hope so much that she never gets sucked into all these monsters and their drama!

  27. my dumpster's empty right now...

  28. Have a whole stadium of seats. Stop liking in the past and blaming everyone from your ex to the cameras.

  29. Living in the past....

  30. If you ever encounter a bi polar coke whore in your daily life, there are some steps you need to follow.

    1) Never give her your real info (cell #, address, name, etc.)

    2) Never take her to your place. Her place, motel or car. If she is at your place it will be tough to get rid of her. You go to a motel or her place and you can always say you have to go get more blow, then split.

    3) Never tell her how much blow you have on you, in case you need a reason to split.

    4) After you get the room, leave your wallet/cell/valuables under the seat of your locked car.

    5) Wear a gaddam rubber!

    6) Be prepared for her to have buyer's remorse.

    This is off the cuff, it may need to be amended. Just please use caution and keep yourself safe.

  31. in other words, now that the whole world knows that my daughter is a hooker and I approve of it, I want to place the blame on someone else. Seems we know exactly who Lindsay takes after.

  32. No taking any offense to Count Jerkula's post, but she gives us a bad name for being bi-polar. This vile disgusting woman, I have no words, none........ Her daughter also, shit doesn't fall to far from the dogs ass does it???

  33. For a second, I thought that was a photo of Lindsey. She looks just like her mom now.

  34. Oh my God - can we just put the Lohans, and Paris Hilton and Wilder Valderama and the Kardashians and Speidi and all these pieces of trash in a rocket ship and blast it towards the sun? Please????

  35. June Cleaver this bitch is not.

    mngddess - my dream is to get the ones you mentioned and Chris Brown on a yacht and send it on a cruise to the Bermuda Triangle.

    I'm not familiar with "Fancy" but something tells me it's gotta be a country song.

  36. ::stands up and applauds:: Congrats, Dina! You have managed to simultaneously excuse your daughters' drunken/drugged t out antic whist throwing her under the proverbial bus in an effort to lay more blame at her feet.
    Go stage left and collect your mother of the year award you enabling bitch!!

  37. One of the most disturbing pictures ever were the ones of Lindsay and Dina all wrapped up together practically kissing. It is clear that they are enmeshed in a seriously sick and sad relationship. The saddest part is that there seems like there is no possibility for a haapy ending to this one.

  38. seriously how has no one offered these people a reality show- put the Lohans, the Kardashians, the Hiltons, Amanda Bynes, and throw some obscure boy band in therefor them to fight over and put them on a warm island so they're always in their preferred state of half nekked and to the winner -intensive therapy and permanent restraining orders against their families.

    Let them fight over scraps of roles and photo shoots. No liquor, no drugs to let them all go through withdrawal.

    Seriously - golden family tv right there. Then send Honey Boos mom down to explain how sh'es actually setting $$ aside for HER childrens education.

    We can call Trashy Stage Moms and the Monsters they create.

  39. Isn't there a speeding bus which this losers name on it careening towards her somewhere..Please? Please!

  40. What the hell did she do to her nose?

  41. Jeez, she does make it all about her, doesn't she? That Dina's one trashy cretin.

  42. If she is actually admiring that Lindsay is messed up, that's progress, no?

    I mean, I get that she's not admitting fault on behalf of herself or Lindsay, but hey, baby steps!

  43. @ButterKwup - That's a perfect song for the two of them. Now I'm going to have that damn song in my head.
