Saturday, January 12, 2013

Demi Moore Is Dating Harry Morton - Jennifer Lawrence Dumps Nicholas Hoult

Well, if Demi Moore ever wants free Pink Taco, she apparently now has an in. She is dating the founder of the restaurant and the son of the Hard Rock Cafe founder. They have not been going out much expect they were spotted at South Beverly Grill which has great food and on that street I once saw David Beckham on his motorcycle and breathed in the fumes. Smelled like spice. Most of the time though the couple have been staying hidden away at Demi's house. So, let me get this straight. You have a guy dating someone but doesn't want to take her out much but just goes over to her place a few times a week and then leaves. Umm, that sounds like a guy who is just using someone for a booty call. Harry has experience dating women he is not proud to share. After having sex with Lindsay Lohan for a few months he then denied he ever dated her. Nice guy.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Lawrence has dumped her boyfriend Nicholas Hoult. Apparently he was not playing by her rules and her rules are very simple and straightforward. So, she moves on. Not out of the place she shares with her family, but moves on.


  1. Interesting about JLaw Enty!
    I hope Demi gets it together. She's in a lot of my favorites movies to watch over and over. A Few Good Men, About Last Night, St Elmos Fire, and so on.....sigh.

  2. What were her rules?

  3. If that earlier blind was about Jennifer and hers rules were don't cheat, it's a bit hypercritical of her to split for him doing the same thing. Wasn't she supposed to had a fling with Liam H too during Hunger Games

  4. Regardless of who cheated on whom, one thing is for sure it's going to be an awkward reunion for everyone come X-Men filming time.

  5. Ooh I'm curious about Jennifer Lawrence's rules.

    Demi Moore is pathetic. Anyone who would bang someone who's gotten it on with Blohan gets what she or he deserves.

  6. Anonymous10:16 AM

    According to a revealed blind J Law said that Liam H was dumb as a box of bricks and could only talk about the best hair gel. Demi and Lindsay are both ruined, crumpled, broken women with substance abuse issues. Hopefully this Morton guy is a therapist/rescuer type, not a Wilmer/predator type. I really hope that poor Demi gets it together. I recognize some of her in myself after a terrible break up with a complete asshat. Giving your heart completely to someone that doesn't want it, then shits on it can be devastating. I think most nice girls have been there at one time or another. It really seems like that's what's happened to Demi, even with all the three somes she supposedly wanted with Ashton and other girls. I think she did everything she could think of to keep him interested, and the answer is that no one woman has what he's looking for. Cheaters are scum, run fast and far when you've got one on your hands. They'll never stop.
    Demi should go back to Bruce if he'll have her.

    1. Bruce was/is no prize either. He cheated on her, and believes his own hype.

    2. I thought that comment about Liam was made by Amber Heard?

    3. Anna - so sorry that happened to you. Take a look at Red Flags of Love Fraud. It has good parts about attachment and bonding. This too shall pass.

  7. I thought it was amber heard that thought Liam (and Miley) were dumb. There were so many reveals I may have them jumbled though

    1. Yeah it was Amber Heard. There hasn't been any blind revealed about JLaw just speculation.

  8. I would deny sharing STD's with Lilo also

  9. Is Demi just picking her dates from Rumor's Facebook now?

  10. i doubt if bruce's wife would be happy about the wishes for a reconciliation. you never hear shit about bruce----why the fuck do you wish her on HIM? it's not his job to fix her.

    demi needs to get some serious help, face the fact she's 50 and a mother, and see life as it really IS--she's really, really screwed in the head.

  11. Please don't make me google it - is there really a restaurant called Pink Taco, or maybe a Hard Rock Cafe menu item? I just can't ruin the brain with google results for "pink taco."

    I wonder if JLaw's "rules" are about being honest, and not blabbing to press. She's on the rise and there's a lot of scrutiny about her right now. Of course, moving on to Bradley Cooper kind of shoots both of those down... They were together for 2 years, right? Seems an awfully long relationship to end for violating simple rules.

    I smell PR. :/

    1. Yes, Pink Taco is a delicious Mexican restaurant in the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas. Don't be scared off by the name.

  12. Demi Moore - ugh I don't know whether to feel sorry for how pathetic she is or be outraged that a grown womam is so in denial about getting older and valuing other things aside from youth and beauty. I guess a bit of both. Victim and perpetuator of the typical media exploitation of female value.

  13. Just because you have sex with someone doesn't necessarily mean there was any other type of relationship going on. And ewww Demi should have had him chemically dipped before going there. Gosh knows what he caught from LL.

  14. DBZee- yep. It's real. There's a place in Fort Worth called Fuzzy's Tacos. They're known for their fish tacos and have tshirts that say "If it smells like fish and looks like a taco, eat it." Fuzzy's is some serious deliciousness. I can't speak to the quality of Pink Tacos.

  15. I forgot my comment about the actual story. If Jennifer Lawrence really did dump NH for BC, she really is just as dumb as she said she was. Nicholas Hoult > Bradley Cooper

  16. Completely agree @disco about JLaw, if she is with Bradley, she's not as smart as I thought.

    No comment on Demi, just sad situation.

  17. Not out of the place she shares with her family, but moves on.

    JLaw was talking about how she heard about her Oscar nom and she said her parents were sleeping over AT HER HOUSE when they saw it on TV and woke her up with the news. She made a joke about sleepovers. Maybe she does live with them and is embarrassed.

    1. Her parents live in Kentucky, but the condo she lives in is under their name. She does live on her own, just not her own house. She stated in an interview that It's because she doesn't think she's mature enough to own her own home and she's trying to make her credit better because she had an unpaid credit card in her name from when she was younger that she didn't know about and that gave her instant bad credit.

  18. You can't blame the guy for for not wanting to admit he dated Blohan. I can't imagine anyone being proud of hooking up with her nasty ass. You know when she was with him seemed to be the last time she looked good and acted normal. Maybe he was actually good for her.

  19. This guy has also dated Paris Hilton and Minka Kelly also. He's millionaire bachelor like most who don't settle down, but their are plenty pictures of he and Lindsay Lohantogether. I recall photos of them on dates.

  20. Harry Morton looks like a really ugly version of Alan Cummings.

  21. Who would admit to dating someone like Lohan???

    Never understood why anyone would hold Kim K's hand in public.

  22. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Oh yeah, 'spose it was Amber, I too get that jumbled up, so many juicy reveals!!!! thanks again Enty!!

  23. I recall lots of pics of them at the beach...not so much a date rather than just hanging out.

  24. Good heavens, are there seriously people who don't know that Nicholas Hoult is gay? There are YouTube interviews where he discusses the abusive relationship he had with his boyfriend, fellow cast-member on SKINS. (The original - and mega-better Brit version). He is not really bi-sexual, people!

    1. I dunno. He later claimed that it was a joke.

  25. @Anna Why on earth would she go back to her ex who has remarried and started a new family? Pretty sure he has moved on. Being on her own and getting her life straightened out is another option too.

  26. Poor Jennifer! The Coop is waiting in the wings to pounce on her.

  27. OMG, if Lawrence dumped Hoult for Cooper, it's merely a PR stunt to drum up interest in Silver Linings Playbook during awards time. She must want a rest, too, because if she's with him she's nothing but a beard.

  28. i saw somewhere that 2 1/2 men has a new story line where the teen boy has a couger girlfriend. the demi/ashton connection makes me cringe.

  29. One of the big problems that was been happening lately in the JLaw relationship was that when she came to Louisville that was her downtime. She was not here to be the big time movie star and stuff she wanted to relax and be herself. She wanted to see friends and family, go to the places she knew. She would throw on jeans or sweats, a sweatshirt and a ball cap and no make-up and just go out. Sit down and grab a bite to eat and if a waitress didn't get to her fast enough he would start pulling the do you know who you are keeping waiting line which of course would get everyone running and her uncomfortable and her leave. This happened several times. I have met her a couple times and she is a very sweet person.

    1. Wow, that is interesting (and from what I know about JLaw, makes a lot of sense). I'm still curious to see if they end up getting back together when they're thrown back together soon to film X-Men.

    2. Awesome @Lisa! Thanks for the inside scoop. She seems like a very down-to-earth person.
