David Beckham Is Moving To Paris
Sure, David and Victoria Beckham's kids loved Los Angeles and the weather and their friends and the schools but David Beckham wants to prove to the world and to himself that he is still a soccer god so is signing with Paris Saint-Germain today so he can try and win a title in his fourth different league. Meanwhile, Victoria Beckham being in Paris is a no brainer for her. It is always where she has wanted to be and feels her craft has suffered in Los Angeles. Umm, she has done pretty well for herself while being in LA. I think parents should go wherever they want if it makes life better for their kids, but at this point is uprooting your kids for the umpteenth time so you can reach your own personal goals selfless or selfish? They have more money than anyone. They are not going to be able to spend it all and their kids have made it clear that they were really happy in Los Angeles and didn't want to go anywhere. Right now they are in London and apparently they will stay there while the parents shuttle back and forth to Paris or maybe they will have to move to Paris. It is not like the family was in LA for just a year. They were here six years. I remember Victoria's failed reality show like it was just yesterday. Well, David by himself in Paris could prove interesting for the tabloids. It did when he was alone in other countries in the past. He got himself into a bit of trouble back then. More than once.