Dan Marino Fathered A Love Child - Paid Mom Millions To Stay Quiet
Dan Marino has been married for 28 years. About 10 years ago, while working for CBS, Dan Marino started having an affair with a fellow CBS employee. The woman, Donna Savattere got pregnant and had a daughter in June 2005. Since that time, Dan Marino has paid her millions of dollars to keep the story quiet. Well, so much for all that money because the NY Post ran the story just in time for Superbowl weekend which is going to be on CBS which is the network that Dan works for and the mother of his child also worked. Donna has since moved on and got married and had another child with a man and apparently has put those millions to good use and is doing very well for himself. Dan admits to the story, but also says that he wants to keep it private and that he is happily married. Yeah, I bet his wife loved seeing those millions go to someone else.