Tuesday, January 08, 2013

#cut4bieber Is Crazy

What started off as a joke by 4chan has turned into something way more horrific. People are actually cutting themselves because Justin Bieber smoked pot. They are then posting photos of themselves after they have done it. Are lots and lots of the photos fake? Absolutely. Are people trying to get everyone to calm down and not do it? Absolutely. Are teenage girls still doing it? Yes, they are. why? So the guy smoke pot? Is your life going to end because he did? Why do you want to hurt yourself over a guy who does not know you and who you won't even listen to or care about in a year or two. That is ridiculous. Did they really believe he was a virgin when he told them? You know, he has never come out and said he is not a virgin so do you think he and all of these women and hotel rooms and vacations with Selena just ended with a kiss before they went to their separate rooms and Justin read the Bible and decided which tattoo he was going to wear and whether he had big enough pants for the next day?


  1. Dem bitches be cray

  2. Even if more parents focused on teaching their kids not to become dumb herd animals, there still would be stories like this. Tweeners are NUTSO.

  3. The embarrassing thing for them is, there is going to be photographic proof that they did this crazy shit for the rest of their lives.

    Twenty years from now, we'll be unable to elect senator and presidents because of this crap.

    1. Yeah, it will be the marijauna of the future.

  4. Miley Cyrus tweeted against this ashtag saying how it was idiot and the cutting was a real problem

  5. Replies
    1. Vicki Scupper - my thoughts exactly.

  6. Wow, oh, wow. I have worked with young girls who self mutilate, they have deep emotional issues, to do it over Justin Bieber is simply...?

  7. I think its hilarious!

    1. That young people are cutting themselves?

      We definitely have different taste in humor, I find this disturbing.

  8. When Miley Cyrus is the voice of reason, things have gone off the deep end.

    15 years from now, someone will ask one of these girls what their scars are from, and when they answer, the person will say, 'You mutilated yourself over that fat, balding, toothless fuck?'

  9. New Kids on the Block 4-eva. so glad they didn't have social media (or even digital camera's for that matter) when i was an idiot kid

  10. Smoke a bowl & get over it.

  11. Really, stop the inane behavior teenyboppers. It will be okay b

  12. It's weird how it's mainly just girls, not boys that do this kind of thing. Hormones I guess. I'm so glad my second and last child is a boy!

  13. if your child is cutting themselves over Bieber you have not done your job and your kid needs help, stat.

    Anyone who lets their child get that wrapped up in a celebrity needs to get their head checked.

  14. Seriously? Ok. People aren't cutting themselves because of Justin. They're cutting themselves because of deeper psychological issues going on here that have nothing to do with him.

  15. ^agreed these fucking tweeners are psychotic. for real. this isn't Beatlemania, it is straight up a mental health issue.

  16. Our present version of Beatle-mania.

    Cutting seriously is not a joke. Use a rusty razor blade and no tetanus because nobody knows? Fun times.

    Parents need to be a LOT more involved, with FB, tweets, texts.

    Speaking of texting, have you heard of this new app that a lot of teens are using? Basically, you take a picture, send it via the app. Once the recipient sees the picture, it's automatically deleted after 60 seconds or so. No record of it being sent or received.

    New iPhone app is clearly geared toward sexting teens

    1. Holy crap...I had not heard of this, thankfully my oldest is quite mature for his age but wow. I going to need to be on my toes when my almost 8 yo gets a phone. Which, seeing this, might be in 10 years.

    2. Couldn't the recipient just take a screen shot before the pic self destructs?

  17. Gotta love CDAN.....Always offering up parenting advice because their kids are f'in perfect.

  18. Sadly when parents by these twits their own smart phone with ZERO parental controls and full access, and they buy them their own lap tops with ZERO parental controls or even checking up on what they are doing online, what do we expect.

    I know many do actually keep up with what their kids are doing, but sadly we are being outnumbered by those who don't.

  19. Anonymous10:44 AM

    These girls were going to cut themselves anyways, this is just a way for more attention. Not that self harming is only for attention.

  20. Jeebus DBZee ..that's frightening but at least it deletes.

    What the hell is wrong with girls. I mean sure teen years are hell and confusing cutting? That's just stoopid.

  21. I don't get self-harm. My youngest did it. She said it was the only thing she felt like she could control in a world where she has none . Then it just became like an addiction. She equated it to quitting smoking.

    I didn't handle it well when we first found out,thought it was for negative attention and more trendy than an actual condition. I was wrong. It can be used for control and manipulation,but in my daughter's case I don't believe it was.

    She had a huge fit about these girls cutting over something so trivial. If I were Justin I would issue some sort of statement,if he hasn't already. I've seen some of these photos circulating facebook. They are awful! Lucky they aren't bleeding to death.

    I don't remember being so dramatic or without coping skills. My teen years were very difficult too. I worked thru an eating disorder on my own because my dr. Said I would die if I kept it up. It scared me into not binging and purging anymore. That logic just made sense.My parents being hurt factored in as well. We tell these girls today the same thing and gets answers like "the world is a dismal place to live anyway". Really? It wasn't peaches and roses then either.Bullying,abuse,self-image issues,etc all existed then for kids. Plenty of us looked at it like a growing experience and are fine.

    My child cut her where the scars weren't visible. She isn't cutting anymore. Therapy helped. I still don't grasp what makes anyone want to do it but as her mom I am being supportive.

    These Bieber worshipping girls just piss me off doing this.

  22. Wow, this is really happening? That's crazy and I agree with Jax, something is really mentally or emotionally wrong with these girls to get that wrapped up in a celebrity. I loved NKOTB but I didn't cut myself when they stopped performing!

  23. I think you're all missing the point.
    Thousands of stoners will give up smoking weed to avoid having any association with Justin Bieber.

    Best Government health promo ever?

  24. You know, if Miley is telling someone they're off their nut, it's pretty bad. Damn that Beiber fever is worse that Beatle-mania.

  25. This is crazy. I never got the whole boy band thing. Also don't understand the way people would cry over Michael Jackson when he died or was alive.
    I don't know that much about the cutting thing. My heart goes out to deree who posted above.
