Monday, January 07, 2013

Courteney Cox Says David Arquette Is Her Best Friend

With Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston a shadow of their former friendship, Courteney is on Ellen today and says that David Arquette is her best friend in the world and that she loves him and that they are closer now than when they were married. I think this is the kind of thing where they might end up back together in a few years when David has a had a run through all the women of Hollywood and Courteney's guys end up not liking being compared to David. Give it a couple of years and I could see these two getting back together. If your still calling someone your best friend after all they have been through and the things he shared about their marriage on national radio, then chances are good they will get back together.


  1. I kind of hope they do. I'm sure it would make their daughter happy.

    And I've known people to do this. A friend's parents divorced when she was 8 and remarried each other when she was 16 (and they're still happily together almost 14 years later). In between they each married and divorced other people. She says that it's weird that there's this 8-year period of her life that they don't talk about much.

  2. I think it's kind of sweet.

  3. Well she needs someone to help bleach her cornhole.

    1. FSP!!! i just zoomed in on your new avi. Give me that bleach! My eyes. My eyes.

      So where'd you buy that sexy ensemble??? Because blue lace looks great on you. I mean your avi... ;)

    2. Yeah, FSP! It is far too early, and on a Monday even, for you to put the image of CC's cornhole in my brain!!! Well played, sir; very well played.

    3. Hey girls!

  4. It is sweet and I'm sure that those two being friendly helps their daughter out. I'm glad to see celebs actually thinking about their offspring and how their choices affect them.

  5. They're soulmates, for sure. They will ways love each other.

  6. That happened with my mom and stepdad, Karen. They split up when I was 16 and they got back together when I was 30 and then married when I was 32, both married and divorced in the time they were apart. I know it made me happy since I adore my stepfather. I can only imagine the joy little Coco would feel if her mom and dad were able to reunite and have a happy marriage.

  7. I like them together, but she's pretty smart so I hope she's not just waiting for him to be done having sex with other women.

  8. Gale and Dewey for ever!

  9. It does happen - I'm best friends with my first husband, and we live together platonically.

    The only problem is that it can interfere with other relationships. People find it hard to believe that women and men can be just friends without having relapses of intimacy.

  10. @FSP

    That must have been some camping trip.

  11. @enty: having trouble keeping "you're" and "your" apart?

  12. LOL @FSP. I forgot about that.

  13. You're the worst, FSP. And by "the worst," I mean "the best."

  14. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Met both Courtney and David at Sundance film festival in '04 (she was pregnant with CoCo at the time). They left a good impression on me--Both were very nice, no snobbery. So I support them!

  15. I love these two together! I hope they make it work out. I was sad when they split up!

  16. Did anyone see Cox's face? I watched her on Leno, and it was creepy! She got some bad work done because it looks like plastic.

    1. @Henriette I was watching an episode of Cougar Town the other night and I was thinking the same thing too. What a shame.

  17. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I want them to get back together too. It is telling that she's saying he's her BEST Friend. If there's still that much there then why not be together? All that history, all those memories, the daughter they spent so many years trying to have and now they don't get to enjoy raising her together, by each other's side. I hope they get back together sooner rather than later. Coco deserves to be raised by two parents, in the same house, that are together.

  18. I love them together...they seem to be polar opposites who meet in the middle.

  19. I always liked them together. This is nice to hear...esp. w/ all of the horror divorce stories you hear out of Hollywood. @RCB - cracking up at "lobster"! :D

  20. Well, if they can't stay married, the next best thing is a really happy divorce. The person who benefits the most is little Coco, and that's what really matters.

  21. I'm happily divorced to my ex husband. We r still good friends and I get along great with his family. We have a 7 year old son and I wouldn't want him to see his parents fighting. I like CC and DA together but they could just stay friends.

  22. My parents are old hippies that split up when I was 12. They remained friends and still did holidays together. They've both been remarried and divorced and they now live together ( for the past 4 years ) as roommates.. Have seperate rooms but still shop together and hang out all the time. Sometimes you learn all of your life partners may not necessarily be romantic ones! Good for them. I wish my ex husband was so cool!

  23. To be able to tolerate a micro managing turbo cunt like Courtney, you have to be a man with the mind of a boy who drinks like Robert Mitchum. She'll look for guys that don't party, but dump them when they aren't completely subservient. Arquette will flail away until Courtney or a new mommy figure grabs him by the ears and takes him home from the club.

    Courtney can call herself a cougar, but the reality is she's an annoying skeleton whose cooch is rapidly running out of shelf life. Beautiful face in her prime, no doubt, but that prime was 20 years ago.

  24. @Jerkula, They wouldn't last 2 minutes reunited before he turned back into a sullen resentful Fratboy and Cox's voice would only be heard by dogs.

  25. Awwww Alicia..That's a sweet story. It's certainly better to be friends than enemies. Good for Courtney and David..He bugs me but if she likes him, good for her.

  26. Henriette - I saw her on some show for a few minutes, might have been Leno, and the host showed the Tampax commercial that CC did when she was in her teens and WOW was the plastic surgery noticeable then! Holy crap!
    Maybe THAT'S why she and Aniston are no longer friends. JA is scared of her!

  27. There was some blind recently about her and Aniston, wasn't there? About why they werent still friends. Don't remember if it was a reveal or "just" a blind, but all the answers were Jen & Courteney.

  28. If only more couples could get along. Good for them. I always hoped these two would get back together one day. As much as they don't make sense, they really kind of do.

  29. @BitterBlondin what did the blind say? i didnt get to read it and im curious as to what brought that friend divorce
